Paul Ryan: Help the poor by making them starve

Only a libtard would think that instituting more stringent work requirements for food stamps and converting the program from a federal entitlement into a system of block grants means cutting food stamps.

You people are dishonest to the core.

Well what do you think...

"instituting more stringent work requirements for food stamps and converting the program from a federal entitlement into a system of block grants"

It sure as hell doesn't mean children. It means that able bodied adults might have to do real work to obtain food stamps. And, it means that states will be in charge of who is entitled to food stamps, and not the federal government.

It also means that we will not have to continue to listen to left wing BS about starving children and throwing old folks off the cliff.
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.

Damn straight. You betcha. Gosh golly, we should throw the poor into the deep end of the pool and let them either sink or fish!

Work in a factory like a china man in China is their plan. We must defeat the extreme right in 2014 at all cost.

I think you just need to focus on defeating politicians funded by special interests. Unfortunately, they exist on both sides of the aisle in great numbers. If you recall - Obama raised $700,000,000 in the last Presidential cycle. That's a huge sum of money, and donors include many of the corporations that some Democrats ironically decry while voting for... Barack Obama.

You bet your ass the Pharmaceutical industry donated heavily to Obama's 2008 campaign, the same industry responsible for over 100,000 deaths annually from dangerous, chemical laden drugs. You don't think they're making bank right now with this new Obamacare law? But instead Obama would rather you focus on "assault weapons" and the 15 deaths they're responsible for each year (yes, 15 vs. 100,000). F*%king incredible, lol.

I'm just calling for an end to the hypocrisy. If a politician has good intentions, lets say that. Lets not get overly concerned about these silly left/right labels.
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.

Damn straight. You betcha. Gosh golly, we should throw the poor into the deep end of the pool and let them either sink or fish!

Work in a factory like a china man in China is their plan. We must defeat the extreme right in 2014 at all cost.

Apparently, you believe that working in a factory is somehow demeaning to able bodied adults? How about digging ditches, or bucking hay bales? Is all manual labor demeaning?
Good grief, they have nothing but Fear mongering in their dirty bag of tricks

same ole same ole just different week, month, year

good ole PMSnbc, leading their sheep around by the nose
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Brilliant Mr. Ryan!
After poverty tour, Ryan proposes cutting food stamps | MSNBC

Hunger is one of the greatest challenges facing America’s poor. Food insecurity — defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as the inability to access “enough food for an active, healthy life” — shot up in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse, and has never returned to pre-recession levels. Currently, 49 million Americans, including 8.3 million children, suffer from food insecurity, according to the most recent USDA estimates.

So how does the new and improved Rep. Paul Ryan, scourge of poverty, plan to revamp the anti-hunger safety net in the face of historic levels of food insecurity? By cutting food stamps.

Only a libtard would think that instituting more stringent work requirements for food stamps and converting the program from a federal entitlement into a system of block grants means cutting food stamps.

You people are dishonest to the core.
Brilliant Mr. Ryan!

After poverty tour, Ryan proposes cutting food stamps | MSNBC

Hunger is one of the greatest challenges facing America’s poor. Food insecurity — defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as the inability to access “enough food for an active, healthy life” — shot up in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse, and has never returned to pre-recession levels. Currently, 49 million Americans, including 8.3 million children, suffer from food insecurity, according to the most recent USDA estimates.

So how does the new and improved Rep. Paul Ryan, scourge of poverty, plan to revamp the anti-hunger safety net in the face of historic levels of food insecurity? By cutting food stamps.

Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.

Now not saying I agree with Ryan here (because he's not really "teaching" a man to fish, he's instead forcing a man to fish), just saying there's two sides to the discussion. Welfare isn't an area I've studied a whole lot.

This fish story has had it's day. Try to come up with something new. You republicans act like you're the only ones who work or pay taxes.
Only in America can you find people starving to death according to the left and have a horrendous obesity problem according to the left.


Which is it?

I know this might come as a surprise but...They arent the same group.

Actually, there is quite a bit of overlap. Carbs are the cheapest food.

Here is an very interesting article I read some years ago: The World Is Fat - Scientific American

The poor aren't getting fat from steak and lobster.
Only in America can you find people starving to death according to the left and have a horrendous obesity problem according to the left.


Which is it?

Food stamps cut to needy couple.

Alleged Swanky Swindlers Captured « CBS Miami

MIAMI (CBSMiami) – A South Florida couple accused of living a lavish lifestyle while collecting food stamps and other forms of public assistance from the state of Florida and Minnesota have been captured at Port Everglades.

Prosecutors have described Colin Chisolm, III and his wife Andrea as, “rich folks ripping off the system.”

Authorities said the Chisolm’s committed fraud by receiving public assistance while living on a $1.2 million yacht while also collecting Medicaid, food stamps and cash welfare assistance from the state of Florida, while also collecting benefits from the state of Minnesota.

AWWWWW Now they'll have to STARVE!
Only in America can you find people starving to death according to the left and have a horrendous obesity problem according to the left.


Which is it?

Food stamps cut to needy couple.

Alleged Swanky Swindlers Captured « CBS Miami

MIAMI (CBSMiami) – A South Florida couple accused of living a lavish lifestyle while collecting food stamps and other forms of public assistance from the state of Florida and Minnesota have been captured at Port Everglades.

Prosecutors have described Colin Chisolm, III and his wife Andrea as, “rich folks ripping off the system.”

Authorities said the Chisolm’s committed fraud by receiving public assistance while living on a $1.2 million yacht while also collecting Medicaid, food stamps and cash welfare assistance from the state of Florida, while also collecting benefits from the state of Minnesota.

AWWWWW Now they'll have to STARVE!

The plural of anecdotes is not evidence.
Brilliant Mr. Ryan!
After poverty tour, Ryan proposes cutting food stamps | MSNBC

Hunger is one of the greatest challenges facing America’s poor. Food insecurity — defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as the inability to access “enough food for an active, healthy life” — shot up in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse, and has never returned to pre-recession levels. Currently, 49 million Americans, including 8.3 million children, suffer from food insecurity, according to the most recent USDA estimates.

So how does the new and improved Rep. Paul Ryan, scourge of poverty, plan to revamp the anti-hunger safety net in the face of historic levels of food insecurity? By cutting food stamps.
Ayn Rand taught him that the poor are more motivated on an empty stomach

The problem with todays poor is that they do not suffer enough
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Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.

Now not saying I agree with Ryan here (because he's not really "teaching" a man to fish, he's instead forcing a man to fish), just saying there's two sides to the discussion. Welfare isn't an area I've studied a whole lot.

This fish story has had it's day. Try to come up with something new. You republicans act like you're the only ones who work or pay taxes.

Not a Republican. Try to come up with something new yourself outside of this stupid left/right paradigm.
The poor kiddies shouldnt have to suffer with all those bleeding heart imbeciles coming to their aid.....not
Only in America can you find people starving to death according to the left and have a horrendous obesity problem according to the left.


Which is it?

It's actually both at the same time. Why is that so difficult to understand?

Corporations have kept wages from increasing along with inflation which means that people can't afford as much food, and healthy food costs more than corporate shit for some reason because of Federal subsidies to whoever, so millions of poor Americans have to scrounge by on mass-produced high-fructose GMO pink slime corporate shit.

This is why Americans need to legalize Cannabis and adopt Victory Gardens again, but the controlling industrial interests of America don't want the People providing for ourselves. The corporate 1% that controls our government are the ones who want everyone on the government dole so that they don't have to pay higher wages or better benefits, and we all have to keep buying from them.

Again, why is this so difficult to understand?

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