Payback! Barr assigns prosecuter!

Who said he's innocent of obstruction?

What was supposedly obstructed?
According to Mueller, there was not enough evidence to exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice.

Or convict him. In other words, not guilty! Thank you!
Sounds like we need a few more investigations to find out, huh?

Right, they have now turned to the cause of those charges being made against President Donald J. Trump. This is the reason Democrats are now in a panic and trying desperately to discredit AG Barr!
No one is in panic except Trump. The legal liability of obstruction is on him, no one else. You all are losing it.
Mueller found criminality and cannot convict. The testimony has already been provided. You lose.

You are out of ammunition. You have my permission to go back into your miserable hole for losers.
I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
They don't even try. Their function is to find criminality … which they didn't. Not finding proof of guilt does not make Trump innocent no matter how much you love him.
No but not finding criminality means he cannot be prosecuted and should not be persecuted for crimes he did not commit.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Mueller found criminality and cannot convict. The testimony has already been provided. You lose.
Mueller's job was not to convict but rather to find evidence of criminality which - as CLEARLY stated in his report and is noted above - he did not.

In fact, he not only found no evidence of Trump colluding with foreign meddlers, he found no evidence that ANY American - including anyone in the Trump campaign - had.

Rational Americans are relieved to learn that is the case. Disloyal idiots are infuriated.
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Trump's already been found guilty of numerous crimes.

Please list them along with your unbiased source and link. Thank you!
Already have. And I'm not your secretary. You want to really know, go back through my posts. And if not, you were either too lazy or didn't want to know for yourself. That's how a cult works. They only believe what they are told to believe.
The investigation of the FISA warrants by the FBI that concluded they had done nothing wrong in issuing those warrants, and that it was not spying on the campaign. trump as always is looking at a distraction to forget about his proven crimes. It's so pathetic.

As you know, President Donald J. Smith did not initiate the FBI...investigating the FBI. Now, however....

AG Barr opens a second investigation of the Russia election attack probe
Trump wanted it, and water boy gave it to him. Together they are a dynamic duo of pathetic. They never took an oath of office to the people, they took an oath of office to themselves.
I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
They don't even try. Their function is to find criminality … which they didn't. Not finding proof of guilt does not make Trump innocent no matter how much you love him.
No but not finding criminality means he cannot be prosecuted and should not be persecuted for crimes he did not commit.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Mueller found criminality and cannot convict. The testimony has already been provided. You lose.
Mueller's job was not to convict but rather to find evidence of criminality which - as CLEARLY stated in his report and is noted above - he did not.

In fact, he not only found no evidence of Trump colluding with foreign meddlers, he found no evidence that ANY American - including anyone in the Trump campaign - had.

Rational Americans are relieved to learn that is the case. Disloyal idiots are infuriated.
Wrong! Collusion was proven and so was obstruction. Keep telling us the same lie, and I'll keep telling you the truth. Hundreds of prosecutors agree with Mueller and his typed testimony is the undeniable truth. Rebut the words with evidence by Mueller, or you are a liar.

You folks can't handle the truth, but we'll keep pissing it out on these miserable liars.
The $35 million dollar investigation didn't cost that after Manafort surrendered all his assets. You must not have understood my answer when you asked the first time? Are you acting like a child, or are you deliberately holding out on us? You know, the part where it says
they didn't find where he didn't commit a crime either?
I'm not complaining about the price tag but rather noting that much time and treasure were expended by many highly qualified DOJ & FBI professionals.

Now once more for the Brain-dead: a prosecutorial witch-hunt does not seek evidence of innocence but rather evidence of criminality which, as we all know, the Muel Team DID NOT FIND. No crimes by the POTUS.

I am relieved to know our prez is neither a criminal nor a Russian agent. You seem infuriated by the revelation.
That's once again by all these Trump toads a lie. Nadler presented concrete proof of obstruction via Mueller's own words. 1000 prosecutors agree with Mueller. Game over and the bs ends. You can keep pedaling the same lies but it is too late.
All 'Jabba-Jerry' needs to do is go to Nancy and lay out the 'proof' and then Nancy will call for Trump's impeachment right?
The crazy bitch KNOWS the DEMs will lose if she tries to impeach Trump.
Wait for the IG's report comes out. Then you'll have a couple of years worth of posting inane defenses against all the DEMs going to prison.
Why would she lose? Because the Republican senate is covering for a criminal president who obstructed justice, and in the meantime, Republicans in the Senate can continue to trash their oath of office? Answer, that's exactly why they would do it.

Bill Clinton
Bill, Ckinton.,. Yes . Trump may have colluded with the Russian government to interfere with an election and your defense is that Bill Clinton might have lied about getting head in the Oval Office.

Really??? You are this pathetic??????
I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
They don't even try. Their function is to find criminality … which they didn't. Not finding proof of guilt does not make Trump innocent no matter how much you love him.
No but not finding criminality means he cannot be prosecuted and should not be persecuted for crimes he did not commit.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Mueller found criminality and cannot convict. The testimony has already been provided. You lose.
Mueller's job was not to convict but rather to find evidence of criminality which - as CLEARLY stated in his report and is noted above - he did not.

In fact, he not only found no evidence of Trump colluding with foreign meddlers, he found no evidence that ANY American - including anyone in the Trump campaign - had.

Rational Americans are relieved to learn that is the case. Disloyal idiots are infuriated.
Wrong! Collusion was proven and so was obstruction. Keep telling us the same lie, and I'll keep telling you the truth. Hundreds of prosecutors agree with Mueller and his typed testimony is the undeniable truth. Rebut the words with evidence by Mueller, or you are a liar.

You folks can't handle the truth, but we'll keep pissing it out on these miserable liars.

Wrong again liar. NO collusion, NO obstruction, and you give (as always) ZERO proof of any of your crybaby rantings. Those FISA warrants are being declassified so now you can cry and lie about more things. Those " hundreds of prosecutors" have already admitted they looked at NOTHING. Just signed some piece of paper their pals signed. Trump has won and now Barr will bring the hammer down on your beloved Dimbos. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump as we laugh at you.
The funny thing is whatever they find Obama did, they wouldn't have a problem if Trump did those things.

Do Republicans think it's ok for the FBI to spy on Communists? What about socialists? I bet Republicans would have no problem spying on Uncle Bernie if he were the front runner.

They were spying on the campaign of Donald J. Trump.

Yes, I'd have a huge problem if the FBI was spying on Socialist Bernie Sanders or any candidate. Do you?
They were "spying" on a person who was caught communicating with a Russian under CIA surveillance.

If he was in the Trump campaign, that is Trump's fault for hiring such despicable people worthy of surveillance. Carter, Manafort, Flynn all had contacts with ties to Russia.

Trump lied about Russian contacts.

Trump lied about his business in Russia.

And the FBI was supposed to do nothing? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.
On both counts you are wrong. "Collusion" was found, but Mueller didn't feel he had enough for criminal conspiracy. Obstruction based on Mueller's findings and testimony do reveal textbook obstruction. He didn't render the decision because he can't, based on the rules. But Congress can. And 1000 prosecutors now say Trump obstructed. There is no further need to question obstruction, because it was found.

You'd have to be either a liar, or totally misinformed on what obstruction is, an infant child, or totally retarded, not to conclude Trump obstructed justice, based on Mueller's own words in the report.

NO COLLUSION! No obstruction.

I understand you are in a panic since the investigations are turning on the far left and the Progressives. You know, and I know that it is going to get ugly. Really ugly!
"No obstruction."

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." ~ Robert Mueller

And again, it's not a prosecutors job to exonerate an innocent man. How many times do we need to repeat this?

This isn't fucking Nazi Germany. You aren't guilty until someone can prove you innocent.
Not being prosecuted does not imply innocence.
Your posts with no substance, no arguing points, and no facts, is exhibit A why Republicans are at the end of their ropes. They have not and cannot produce any intelligent counter arguments for Trump and his illegal RICO administration. So what do they do? They toss out their own frustrating rage as their only defense. This is what it has come to. You have no idea how pointless and useless your post is.

See little crybaby, I don't have to show proof of anything not happening. The burden of proof is on you and your idiotic fantasies. So put up or STFU. We all know how pointless and stupid every one of your posts is.
Not sure what box you are sitting in or what blinders you are wearing, but whatever bubble you're in, and you're lucky enough to get out of it, you might want to check out the proof that has already been provided for you; Nadler Blasts Trump Administration: "Our Subpoenas Are Not Optional"

A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.

Mueller did not exonerate trump of obstruction. Congress will now start their own investigations into the matter since the full unredacted report by Mueller is being withheld from thdm.

I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
Excuse me but you meant found guilty. We all know Trump is a conman & fraud & guilty as Hell of many things from tax evasion to money laundering. He is guilty of lying to the American people. He is guilty of women abuse.

Mueller did not exonerate trump of obstruction. Congress will now start their own investigations into the matter since the full unredacted report by Mueller is being withheld from thdm.

I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
Seems that will now be up to the Congress to decide.

The last time I checked congress doesn't decide guilt or innocence. The courts do.
That's correct. But they can impeach.

But they won't, so why do we keep wasting our time?

Because we should waste time like the Republicans did with the Ken Starr investigation or the Benghazi investigations or the Hillary e-mail investigations.

You people think you are clever but you are not. You are hypocritical asshole defend a piece of shit like Donal;d Trump
A subpoena isn't proof of anything numnuts. Nadless' supoenas are totally optional. No enforcement power and more desperate crying. Now I'll type this slowly so you can understand. Mueller found NO collusion and NO evidence of obstruction. Nadless isn't getting anything from Trump, who has no obligation to cooperate with a blatant fishing expedition. Now go back under your rock, adults are speaking.
On both counts you are wrong. "Collusion" was found, but Mueller didn't feel he had enough for criminal conspiracy. Obstruction based on Mueller's findings and testimony do reveal textbook obstruction. He didn't render the decision because he can't, based on the rules. But Congress can. And 1000 prosecutors now say Trump obstructed. There is no further need to question obstruction, because it was found.

You'd have to be either a liar, or totally misinformed on what obstruction is, an infant child, or totally retarded, not to conclude Trump obstructed justice, based on Mueller's own words in the report.

NO COLLUSION! No obstruction.

I understand you are in a panic since the investigations are turning on the far left and the Progressives. You know, and I know that it is going to get ugly. Really ugly!
"No obstruction."

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." ~ Robert Mueller

And again, it's not a prosecutors job to exonerate an innocent man. How many times do we need to repeat this?

This isn't fucking Nazi Germany. You aren't guilty until someone can prove you innocent.
Not being prosecuted does not imply innocence.

Wrong again loser. Not being prosecuted means there was NO evidence, as stated in the report. Trump has to do nothing to prove innocence. YOU have to prove guilt, which you failed to do. You claim Trump is stupid, yet he is smart enough to keep you from finding any evidence? Guess that makes you a total moron.
On both counts you are wrong. "Collusion" was found, but Mueller didn't feel he had enough for criminal conspiracy. Obstruction based on Mueller's findings and testimony do reveal textbook obstruction. He didn't render the decision because he can't, based on the rules. But Congress can. And 1000 prosecutors now say Trump obstructed. There is no further need to question obstruction, because it was found.

You'd have to be either a liar, or totally misinformed on what obstruction is, an infant child, or totally retarded, not to conclude Trump obstructed justice, based on Mueller's own words in the report.

NO COLLUSION! No obstruction.

I understand you are in a panic since the investigations are turning on the far left and the Progressives. You know, and I know that it is going to get ugly. Really ugly!
"No obstruction."

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." ~ Robert Mueller

And again, it's not a prosecutors job to exonerate an innocent man. How many times do we need to repeat this?

This isn't fucking Nazi Germany. You aren't guilty until someone can prove you innocent.
Not being prosecuted does not imply innocence.

Wrong again loser. Not being prosecuted means there was NO evidence, as stated in the report. Trump has to do nothing to prove innocence. YOU have to prove guilt, which you failed to do. You claim Trump is stupid, yet he is smart enough to keep you from finding any evidence? Guess that makes you a total moron.

Nope, it means that did not find sufficient evidence.

Trump learned from the mob bosses that he was chummy with in NYC. I guess you think mob bosses were all innocent too.
"unbiased source" This is what I love about you Trumpettes. Anything bad about Trump obviously comes from a biased source.

There are some sites, as you know, which are less biased than others especially when reporting FACTS which I have shown.

Clearly, opinion pieces from the DailyKOS, MediaMatters, The Nation, CNN, MSNBC, and others are far from being an unbiased source.

Do you agree that this is a reasonable portrayal?

There literally is no logical explanation for Barr to investigate the FBI. It's absolutely insane, and the desperation by Trump and Barr have reached the point of totally trying to dismantle our justice department. And bear in mind, we are dealing with a RICO organization that is in charge of the country. Our national security is more threatened today than at any other time in its history.

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