Paul Ryan: Help the poor by making them starve

Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.

Now not saying I agree with Ryan here (because he's not really "teaching" a man to fish, he's instead forcing a man to fish), just saying there's two sides to the discussion. Welfare isn't an area I've studied a whole lot.

This fish story has had it's day. Try to come up with something new. You republicans act like you're the only ones who work or pay taxes.

Not a Republican. Try to come up with something new yourself outside of this stupid left/right paradigm.

you're the one dragging out old paradigms. The old teach a man to fish one. Used by republicans and others on the right for decades. Someone ought to teach paul ryan how to fish. He's been on the dole since he was a kid.
Ayn Rand taught him that the poor are more motivated on an empty stomach

The problem with todays poor is that they do not suffer enough

I have to agree with that. Poverty should be so painful that any job is worth not living in poverty any more.

When I was growing up, we were poor before it became fashionable. We were homeless poor, no welfare eating out of garbage cans poor. It STILL wasn't enough to motivate my parents out of that kind of poverty. It was painful enough for me to get an education and skills.

Poverty should not be merely a lack of the comfort level you would prefer. It should really hurt. The problem with today's poor is that they have become comfortable in their poverty.

Along the way there were people who helped us. They gave us food, clothing, from time to time shelter. Of all people I have known, I grew to hate these do-gooders most of all. Our poverty was partly their fault. Had they not helped, maybe it would have been different. As long as there are people there to give, there will be people there to take.

Mathusian economics at its finest.
you're the one dragging out old paradigms. The old teach a man to fish one. Used by republicans and others on the right for decades. Someone ought to teach paul ryan how to fish. He's been on the dole since he was a kid.

And you're the one calling me a Republican because I tried to explain Ryan’s position from a “third-person” position. That’s silly, Jason.

I have a question for you, Jason. When a mother/father kicks their son out of the house to force him to go find work and support himself, are they doing it because they “hate their son”? Would you accuse the parents of wanting their son to starve because they're no longer paying for his food? If you understand the parent's position, wouldn't you at least slightly understand the Republican's?

Now, I’m in no way saying that welfare should be done away with. Again, I said – specifically – that social safety nets are important. We can’t let people starve; that is inhumane, immoral, and just plain wrong. However, would you entertain the possibility that there are some (able-bodied) people out there that might benefit from being forced off the program?

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Only a libtard would think that instituting more stringent work requirements for food stamps and converting the program from a federal entitlement into a system of block grants means cutting food stamps.

You people are dishonest to the core.

Well what do you think...

"instituting more stringent work requirements for food stamps and converting the program from a federal entitlement into a system of block grants"

It means nudging those who are living spartanly but well enough on Welfare that they have no desire to work.

Cutting benefits slightly would disincentify those able bodied people to start working again.

But the Obama regime knows that if that happened then more, millions more, would criticize his programs, policies and philosophies which have hurt job creation and business growth.

Bottom line:

He wanted to hurt business.

He didn't want people to rise up against him for hurting business.

So he created a safety net for those who couldn't find work due to his programs and policies.

And why would he want to hurt business?

The fact is, following his straight down the line, left-wing, anti-American, radical ideology, Obama does want to destroy the U.S.A. as it is now. But in his mind he is not trying to destroy America simply because he wants utter destruction and devastation to be the only outcome. You see, mere destruction isn't his end goal as those on the right fear. In his left-wing ideology, he thinks after America’s fall he and his left-wing comrades will be building a new and better U.S.A. Where real Americans see destruction and the end of everything, the leftists see a re-birth to a better and, in their eyes, more moral America. He and his left-wing friends see the U.S. as a Phoenix rising from the ashes of the bad old days.

Herein lies the problem. Where conservatives see only the end, liberals see the end and then a brand new beginning. Certainly the liberals are completely wrong in their contention that what they are doing will bring a glorious re-birth, but the truth is that they certainly don't think that they are ending the U.S. on a permanent basis nor is it their intention. Liberals are not in the game to be "evil." They think they are doing what is right.

Liberals think that the U.S. is arrogant and needs to be taken down a notch or three. Liberals think that U.S. history is filled with nothing but evil and any attacks on the U.S. are richly deserved. Liberals think that the U.S. was founded by evil, selfish, hateful white men who were only interested in their own power and didn’t want to empower others. So, liberals want the founder’s memory eviscerated. Liberals think that our capitalist system needs to be eliminated. In short, liberals value nothing about the U.S. except its tradition of self-actuation, liberty, and its freedom to re-make itself and they want to use that capacity to erase everything that makes the U.S.A. the U.S.A. Once that is done they want to build a U.S. to their own liking using the very freedoms they used to lay her low.

Does Obama Want To Destroy America? Yes, But? - Conservative Crusader
here we go, the same old fear mongering crap...

If they called for cutting ONE PENNY, this is the titles we would still be getting from the useful tool/troll/sheeps for the Democrat party

they are just so out of touch with the Amercian people who that now disapproves of THEM, their Dear Leader and Party

"they are just so out of touch with the Amercian people who that now disapproves of THEM, their Dear Leader and Party"

Seems like the same refrain from you slack jawed crackers before Obama kicked you teahadists to the curb in 2012
Clearly there is a need for more community organizations, affirmative action and other assorted reparations....
If you're not capable of being the small upper class of "winners", well, you're shit out of luck within the republican mind. Regulations that protect the lower class??? Bah hum bug, that needs to go!

The world isn't that simple, Mathew, however I do have a simple question for you.

If the Republicans are the "representatives" of the upper class, and is the primary force providing political support to the ultra-rich, then why do they consistently raise less money in Presidential election cycles? By all logical and rational means, wouldn't you expect the opposite to occur by a LARGE degree?

Just something to think about..
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Yeah mon...agrarian communes, weed and pachouli power...for the common good!
Maybe you don't understand what kind of a shithole you would live in if America hadn't been involved in World War II.

Let's get this history straight, okay?

Marijuana was outlawed in 1937. Corporations were importing heavily from Asia so it didn't hurt our productivity. Then Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and wouldn't let any Asian exports reach the US. The US was thoroughly fucked. Our supplies of materials had just been cut off. What was the solution?

Legalize Marihuana.


It worked. Americans grew hundreds of thousands of acres of Cannabis, making most foreign imports obsolete. We the People provided for America and we won the war. Could the United States have sustained a two-front World War without the necessary materials? No.

So imagine the outcome of World War II if the US had not legalized Marihuana.

Now with the US heavily dependent on foreign imports and with so many millions of unemployed Americans, perhaps it would be wise to follow our own example and legalize Marihuana again so that We the People can provide for ourselves.
Only in America can you find people starving to death according to the left and have a horrendous obesity problem according to the left.


Which is it?

Food stamps cut to needy couple.

Alleged Swanky Swindlers Captured « CBS Miami

MIAMI (CBSMiami) – A South Florida couple accused of living a lavish lifestyle while collecting food stamps and other forms of public assistance from the state of Florida and Minnesota have been captured at Port Everglades.

Prosecutors have described Colin Chisolm, III and his wife Andrea as, “rich folks ripping off the system.”

Authorities said the Chisolm’s committed fraud by receiving public assistance while living on a $1.2 million yacht while also collecting Medicaid, food stamps and cash welfare assistance from the state of Florida, while also collecting benefits from the state of Minnesota.

AWWWWW Now they'll have to STARVE!
There will always be CON$ervatives trying to game the system

Poverty should be so painful that any job is worth not living in poverty any more.

When I was growing up, we were poor before it became fashionable. We were homeless poor, no welfare eating out of garbage cans poor. It STILL wasn't enough to motivate my parents out of that kind of poverty. It was painful enough for me to get an education and skills.

Poverty should not be merely a lack of the comfort level you would prefer. It should really hurt. The problem with today's poor is that they have become comfortable in their poverty.

Along the way there were people who helped us. They gave us food, clothing, from time to time shelter. Of all people I have known, I grew to hate these do-gooders most of all. Our poverty was partly their fault. Had they not helped, maybe it would have been different. As long as there are people there to give, there will be people there to take.

Mathusian economics at its finest.
I thought this ^ was the most stupid post ever written....

It means nudging those who are living spartanly but well enough on Welfare that they have no desire to work.

Cutting benefits slightly would disincentify those able bodied people to start working again.

But the Obama regime knows that if that happened then more, millions more, would criticize his programs, policies and philosophies which have hurt job creation and business growth.

Bottom line:

He wanted to hurt business.

He didn't want people to rise up against him for hurting business.

So he created a safety net for those who couldn't find work due to his programs and policies.

And why would he want to hurt business?

The fact is, following his straight down the line, left-wing, anti-American, radical ideology, Obama does want to destroy the U.S.A. as it is now. But in his mind he is not trying to destroy America simply because he wants utter destruction and devastation to be the only outcome. You see, mere destruction isn't his end goal as those on the right fear. In his left-wing ideology, he thinks after America’s fall he and his left-wing comrades will be building a new and better U.S.A. Where real Americans see destruction and the end of everything, the leftists see a re-birth to a better and, in their eyes, more moral America. He and his left-wing friends see the U.S. as a Phoenix rising from the ashes of the bad old days.

Herein lies the problem. Where conservatives see only the end, liberals see the end and then a brand new beginning. Certainly the liberals are completely wrong in their contention that what they are doing will bring a glorious re-birth, but the truth is that they certainly don't think that they are ending the U.S. on a permanent basis nor is it their intention. Liberals are not in the game to be "evil." They think they are doing what is right.

Liberals think that the U.S. is arrogant and needs to be taken down a notch or three. Liberals think that U.S. history is filled with nothing but evil and any attacks on the U.S. are richly deserved. Liberals think that the U.S. was founded by evil, selfish, hateful white men who were only interested in their own power and didn’t want to empower others. So, liberals want the founder’s memory eviscerated. Liberals think that our capitalist system needs to be eliminated. In short, liberals value nothing about the U.S. except its tradition of self-actuation, liberty, and its freedom to re-make itself and they want to use that capacity to erase everything that makes the U.S.A. the U.S.A. Once that is done they want to build a U.S. to their own liking using the very freedoms they used to lay her low.
Does Obama Want To Destroy America? Yes, But? - Conservative Crusader
....Until I read this ^

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