Paul Ryan calls out librul reporter; Ends interview!

He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.

Exactly what question hasn't he answered?

I rather get the impression that you're the one who doesn't know what she's talking about.

Oh my god, do you even know where you are from one moment to the next. Go take a bike ride, clear the haze..

Nice snotty insult but you didn't answer her question? What precisely didn't Paul Ryan answer? Secondly, where's your concern about Obama COMPLETELY avoiding the press for months??
Oh, so he didn't really refuse to answer questions.

Got it.

His tax plan is out there for anyone to take a look at.

He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.

You're so concerned about Paul Ryan answering questions.. Where is the same level of concern regarding Barack Obama AVOIDING the Press Corp at all costs.. Lets hear you speak up and out and ask Obama why he isn't answering ANY questiins AT ALL??!! I can't hear you?? LOUDER..

White House Press Corps Wonders When Obama Will Actually Take Their Questions

The agitation appears to be increasing among the media as President Obama continues to avoid taking questions from White House reporters. On Friday, Obama's deputy press secretary parried a series of volleys from the White House press corps, all of whom wanted to know when the president would break his over-two-month streak of not formally answering their questions.

The issue has edged its way into the media spotlight in recent days, especially after Obama spoke about the campaign on "Entertainment Tonight" and talked about his music tastes with a New Mexico radio station. That led to acid replies from ABC's Jake Tapper and the "Morning Joe" team. NBC's Andrea Mitchell also had a sharp exchange with Ben LaBolt, the Obama campaign's press secretary, about Obama's AWOL approach. On Friday, she repeated the line of attack with DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Uhm, we're on Paul Ryan at the moment. Have you fully informed yourself on his plan? No, he hasn't explained it fully, it's too complicated for all of us mere mortals.
He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.

You're so concerned about Paul Ryan answering questions.. Where is the same level of concern regarding Barack Obama AVOIDING the Press Corp at all costs.. Lets hear you speak up and out and ask Obama why he isn't answering ANY questiins AT ALL??!! I can't hear you?? LOUDER..

White House Press Corps Wonders When Obama Will Actually Take Their Questions

The agitation appears to be increasing among the media as President Obama continues to avoid taking questions from White House reporters. On Friday, Obama's deputy press secretary parried a series of volleys from the White House press corps, all of whom wanted to know when the president would break his over-two-month streak of not formally answering their questions.

The issue has edged its way into the media spotlight in recent days, especially after Obama spoke about the campaign on "Entertainment Tonight" and talked about his music tastes with a New Mexico radio station. That led to acid replies from ABC's Jake Tapper and the "Morning Joe" team. NBC's Andrea Mitchell also had a sharp exchange with Ben LaBolt, the Obama campaign's press secretary, about Obama's AWOL approach. On Friday, she repeated the line of attack with DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Uhm, we're on Paul Ryan at the moment. Have you fully informed yourself on his plan? No, he hasn't explained it fully, it's too complicated for all of us mere mortals.

Another uneducated person starting a sentence with "Uhm." :stupid:

Nice deflection.. but doesn't work. Obama hasn't answered questions in MONTHS.. Again, where is your level of concern and being you're so "ticked off' about something Paul Ryan hasn't answered , why haven't you made threads all of these months noting Obama PURPOSELY avoiding the Press? Could it be you're a hypocrite with faux outrage that suits your propaganda agenda??
He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.

Exactly what question hasn't he answered?

I rather get the impression that you're the one who doesn't know what she's talking about.

Oh my god, do you even know where you are from one moment to the next. Go take a bike ride, clear the haze..

So you don't know what question he hasn't answered. :clap2:
Exactly what question hasn't he answered?

I rather get the impression that you're the one who doesn't know what she's talking about.

Oh my god, do you even know where you are from one moment to the next. Go take a bike ride, clear the haze..

Nice snotty insult but you didn't answer her question? What precisely didn't Paul Ryan answer? Secondly, where's your concern about Obama COMPLETELY avoiding the press for months??

Good lord, don't confuse the poor thing. She's having enough trouble as it is.
So please tell us what question he hasn't answered, and link the alleged prevarication.
He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.

You're so concerned about Paul Ryan answering questions.. Where is the same level of concern regarding Barack Obama AVOIDING the Press Corp at all costs.. Lets hear you speak up and out and ask Obama why he isn't answering ANY questiins AT ALL??!! I can't hear you?? LOUDER..

White House Press Corps Wonders When Obama Will Actually Take Their Questions

The agitation appears to be increasing among the media as President Obama continues to avoid taking questions from White House reporters. On Friday, Obama's deputy press secretary parried a series of volleys from the White House press corps, all of whom wanted to know when the president would break his over-two-month streak of not formally answering their questions.

The issue has edged its way into the media spotlight in recent days, especially after Obama spoke about the campaign on "Entertainment Tonight" and talked about his music tastes with a New Mexico radio station. That led to acid replies from ABC's Jake Tapper and the "Morning Joe" team. NBC's Andrea Mitchell also had a sharp exchange with Ben LaBolt, the Obama campaign's press secretary, about Obama's AWOL approach. On Friday, she repeated the line of attack with DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Uhm, we're on Paul Ryan at the moment. Have you fully informed yourself on his plan? No, he hasn't explained it fully, it's too complicated for all of us mere mortals.

Reform of the thousands of pages of the tax code would take about a week to explain to people who actually know the subject. Attempting to explain it to the general public in a ten minute interview would be impossible. Obama knows that, the DNC knows that, but apparently you loons do not know that.

All of the loopholes in the tax code have champions, in and out of congress, and giving them advance notice of what they are looking to cut, would give them time to build their defenses, and make it virtually impossible to actually do reform.
You're so concerned about Paul Ryan answering questions.. Where is the same level of concern regarding Barack Obama AVOIDING the Press Corp at all costs.. Lets hear you speak up and out and ask Obama why he isn't answering ANY questiins AT ALL??!! I can't hear you?? LOUDER..

White House Press Corps Wonders When Obama Will Actually Take Their Questions

The agitation appears to be increasing among the media as President Obama continues to avoid taking questions from White House reporters. On Friday, Obama's deputy press secretary parried a series of volleys from the White House press corps, all of whom wanted to know when the president would break his over-two-month streak of not formally answering their questions.

The issue has edged its way into the media spotlight in recent days, especially after Obama spoke about the campaign on "Entertainment Tonight" and talked about his music tastes with a New Mexico radio station. That led to acid replies from ABC's Jake Tapper and the "Morning Joe" team. NBC's Andrea Mitchell also had a sharp exchange with Ben LaBolt, the Obama campaign's press secretary, about Obama's AWOL approach. On Friday, she repeated the line of attack with DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Uhm, we're on Paul Ryan at the moment. Have you fully informed yourself on his plan? No, he hasn't explained it fully, it's too complicated for all of us mere mortals.

Reform of the thousands of pages of the tax code would take about a week to explain to people who actually know the subject. Attempting to explain it to the general public in a ten minute interview would be impossible. Obama knows that, the DNC knows that, but apparently you loons do not know that.

All of the loopholes in the tax code have champions, in and out of congress, and giving them advance notice of what they are looking to cut, would give them time to build their defenses, and make it virtually impossible to actually do reform.

There you go projecting common sense in your post.. Sarah won't get it.. Like Sandra Fluke, she votes with her vagina.. Vagina's matter and 9 dollar free birth control. The rest is all geography.
Wow, what a stupid question. Part of me (the part that sometimes can't look away from roadkill) wants to hear the reporter explain where in the world he was trying to go with that. Another part of me wants to smack him in the back of the head, because even if he did have some kind of slightly rational line of thinking that was still a really bizarre exchange.

I think Ryan handled himself well and was very dignified in the way he drew things to a close. Kudos to him.
She's frantically trying to find something.

Or she doesn't know what prevarication means...

Here Sarhag, I'll help:

Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online

You're assuming once at the link that SarahVagina can actually look up the term on her own. Perhap's we should make that an entitlement also? Pay someone to help stupid liberals perform every day simple tasks?
He thought he was going to trick Ryan into saying something stupid. When he didn't say something stupid, he said it for him.

And libs think Obama is smart, lol.
He's gonna have to answer questions at some point. Maybe Thursday.

I'm anxious to hear him justify his....


The press using the old "When did you stop beating your wife?" tactic... assigning a statement. event, or stance for the person to then 'answer' or defend... typical lib tactic
She's frantically trying to find something.

Or she doesn't know what prevarication means...

Here Sarhag, I'll help:

Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online

You're assuming once at the link that SarahVagina can actually look up the term on her own. Perhap's we should make that an entitlement also? Pay someone to help stupid liberals perform every day simple tasks?

Ooo, the hostility.. :lol:

No hostility.. Just the truth actually. You're a walking Vagina.. You don't represent strong independent women who don't have to or want to beg the government for hand-outs concerning their reproductive health.. You represent little women who need Uncle Sam to diaper your vagina with everything from birth control to abortions.

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