Paul Krugman: President Trump is “obviously mentally ill.”


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
What an understatement

Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winning economist and contributor at The New York Times, tweeted Tuesday that President Trump is “obviously mentally ill.”

“An American first: a president who was obviously mentally ill the moment he took office. Thanks Comey,” the tweet read.

Paul Krugman tweets Trump 'obviously mentally ill'
And Krugman is obviously the worst Fool in all of Loon Land--where there is ample competition.

This Jackass never ever gets tired of re-establishing his title as Rankest Fool of All....he's the one who wrote an article the night Trump won saying that the Stock Market would crash immediately....its up 10% adding two trillion to wealth of America.

He emphasized that such an analysis was his Specialty.

You would think the Fool would lay low for a while but these Pinheads never learn.

Does Trump have personality disorders?. Well, yes, but we knew that when we voted for was better than Bill Clinton's crooked, craven, coat-tail riding bitch.

Fuck Paul Krugman.
What an understatement

Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winning economist and contributor at The New York Times, tweeted Tuesday that President Trump is “obviously mentally ill.”

“An American first: a president who was obviously mentally ill the moment he took office. Thanks Comey,” the tweet read.

Paul Krugman tweets Trump 'obviously mentally ill'

Patients often think it is their doctor who is mentally ill. Then they return to the ward for medication, and their delusion.
Of course a guy that is wrong all the time would have credibility with you, Stalinist.
President [sic] Trump is an excellent carnival barker, you gotta give him that. He destroyed the republican brand and now they all kowtow to him. As he often says, sad.

"Considering all his advantages, Trump’s electoral victory should have been expected. Yet it was a stunning shock, because of his manifest personal unsuitability to hold an Office of such responsibility in a democratic polity. Below I shall explain this unsuitability in terms of several types of failure—ignorance and willful dissimulation, intolerance and the refusal to acknowledge fellow citizens as equals, and vices of political morality—inimical to the realization of democratic values. I shall suggest that the willingness of Trump voters to overlook such failures exhibited related departures from the ideal of democratic citizenship belonging to the most defensible conception of democracy." S. A. Lloyd The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?
What an understatement

Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winning economist and contributor at The New York Times, tweeted Tuesday that President Trump is “obviously mentally ill.”

“An American first: a president who was obviously mentally ill the moment he took office. Thanks Comey,” the tweet read.

Paul Krugman tweets Trump 'obviously mentally ill'

krugman is correct.... as usual
I wouldn't mind seeing Krugman's medical degree. You know, his qualifications to diagnose mental illness in a total stranger.

The guy must be an incredible mind reader to pull such a diagnosis from afar without any qualifications, but I don't remember seeing him at the last convention. He probably didn't get the psychic memo.

Trump has an abrasive personality, but I would posit that it's incredibly rare for a truly mentally ill person to rise to the top of the New York real estate market.

I think Trump's laughing at all this, content to let the opposition foolishly underestimate him while he runs rings around them.
Just because the President is mentally ill does not mean he is not qualified to be a President. Having a delusional pathological liar and narcissist could be a positive thing for the Presidency,
Let's give our nutty trump a chance.
Just because the President is mentally ill does not mean he is not qualified to be a President. Having a delusional pathological liar and narcissist could be a positive thing for the Presidency,
Let's give our nutty trump a chance.

You do realize you literally just described Obama right? I mean Trump may prove to be of the same ilk but Obama was all of those things as well.
What an understatement

Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winning economist and contributor at The New York Times, tweeted Tuesday that President Trump is “obviously mentally ill.”

“An American first: a president who was obviously mentally ill the moment he took office. Thanks Comey,” the tweet read.

Paul Krugman tweets Trump 'obviously mentally ill'
Says the left wing kook that thinks an alien invasion would fix our economy.

Paul Krugman: An Alien Invasion Could Fix the Economy |
Just because the President is mentally ill does not mean he is not qualified to be a President. Having a delusional pathological liar and narcissist could be a positive thing for the Presidency,
Let's give our nutty trump a chance.

You do realize you literally just described Obama right? I mean Trump may prove to be of the same ilk but Obama was all of those things as well.
Clinically speaking, Obama was none of those things. That is just uneducated trash talking by a person who does not understand the meanings of those diagnoses.
Just because the President is mentally ill does not mean he is not qualified to be a President. Having a delusional pathological liar and narcissist could be a positive thing for the Presidency,
Let's give our nutty trump a chance.
Nice theory, but don't even think of running for anything Camp. Your pathology is beyond the pale. Seriously.
Just because the President is mentally ill does not mean he is not qualified to be a President. Having a delusional pathological liar and narcissist could be a positive thing for the Presidency,
Let's give our nutty trump a chance.
Nice theory, but don't even think of running for anything Camp. Your pathology is beyond the pale. Seriously.
It ain't my theory. I borrowed it.

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