Paul Ryan (R) attempts poker face during SOTU speech

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Makes me miss Boehner (R)

Paul Ryan’s SOTU ‘poker face’ mocked on Twitter
“I probably should practice in the mirror,” Ryan, who was elected as speaker in October, said Monday on MSNBC. “I need to get the whole poker-face thing down. I need to be real stoic.”
He wasn’t kidding.
Ryan’s face during Obama’s speech became a topic of conversation on Twitter, where many noted the Wisconsin Republican’s expressionless, often pained stare.

Taegan Goddard on Twitter

Quinn Sutherland on Twitter

The Onion on Twitter

Thangod this guy isn't in the Repub Primary
My wife (who hates and doesn't follow politics)mentioned that someone needs to tell him not to tilt his head to the side...made him look like a puppy waiting for a treat.
Needs to soak his brain in 1.75 Liter bottles of Wild Turkey every few days. Combine with long rounds out in the sun (GOLF) to get that good Orange glow going. Veggin' out is easier.
The President was right here especially about that leech - Ryan (R) who has NEVER worked in the private sector (life-long, Washington-insider :thup:

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It was a ingenious speech...he found new ways to explain his disasterous reign. AUMF, technology, China, transgender adjustments. It was a four part fable...with a list of fairy tale fixes at the end of each chapter.
Paul Ryan hired a chamber of commerce lobbyist as his chief of staff.
CoC supports amnesty, Ocare and other various forms of regression and totalitarianism
This is why the GOP does NOTHING to improve our country. Or even act like they give a fuck about immigration.
Fuck Ryabama
"Makes me miss Boehner"
Twat, don't act like you ever miss a good boner!
the Republican party is soooo divided nobody but a total idiot can supprot them.
the Republican party is soooo divided nobody but a total idiot can supprot them.
But you are 'supproting' corrupt cankles. What does that make YOU?
I have more respect for dottie. That's fuckin pathetic
Forget his face...he did not clap, he did not stand. A clear "fuck you" to Obabble. Well done.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff not standing at the end while everyone else applauded spoke volumes, talk about stone faces
Forget his face...he did not clap, he did not stand. A clear "fuck you" to Obabble. Well done.
That's just sotu protocol. The opposing party never claps or stands. Didn't you notice this in past addresses? No Democrat clapped or stood for Bush. Did you think he just deserved it?

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