Paul Ryan recently "discovered' the meaning of insurance

Its rather amazing how a "leader" within our legislative branch can rise within the political sphere and yet BE SO DAMN DUMB.....

Here's what Ryan stated:

“The whole idea of Obamacare is … the people who are healthy pay for the people who are sick."

Lets then compare health care insurance to car insurance......If car insurance companies were to ONLY pay out those who get into car wrecks and NOT collect from those who were not in car wrecks.....they go broke in a day.

The meaning of car insurance is to collect premiums and place those premiums in a large pool and YES, allow safer driver to pay out for those who do get into car wrecks......Basically, Paul Ryan is an idiot out of his depth and reality.

Using legalized extortion to play Robin Hood… That's what Obama care is
Wrong, you only have to have car insurance to drive on public roads. You can drive your car all over your own property without insurance.

here's a fucking right wingers openly admitting that PUBLIC ROADS were built by a socialized government system.......I LOVE IT !!!

How did you get that out of that post?

That liberal dumb ass flunked history, many roads we drive on today were built by private individuals and companies with private money and were in fact toll roads. Build a road and charge people to drive on it, capitalism at its finest. Government didn't build this country, private individuals and companies built this country with their own money.
Obamacare is nothing but a government handout entitlement, the entire thing was structured to take money from people who work and gift it to losers in exchange for their voting Dem.

"Brilliant"......So all those coal miners in KY and WV who FINALLY got health insurance for their black lung disease ALL voted democrat?....Who the fuck knew?..............LOL
Its rather amazing how a "leader" within our legislative branch can rise within the political sphere and yet BE SO DAMN DUMB.....

Here's what Ryan stated:

“The whole idea of Obamacare is … the people who are healthy pay for the people who are sick."

Lets then compare health care insurance to car insurance......If car insurance companies were to ONLY pay out those who get into car wrecks and NOT collect from those who were not in car wrecks.....they go broke in a day.

The meaning of car insurance is to collect premiums and place those premiums in a large pool and YES, allow safer driver to pay out for those who do get into car wrecks......Basically, Paul Ryan is an idiot out of his depth and reality.


Selfishly, I want for republicans to repeal the ACA.....It will be the rope that republicans have pushed for to HANG themselves in 2018. It may be the first time in about 30 years since WV voted democrat.
Its rather amazing how a "leader" within our legislative branch can rise within the political sphere and yet BE SO DAMN DUMB.....

Here's what Ryan stated:

“The whole idea of Obamacare is … the people who are healthy pay for the people who are sick."

Lets then compare health care insurance to car insurance......If car insurance companies were to ONLY pay out those who get into car wrecks and NOT collect from those who were not in car wrecks.....they go broke in a day.

The meaning of car insurance is to collect premiums and place those premiums in a large pool and YES, allow safer driver to pay out for those who do get into car wrecks......Basically, Paul Ryan is an idiot out of his depth and reality.


Selfishly, I want for republicans to repeal the ACA.....It will be the rope that republicans have pushed for to HANG themselves in 2018. It may be the first time in about 30 years since WV voted democrat.
There is nothing affordable about the affordable care act, that's why they call it Obamacare
What Ryan ULTIMATELY wants is to privatize Medicare...Give a voucher to those 95 years old in nursing homes and let them "shop around" for continued care.....I mean, what could possibly go wrong for them?
What Ryan ULTIMATELY wants is to privatize Medicare...Give a voucher to those 95 years old in nursing homes and let them "shop around" for continued care.....I mean, what could possibly go wrong for them?
Anytime the federal government is involved it fucks everything up… Fact
Obamacare is nothing but a government handout entitlement, the entire thing was structured to take money from people who work and gift it to losers in exchange for their voting Dem.

"Brilliant"......So all those coal miners in KY and WV who FINALLY got health insurance for their black lung disease ALL voted democrat?....Who the fuck knew?..............LOL

Yes yes your 'funny' trolling is noted lib, it doesn't take much to amuse your simpleton mind does it. :blahblah:
Its rather amazing how a "leader" within our legislative branch can rise within the political sphere and yet BE SO DAMN DUMB.....

Here's what Ryan stated:

“The whole idea of Obamacare is … the people who are healthy pay for the people who are sick."

Lets then compare health care insurance to car insurance......If car insurance companies were to ONLY pay out those who get into car wrecks and NOT collect from those who were not in car wrecks.....they go broke in a day.

The meaning of car insurance is to collect premiums and place those premiums in a large pool and YES, allow safer driver to pay out for those who do get into car wrecks......Basically, Paul Ryan is an idiot out of his depth and reality.

The idea of insurance is suppose to be that people buy the insurance before they get sick. Then if they have medical cost, the insurance pays.

You don't buy auto insurance after you wreck it and expect the insurance company to pay. If you try to work it that way, you may get arrested for insurance fraud.

That's the problem with expecting health insurance to cover pre-existing conditions. That's not how insurance works.
That's the problem with expecting health insurance to cover pre-existing conditions. That's not how insurance works.

You're "right".......We should just shoot them after they've become sick...Perhaps the NAR can appoint some of you sick bastards to do the chore.

NO OTHER COUNTRY on the planet treats its citizens so poorly when it comes to health care.....No one wants to talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to HC costs.....

Hospitals were NOT meant to profit to the tune of billions per year....and Big Pharma was not meant to charge $1,000 per pill.
That's the problem with expecting health insurance to cover pre-existing conditions. That's not how insurance works.

You're "right".......We should just shoot them after they've become sick...Perhaps the NAR can appoint some of you sick bastards to do the chore.

NO OTHER COUNTRY on the planet treats its citizens so poorly when it comes to health care.....No one wants to talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to HC costs.....

Hospitals were NOT meant to profit to the tune of billions per year....and Big Pharma was not meant to charge $1,000 per pill.

So work to change it.

You still refuse to identify the basic problem....but you are pretty stupid.

So I guess it's expected.

I really don't care about any other country. I care about the U.S.
What Ryan ULTIMATELY wants is to privatize Medicare...Give a voucher to those 95 years old in nursing homes and let them "shop around" for continued care.....I mean, what could possibly go wrong for them?
Anytime the federal government is involved it fucks everything up… Fact

Except when it comes to picking who can enter the country. When it comes to deciding who can become citizens. Then suddenly the government becomes genius. You rightwingers suffer from so much cognitive dissonance you don't even know which way is up and which way is down.

So let's have the government mandate that everyone has to buy car insurance also so the cost of my car insurance goes down.

There must be millions of people who don't have car insurance and it only makes sense that they should contribute.



The government already does that. If you have a car, in most states, you have to have car insurance. If you have a health, the government should make you have health insurance.

Sigh. True dat. But in CA reportedly over 25% are un-insured, but drivin anyways.
They charge the others "un-insured" motorist protection.....about 1/3 of total insurance cost?

Mexicans just drive. They don't need insurance. White dopers, ex-cons and of course almost 100% of ghetto is driving un-insured.

How do uninsured drivers get plates? You can't get a license plate in Canada without proof of insurance. Plates are renewed each year on your birthday and you can't get a renewal without again showing proof of insurance.
That's the problem with expecting health insurance to cover pre-existing conditions. That's not how insurance works.

You're "right".......We should just shoot them after they've become sick...Perhaps the NAR can appoint some of you sick bastards to do the chore.

NO OTHER COUNTRY on the planet treats its citizens so poorly when it comes to health care.....No one wants to talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to HC costs.....

Hospitals were NOT meant to profit to the tune of billions per year....and Big Pharma was not meant to charge $1,000 per pill.


Then demand that the health insurance industry be nationalized and everyone receive the same care without having to purchase insurance. I'm sure those doctors and nurses will appreciate being put on the military/government pay scale of earning.

See! A simple solution that works out for everyone because everyone will be covered for health care.



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