Payback! Barr assigns prosecuter!

a doj special counsel simply doesn't have the authority. that would take a Congressional special counsel who can even count blow jobs.
And yet Robert Mueller could find no evidence of collusion according to his own report. Mueller finds no proof of Trump collusion with Russia; AG Barr says evidence ‘not sufficient’ to prosecute

Everyone seems to realize this but you.
Collusion was already proven. The conspiracy was not. Two different things.
Actually, they caught a Trump advisor when they wire tapped a fucking Russian.

Manafort & Flynn, both questionable people with Russian ties.

Trump lies about contacts with Russians & his business in Russia.

Secret Trump Tower meeting with the Russians.

THAT is how it started.
And yet Captain America Mueller could find zero evidence of collusion. You must be in such pain.
where does it say that?
He's a liar. It doesn't.
You made that up.

A State Department employee interviewed Steele long before his garbage was used to illegally spy on a Presidential campaign, and with about 2 minutes research on a key Steele claim was able to conclusively show that a key claim of Steele's was am obvious fabrication.

No mention of Steele’s State Department interview was made to the FISA court. In fact, the court was informed that the only government agency to which Steele had provided information was the FBI (here, page 23). The State Department interview was withheld out of fear that wounds to Steele’s credibility would doom the “VERIFIED APPLICATION.”

Steele identified two of his sources for Kavalec: Russia’s former spy chief Vyacheslav Trubnikov and top Kremlin adviser Vladislav Surkov. This underscores the possibility that Steele was duped, and that the dossier is a Russian disinformation operation that U.S. intelligence agencies fell for. And there’s more: Trubnikov has intriguing ties to Stefan Halper, whom the FBI used as a confidential informant to approach Trump campaign figures Page, George Papadopoulos, and Sam Clovis.

Oh, and did I mention that Steele himself did private-eye work for Oleg Deripaska, the aluminum oligarch known to be a close Putin confidant? And wouldn’t you know it: Steele was also pushing his U.S. government contacts — such as Justice Department official Bruce Ohr — to accommodate Deripaska’s desire to travel to the U.S. The idea was that Deripaska could be a valuable informant. Evidently, the FBI lost interest when Deripaska told agents that Steele’s Trump-Russia conspiracy theory was preposterous.
On its face, the Dossier and the FISA were already hashed out...
The hell they are.
  1. How did the Obama Administration come to the decision to spy on a Presidential campaign?
  1. That was never proven that Obama spied on the campaign. You are a liar. Show us the proof.
    [*]How did unverified slime purchased by Hillary, come to be in spying applications, with Hillary's involvement concealed?
    The applications came way before if you recall? Spying on Page came long before.
    [*]How did multiple FISA Judges repeatedly rubber-stamp this ridiculousness?
    Nothing ridiculous about spying on Russia and its associates.
There is much more to be known.
Well now, that's the thing isn't it? Barr said he had questions about the FBI spying, and then tweeted that they were spying. So which lie by barr are you going to choose?
  1. Should the entire FISA system be trashed?
  1. Why? It's the job of the FBI to do intelligence work on foreign governments.
    [*]How are Judges to be disciplined who do not jealously guard our Civil Right protections against illegal government spying?
    No one has established proof that they need to be disciplined. Show us the proof where they do, then get back to us.
... And when Barr made the fatal mistake of saying he had questions about spying, then tweeted that spying occurred...
Spying did occur. Just because the Left suddenly broke out the Thesaurus doesn't change that reality.
It did? So, you are using Barr's second lie. Got it.
... Barr himself is lying again, taking any credibility he had for furthering the FISA investigation. No one is taking Barr serious...
Fail to take him seriously at your own peril. His ability to prove facts, bring charges and deliver courtroom quality evidence is not dependent on your assent.
Believe me Sling Blade, when this idiot Barr can't get out from under his own lies by (1), asking the question about the FBI spying, then (2), tweeting that they are spying, no one has to worry about Bill Barr and his demonstrably idiotic cases for spying, proving to the American people that he just made up two different versions for spying. Barr is a water boy for Trump after he made that gigantic mistake, and now he just proved it. How damn stupid is Barr anyway? He's definitely not too bright.
We will see who is smarter once we get the results in from the investigations into the Obama Administrations illegal use of government spying on the Trump Campaign.

I notice the NYT broke out the thesaurus to try to avoid the use of the word "spy", they used "cloaked investigator" and you wonder why folks laugh at you?
LoL. What was that classic line Comey used? The FBI does not SPY. It just conducts surveillance without people's knowledge.
And? What about it?
THe FBI said it wasn't fake, and none of these lying Republicans who support this criminal, have yet to prove it is fake. Including you. You lose again. Why do you insist on being made into a Sheep for Trump?
You see that's where your stupidity kicks in.
Really? And my argument up against your non-argument is my stupidity? Lol! Okay boss! Keep drinking that Trump sewage and see where it leads you.
Trump was illegally investigated for two years and they obvously came up with nothing? Yet you still are yapping about nothing? Yes, you're stupid.
What is the illegal statute?
Trump was illegally spied on.
Was Trump spied on? Really?

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Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry

Ask me how big a smile broke out on my face a few minutes ago?:113::113:

So great.....long time coming. Political eye poking is such a hoot to watch!

Too bad the NYT plays these sorts of games, but the news is good! Shit will be hitting the fan!

View attachment 260767
Games? You mean capitalism? :lmao:

Regardless of your lack of access, this should be interesting.
You see that's where your stupidity kicks in.
Really? And my argument up against your non-argument is my stupidity? Lol! Okay boss! Keep drinking that Trump sewage and see where it leads you.
Trump was illegally investigated for two years and they obvously came up with nothing? Yet you still are yapping about nothing? Yes, you're stupid.
What is the illegal statute?
Trump was illegally spied on.
Was Trump spied on? Really?

I've been asking, and he and the rest of the cultists keep lying about it proving nothing. They're all a bunch of liars.
Wait a minute, you acknowledge Barr lied, and you still support Barr? You're as corrupt as he is then when you only go after the opposing side for other people you think committed crimes. You just proved to us that you only swing on one side of the fence, and that your loyalty is with party, and honesty can go to hell. Got it.
I haven't admitted to anything, Clinton lied and you gave him a pass. So therefore you have zero credibility.
How do you know I gave Clinton a pass? Did I say I did? No! So you made up a lie about that. Why do you lie so much?
You're a liberal, you will do as you're told. Silly!
I fail to see what being Liberal has to do with what is factually accurate? Being a coward by attacking a person over your own failed argument is for losers, and you keep proving to this forum you are one. Keep posting these coward posts of yours. It doesn't affect me. Just you.
So tell me, did you really care that Clinton lied under oath. What did you think about his impeachment?

Lying under oath about sex.... that is way worse that colluding with the Russians to throw an election.
Silly immature Trump Toads. What a waste of clean air.

You are so crazy [emoji12]. You probably voted for Hillary. You’re tard party spent over 40 million dollars and had the best legal minds in the country trying to get something on Donnie. It didn’t work, and you just can’t admit that the dossier was fake, and are criminals. It’s all going to be revealed soon. It’s going to take a lot less than two years. The you’re going to see some people go to jail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
THe FBI said it wasn't fake, and none of these lying Republicans who support this criminal, have yet to prove it is fake. Including you. You lose again. Why do you insist on being made into a Sheep for Trump?
You see that's where your stupidity kicks in.
Really? And my argument up against your non-argument is my stupidity? Lol! Okay boss! Keep drinking that Trump sewage and see where it leads you.
Trump was illegally investigated for two years and they obvously came up with nothing? Yet you still are yapping about nothing? Yes, you're stupid.
Nothing? Obstruction?
I haven't admitted to anything, Clinton lied and you gave him a pass. So therefore you have zero credibility.
How do you know I gave Clinton a pass? Did I say I did? No! So you made up a lie about that. Why do you lie so much?
You're a liberal, you will do as you're told. Silly!
I fail to see what being Liberal has to do with what is factually accurate? Being a coward by attacking a person over your own failed argument is for losers, and you keep proving to this forum you are one. Keep posting these coward posts of yours. It doesn't affect me. Just you.
So tell me, did you really care that Clinton lied under oath. What did you think about his impeachment?

Lying under oath about sex.... that is way worse that colluding with the Russians to throw an election.
Which makes it an illegal election.
Silly immature Trump Toads. What a waste of clean air.

You are so crazy [emoji12]. You probably voted for Hillary. You’re tard party spent over 40 million dollars and had the best legal minds in the country trying to get something on Donnie. It didn’t work, and you just can’t admit that the dossier was fake, and are criminals. It’s all going to be revealed soon. It’s going to take a lot less than two years. The you’re going to see some people go to jail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
THe FBI said it wasn't fake, and none of these lying Republicans who support this criminal, have yet to prove it is fake. Including you. You lose again. Why do you insist on being made into a Sheep for Trump?
You see that's where your stupidity kicks in.
Really? And my argument up against your non-argument is my stupidity? Lol! Okay boss! Keep drinking that Trump sewage and see where it leads you.
Trump was illegally investigated for two years and they obvously came up with nothing? Yet you still are yapping about nothing? Yes, you're stupid.
You mean Trump illegally had is DOJ illegally get a special prosecutor who illegally investigated Trump?
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When you support and fight with and for a criminal, the stupid things become you.
Trump did nothing wrong, but proof is coming out just how corrupt the Obama administration was.
We'll, you can say that from now on, and the facts tell us different. You can lie all day, which is what you've been doing., and reality will send you a bill.
Smiley faces won't help you either.
We have been hearing you loons post things on here daily for over two years how Trump colluded. Then it came out it was all bullshit. You still won't shut up about it. It's over, get over it. Now it's time to find out who started this lie to begin with and prosecute them. Maybe you should get a life other than thinking about Trump 24/7.
Because you are lying, and it's not bs. Stop lying.
You see that's where your stupidity kicks in.
Really? And my argument up against your non-argument is my stupidity? Lol! Okay boss! Keep drinking that Trump sewage and see where it leads you.
Trump was illegally investigated for two years and they obvously came up with nothing? Yet you still are yapping about nothing? Yes, you're stupid.
What is the illegal statute?
Trump was illegally spied on.
Was Trump spied on? Really?

Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
When you support and fight with and for a criminal, the stupid things become you.
Trump did nothing wrong, but proof is coming out just how corrupt the Obama administration was.
We'll, you can say that from now on, and the facts tell us different. You can lie all day, which is what you've been doing., and reality will send you a bill.
Smiley faces won't help you either.
We have been hearing you loons post things on here daily for over two years how Trump colluded. Then it came out it was all bullshit. You still won't shut up about it. It's over, get over it. Now it's time to find out who started this lie to begin with and prosecute them. Maybe you should get a life other than thinking about Trump 24/7.
Because you are lying, and it's not bs. Stop lying.
It's on tape, you can look and hear it.
I haven't admitted to anything, Clinton lied and you gave him a pass. So therefore you have zero credibility.
How do you know I gave Clinton a pass? Did I say I did? No! So you made up a lie about that. Why do you lie so much?
You're a liberal, you will do as you're told. Silly!
I fail to see what being Liberal has to do with what is factually accurate? Being a coward by attacking a person over your own failed argument is for losers, and you keep proving to this forum you are one. Keep posting these coward posts of yours. It doesn't affect me. Just you.
So tell me, did you really care that Clinton lied under oath. What did you think about his impeachment?

Lying under oath about sex.... that is way worse that colluding with the Russians to throw an election.
Did he not lie under oath? That is against the law, is it not? Anyway he was a lawyer, he of all people should've known better.
Trump did nothing wrong, but proof is coming out just how corrupt the Obama administration was.
We'll, you can say that from now on, and the facts tell us different. You can lie all day, which is what you've been doing., and reality will send you a bill.
Smiley faces won't help you either.
We have been hearing you loons post things on here daily for over two years how Trump colluded. Then it came out it was all bullshit. You still won't shut up about it. It's over, get over it. Now it's time to find out who started this lie to begin with and prosecute them. Maybe you should get a life other than thinking about Trump 24/7.
Because you are lying, and it's not bs. Stop lying.
It's on tape, you can look and hear it.

"On tape?" What tape and who are you talking about? Barr? Barr has already been proven a liar.
I don't understand why liberals are so up in arms about this. After all, if nobody did anything wrong, why would they be against an investigation? That's the line they shoved down conservatives throats for 2 years during the waste-of-time Mueller probe when republicans would say that Trump did nothing wrong. Then liberals would come back with "Then why not let Mueller finish his job?" Well, they did, and Mueller came up with a big fat gooseegg.

Now the shoe is on the other foot.
just the right wing being political.

why is Your guy so friendly with the Russians, over our own people?

On its face, the Dossier and the FISA were already hashed out...
The hell they are.
  1. How did the Obama Administration come to the decision to spy on a Presidential campaign?
  1. That was never proven that Obama spied on the campaign. You are a liar. Show us the proof.
    [*]How did unverified slime purchased by Hillary, come to be in spying applications, with Hillary's involvement concealed?
    The applications came way before if you recall? Spying on Page came long before.
    [*]How did multiple FISA Judges repeatedly rubber-stamp this ridiculousness?
    Nothing ridiculous about spying on Russia and its associates.
There is much more to be known.
Well now, that's the thing isn't it? Barr said he had questions about the FBI spying, and then tweeted that they were spying. So which lie by barr are you going to choose?
  1. Should the entire FISA system be trashed?
  1. Why? It's the job of the FBI to do intelligence work on foreign governments.
    [*]How are Judges to be disciplined who do not jealously guard our Civil Right protections against illegal government spying?
    No one has established proof that they need to be disciplined. Show us the proof where they do, then get back to us.
... And when Barr made the fatal mistake of saying he had questions about spying, then tweeted that spying occurred...
Spying did occur. Just because the Left suddenly broke out the Thesaurus doesn't change that reality.
It did? So, you are using Barr's second lie. Got it.
... Barr himself is lying again, taking any credibility he had for furthering the FISA investigation. No one is taking Barr serious...
Fail to take him seriously at your own peril. His ability to prove facts, bring charges and deliver courtroom quality evidence is not dependent on your assent.
Believe me Sling Blade, when this idiot Barr can't get out from under his own lies by (1), asking the question about the FBI spying, then (2), tweeting that they are spying, no one has to worry about Bill Barr and his demonstrably idiotic cases for spying, proving to the American people that he just made up two different versions for spying. Barr is a water boy for Trump after he made that gigantic mistake, and now he just proved it. How damn stupid is Barr anyway? He's definitely not too bright.
We will see who is smarter once we get the results in from the investigations into the Obama Administrations illegal use of government spying on the Trump Campaign.

I notice the NYT broke out the thesaurus to try to avoid the use of the word "spy", they used "cloaked investigator" and you wonder why folks laugh at you?
LoL. What was that classic line Comey used? The FBI does not SPY. It just conducts surveillance without people's knowledge.
the right wing would have us believe that government organization was being frivolous. y'all need to resort to the fewest fallacies to have Any hope of convincing some of us.
I have no duty to convince you of anything. Barr's investigators will follow the facts, indict where the evidence justifies, recommend where administrative reprimand is warranted and provide the information necessary to determine policy changes as necessary.
I haven't admitted to anything, Clinton lied and you gave him a pass. So therefore you have zero credibility.
How do you know I gave Clinton a pass? Did I say I did? No! So you made up a lie about that. Why do you lie so much?
You're a liberal, you will do as you're told. Silly!
I fail to see what being Liberal has to do with what is factually accurate? Being a coward by attacking a person over your own failed argument is for losers, and you keep proving to this forum you are one. Keep posting these coward posts of yours. It doesn't affect me. Just you.
So tell me, did you really care that Clinton lied under oath. What did you think about his impeachment?

Lying under oath about sex.... that is way worse that colluding with the Russians to throw an election.

Lying [emoji1781]? The hoooo involved here, had to pay his legal fees. [emoji1787] Don’t like him, vote creepy joe or farty Bernie.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We'll, you can say that from now on, and the facts tell us different. You can lie all day, which is what you've been doing., and reality will send you a bill.
Smiley faces won't help you either.
We have been hearing you loons post things on here daily for over two years how Trump colluded. Then it came out it was all bullshit. You still won't shut up about it. It's over, get over it. Now it's time to find out who started this lie to begin with and prosecute them. Maybe you should get a life other than thinking about Trump 24/7.
Because you are lying, and it's not bs. Stop lying.
It's on tape, you can look and hear it.

"On tape?" What tape and who are you talking about? Barr? Barr has already been proven a liar.
On tape Obama saying to Putin to wait till after the election. So he could work with him better. What a traitor.

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