Payback! Barr assigns prosecuter!

Barr has already been proven a liar.

I'm sure it was an oversight but please provide your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation.


Barr never defended himself.

Are there any more dumb questions you need to ask?

There was nothing for AG Barr to defend himself against.

Repeating the source means nothing. CNN as a source, where they have been proven to lie. You proved there was no evidence, no facts and only the OPINION of Blumenthal.

Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal claimed to be a Vietnam vet. HE LIED, can there be anything lower? Are you defending him as being a credible source?

Blumenthal has often referred to his supposed Vietnam war record, but in fact he never served in Vietnam. What should we be reading from this?

Behind Blumenthal's War Record Scandal
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Barr has already been proven a liar.

I'm sure it was an oversight but please provide your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation.


Barr never defended himself.

Are there any more dumb questions you need to ask?

Repeating the source means nothing. CNN as a source, where they have been proven to lie. You proved there was no evidence, no facts and only the OPINION of Blumenthal.

Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal claimed to be a Vietnam vet. HE LIED, can there be anything lower? Are you defending him as being a credible source?

Blumenthal has often referred to his supposed Vietnam war record, but in fact he never served in Vietnam. What should we be reading from this?

Behind Blumenthal's War Record Scandal
You aren't producing rebuttals to Barr and his lies. Attacking the sources with nothing means you lose.
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Was Trump spied on? Really?

Get your head out of Obama's ass, look around and you will find out.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.
There's no evidence Trump's phones were wiretapped.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
You could literally go back, post after post, and almost everything they say is a lie. I've said it before, a country based on nothing but lies, eventually falls from its own making. Which is why Trump and his party of goons are wrapped up in so many scandals,that we can no longer keep up with. They are causing this country to fall on its self. Thank goodness we have a Democratic house that can pull us back from this train wreck of Trump and his army of lying cultists.
You're kidding right? Holy shit you really have lost your mind.
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.

So you are claiming Obama wire tapped Trump's phone?

Even you range buddf has backed off that claim.
We will find out.
You said he was. Are you back pedaling again?
Yes he spied on all the republican candidates.
You can keep lying until the cows come home, and you will continue to lose that argument based on the fact you have no evidence. You're a loser with no facts or evidence.
Okay, you keep reading your daily talking points. Let all the facts smack you all at once.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Saturday, March 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams

The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff.

The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long list of damning findings about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. Among those findings is the shocking revelation that CNN rigged the presidential debates in favor of Clinton by arranging for Hillary Clinton to receive the debate questions in advance.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.
There's no evidence Trump's phones were wiretapped.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
You are a left wing secular Jewish person. And you never lie!
Feel free to post a lie you think I've told....
I am not into that stuff. I had my books and notes at one time. And it serves a purpose. Your purpose is pure Prog agendas. Mine are agendas that make us all better. You have more opinions that are leaning towards favoring pedo relationships then hetero marriages with children. Agendas over the decades have proven that. Even I can see there is something wrong with that. You have succeeded in your goals. Now back off and accept the failures in parts of it and let the system correct it while we still have resources to do so.
Soooo...... nothing.

Thanks anyway.
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.
There's no evidence Trump's phones were wiretapped.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
You are a left wing secular Jewish person. And you never lie!
Feel free to post a lie you think I've told....
I am not into that stuff. I had my books and notes at one time. And it serves a purpose. Your purpose is pure Prog agendas. Mine are agendas that make us all better. You have more opinions that are leaning towards favoring pedo relationships then hetero marriages with children. Agendas over the decades have proven that. Even I can see there is something wrong with that. You have succeeded in your goals. Now back off and accept the failures in parts of it and let the system correct it while we still have resources to do so.
You aren't into it because you can't prove it.
Yeah, I noticed that too.
Dumbass, presidents work with other world leaders. That's not traitorous, it's their job.

You know darn well that had President Donald J. Trump said exactly the same thing in exactly the same circumstances, you and every Democrat in Washington would be SCREAMING, DEMANDING that Trump resign or be impeached. You'd have sworn that was proof positive that Trump was guilty of treason.
Nah, we wouldn't have complained about that for the simple reason that there was nothing wrong with that. The evidence that there was nothing wrong with that lies in the stark reality that rightards can't even find anything wrong with it. All they do is bawk, buh... buh... BUT OBAMA!!!
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Saturday, March 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams

The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff.

The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long list of damning findings about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. Among those findings is the shocking revelation that CNN rigged the presidential debates in favor of Clinton by arranging for Hillary Clinton to receive the debate questions in advance.
"The latest bombshell?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: March, 4th, 2017! Folks, you just got to love the way these Toads operate. They post up a link that is over two years old, was totally debunked, and they try and paint it as recent. Sling Blade, your two plus year manufactured lie by Trump was debunked longer than I can remember.

None of it ever materialized, and if it had, you wouldn't be posting it as a two plus year old manufactured lie. LOl! Do you understand how hilarious this is? Obama would be under the gun for exhaustive investigations by now, and you go and toss something out there that has long been collecting dust. If you aren't feeling stupid yet, we all know why. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:This is great.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Saturday, March 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams

The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff.

The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long list of damning findings about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. Among those findings is the shocking revelation that CNN rigged the presidential debates in favor of Clinton by arranging for Hillary Clinton to receive the debate questions in advance.

Your claim that Obama bugged trump tower is based on nothing other than Lyin' Donald saying he did.

And that was 2 years ago and never proven.
Dumbass, presidents work with other world leaders. That's not traitorous, it's their job.

You know darn well that had President Donald J. Trump said exactly the same thing in exactly the same circumstances, you and every Democrat in Washington would be SCREAMING, DEMANDING that Trump resign or be impeached. You'd have sworn that was proof positive that Trump was guilty of treason.
Nah, we wouldn't have complained about that for the simple reason that there was nothing wrong with that. The evidence that there was nothing wrong with that lies in the stark reality that rightards can't even find anything wrong with it. All they do is bawk, buh... buh... BUT OBAMA!!!
The cult of Trump is so strong, they expose themselves as mindless idiots. I can't even give them the benefit of the doubt that their behavior even caps to the level of third grade any more. This is how weak their arguments have gotten. "BUT BUT OBAMA! " How pitifully sad is that?
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Saturday, March 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams

The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff.

The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long list of damning findings about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. Among those findings is the shocking revelation that CNN rigged the presidential debates in favor of Clinton by arranging for Hillary Clinton to receive the debate questions in advance.

Your claim that Obama bugged trump tower is based on nothing other than Lyin' Donald saying he did.

And that was 2 years ago and never proven.
Poor Faun has been had by Democrat Party false scenarios that made him feel real good. Hey, barkeep! Send in the clowns! We gotta live one! :laugh2:
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Saturday, March 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams

The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff.

The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long list of damning findings about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. Among those findings is the shocking revelation that CNN rigged the presidential debates in favor of Clinton by arranging for Hillary Clinton to receive the debate questions in advance.

Your claim that Obama bugged trump tower is based on nothing other than Lyin' Donald saying he did.

And that was 2 years ago and never proven.
Can you believe how desperate they are?
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Saturday, March 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams

The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff.

The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long list of damning findings about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. Among those findings is the shocking revelation that CNN rigged the presidential debates in favor of Clinton by arranging for Hillary Clinton to receive the debate questions in advance.

Your claim that Obama bugged trump tower is based on nothing other than Lyin' Donald saying he did.

And that was 2 years ago and never proven.
Poor Faun has been had by Democrat Party false scenarios that made him feel real good. Hey, barkeep! Send in the clowns! We gotta live one! :laugh2:
Are you capable of debating the material from the thread, or are you just here to show us what chicken shit looks like?
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Saturday, March 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams

The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff.

The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long list of damning findings about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. Among those findings is the shocking revelation that CNN rigged the presidential debates in favor of Clinton by arranging for Hillary Clinton to receive the debate questions in advance.

Your claim that Obama bugged trump tower is based on nothing other than Lyin' Donald saying he did.

And that was 2 years ago and never proven.
Yes it was. 5 months after democrat talking heads said the bugging never happened. Move over. there are more bodies in your little safety-net cocoon than you know! Butterflies are so fickle where they light when they think no one is looking.

Trump Was Right Again: Obama Administration Had Trump Tower Bugged ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Saturday, March 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams

The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff.

The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long list of damning findings about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. Among those findings is the shocking revelation that CNN rigged the presidential debates in favor of Clinton by arranging for Hillary Clinton to receive the debate questions in advance.

Your claim that Obama bugged trump tower is based on nothing other than Lyin' Donald saying he did.

And that was 2 years ago and never proven.
Poor Faun has been had by Democrat Party false scenarios that made him feel real good. Hey, barkeep! Send in the clowns! We gotta live one! :laugh2:
Oh look, yet another vacuous post ^^^ from yet another butthurt mindless cultist.

The idiot actually cited Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower as evidence that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower; a claim that no one has ever been able to confirm. Sorry if you're so easily offended when rightards are exposed as the lying schmucks they are. TFB
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Saturday, March 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams

The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff.

The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long list of damning findings about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. Among those findings is the shocking revelation that CNN rigged the presidential debates in favor of Clinton by arranging for Hillary Clinton to receive the debate questions in advance.

Your claim that Obama bugged trump tower is based on nothing other than Lyin' Donald saying he did.

And that was 2 years ago and never proven.
Poor Faun has been had by Democrat Party false scenarios that made him feel real good. Hey, barkeep! Send in the clowns! We gotta live one! :laugh2:
Are you capable of debating the material from the thread, or are you just here to show us what chicken shit looks like?
Poor BWK. Here a scat, there a scat, everywhere a scat, scat. Demmies always resort to scatology when challenged. They learned it on the brown-riddled streets of San Francystco. <giggle>
You could literally go back, post after post, and almost everything they say is a lie. I've said it before, a country based on nothing but lies, eventually falls from its own making. Which is why Trump and his party of goons are wrapped up in so many scandals,that we can no longer keep up with. They are causing this country to fall on its self. Thank goodness we have a Democratic house that can pull us back from this train wreck of Trump and his army of lying cultists.

You have convinced me that you are actually far-right Conservative, working undercover as a far left Progressive with the goal of forcing Conservatives to post all the facts destroying the lies of Progressives.

The panic and desperation of Democrats and Progressives permeate the air. AG Barr, continuing the investigation into the origins of these fake claims already has them all pointing to each other.
So you don't know Here you are having a tizzy for about Obama spying on Trump yet you don't know how he did it

Saturday, March 04, 2017 by: Mike Adams

The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower during the election campaign to spy on Donald Trump and his staff.

The action, now confirmed by President Trump who obviously has access to all intelligence briefings, is the latest explosive revelation in a long list of damning findings about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. Among those findings is the shocking revelation that CNN rigged the presidential debates in favor of Clinton by arranging for Hillary Clinton to receive the debate questions in advance.

Your claim that Obama bugged trump tower is based on nothing other than Lyin' Donald saying he did.

And that was 2 years ago and never proven.
Poor Faun has been had by Democrat Party false scenarios that made him feel real good. Hey, barkeep! Send in the clowns! We gotta live one! :laugh2:
Oh look, yet another vacuous post ^^^ from yet another butthurt mindless cultist.

The idiot actually cited Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower as evidence that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower; a claim that no one has ever been able to confirm. Sorry if you're so easily offended when rightards are exposed as the lying schmucks they are. TFB
Are you Biden? He too is obsessed with butts. :lmao:

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