Paul Krugman explains Repub's ongoing, self- inflicted, dilemma to a "T"

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

Whitey pitchforks and baby-makers ain't no longer on top, and can't just win by default so they're pissed at the darkies, and even more pissed at the government when they actually need it themselves to survive. The workin' man got fucked over, and it can't be by those rich and powerful white guys he admires and wants to become so, gotta be the fault of them damn welfare-lovin' darkies, just like Trump says...
Good God, could you be any less clueless? Your lack of education and knowledge of how things really work could fill several libraries.. Your beloved "gubermint" is hoarding over 60 TRILLION dollars in under reported wealth that is in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Puerto Rico and the Cayman Islands while pleading that they have empty pockets and that they need to up taxes and fines for violating their acts, statutes and codes while cutting services that we paid for with our sweat equity that moves this valueless fiat currency. Do some research about the CAFRs (Comprehension Annual Financial Report) and get back with me. I don't need "gubermint" to survive or exist. I have no faith in this corporate entity trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body...they have sold us out and the time is coming when we will have to make the choice of tossing them all out along with the central banking system that attaches usury to every dollar magically created from credit created out of thin air. It's just about time to have a complete and total revolt of this debt slavery system and it's long past due.

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

Whitey pitchforks and baby-makers ain't no longer on top, and can't just win by default so they're pissed at the darkies, and even more pissed at the government when they actually need it themselves to survive. The workin' man got fucked over, and it can't be by those rich and powerful white guys he admires and wants to become so, gotta be the fault of them damn welfare-lovin' darkies, just like Trump says...
Good God, could you be any less clueless? Your lack of education and knowledge of how things really work could fill several libraries.. Your beloved "gubermint" is hoarding over 60 TRILLION dollars in under reported wealth that is in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Puerto Rico and the Cayman Islands while pleading that they have empty pockets and that they need to up taxes and fines for violating their acts, statutes and codes while cutting services that we paid for with our sweat equity that moves this valueless fiat currency. Do some research about the CAFRs (Comprehension Annual Financial Report) and get back with me. I don't need "gubermint" to survive or exist. I have no faith in this corporate entity trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body...they have sold us out and the time is coming when we will have to make the choice of tossing them all out along with the central banking system that attaches usury to every dollar magically created from credit created out of thin air. It's just about time to have a complete and total revolt of this debt slavery system and it's long past due.
And when we all regain our freedom from this Admiralty Bondage we were born to, what will our lives be like? Will I pay for flour with gold dust? Can I sell my daughters for two cows and six hens? Would all drugs once again be legal and a child brothel just a good business plan? Would it be okay just to shoot the police then? Do tell, oh wise one...

For those not in the know here: Sovereign Citizens Movement

"The strange subculture of the sovereign citizens movement, whose adherents hold truly bizarre, complex antigovernment beliefs, has been growing at a fast pace since the late 2000s. Sovereigns believe that they — not judges, juries, law enforcement or elected officials — get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore, and they don't think they should have to pay taxes. Sovereigns are clogging up the courts with indecipherable filings and when cornered, many of them lash out in rage, frustration and, in the most extreme cases, acts of deadly violence, usually directed against government officials. In May 2010, for example, a father-son team of sovereigns murdered two police officers with an assault rifle when they were pulled over on the interstate while traveling through West Memphis, Ark."
I know what can turn this country around and it doesn't have a fucking thing to do with political parties. Knowledge is power and I have it.
Ummm, cashing in all those "secret" accounts the government has on file once they sold us into slavery (using Admiralty, not Common law) at birth?

Or maybe we all just need to sue USA, Inc. and there will be so many jobs for lawyers and law clerks that we all get rich installing and repairing Xerox machines?[/QUO

Ummm, no, dipshit because you are not the trustee of that account but what we can do is audit the foreign owned Federal Reserve bank that has never had a top to bottom audit during the entire 102 years of it's existence. We confiscate the wealth that they have stolen from us and put it in a trust. Then we open up the books concerning the Comprehension Annual Financial Reports of USA.INC and the 85,000 subsidiaries and reveal that they have over 60 TRILLION dollars in assets and put them in a public trust. Then we rescind the unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" that have killed decent paying blue collar jobs. Secure the border and make Mexico deal with it's poorest citizens instead of allowing them to pawn them off on us to's really just that fucking's not rocket science...just common sense.

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

Whitey pitchforks and baby-makers ain't no longer on top, and can't just win by default so they're pissed at the darkies, and even more pissed at the government when they actually need it themselves to survive. The workin' man got fucked over, and it can't be by those rich and powerful white guys he admires and wants to become so, gotta be the fault of them damn welfare-lovin' darkies, just like Trump says...
Good God, could you be any less clueless? Your lack of education and knowledge of how things really work could fill several libraries.. Your beloved "gubermint" is hoarding over 60 TRILLION dollars in under reported wealth that is in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Puerto Rico and the Cayman Islands while pleading that they have empty pockets and that they need to up taxes and fines for violating their acts, statutes and codes while cutting services that we paid for with our sweat equity that moves this valueless fiat currency. Do some research about the CAFRs (Comprehension Annual Financial Report) and get back with me. I don't need "gubermint" to survive or exist. I have no faith in this corporate entity trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body...they have sold us out and the time is coming when we will have to make the choice of tossing them all out along with the central banking system that attaches usury to every dollar magically created from credit created out of thin air. It's just about time to have a complete and total revolt of this debt slavery system and it's long past due.
And when we all regain our freedom from this Admiralty Bondage we were born to, what will our lives be like? Will I pay for flour with gold dust? Can I sell my daughters for two cows and six hens? Would all drugs once again be legal and a child brothel just a good business plan? Would it be okay just to shoot the police then? Do tell, oh wise one...

For those not in the know here: Sovereign Citizens Movement

"The strange subculture of the sovereign citizens movement, whose adherents hold truly bizarre, complex antigovernment beliefs, has been growing at a fast pace since the late 2000s. Sovereigns believe that they — not judges, juries, law enforcement or elected officials — get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore, and they don't think they should have to pay taxes. Sovereigns are clogging up the courts with indecipherable filings and when cornered, many of them lash out in rage, frustration and, in the most extreme cases, acts of deadly violence, usually directed against government officials. In May 2010, for example, a father-son team of sovereigns murdered two police officers with an assault rifle when they were pulled over on the interstate while traveling through West Memphis, Ark."
So what you are saying is that we need a ruling class and we should be beholding to the banking oligarchs that create and control the extension of credit that they create from a few strokes on a that what you are saying??? Because if so, you deserve everything that is coming down the pike. Laws (not acts, statutes and codes) were meant to hold us to a certain standard so that we do not bring harm or cause undue stress to our fellow man....not to enrich a bunch of banking POS. You do not know what I haven't done the research but I have. You want to go down the rabbit hole, all you need to do is ask and I can point you in the right directions but a mind is like a parachute.,...only works if it is open.

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

Whitey pitchforks and baby-makers ain't no longer on top, and can't just win by default so they're pissed at the darkies, and even more pissed at the government when they actually need it themselves to survive. The workin' man got fucked over, and it can't be by those rich and powerful white guys he admires and wants to become so, gotta be the fault of them damn welfare-lovin' darkies, just like Trump says...
Good God, could you be any less clueless? Your lack of education and knowledge of how things really work could fill several libraries.. Your beloved "gubermint" is hoarding over 60 TRILLION dollars in under reported wealth that is in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Puerto Rico and the Cayman Islands while pleading that they have empty pockets and that they need to up taxes and fines for violating their acts, statutes and codes while cutting services that we paid for with our sweat equity that moves this valueless fiat currency. Do some research about the CAFRs (Comprehension Annual Financial Report) and get back with me. I don't need "gubermint" to survive or exist. I have no faith in this corporate entity trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body...they have sold us out and the time is coming when we will have to make the choice of tossing them all out along with the central banking system that attaches usury to every dollar magically created from credit created out of thin air. It's just about time to have a complete and total revolt of this debt slavery system and it's long past due.
And when we all regain our freedom from this Admiralty Bondage we were born to, what will our lives be like? Will I pay for flour with gold dust? Can I sell my daughters for two cows and six hens? Would all drugs once again be legal and a child brothel just a good business plan? Would it be okay just to shoot the police then? Do tell, oh wise one...

For those not in the know here: Sovereign Citizens Movement

"The strange subculture of the sovereign citizens movement, whose adherents hold truly bizarre, complex antigovernment beliefs, has been growing at a fast pace since the late 2000s. Sovereigns believe that they — not judges, juries, law enforcement or elected officials — get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore, and they don't think they should have to pay taxes. Sovereigns are clogging up the courts with indecipherable filings and when cornered, many of them lash out in rage, frustration and, in the most extreme cases, acts of deadly violence, usually directed against government officials. In May 2010, for example, a father-son team of sovereigns murdered two police officers with an assault rifle when they were pulled over on the interstate while traveling through West Memphis, Ark."
So what you are saying is that we need a ruling class and we should be beholding to the banking oligarchs that create and control the extension of credit that they create from a few strokes on a that what you are saying??? Because if so, you deserve everything that is coming down the pike. Laws (not acts, statutes and codes) were meant to hold us to a certain standard so that we do not bring harm or cause undue stress to our fellow man....not to enrich a bunch of banking POS. You do not know what I haven't done the research but I have. You want to go down the rabbit hole, all you need to do is ask and I can point you in the right directions but a mind is like a parachute.,...only works if it is open.
Yours is "open" alright, to totally fucking irrational paranoid nonsense. It's why your kind ends up in jail, or dead after shooting a cop.
I know what can turn this country around and it doesn't have a fucking thing to do with political parties. Knowledge is power and I have it.
Ummm, cashing in all those "secret" accounts the government has on file once they sold us into slavery (using Admiralty, not Common law) at birth?

Or maybe we all just need to sue USA, Inc. and there will be so many jobs for lawyers and law clerks that we all get rich installing and repairing Xerox machines?[/QUO

Ummm, no, dipshit because you are not the trustee of that account but what we can do is audit the foreign owned Federal Reserve bank that has never had a top to bottom audit during the entire 102 years of it's existence. We confiscate the wealth that they have stolen from us and put it in a trust. Then we open up the books concerning the Comprehension Annual Financial Reports of USA.INC and the 85,000 subsidiaries and reveal that they have over 60 TRILLION dollars in assets and put them in a public trust. Then we rescind the unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" that have killed decent paying blue collar jobs. Secure the border and make Mexico deal with it's poorest citizens instead of allowing them to pawn them off on us to's really just that fucking's not rocket science...just common sense.
Fix your post, secret agent man...

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

Whitey pitchforks and baby-makers ain't no longer on top, and can't just win by default so they're pissed at the darkies, and even more pissed at the government when they actually need it themselves to survive. The workin' man got fucked over, and it can't be by those rich and powerful white guys he admires and wants to become so, gotta be the fault of them damn welfare-lovin' darkies, just like Trump says...
Good God, could you be any less clueless? Your lack of education and knowledge of how things really work could fill several libraries.. Your beloved "gubermint" is hoarding over 60 TRILLION dollars in under reported wealth that is in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Puerto Rico and the Cayman Islands while pleading that they have empty pockets and that they need to up taxes and fines for violating their acts, statutes and codes while cutting services that we paid for with our sweat equity that moves this valueless fiat currency. Do some research about the CAFRs (Comprehension Annual Financial Report) and get back with me. I don't need "gubermint" to survive or exist. I have no faith in this corporate entity trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body...they have sold us out and the time is coming when we will have to make the choice of tossing them all out along with the central banking system that attaches usury to every dollar magically created from credit created out of thin air. It's just about time to have a complete and total revolt of this debt slavery system and it's long past due.
And when we all regain our freedom from this Admiralty Bondage we were born to, what will our lives be like? Will I pay for flour with gold dust? Can I sell my daughters for two cows and six hens? Would all drugs once again be legal and a child brothel just a good business plan? Would it be okay just to shoot the police then? Do tell, oh wise one...

For those not in the know here: Sovereign Citizens Movement

"The strange subculture of the sovereign citizens movement, whose adherents hold truly bizarre, complex antigovernment beliefs, has been growing at a fast pace since the late 2000s. Sovereigns believe that they — not judges, juries, law enforcement or elected officials — get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore, and they don't think they should have to pay taxes. Sovereigns are clogging up the courts with indecipherable filings and when cornered, many of them lash out in rage, frustration and, in the most extreme cases, acts of deadly violence, usually directed against government officials. In May 2010, for example, a father-son team of sovereigns murdered two police officers with an assault rifle when they were pulled over on the interstate while traveling through West Memphis, Ark."
So what you are saying is that we need a ruling class and we should be beholding to the banking oligarchs that create and control the extension of credit that they create from a few strokes on a that what you are saying??? Because if so, you deserve everything that is coming down the pike. Laws (not acts, statutes and codes) were meant to hold us to a certain standard so that we do not bring harm or cause undue stress to our fellow man....not to enrich a bunch of banking POS. You do not know what I haven't done the research but I have. You want to go down the rabbit hole, all you need to do is ask and I can point you in the right directions but a mind is like a parachute.,...only works if it is open.
Yours is "open" alright, to totally fucking irrational paranoid nonsense. It's why your kind ends up in jail, or dead after shooting a cop.

I know more than you and it galls you for some reason. My knowledge has come with a lot of personal sacrifice of personal time because I want to know how we got to this place. You seem to enjoy your servitude and it pisses you off when people point out that you have been played for a chump...why is that? I suspect that you might be a "gubermint" troll because they actually pay people to disrupt discussions that expose the truth.
Last edited:

Repubs and their Tandian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers


Good article, especially where it points out this is unique to America in the developed world. The Republican 'elites', and that only describes their tenuous position in that political heirarchy, have used the various social wedge issues to control and motivate average Americans in the Republican party to vote against their own best interests. Each election promising this base of 'impending action' and 'we're taking our country back'. (sound familiar?)

Yet when their base hands these people power they set about throwing scraps to the voters and instead line the pockets of the rich, exclusively. The working class Republican is viewed as cannon fodder, or a peasant. And the middle-America Republican has seen this happen after each election, over and over, and they then see Barack Obama, a black man, elected president, and suddenly the promises of 'a return to yesteryear and Ozzie Harriet' by the Republicans is exposed for what it is. A scam to get votes. Thus the Tea Party. The angries who vote on the basis of social issues. Then the Tea Party was almost immediately taken over by wealthy Republicans! A double knife in the back.

Enter Trump, who says he's going to burn the whole thing to the ground and he's rich and needs no one's help and cannot be bullied by anyone. And they LOVE him for this.

Its been a long time coming, but the Republican party is going to split apart, the working class social issues people will go their own way (about time), and the money changers/worshippers will go theirs. The best part is the money changers can't win elections without the rest.

The GOP elite are Nero watching Rome burn.

Democrats don't even have elites!!
Whitey pitchforks and baby-makers ain't no longer on top, and can't just win by default so they're pissed at the darkies, and even more pissed at the government when they actually need it themselves to survive. The workin' man got fucked over, and it can't be by those rich and powerful white guys he admires and wants to become so, gotta be the fault of them damn welfare-lovin' darkies, just like Trump says...
Good God, could you be any less clueless? Your lack of education and knowledge of how things really work could fill several libraries.. Your beloved "gubermint" is hoarding over 60 TRILLION dollars in under reported wealth that is in offshore accounts in Switzerland, Puerto Rico and the Cayman Islands while pleading that they have empty pockets and that they need to up taxes and fines for violating their acts, statutes and codes while cutting services that we paid for with our sweat equity that moves this valueless fiat currency. Do some research about the CAFRs (Comprehension Annual Financial Report) and get back with me. I don't need "gubermint" to survive or exist. I have no faith in this corporate entity trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body...they have sold us out and the time is coming when we will have to make the choice of tossing them all out along with the central banking system that attaches usury to every dollar magically created from credit created out of thin air. It's just about time to have a complete and total revolt of this debt slavery system and it's long past due.
And when we all regain our freedom from this Admiralty Bondage we were born to, what will our lives be like? Will I pay for flour with gold dust? Can I sell my daughters for two cows and six hens? Would all drugs once again be legal and a child brothel just a good business plan? Would it be okay just to shoot the police then? Do tell, oh wise one...

For those not in the know here: Sovereign Citizens Movement

"The strange subculture of the sovereign citizens movement, whose adherents hold truly bizarre, complex antigovernment beliefs, has been growing at a fast pace since the late 2000s. Sovereigns believe that they — not judges, juries, law enforcement or elected officials — get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore, and they don't think they should have to pay taxes. Sovereigns are clogging up the courts with indecipherable filings and when cornered, many of them lash out in rage, frustration and, in the most extreme cases, acts of deadly violence, usually directed against government officials. In May 2010, for example, a father-son team of sovereigns murdered two police officers with an assault rifle when they were pulled over on the interstate while traveling through West Memphis, Ark."
So what you are saying is that we need a ruling class and we should be beholding to the banking oligarchs that create and control the extension of credit that they create from a few strokes on a that what you are saying??? Because if so, you deserve everything that is coming down the pike. Laws (not acts, statutes and codes) were meant to hold us to a certain standard so that we do not bring harm or cause undue stress to our fellow man....not to enrich a bunch of banking POS. You do not know what I haven't done the research but I have. You want to go down the rabbit hole, all you need to do is ask and I can point you in the right directions but a mind is like a parachute.,...only works if it is open.
Yours is "open" alright, to totally fucking irrational paranoid nonsense. It's why your kind ends up in jail, or dead after shooting a cop.

I know more than you and it galls you for some reason. My knowledge has come with a lot of personal sacrifice of personal time because I want to know how we got to this place. You seem to enjoy your servitude and it pisses you off when people point out that you have been played for a chump...why is that? I suspect that you might be a "gubermint" troll becfause they actually pay people to disrupt discussions that expose the truth.
Sweetcheeks, your "truth" is the same as this:

You've been played by the people who told you there was a secret plan to fuck you and you believed it because, well, you're fucked. But here's the scary part, for you, there is no goddamn plan, you're just fucked. There's no one to blame, no secret plan, there never was (that actually happened). It's just how it works out, and it's a self-reinforcing lie. They told you that when you tell people this shit they'll reject it (because it's horseshit) and so, well hell, they do reject it so, amazingly, it must be true? That works like charm, for those selling charms, which you bought hook, line, and sinker.

So, are you fucked? Oh yeah, big time. Was there, is there, a plan? Nope. You just don't matter a damn so why not fuck you, it's good business, like for the ones selling you that bullshit you believe in telling you who to blame for being, ..............................................................................................................wait for it, ............................................................................................................. completely fucked...
Last edited:

Repubs and their Tandian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers


Good article, especially where it points out this is unique to America in the developed world. The Republican 'elites', and that only describes their tenuous position in that political heirarchy, have used the various social wedge issues to control and motivate average Americans in the Republican party to vote against their own best interests. Each election promising this base of 'impending action' and 'we're taking our country back'. (sound familiar?)

Yet when their base hands these people power they set about throwing scraps to the voters and instead line the pockets of the rich, exclusively. The working class Republican is viewed as cannon fodder, or a peasant. And the middle-America Republican has seen this happen after each election, over and over, and they then see Barack Obama, a black man, elected president, and suddenly the promises of 'a return to yesteryear and Ozzie Harriet' by the Republicans is exposed for what it is. A scam to get votes. Thus the Tea Party. The angries who vote on the basis of social issues. Then the Tea Party was almost immediately taken over by wealthy Republicans! A double knife in the back.

Enter Trump, who says he's going to burn the whole thing to the ground and he's rich and needs no one's help and cannot be bullied by anyone. And they LOVE him for this.

Its been a long time coming, but the Republican party is going to split apart, the working class social issues people will go their own way (about time), and the money changers/worshippers will go theirs. The best part is the money changers can't win elections without the rest.

The GOP elite are Nero watching Rome burn.
Too fucking think that the demcrat party gives a flying fuck about the middle class????? Since when? They are both in bed together with establishment repubs. Demcrats and repubs serve up shit on a sandwich and tell you that it's really chicken salad instead of chickenshit and depending on which controlled side is in charge? One half is happy because "their side won" while the other side is pissed. We have never seen real government for the people by the people that govern from the ground up instead of passing acts, statutes and codes all pushed to benefit the banking oligarchs that are the puppet masters of both parties. You don't know whom the "money masters" are. You asked what could Trump do to change things in another thread and I was very specific and yet you totally ignored it....probably because you didn't understand anything I posted...for you it's just "Go team demcrat!!!"........pretty fucking pathetic.

You seem to have stumbled into the wrong thread. Try one in the flame zone.

No, I have it nailed pretty well and it exposes the fact that you don't understand the reality of the situation....btw, you are one to talk about "flaming"....there was nothing in your fool-fueled rant that could give anyone the idea that you wanted to exchange ideas.....


An emoticon of whatever nature is the best sign of self-declared surrender without anything worthwhile to say.
Good article, especially where it points out this is unique to America in the developed world. The Republican 'elites', and that only describes their tenuous position in that political heirarchy, have used the various social wedge issues to control and motivate average Americans in the Republican party to vote against their own best interests. Each election promising this base of 'impending action' and 'we're taking our country back'. (sound familiar?)

Yet when their base hands these people power they set about throwing scraps to the voters and instead line the pockets of the rich, exclusively. The working class Republican is viewed as cannon fodder, or a peasant. And the middle-America Republican has seen this happen after each election, over and over, and they then see Barack Obama, a black man, elected president, and suddenly the promises of 'a return to yesteryear and Ozzie Harriet' by the Republicans is exposed for what it is. A scam to get votes. Thus the Tea Party. The angries who vote on the basis of social issues. Then the Tea Party was almost immediately taken over by wealthy Republicans! A double knife in the back.

Enter Trump, who says he's going to burn the whole thing to the ground and he's rich and needs no one's help and cannot be bullied by anyone. And they LOVE him for this.

Its been a long time coming, but the Republican party is going to split apart, the working class social issues people will go their own way (about time), and the money changers/worshippers will go theirs. The best part is the money changers can't win elections without the rest.

The GOP elite are Nero watching Rome burn.
Too fucking think that the demcrat party gives a flying fuck about the middle class????? Since when? They are both in bed together with establishment repubs. Demcrats and repubs serve up shit on a sandwich and tell you that it's really chicken salad instead of chickenshit and depending on which controlled side is in charge? One half is happy because "their side won" while the other side is pissed. We have never seen real government for the people by the people that govern from the ground up instead of passing acts, statutes and codes all pushed to benefit the banking oligarchs that are the puppet masters of both parties. You don't know whom the "money masters" are. You asked what could Trump do to change things in another thread and I was very specific and yet you totally ignored it....probably because you didn't understand anything I posted...for you it's just "Go team demcrat!!!"........pretty fucking pathetic.

You seem to have stumbled into the wrong thread. Try one in the flame zone.

No, I have it nailed pretty well and it exposes the fact that you don't understand the reality of the situation....btw, you are one to talk about "flaming"....there was nothing in your fool-fueled rant that could give anyone the idea that you wanted to exchange ideas.....


An emoticon of whatever nature is the best sign of self-declared surrender without anything worthwhile to say.

Hey another internet 'rule maker'. Thank god we finally found you. The internet has been without your valuable services for nearly 25 years! NOW everything will be set right.

Don't let me keep you from your duties.

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers


If I had a dollar for every time Krugman was definitively proven wrong on politics I could hire him to do my taxes.

If you had a dollar each time Krugman was right about anything you could not afford his fee to do your taxes if he worked for free.

Repubs and their Tandian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers


Good article, especially where it points out this is unique to America in the developed world. The Republican 'elites', and that only describes their tenuous position in that political heirarchy, have used the various social wedge issues to control and motivate average Americans in the Republican party to vote against their own best interests. Each election promising this base of 'impending action' and 'we're taking our country back'. (sound familiar?)

Yet when their base hands these people power they set about throwing scraps to the voters and instead line the pockets of the rich, exclusively. The working class Republican is viewed as cannon fodder, or a peasant. And the middle-America Republican has seen this happen after each election, over and over, and they then see Barack Obama, a black man, elected president, and suddenly the promises of 'a return to yesteryear and Ozzie Harriet' by the Republicans is exposed for what it is. A scam to get votes. Thus the Tea Party. The angries who vote on the basis of social issues. Then the Tea Party was almost immediately taken over by wealthy Republicans! A double knife in the back.

Enter Trump, who says he's going to burn the whole thing to the ground and he's rich and needs no one's help and cannot be bullied by anyone. And they LOVE him for this.

Its been a long time coming, but the Republican party is going to split apart, the working class social issues people will go their own way (about time), and the money changers/worshippers will go theirs. The best part is the money changers can't win elections without the rest.

The GOP elite are Nero watching Rome burn.

Democrats don't even have elites!!

No elites, perhaps, but an unhealthy and sick and disgusting bunch of super delegates.
But that is another story.
Too fucking think that the demcrat party gives a flying fuck about the middle class????? Since when? They are both in bed together with establishment repubs. Demcrats and repubs serve up shit on a sandwich and tell you that it's really chicken salad instead of chickenshit and depending on which controlled side is in charge? One half is happy because "their side won" while the other side is pissed. We have never seen real government for the people by the people that govern from the ground up instead of passing acts, statutes and codes all pushed to benefit the banking oligarchs that are the puppet masters of both parties. You don't know whom the "money masters" are. You asked what could Trump do to change things in another thread and I was very specific and yet you totally ignored it....probably because you didn't understand anything I posted...for you it's just "Go team demcrat!!!"........pretty fucking pathetic.

You seem to have stumbled into the wrong thread. Try one in the flame zone.

No, I have it nailed pretty well and it exposes the fact that you don't understand the reality of the situation....btw, you are one to talk about "flaming"....there was nothing in your fool-fueled rant that could give anyone the idea that you wanted to exchange ideas.....


An emoticon of whatever nature is the best sign of self-declared surrender without anything worthwhile to say.

Hey another internet 'rule maker'. Thank god we finally found you. The internet has been without your valuable services for nearly 25 years! NOW everything will be set right.

Don't let me keep you from your duties.

Not a "rule" just a time proven observation. Emoticons were created to help those who ran out of words of valid arguments after they ran out of profanities.
You seem to have stumbled into the wrong thread. Try one in the flame zone.

No, I have it nailed pretty well and it exposes the fact that you don't understand the reality of the situation....btw, you are one to talk about "flaming"....there was nothing in your fool-fueled rant that could give anyone the idea that you wanted to exchange ideas.....


An emoticon of whatever nature is the best sign of self-declared surrender without anything worthwhile to say.

Hey another internet 'rule maker'. Thank god we finally found you. The internet has been without your valuable services for nearly 25 years! NOW everything will be set right.

Don't let me keep you from your duties.

Not a "rule" just a time proven observation. Emoticons were created to help those who ran out of words of valid arguments after they ran out of profanities.

I think your argument re emoticons is @#$" *%^ @#&$^ &*%^ @#$% steaming pile of $%^&! :wtf:
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No, I have it nailed pretty well and it exposes the fact that you don't understand the reality of the situation....btw, you are one to talk about "flaming"....there was nothing in your fool-fueled rant that could give anyone the idea that you wanted to exchange ideas.....


An emoticon of whatever nature is the best sign of self-declared surrender without anything worthwhile to say.

Hey another internet 'rule maker'. Thank god we finally found you. The internet has been without your valuable services for nearly 25 years! NOW everything will be set right.

Don't let me keep you from your duties.

Not a "rule" just a time proven observation. Emoticons were created to help those who ran out of words of valid arguments after they ran out of profanities.

I think your argument re emoticons is @#$% *%^ @#&$^^ &*%^$ @#$% steaming pile of $%^&! :wtf:


Finally an intelligent comment from the clown who abuses the good name of a great scientist and human being.

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