Paul Ryan and Todd Akin Partnered On Radical ‘Personhood’ Bill

Well maybe Obama will run on his positions on infanticide, don't you think that would be better?

Only if you keep acting like an infant.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

what, you approve of his postion on it don't you?

When Obama Voted For Infanticide

By Andrew C. McCarthy
February 9, 2012 5:20 P.M. Comments
0Peter has beaten me to the punch. What I personally find most offensive about the HHS mandate is the shock with which it has been met. Why? This is who Barack Obama is. There is no reason to be surprised by this. He is not being pulled to extremes by his base — he is the one doing the pulling.

Obama’s abortion extremism is such that, as a state legislator, he opposed protection for — I’ll use his words here — “that fetus, or child — however way you want to say describe it” when, contrary to the wishes of the women involved and their abortionists, there was “movement or some indication that, in fact, they’re not just coming out limp and dead.” Babies were inconveniently being born alive, self-styled health-care providers carted them off to utility rooms where they would be left to die. That is infanticide, plain and simple. In Illinois, people tried to stop this barbarism by supporting “born alive” legislation. Barack Obama fought them all the way.

That is not a secret. The Obamedia, of course, refused to cover it while they were running down Sarah Palin’s third-grade report card. The clueless John McCain failed to bring any attention to it. But it was far from unknown. I wrote about it in August 2008, and I was far from alone — at least among conservatives. My column was called, “Why Obama Really Voted For Infanticide: More important to protect abortion doctors than ‘that fetus, or child — however way you want to describe it’”:

all of it here
When Obama Voted For Infanticide - By Andrew C. McCarthy - The Corner - National Review Online
Myths and falsehoods regarding Obama's votes on "born alive" bills | Research | Media Matters for America : Obama and ‘Infanticide’

Fact Checker - Is Obama Guilty of 'Infanticide'?

FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch - Naureen Khan -

PolitiFact | Rick Santorum said Obama said "any child" born prematurely "can be killed"

Exposing wingnut lies about Obama's Senate vote regarding "infanticide"...
Your choice people, vote for the infanticide President

or someone who pro-life...

all the rest is just a distraction because Obama has no record to run on..

VOTE Obama out
Your choice people, vote for the infanticide President

or someone who pro-life...

all the rest is just a distraction because Obama has no record to run on..

VOTE Obama out

Prove it with "credible" facts! I've already disproven it with "credible" facts!

You're a typical lying wingnut.
Your choice people, vote for the infanticide President

or someone who pro-life...

all the rest is just a distraction because Obama has no record to run on..

VOTE Obama out

^Apparently, this person can't read. Or maybe they can't click hyperlinks, idk.

This has already be posted and reposted, but here goes another try.

There's a big difference between being pro-choice and being pro-abortion. I've never met anyone who is pro-abortion.
I bet the op wasn't concerned with the rapes happening in the OWS camps either...NOW they are all concerned...

two faced hypocrites

Only because they can link Ryan's name to something they perceive as a negative.

"link Ryan's name"?

Dude - he CO-SPONSORED a personhood amendment!

Person-hood amendments are so fucked, a lot of pro-lifers disagree with them!

Personhood amendment shows that ‘pro-life’ not a monolith, even on Roe v. Wade - The Washington Post

The fact that Ryan proposed one just goes to show how idiotic of a law-maker he is. Personhood amendments have so many wrong-headed side-affects that even their writers doubtfully intended. Even the abortion of ectopic pregnancies would be the same as murder. That's as bone-headedly retarded and anti-woman as you can get. Ryan and other personhood amendment supporters either a) don't give a shit about the life of the mother or b) are crappy lawmakers who do care about saving women's lives but are just so shitty at writing legislation they actually wrote a bill that will result in women dying over pregnancies that have no chance of coming to term. So they're either monsters or morons.
Wow! Romney supporters (I won't say republicans because not all support him and even though I support Obama on most things, I'm not a dem) are NUTZ! You guyz would love this movie!


The movie is about a misunderstood boy who ends up saving the day when it turns out he can communicate with the dead. Given Romney’s occasional difficulties communicating with living humans, it could be the role he was born to play
Paul Ryan and Todd Akin Partnered On Radical ‘Personhood’ Bill Outlawing Abortion And Many Birth Control Pills

Yesterday, ThinkProgress reported that Rep. Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin (R-MO) and GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan both cosponsored the bill that introduced America to the despicable term “forcible rape.” As it turns out, this may only be the second most sweeping attack on reproductive freedom that both men partnered on. Ryan and Akin also cosponsored a federal personhood bill, the Sanctity of Human Life Act of 2009, which declares that a fertilized egg is entitled to the exact same legal rights as a human being:

(1) the Congress declares that–

(A) the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being, and is the paramount and most fundamental right of a person; and

(B) the life of each human being begins with fertilization, cloning, or its functional equivalent, irrespective of sex, health, function or disability, defect, stage of biological development, or condition of dependency, at which time every human being shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood; and

(2) the Congress affirms that the Congress, each State, the District of Columbia, and all United States territories have the authority to protect the lives of all human beings residing in its respective jurisdictions.

Lest there be any doubt, this bill is unconstitutional. Congress does not have the power to overrule Roe v. Wade by an ordinary statue, only a constitutional amendment could serve that purpose. Moreover, even if Roe were overruled by the Supreme Court, Ryan and Akin’s bill still attempts to redefine who “the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution” applies to. Again, changing the meaning of the Constitution can only be done through an amendment, not through an ordinary Act of Congress.

Should Ryan and Akin’s personhood agenda take effect, however, it would drastically reduce women’s reproductive choice.


This is a POLITICS forum.....................politically irrelevant except to the k00ks :2up:s0n.
Your choice people, vote for the infanticide President

or someone who pro-life...

all the rest is just a distraction because Obama has no record to run on..

VOTE Obama out

What is pro-life about making it illegal to abort ectopic pregnancies?
Your choice people, vote for the infanticide President

or someone who pro-life...

all the rest is just a distraction because Obama has no record to run on..

VOTE Obama out

^Apparently, this person can't read. Or maybe they can't click hyperlinks, idk.

This has already be posted and reposted, but here goes another try. people will find any excuse
no all proudly vote for the ABORTION PRESIDENT..more power to ya
Your choice people, vote for the infanticide President

or someone who pro-life...

all the rest is just a distraction because Obama has no record to run on..

VOTE Obama out

^Apparently, this person can't read. Or maybe they can't click hyperlinks, idk.

This has already be posted and reposted, but here goes another try. people will find any excuse
no all proudly vote for the ABORTION PRESIDENT..more power to ya

Abortion was legal before Obama was elected.

Please tell us why you want to make it murder to abort an ectopic pregnancy.
No, we're voting for the PRO-CHOICE president rather than the ANTI-CHOICE guy.
^Apparently, this person can't read. Or maybe they can't click hyperlinks, idk.

This has already be posted and reposted, but here goes another try. people will find any excuse
no all proudly vote for the ABORTION PRESIDENT..more power to ya

Abortion was legal before Obama was elected.

Please tell us why you want to make it murder to abort an ectopic pregnancy.

I am pro-choice. I have no problem supporting candidates who are pro-life, as long as I'm reasonably confident it's not an issue they are going to pursue.

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