Paul Ryan calls out librul reporter; Ends interview!

Earth to LIBERAL MEDIA-- No one listens to your propaganda any longer and we're all sick and tired of you morons telling us what we're suppose to think and believe.. If you can't do your job, GET OUT OF JOURNALISM!
He's gonna have to answer questions at some point. Maybe Thursday.
He's gonna have to answer questions at some point. Maybe Thursday.

I'm absolutely certain Paul Ryan looks forward to the debate. Old babbling Joe has to answer for all the lies and doubletalk on the economy. Paul Ryan is a budget HAWK.
He's gonna have to answer questions at some point. Maybe Thursday.

I'm absolutely certain Paul Ryan looks forward to the debate. Old babbling Joe has to answer for all the lies and doubletalk on the economy. Paul Ryan is a budget HAWK.

He hasn't answered questions yet, he keeps saying it's too complicated. This is why people get annoyed with him and his running mate. They don't feel as if they have to explain their positions, I think he is full of shit, frankly.
The *question* that ended the interview, well, the two questions, were thus:

"We have a gun problem." That isn't a question, that's a statement, put to Ryan. He disagreed. The interviewer then jumped to "And cutting taxes are going to fix all that." Again, assigning a stance to Ryan.

This is too subtle for the retards of the left to understand. You do it all the time here as well...assign a false stance to someone and then insist they defend it.

It's a juvenile and dishonest tactic, and has no place in ethical journalism.
Oh, so he didn't really refuse to answer questions.

Got it.

His tax plan is out there for anyone to take a look at.
Oh, so he didn't really refuse to answer questions.

Got it.

His tax plan is out there for anyone to take a look at.

He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.
Oh, so he didn't really refuse to answer questions.

Got it.

His tax plan is out there for anyone to take a look at.

He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.

Exactly what question hasn't he answered?

I rather get the impression that you're the one who doesn't know what she's talking about.
Oh, so he didn't really refuse to answer questions.

Got it.

His tax plan is out there for anyone to take a look at.

He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.

You're so concerned about Paul Ryan answering questions.. Where is the same level of concern regarding Barack Obama AVOIDING the Press Corp at all costs.. Lets hear you speak up and out and ask Obama why he isn't answering ANY questiins AT ALL??!! I can't hear you?? LOUDER..

White House Press Corps Wonders When Obama Will Actually Take Their Questions

The agitation appears to be increasing among the media as President Obama continues to avoid taking questions from White House reporters. On Friday, Obama's deputy press secretary parried a series of volleys from the White House press corps, all of whom wanted to know when the president would break his over-two-month streak of not formally answering their questions.

The issue has edged its way into the media spotlight in recent days, especially after Obama spoke about the campaign on "Entertainment Tonight" and talked about his music tastes with a New Mexico radio station. That led to acid replies from ABC's Jake Tapper and the "Morning Joe" team. NBC's Andrea Mitchell also had a sharp exchange with Ben LaBolt, the Obama campaign's press secretary, about Obama's AWOL approach. On Friday, she repeated the line of attack with DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Oh, so he didn't really refuse to answer questions.

Got it.

His tax plan is out there for anyone to take a look at.

He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.

Exactly what question hasn't he answered?

I rather get the impression that you're the one who doesn't know what she's talking about.

Oh my god, do you even know where you are from one moment to the next. Go take a bike ride, clear the haze..

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