Payback! Barr assigns prosecuter!

Because you are lying, and it's not bs. Stop lying.
It's on tape, you can look and hear it.

"On tape?" What tape and who are you talking about? Barr? Barr has already been proven a liar.
On tape Obama saying to Putin to wait till after the election. So he could work with him better. What a traitor.
First, stupid assfuck, Obama did not say that to Putin.

Second, he did not mean he was going to have secret one on one meetings with the Russian leader like your assfuck buddy Trump did. What did Trump discuss with Putin that he did not want anyone to know?????
What did Obama mean then? I mean I heard what he said.
If you had bothered to read about it, you would know what was being discussed, you would know they were talking about a nuclear arms treaty. Negotiations that were in the open.

You have no clue what Trump & Putin discussed in that 1on1 meeting., Maybe Trump was begging for election help again, Trying to get his Moscow Trump Tower back on track, Ask Vlad what he could do for him/.

You don't know.

rump has lied about communications with Russians, his business in Russia & you don't care.
Trump was illegally spied on.
Was Trump spied on? Really?

Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.

So you are claiming Obama wire tapped Trump's phone?

Even you range buddf has backed off that claim.
We will find out.
What is the illegal statute?
Trump was illegally spied on.
Was Trump spied on? Really?

Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.
There's no evidence Trump's phones were wiretapped.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Trump was illegally spied on.
Was Trump spied on? Really?

Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.
There's no evidence Trump's phones were wiretapped.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
You are a left wing secular Jewish person. And you never lie!
Was Trump spied on? Really?

Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.
There's no evidence Trump's phones were wiretapped.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
You are a left wing secular Jewish person. And you never lie!
Feel free to post a lie you think I've told....
Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.
There's no evidence Trump's phones were wiretapped.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
You are a left wing secular Jewish person. And you never lie!
Feel free to post a lie you think I've told....
I am not into that stuff. I had my books and notes at one time. And it serves a purpose. Your purpose is pure Prog agendas. Mine are agendas that make us all better. You have more opinions that are leaning towards favoring pedo relationships then hetero marriages with children. Agendas over the decades have proven that. Even I can see there is something wrong with that. You have succeeded in your goals. Now back off and accept the failures in parts of it and let the system correct it while we still have resources to do so.
Was Trump spied on? Really?

Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.

So you are claiming Obama wire tapped Trump's phone?

Even you range buddf has backed off that claim.
We will find out.
You said he was. Are you back pedaling again?
Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.

So you are claiming Obama wire tapped Trump's phone?

Even you range buddf has backed off that claim.
We will find out.
You said he was. Are you back pedaling again?
Yes he spied on all the republican candidates.
The reason Barr and Trump are doing this is so that they can see if they can get THEM before they get THEM. It's another case of obstruction. If they can get enough of them into the judicial system that Trump now owns lock stock and barrel His Orange Mafia figures they can leverage it to keep many of them out of prison and still stay in power. This only works for so long until the Court System has had enough of it. The first series of rulings have not been kind to Trump and his Gang and it appears it's going south fast. Trump and his Orange Mafia needs to just stop it, allow it to run it's complete course and get back to work. If they have done nothing wrong then nothing will come out of it and the Dems will look like buffalo chips. But if there is substance there, the more Trump and his Orange Mafia tries to obstruct it then the more serious the prison time and the Perp Walk will be. If you think that a Supreme Court can't remove a President, you are wrong. They removed a Vice President. It's not a great stretch to try, arrest and send a president to jail for Felonious Acts if proven when a President continues to just piss off the Court System.

Contrary to some of your beliefs, we have a President, we don't have a King. Sorry, George Washington turned down that job already.
Trump was illegally spied on.
Was Trump spied on? Really?

Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.
There's no evidence Trump's phones were wiretapped.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
You could literally go back, post after post, and almost everything they say is a lie. I've said it before, a country based on nothing but lies, eventually falls from its own making. Which is why Trump and his party of goons are wrapped up in so many scandals,that we can no longer keep up with. They are causing this country to fall on its self. Thank goodness we have a Democratic house that can pull us back from this train wreck of Trump and his army of lying cultists.
The reason Barr and Trump are doing this is so that they can see if they can get THEM before they get THEM. It's another case of obstruction. If they can get enough of them into the judicial system that Trump now owns lock stock and barrel His Orange Mafia figures they can leverage it to keep many of them out of prison and still stay in power. This only works for so long until the Court System has had enough of it. The first series of rulings have not been kind to Trump and his Gang and it appears it's going south fast. Trump and his Orange Mafia needs to just stop it, allow it to run it's complete course and get back to work. If they have done nothing wrong then nothing will come out of it and the Dems will look like buffalo chips. But if there is substance there, the more Trump and his Orange Mafia tries to obstruct it then the more serious the prison time and the Perp Walk will be. If you think that a Supreme Court can't remove a President, you are wrong. They removed a Vice President. It's not a great stretch to try, arrest and send a president to jail for Felonious Acts if proven when a President continues to just piss off the Court System.

Contrary to some of your beliefs, we have a President, we don't have a King. Sorry, George Washington turned down that job already.
Too bad he doesn't act or behave like a president. He's only proven to bee a thug, who has circumvented the law since he has been there.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.

So you are claiming Obama wire tapped Trump's phone?

Even you range buddf has backed off that claim.
We will find out.
You said he was. Are you back pedaling again?
Yes he spied on all the republican candidates.
You can keep lying until the cows come home, and you will continue to lose that argument based on the fact you have no evidence. You're a loser with no facts or evidence.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.
There's no evidence Trump's phones were wiretapped.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
You are a left wing secular Jewish person. And you never lie!
Feel free to post a lie you think I've told....
I am not into that stuff. I had my books and notes at one time. And it serves a purpose. Your purpose is pure Prog agendas. Mine are agendas that make us all better. You have more opinions that are leaning towards favoring pedo relationships then hetero marriages with children. Agendas over the decades have proven that. Even I can see there is something wrong with that. You have succeeded in your goals. Now back off and accept the failures in parts of it and let the system correct it while we still have resources to do so.
You aren't into it because you can't prove it.
Was Trump spied on? Really?

Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.

So you are claiming Obama wire tapped Trump's phone?

Even you range buddf has backed off that claim.
We will find out.
You already did, and they found nothing. You sit around circle jerking on old news that ended up being a manufactured scandal produced by Devin Nunes as a distraction to the Trump/Russia investigation. Do you understand how pitiful that is? And Bill Barr? Bill Barr is not that dumb, or I thought he wasn't? For Barr to play along with this ludicrous game with Trump is so embarrassing. I think at this point, if Trump told Barr to suck his dick he would do it. This is so pitiful. They are taking an old scandal manufactured by a guy who recused himself from this investigation, because he was exposed for making shit up until he wasn't recused, and they are using those same talking points that were already debunked. Republicans are literally at the end of their ropes here with this charade.
Barr has already been proven a liar.

I'm sure it was an oversight but please provide your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation.


Barr never defended himself.

Are there any more dumb questions you need to ask?
Last edited:
Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.

So you are claiming Obama wire tapped Trump's phone?

Even you range buddf has backed off that claim.
We will find out.
You already did, and they found nothing. You sit around circle jerking on old news that ended up being a manufactured scandal produced by Devin Nunes as a distraction to the Trump/Russia investigation. Do you understand how pitiful that is? And Bill Barr? Bill Barr is not that dumb, or I thought he wasn't? For Barr to play along with this ludicrous game with Trump is so embarrassing. I think at this point, if Trump told Barr to suck his dick he would do it. This is so pitiful. They are taking an old scandal manufactured by a guy who recused himself from this investigation, because he was exposed for making shit up until he wasn't recused, and they are using those same talking points that were already debunked. Republicans are literally at the end of their ropes here with this charade.

The only ropes here are the one you're pissing up, and the other one waiting for some Dem heads when this is said and done. If you had all this evidence you should have called Mueller because he didn't find it. Your fear of what Barr and his REAL investigators will find is so obvious it stinks.
Dumbass, presidents work with other world leaders. That's not traitorous, it's their job.

You know darn well that had President Donald J. Trump said exactly the same thing in exactly the same circumstances, you and every Democrat in Washington would be SCREAMING, DEMANDING that Trump resign or be impeached. You'd have sworn that was proof positive that Trump was guilty of treason.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.

So you are claiming Obama wire tapped Trump's phone?

Even you range buddf has backed off that claim.
We will find out.
You already did, and they found nothing. You sit around circle jerking on old news that ended up being a manufactured scandal produced by Devin Nunes as a distraction to the Trump/Russia investigation. Do you understand how pitiful that is? And Bill Barr? Bill Barr is not that dumb, or I thought he wasn't? For Barr to play along with this ludicrous game with Trump is so embarrassing. I think at this point, if Trump told Barr to suck his dick he would do it. This is so pitiful. They are taking an old scandal manufactured by a guy who recused himself from this investigation, because he was exposed for making shit up until he wasn't recused, and they are using those same talking points that were already debunked. Republicans are literally at the end of their ropes here with this charade.

The only ropes here are the one you're pissing up, and the other one waiting for some Dem heads when this is said and done. If you had all this evidence you should have called Mueller because he didn't find it. Your fear of what Barr and his REAL investigators will find is so obvious it stinks.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.
Barr has already been proven a liar.

I'm sure it was an oversight but please provide your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation.


Barr never defended himself.

Are there any more dumb questions you need to ask?
Funny faces are for losers and cowards who can't continue the debate. Thanks for the heads up.

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