Paul Ryan and Todd Akin Partnered On Radical ‘Personhood’ Bill

The GOP war on women is alive and well. Last I heard, Obama has a 15-point lead among women. I expect that lead to widen after the Akin rape comments - which connect to Paul Ryan.
How sick a society or people when they call it RADICAL when to recognize a fetus/child as a person?

You didn't read it, I says it is a person at FERTILIZATION....that is ONE CELL....a fetus is quite a bit farther down the road.
hey, if Mother Jones says it's true...than BY GOLLY..:lol:

This damn crap has already been posted anyway..none of you trolls can do a friggen search

vote Obama out folks
Your choice people, vote for the infanticide President

or someone who pro-life...

all the rest is just a distraction because Obama has no record to run on..

VOTE Obama out

^Apparently, this person can't read. Or maybe they can't click hyperlinks, idk.

This has already be posted and reposted, but here goes another try.

Myths and falsehoods regarding Obama's votes on "born alive" bills | Research | Media Matters for America : Obama and ‘Infanticide’

Fact Checker - Is Obama Guilty of 'Infanticide'?

FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch - Naureen Khan -

PolitiFact | Rick Santorum said Obama said "any child" born prematurely "can be killed" people will find any excuse
no all proudly vote for the ABORTION PRESIDENT..more power to ya

Thats one strong ass bubble you're in
This may well be the game killer for the Romney-Ryan ticket. Ryan's association with the people trying to have total control over women would have come out anyway, but this is dramatic enough to get everyone's attention. We all owe Akin a vote of thanks for waking people up to the real way that the GOP regards women.
This may well be the game killer for the Romney-Ryan ticket. Ryan's association with the people trying to have total control over women would have come out anyway, but this is dramatic enough to get everyone's attention. We all owe Akin a vote of thanks for waking people up to the real way that the GOP regards women.

yeah really, because everybody it too stupid to separate one man from the entire party..
but you all keep dreaming

what ever happened to he apologized or misspoke...isn't all ok now or that only applies to DEMOCRATS
Half the GOP is trying to throw Akin under the bus, but the Tea Party half is fighting to defend him. It's popcorn time. So much for any GOP hopes to pick up the senate
Why are the Republicans throwing Akin overboard with tons of righteous outrage while they simultaneously cheer Ryan on.

The two hold exactly the same positions on abortion.
Remember oh so long ago when people like ME told people like YOU that the social conservative rightwing extremists had taken over the Tea Party,

and all you could do was scream no! no! you lie!!!!!! Eh, remember that???

lol, well, hear me then, believe me now.

You people have to learn that I'm rarely wrong. You need to save yourselves a lot of chagrin by believing me the first time I tell you something.
Remember oh so long ago when people like ME told people like YOU that the social conservative rightwing extremists had taken over the Tea Party,

and all you could do was scream no! no! you lie!!!!!! Eh, remember that???

lol, well, hear me then, believe me now.

You people have to learn that I'm rarely wrong. You need to save yourselves a lot of chagrin by believing me the first time I tell you something.

oh dear gawd, and remember when I told you PEOPLE the commies have taken over the Democrat party?

you need to save yourselves a lot chagrin by BELIEVEING ME..

people vote out Obama and all of his commie administation..
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