Paul Ryan Out in 2016

Looks like you won't have Eddie Munster to kick around anymore
Looks like you won't have Eddie Munster to kick around anymore

And the far left checks in to show that they hate anything and anyone that is not far left..

Of course it does not matter to them how will be the GOP nominee as they will only vote far left in every election, just like their masters want them to do.
Well for now I consider Cruz and Walker the heavyweights. then maybe Romney.

Walker may not be a heavyweight in 2016. Wisconsin is facing a $1.8 billion shortfall according to the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau. He's going to have to do one hell of a lot of cutting of state programs and forget the tax cuts he promised during the 2014 campaign.
Not surprising. When was the last time a house member was successful at running for president? And with Romney entertaining thoughts...
I'm not surprised at all. I'm never sure if I like or am indifferent towards Ryan, but I really didn't see him running in 2016 with how crowded the field looking.
Well for now I consider Cruz and Walker the heavyweights. then maybe Romney.

Walker may not be a heavyweight in 2016. Wisconsin is facing a $1.8 billion shortfall according to the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau. He's going to have to do one hell of a lot of cutting of state programs and forget the tax cuts he promised during the 2014 campaign.

Brownback would make the perfect running mate then ...

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Well for now I consider Cruz and Walker the heavyweights. then maybe Romney.

Walker may not be a heavyweight in 2016. Wisconsin is facing a $1.8 billion shortfall according to the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau. He's going to have to do one hell of a lot of cutting of state programs and forget the tax cuts he promised during the 2014 campaign.

Brownback would make the perfect running mate then ...

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Well certainly NOt the BROKE ONE that charges $200K for a fucking speech!!!!
Its not as though he has to work for a living.

He's got a cushy thing going. He's feeding at the public trough for life with no chance of being voted out.

So are the Clinton's...your point?

Which Clinton is serving in congress and protected by gerrymandering?

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Well certainly NOT the BROKE ONE that charges $200K for a fucking speech!!!!

Well for now I consider Cruz and Walker the heavyweights. then maybe Romney.

Walker may not be a heavyweight in 2016. Wisconsin is facing a $1.8 billion shortfall according to the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau. He's going to have to do one hell of a lot of cutting of state programs and forget the tax cuts he promised during the 2014 campaign.

Wrong again far left drone..

It is a projection, but I guess the far left sees it as truth. Words like might, could be, pretty sure, tec. means that things are that way.

Considering that the gap was 3.6 Billion in 2011, 1.8 Billion is much better.

However the far left do all it can to spin such things.
Cross Ryan off the list of 2016 hopefuls.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will not run for president in 2016, NBC News reports.

"I have decided that I am not going to run for president in 2016," Ryan told NBC, saying he made his decision "weeks ago."

"It is amazing the amount of encouragement I have gotten from people - from friends and supporters - but I feel like I am in a position to make a big difference where I am and I want to do that," Ryan said.

Paul Ryan Won t Run For President In 2016
never had him on one.

btw, why doesn't he announce he will not run for office period? :lol:
Well for now I consider Cruz and Walker the heavyweights. then maybe Romney.

Walker may not be a heavyweight in 2016. Wisconsin is facing a $1.8 billion shortfall according to the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau. He's going to have to do one hell of a lot of cutting of state programs and forget the tax cuts he promised during the 2014 campaign.

Wrong again far left drone..

It is a projection, but I guess the far left sees it as truth. Words like might, could be, pretty sure, tec. means that things are that way.

Considering that the gap was 3.6 Billion in 2011, 1.8 Billion is much better.

However the far left do all it can to spin such things.

Kosh, you're such a loser and on top of that, you're just not too smart either.
Please note that did I use the term "shortfall," If I was trying to be deceiving I could of used the term "deficit".
The Legislative Fiscal Bureau is a non-partisan entity used by both Republican and Democrats, much like the CBO at the federal level. What they used are the projected revenues and the current budget that is set for future fiscal years. It shows they have too little coming in and too much going out.
As I did mention in my post, they will have to slash state programs and state departments. Also, in order not to have a shortfall, they will probably not be able to give out tax breaks as $1.8 billion is quite a bit of their budget.
It's just the facts by an agency that has been a resource board for all Wisconsin governing administrations so they can plan their approach to running the state.
How the Walker administration approaches the next two years will define whether Walker is a heavyweight or not.
I will point out, that when Walker started his term he faced a $3.6 billion shortfall and he did turn it into a positive by cutting back spending. However, it's clear that he needs to make more cutbacks.
Now let's compare what happened in my state, Minnesota. Minnesota's current governor (Mark Dayton) took office at the same time as Walker took office. He too faced a projected deficit but it was much more, it was $6.2 billion, plus $2.8 billion owed to the state's schools. Instead of giving tax cuts, he raised taxes on the wealthy and at the same time made cuts. Minnesota has a $2.8 billion surplus and there were tax cuts last year and more tax cuts coming this year. Minnesota's unemployment rate is the third lowest in the country at 3.7%, Wisconsin's unemployment rate is at 5.2%. Minnesota's economy is booming and Wisconsin's economy has been slowly recovering. Mark Dayton credits both parties that worked together, in Wisconsin the same thing can't be said.
Finally, you keep on calling me a "far left drone" (but then you call everyone who is to the left to you a "far left drone"). Please explain why this "far left drone" has not only voted for Democrats but also Republicans. When I voted for Obama in 2008, it was the first time I voted for a Democrat for president and I started voting in 1982. In 2012, I didn't vote for Obama and wrote-in Jon Huntsman for president. Every year I have lived in Minnesota, I have voted for Republicans to represent me in the US House and the State House and Senate (they have been moderate Republicans). I will admit, I have split my votes when it has come to the US Senate. So, in the end I am not a "far left drone", I am what I say I am, a moderate and a Independent.
The "drone" here is YOU!

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