Paul Ryan Out in 2016

It's just not his time. I think it's Scott Walkers time. And I will always be pushing for Suzana Martinez as Vice President. She will bring a lot of excitement to the ticket! and take back some crucial states that Romney lost in 2012.

Oh yeah. It's Walker time! He's got it in the bag.

Excitement? What excitement will Martinez bring?
If there is going to be a candidate that will carry the Hispanic vote to GOP victory, it's Suzanna Martinez, she is on the list of possible candidates, but it's also not her time yet, she is well loved&respected by conservatives and hopefully republicans. GOP needs to take the Hispanic vote in all of those purple states they lost in 2012.

Oh!! She's exciting because......well......because! I see it now.
It's just not his time. I think it's Scott Walkers time. And I will always be pushing for Suzana Martinez as Vice President. She will bring a lot of excitement to the ticket! and take back some crucial states that Romney lost in 2012.

Oh yeah. It's Walker time! He's got it in the bag.

Excitement? What excitement will Martinez bring?
If there is going to be a candidate that will carry the Hispanic vote to GOP victory, it's Suzanna Martinez, she is on the list of possible candidates, but it's also not her time yet, she is well loved&respected by conservatives and hopefully republicans. GOP needs to take the Hispanic vote in all of those purple states they lost in 2012.

Jeb speaks Spanish fluently and has a Hispanic wife and children.
Jeb Bush is not electable, I just can't see him take out Walker,Cruz,Paul,Romney and the rest of the heavyweights. does anyone really believe these polls already having Jebb ahead? where did they take the polls? In Blue States?
Jeb Bush is not electable, I just can't see him take out Walker,Cruz,Paul,Romney and the rest of the heavyweights. does anyone really believe these polls already having Jebb ahead? where did they take the polls? In Blue States?


Yer a hoot!

Says the far left drone that believes they had a choice in 2008 in the DNC primaries..
Jeb Bush is not electable, I just can't see him take out Walker,Cruz,Paul,Romney and the rest of the heavyweights. does anyone really believe these polls already having Jebb ahead? where did they take the polls? In Blue States?

If the far left allow Hilary to run for president then Jeb Bush might be the better choice.

Romney should just stay out of it.
Jeb Bush is not electable, I just can't see him take out Walker,Cruz,Paul,Romney and the rest of the heavyweights. does anyone really believe these polls already having Jebb ahead? where did they take the polls? In Blue States?

Jeb is the favorite GOP establishment candidate and he just knocked Christie out of the race for good. Cruz, Walker and Paul are the extreme right favorites and we will see them tearing each other apart at the Political Hunger Games next year.

Ultimately Jeb will be the 2016 candidate because he brings in the money and whomever is left standing on the extreme right will get the runner up slot on the ticket. My money is on Rand Paul.
Jeb Bush is not electable, I just can't see him take out Walker,Cruz,Paul,Romney and the rest of the heavyweights. does anyone really believe these polls already having Jebb ahead? where did they take the polls? In Blue States?

Jeb is the favorite GOP establishment candidate and he just knocked Christie out of the race for good. Cruz, Walker and Paul are the extreme right favorites and we will see them tearing each other apart at the Political Hunger Games next year.

Ultimately Jeb will be the 2016 candidate because he brings in the money and whomever is left standing on the extreme right will get the runner up slot on the ticket. My money is on Rand Paul.

And see how the far left propaganda is used in this post.
i dont see how money is the factor in the next race. Bush was a great Governor, but I just don't see him as a great President, I would only push for Bush if all of the other favorites decided not to run. Just wait until the Iowa Corkus(lol). assuming they all run, I think Bush will wind up in 5th or 6th place.
Cross Ryan off the list of 2016 hopefuls.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will not run for president in 2016, NBC News reports.

"I have decided that I am not going to run for president in 2016," Ryan told NBC, saying he made his decision "weeks ago."

"It is amazing the amount of encouragement I have gotten from people - from friends and supporters - but I feel like I am in a position to make a big difference where I am and I want to do that," Ryan said.

Paul Ryan Won t Run For President In 2016

I seem to recall a junior senator from Illinois making the same claim once upon a time...
Lets see, Ted Cruz is from Pluto, Scott Walker enjoys grabbing women by the hair, and Chris Christie could collapse a VIP Box at any football games.

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