Payback! Barr assigns prosecuter!

Barr has already been proven a liar.

I'm sure it was an oversight but please provide your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation.
Barr before Congress when asked if he had any feedback from Mueller on his summary said he had not.

Then the letter came out that Mueller had sent to Barr

So Barr lied. He did get feedback.
Barr has already been proven a liar.

I'm sure it was an oversight but please provide your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation.
Barr before Congress when asked if he had any feedback from Mueller on his summary said he had not.

Then the letter came out that Mueller had sent to Barr

So Barr lied. He did get feedback.
They don't care if Barr lied. They don't care if Trump obstructed, colluded with Russians, paid off porn stars, used charitable donations that was supposed to go to kids with cancer, or that Trump violated the Emoluments Clause. Everyone in the country knows he cheated on his taxes, committed bank fraud, insurance fraud, inauguration crimes, and money laundering. And they don't care. This is what the Republican party has become. A full scale criminal organization, and their followers DO NOT CARE. These people are traitors to their country, they support theft, they are not patriots, they shit on the rule of law and the Constitution, and it is now time to fight to take this country back from the millions of criminals who want to see this country fall. DO I NEED TO SPELL THIS OUT ANY CLEARER PEOPLE? Hearings and impeach now! We have to do this. We have no other choice.

Trump cultism has become a plague across the land. And we all know it. No real political party behaves this way, and we all know this. They no longer support the interests of the majority of the people in this country. They have adopted thuggery and evil as their MO. Think it's all hyperbolic? Think again and ask yourself, and the honest answer is no. This behavior is not even close to being normal.
Yes it was. 5 months after democrat talking heads said the bugging never happened. Move over. there are more bodies in your little safety-net cocoon than you know! Butterflies are so fickle where they light when they think no one is looking.

Trump Was Right Again: Obama Administration Had Trump Tower Bugged ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

Manafort had a home in Virginia, ya dumbass...

FBI conducted raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort's home

FBI agents raided the Alexandria, Va ., home of President Trump's former campaign chairman, arriving in the early-morning hours last month...

See now how stupid you are for leaning on sites like rightarded ""

I did it! I made faun laugh! :woohoo:
Unfortunately, Mr. Faun, the discovery came months after your final deadline. You'll see it in your dreams as lame until reality bites during the trials of politicians who tried to undo President Trump and helped North Korea ally with Russia instead of being shown a prosperity deal for his people. Your Hillary's attempt at revenge has consequences. When North Korea unloads on Seattle, San Francisco and San Diego, you can thank the Democrats led by Hillary and Barack for impeding on President Trump's time with their insidious little lies to politically assassinate a sitting President.

Meanwhile, I am thanking America's lucky stars for having a genius like William Barr returning to his Attorney General job, who will have had a victory unlike any other hero in American History, even in the shadow of one of the Greatest men to hold the office of President Donald Trump.

The nurses office is down the hall for recalcitrant Democrats who have upset tummies from hearing it first here. Have a lovely evening, boys. :hhello:
"I did it! I made faun laugh!"

That's not much of a feat. I laugh all the time at conservatives. You guys crack me up!

As far as Manafort, you presented zero evidence that Trump Tower was wiretapped. That would have been yuge news had it actually happened.
There's nothing to laugh about, in particular, for Democrats and Hillary Clinton in particular. Things we knew almost a year ago are now in the formation stage of creating cases against the worst law enforcement criminal case that was instigated by a former Presidential candidate against her opponent. Explained by knowledgeable people with the warning that any democrat being treated for depression must not watch the program below:

Former US attorney: FBI officials will likely face charges​


Suuuure, uh-huh.

You idiots have been chasing her tail for a quarter of a century now and have come up empty handed every single time.

And they will always be empty handed because they are losers.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

Really? On this page alone, you have seven posts without one scintilla of fact or anything to support your ravings and name calling.


Evidence by Mueller that Trump is guilty of obstruction. Got any rebuttals? Lol!
Trump had to move his campaign head quarters because of his phones being wiretapped for one.

So you are claiming Obama wire tapped Trump's phone?

Even you range buddf has backed off that claim.
We will find out.
You already did, and they found nothing. You sit around circle jerking on old news that ended up being a manufactured scandal produced by Devin Nunes as a distraction to the Trump/Russia investigation. Do you understand how pitiful that is? And Bill Barr? Bill Barr is not that dumb, or I thought he wasn't? For Barr to play along with this ludicrous game with Trump is so embarrassing. I think at this point, if Trump told Barr to suck his dick he would do it. This is so pitiful. They are taking an old scandal manufactured by a guy who recused himself from this investigation, because he was exposed for making shit up until he wasn't recused, and they are using those same talking points that were already debunked. Republicans are literally at the end of their ropes here with this charade.

The only ropes here are the one you're pissing up, and the other one waiting for some Dem heads when this is said and done. If you had all this evidence you should have called Mueller because he didn't find it. Your fear of what Barr and his REAL investigators will find is so obvious it stinks.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
So you are claiming Obama wire tapped Trump's phone?

Even you range buddf has backed off that claim.
We will find out.
You already did, and they found nothing. You sit around circle jerking on old news that ended up being a manufactured scandal produced by Devin Nunes as a distraction to the Trump/Russia investigation. Do you understand how pitiful that is? And Bill Barr? Bill Barr is not that dumb, or I thought he wasn't? For Barr to play along with this ludicrous game with Trump is so embarrassing. I think at this point, if Trump told Barr to suck his dick he would do it. This is so pitiful. They are taking an old scandal manufactured by a guy who recused himself from this investigation, because he was exposed for making shit up until he wasn't recused, and they are using those same talking points that were already debunked. Republicans are literally at the end of their ropes here with this charade.

The only ropes here are the one you're pissing up, and the other one waiting for some Dem heads when this is said and done. If you had all this evidence you should have called Mueller because he didn't find it. Your fear of what Barr and his REAL investigators will find is so obvious it stinks.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"
We will find out.
You already did, and they found nothing. You sit around circle jerking on old news that ended up being a manufactured scandal produced by Devin Nunes as a distraction to the Trump/Russia investigation. Do you understand how pitiful that is? And Bill Barr? Bill Barr is not that dumb, or I thought he wasn't? For Barr to play along with this ludicrous game with Trump is so embarrassing. I think at this point, if Trump told Barr to suck his dick he would do it. This is so pitiful. They are taking an old scandal manufactured by a guy who recused himself from this investigation, because he was exposed for making shit up until he wasn't recused, and they are using those same talking points that were already debunked. Republicans are literally at the end of their ropes here with this charade.

The only ropes here are the one you're pissing up, and the other one waiting for some Dem heads when this is said and done. If you had all this evidence you should have called Mueller because he didn't find it. Your fear of what Barr and his REAL investigators will find is so obvious it stinks.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.
Really? On this page alone, you have seven posts without one scintilla of fact or anything to support your ravings and name calling.


Evidence by Mueller that Trump is guilty of obstruction. Got any rebuttals? Lol!
How about "...this report does not find that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

What do you suppose he meant by that? :lol:
You already did, and they found nothing. You sit around circle jerking on old news that ended up being a manufactured scandal produced by Devin Nunes as a distraction to the Trump/Russia investigation. Do you understand how pitiful that is? And Bill Barr? Bill Barr is not that dumb, or I thought he wasn't? For Barr to play along with this ludicrous game with Trump is so embarrassing. I think at this point, if Trump told Barr to suck his dick he would do it. This is so pitiful. They are taking an old scandal manufactured by a guy who recused himself from this investigation, because he was exposed for making shit up until he wasn't recused, and they are using those same talking points that were already debunked. Republicans are literally at the end of their ropes here with this charade.

The only ropes here are the one you're pissing up, and the other one waiting for some Dem heads when this is said and done. If you had all this evidence you should have called Mueller because he didn't find it. Your fear of what Barr and his REAL investigators will find is so obvious it stinks.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.
On both counts you are wrong. "Collusion" was found, but Mueller didn't feel he had enough for criminal conspiracy. Obstruction based on Mueller's findings and testimony do reveal textbook obstruction. He didn't render the decision because he can't, based on the rules. But Congress can. And 1000 prosecutors now say Trump obstructed. There is no further need to question obstruction, because it was found.

You'd have to be either a liar, or totally misinformed on what obstruction is, an infant child, or totally retarded, not to conclude Trump obstructed justice, based on Mueller's own words in the report.
Really? On this page alone, you have seven posts without one scintilla of fact or anything to support your ravings and name calling.


Evidence by Mueller that Trump is guilty of obstruction. Got any rebuttals? Lol!
How about "...this report does not find that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

What do you suppose he meant by that? :lol:
You do know you aren't a child who thinks he can hide the jar of candy in the kitchen under the bed right? We assume you aren't a child with the mind of one, right?

Did you just happen to forget to tell us the other part of what Mueller told us, or were you just mocking a child?
The only ropes here are the one you're pissing up, and the other one waiting for some Dem heads when this is said and done. If you had all this evidence you should have called Mueller because he didn't find it. Your fear of what Barr and his REAL investigators will find is so obvious it stinks.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.
On both counts you are wrong. "Collusion" was found, but Mueller didn't feel he had enough for criminal conspiracy. Obstruction based on Mueller's findings and testimony do reveal textbook obstruction. He didn't render the decision because he can't, based on the rules. But Congress can. And 1000 prosecutors now say Trump obstructed. There is no further need to question obstruction, because it was found.

You'd have to be either a liar, or totally misinformed on what obstruction is, an infant child, or totally retarded, not to conclude Trump obstructed justice, based on Mueller's own words in the report.

Proof of the "collusion" that was found?
You already did, and they found nothing. You sit around circle jerking on old news that ended up being a manufactured scandal produced by Devin Nunes as a distraction to the Trump/Russia investigation. Do you understand how pitiful that is? And Bill Barr? Bill Barr is not that dumb, or I thought he wasn't? For Barr to play along with this ludicrous game with Trump is so embarrassing. I think at this point, if Trump told Barr to suck his dick he would do it. This is so pitiful. They are taking an old scandal manufactured by a guy who recused himself from this investigation, because he was exposed for making shit up until he wasn't recused, and they are using those same talking points that were already debunked. Republicans are literally at the end of their ropes here with this charade.

The only ropes here are the one you're pissing up, and the other one waiting for some Dem heads when this is said and done. If you had all this evidence you should have called Mueller because he didn't find it. Your fear of what Barr and his REAL investigators will find is so obvious it stinks.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.

Mueller did not exonerate trump of obstruction. Congress will now start their own investigations into the matter since the full unredacted report by Mueller is being withheld from thdm.
The only ropes here are the one you're pissing up, and the other one waiting for some Dem heads when this is said and done. If you had all this evidence you should have called Mueller because he didn't find it. Your fear of what Barr and his REAL investigators will find is so obvious it stinks.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.
On both counts you are wrong. "Collusion" was found, but Mueller didn't feel he had enough for criminal conspiracy. Obstruction based on Mueller's findings and testimony do reveal textbook obstruction. He didn't render the decision because he can't, based on the rules. But Congress can. And 1000 prosecutors now say Trump obstructed. There is no further need to question obstruction, because it was found.

You'd have to be either a liar, or totally misinformed on what obstruction is, an infant child, or totally retarded, not to conclude Trump obstructed justice, based on Mueller's own words in the report.
You remain bitterly delusional. Dems have held a House majority since January and the Mueller Report since March. They still haven't even started formal impeachment because after The Muel Team's exhaustive, 2yr $35 million witch-hunt they just don't have evidence of criminality.
Really? On this page alone, you have seven posts without one scintilla of fact or anything to support your ravings and name calling.


Evidence by Mueller that Trump is guilty of obstruction. Got any rebuttals? Lol!
How about "...this report does not find that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

What do you suppose he meant by that? :lol:
You do know you aren't a child who thinks he can hide the jar of candy in the kitchen under the bed right? We assume you aren't a child with the mind of one, right?

Did you just happen to forget to tell us the other part of what Mueller told us, or were you just mocking a child?
Yanno, nothing else anyone says trumps the fact that The Muel Team found no criminality on the part of the President.

We do not prosecute and should not persecute anyone for crimes they have not committed. Don't you agree?

And you never answered my question: what do you suppose Mueller meant by "...this report does not find that the President committed a crime...?"
The only ropes here are the one you're pissing up, and the other one waiting for some Dem heads when this is said and done. If you had all this evidence you should have called Mueller because he didn't find it. Your fear of what Barr and his REAL investigators will find is so obvious it stinks.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.

Mueller did not exonerate trump of obstruction. Congress will now start their own investigations into the matter since the full unredacted report by Mueller is being withheld from thdm.

I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.

Mueller did not exonerate trump of obstruction. Congress will now start their own investigations into the matter since the full unredacted report by Mueller is being withheld from thdm.

I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
Seems that will now be up to the Congress to decide.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.
On both counts you are wrong. "Collusion" was found, but Mueller didn't feel he had enough for criminal conspiracy. Obstruction based on Mueller's findings and testimony do reveal textbook obstruction. He didn't render the decision because he can't, based on the rules. But Congress can. And 1000 prosecutors now say Trump obstructed. There is no further need to question obstruction, because it was found.

You'd have to be either a liar, or totally misinformed on what obstruction is, an infant child, or totally retarded, not to conclude Trump obstructed justice, based on Mueller's own words in the report.
You remain bitterly delusional. Dems have held a House majority since January and the Mueller Report since March. They still haven't even started formal impeachment because after The Muel Team's exhaustive, 2yr $35 million witch-hunt they just don't have evidence of criminality.
Really? On this page alone, you have seven posts without one scintilla of fact or anything to support your ravings and name calling.


Evidence by Mueller that Trump is guilty of obstruction. Got any rebuttals? Lol!
How about "...this report does not find that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

What do you suppose he meant by that? :lol:
You do know you aren't a child who thinks he can hide the jar of candy in the kitchen under the bed right? We assume you aren't a child with the mind of one, right?

Did you just happen to forget to tell us the other part of what Mueller told us, or were you just mocking a child?
Yanno, nothing else anyone says trumps the fact that The Muel Team found no criminality on the part of the President.

We do not prosecute and should not persecute anyone for crimes they have not committed. Don't you agree?

And you never answered my question: what do you suppose Mueller meant by "...this report does not find that the President committed a crime...?"
The $35 million dollar investigation didn't cost that after Manafort surrendered all his assets.

You must not have understood my answer when you asked the first time? Are you acting like a child, or are you deliberately holding out on us? You know, the part where it says
they didn't find where he didn't commit a crime either?
See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.

Mueller did not exonerate trump of obstruction. Congress will now start their own investigations into the matter since the full unredacted report by Mueller is being withheld from thdm.

I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
Seems that will now be up to the Congress to decide.

The last time I checked congress doesn't decide guilt or innocence. The courts do.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.

Mueller did not exonerate trump of obstruction. Congress will now start their own investigations into the matter since the full unredacted report by Mueller is being withheld from thdm.

I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
Seems that will now be up to the Congress to decide.

The last time I checked congress doesn't decide guilt or innocence. The courts do.
That's correct. But they can impeach.
A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.

Mueller did not exonerate trump of obstruction. Congress will now start their own investigations into the matter since the full unredacted report by Mueller is being withheld from thdm.

I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
Seems that will now be up to the Congress to decide.

The last time I checked congress doesn't decide guilt or innocence. The courts do.
That's correct. But they can impeach.

But they won't, so why do we keep wasting our time?

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