Payback! Barr assigns prosecuter!

On both counts you are wrong. "Collusion" was found, but Mueller didn't feel he had enough for criminal conspiracy. Obstruction based on Mueller's findings and testimony do reveal textbook obstruction. He didn't render the decision because he can't, based on the rules. But Congress can. And 1000 prosecutors now say Trump obstructed. There is no further need to question obstruction, because it was found.

You'd have to be either a liar, or totally misinformed on what obstruction is, an infant child, or totally retarded, not to conclude Trump obstructed justice, based on Mueller's own words in the report.
You remain bitterly delusional. Dems have held a House majority since January and the Mueller Report since March. They still haven't even started formal impeachment because after The Muel Team's exhaustive, 2yr $35 million witch-hunt they just don't have evidence of criminality.
You do know you aren't a child who thinks he can hide the jar of candy in the kitchen under the bed right? We assume you aren't a child with the mind of one, right?

Did you just happen to forget to tell us the other part of what Mueller told us, or were you just mocking a child?
Yanno, nothing else anyone says trumps the fact that The Muel Team found no criminality on the part of the President.

We do not prosecute and should not persecute anyone for crimes they have not committed. Don't you agree?

And you never answered my question: what do you suppose Mueller meant by "...this report does not find that the President committed a crime...?"
The $35 million dollar investigation didn't cost that after Manafort surrendered all his assets. You must not have understood my answer when you asked the first time? Are you acting like a child, or are you deliberately holding out on us? You know, the part where it says
they didn't find where he didn't commit a crime either?
I'm not complaining about the price tag but rather noting that much time and treasure were expended by many highly qualified DOJ & FBI professionals.

Now once more for the Brain-dead: a prosecutorial witch-hunt does not seek evidence of innocence but rather evidence of criminality which, as we all know, the Muel Team DID NOT FIND. No crimes by the POTUS.

I am relieved to know our prez is neither a criminal nor a Russian agent. You seem infuriated by the revelation.
That's once again by all these Trump toads a lie. Nadler presented concrete proof of obstruction via Mueller's own words. 1000 prosecutors agree with Mueller. Game over and the bs ends. You can keep pedaling the same lies but it is too late.
All 'Jabba-Jerry' needs to do is go to Nancy and lay out the 'proof' and then Nancy will call for Trump's impeachment right?
The crazy bitch KNOWS the DEMs will lose if she tries to impeach Trump.
Wait for the IG's report comes out. Then you'll have a couple of years worth of posting inane defenses against all the DEMs going to prison.
Why would she lose? Because the Republican senate is covering for a criminal president who obstructed justice, and in the meantime, Republicans in the Senate can continue to trash their oath of office? Answer, that's exactly why they would do it.
Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry

Ask me how big a smile broke out on my face a few minutes ago?:113::113:


So great.....long time coming. Political eye poking is such a hoot to watch!
I'm going to make a prediction. Not one prosecution will come of this. Nothing burger anyone?
Seeing that it has already been investigated by the recused/un recused midnight rider Nunez before, then found nothing, would you care for mustard or ketchup on your bun with no burger?
You remain bitterly delusional. Dems have held a House majority since January and the Mueller Report since March. They still haven't even started formal impeachment because after The Muel Team's exhaustive, 2yr $35 million witch-hunt they just don't have evidence of criminality.
Yanno, nothing else anyone says trumps the fact that The Muel Team found no criminality on the part of the President.

We do not prosecute and should not persecute anyone for crimes they have not committed. Don't you agree?

And you never answered my question: what do you suppose Mueller meant by "...this report does not find that the President committed a crime...?"
The $35 million dollar investigation didn't cost that after Manafort surrendered all his assets. You must not have understood my answer when you asked the first time? Are you acting like a child, or are you deliberately holding out on us? You know, the part where it says
they didn't find where he didn't commit a crime either?
I'm not complaining about the price tag but rather noting that much time and treasure were expended by many highly qualified DOJ & FBI professionals.

Now once more for the Brain-dead: a prosecutorial witch-hunt does not seek evidence of innocence but rather evidence of criminality which, as we all know, the Muel Team DID NOT FIND. No crimes by the POTUS.

I am relieved to know our prez is neither a criminal nor a Russian agent. You seem infuriated by the revelation.
That's once again by all these Trump toads a lie. Nadler presented concrete proof of obstruction via Mueller's own words. 1000 prosecutors agree with Mueller. Game over and the bs ends. You can keep pedaling the same lies but it is too late.
All 'Jabba-Jerry' needs to do is go to Nancy and lay out the 'proof' and then Nancy will call for Trump's impeachment right?
The crazy bitch KNOWS the DEMs will lose if she tries to impeach Trump.
Wait for the IG's report comes out. Then you'll have a couple of years worth of posting inane defenses against all the DEMs going to prison.
Why would she lose? Because the Republican senate is covering for a criminal president who obstructed justice, and in the meantime, Republicans in the Senate can continue to trash their oath of office? Answer, that's exactly why they would do it.
You only have about five more years to attack Trump.
Then you can spend the next eight years attacking the next REP president.
Let's then you'll be about 26 years old. (Not too late to find a job cleaning the toilets at your local AW)
In about five tears President Trump will have put at least two more strict Constitutionalists on the SC bench and about 150 more lower court judges.
They already have to prop RBG up on a dolly to bring her to the SC hearings.
President Trump will go down in history as the greatest American patriot president of all time.
The $35 million dollar investigation didn't cost that after Manafort surrendered all his assets. You must not have understood my answer when you asked the first time? Are you acting like a child, or are you deliberately holding out on us? You know, the part where it says
they didn't find where he didn't commit a crime either?
I'm not complaining about the price tag but rather noting that much time and treasure were expended by many highly qualified DOJ & FBI professionals.

Now once more for the Brain-dead: a prosecutorial witch-hunt does not seek evidence of innocence but rather evidence of criminality which, as we all know, the Muel Team DID NOT FIND. No crimes by the POTUS.

I am relieved to know our prez is neither a criminal nor a Russian agent. You seem infuriated by the revelation.
That's once again by all these Trump toads a lie. Nadler presented concrete proof of obstruction via Mueller's own words. 1000 prosecutors agree with Mueller. Game over and the bs ends. You can keep pedaling the same lies but it is too late.
All 'Jabba-Jerry' needs to do is go to Nancy and lay out the 'proof' and then Nancy will call for Trump's impeachment right?
The crazy bitch KNOWS the DEMs will lose if she tries to impeach Trump.
Wait for the IG's report comes out. Then you'll have a couple of years worth of posting inane defenses against all the DEMs going to prison.
Why would she lose? Because the Republican senate is covering for a criminal president who obstructed justice, and in the meantime, Republicans in the Senate can continue to trash their oath of office? Answer, that's exactly why they would do it.
You only have about five more years to attack Trump.
Then you can spend the next eight years attacking the next REP president.
Let's then you'll be about 26 years old. (Not too late to find a job cleaning the toilets at your local AW)
In about five tears President Trump will have put at least two more strict Constitutionalists on the SC bench and about 150 more lower court judges.
They already have to prop RBG up on a dolly to bring her to the SC hearings.
President Trump will go down in history as the greatest American patriot president of all time.
The sheer fact that your post provides zero in the way of anything intelligent, but rather gives us this childish rehash for criminals getting elected again, tells you have totally depleted all supporting arguments in the defense of this illegal president.
I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
They don't even try. Their function is to find criminality … which they didn't. Not finding proof of guilt does not make Trump innocent no matter how much you love him.
No but not finding criminality means he cannot be prosecuted and should not be persecuted for crimes he did not commit.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
NO COLLUSION! No obstruction.

I understand you are in a panic since the investigations are turning on the far left and the Progressives. You know, and I know that it is going to get ugly. Really ugly!
"No obstruction."

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." ~ Robert Mueller

And again, it's not a prosecutors job to exonerate an innocent man. How many times do we need to repeat this?

This isn't fucking Nazi Germany. You aren't guilty until someone can prove you innocent.
Who said he's innocent of obstruction?

What was supposedly obstructed?
According to Mueller, there was not enough evidence to exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice.

Or convict him. In other words, not guilty! Thank you!
"No obstruction."

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." ~ Robert Mueller

And again, it's not a prosecutors job to exonerate an innocent man. How many times do we need to repeat this?

This isn't fucking Nazi Germany. You aren't guilty until someone can prove you innocent.
Who said he's innocent of obstruction?

What was supposedly obstructed?
According to Mueller, there was not enough evidence to exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice.

Or convict him. In other words, not guilty! Thank you!
Sounds like we need a few more investigations to find out, huh?
And this is what, about the third time? Will they invent some evidence this time? Lol! Trump and his goon patrol are so unbelievably corrupt. What was it he said yesterday? They need to stop these investigations, or we won't have any legislation? But it's okay for Trump to invent an investigation, that's already been investigated. What a disaster he is.

Specifically what investigation did President Donald J. Trump invent?
Not finding proof of guilt does not make Trump innocent no matter how much you love him.

Your desperation is duly noted.

So in your opinion, you not being able to find proof that I robbed a bank, does not make me innocent of robbing a bank?

What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Or, does that matter for everyone except President Donald J. Trump?
And this is what, about the third time? Will they invent some evidence this time? Lol! Trump and his goon patrol are so unbelievably corrupt. What was it he said yesterday? They need to stop these investigations, or we won't have any legislation? But it's okay for Trump to invent an investigation, that's already been investigated. What a disaster he is.

Specifically what investigation did President Donald J. Trump invent?
The investigation of the FISA warrants by the FBI that concluded they had done nothing wrong in issuing those warrants, and that it was not spying on the campaign. trump as always is looking at a distraction to forget about his proven crimes. It's so pathetic.
The funny thing is whatever they find Obama did, they wouldn't have a problem if Trump did those things.

Do Republicans think it's ok for the FBI to spy on Communists? What about socialists? I bet Republicans would have no problem spying on Uncle Bernie if he were the front runner.

They were spying on the campaign of Donald J. Trump.

Yes, I'd have a huge problem if the FBI was spying on Socialist Bernie Sanders or any candidate. Do you?
Not finding proof of guilt does not make Trump innocent no matter how much you love him.

Your desperation is duly noted.

So in your opinion, you not being able to find proof that I robbed a bank, does not make me innocent of robbing a bank?

What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Or, does that matter for everyone except President Donald J. Trump?
Trump's already been found guilty of numerous crimes.
The funny thing is whatever they find Obama did, they wouldn't have a problem if Trump did those things.

Do Republicans think it's ok for the FBI to spy on Communists? What about socialists? I bet Republicans would have no problem spying on Uncle Bernie if he were the front runner.

They were spying on the campaign of Donald J. Trump.

Yes, I'd have a huge problem if the FBI was spying on Socialist Bernie Sanders or any candidate. Do you?
Wrong! No evidence! Provide the evidence or you are a liar.
"No obstruction."

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." ~ Robert Mueller

And again, it's not a prosecutors job to exonerate an innocent man. How many times do we need to repeat this?

This isn't fucking Nazi Germany. You aren't guilty until someone can prove you innocent.
Who said he's innocent of obstruction?

What was supposedly obstructed?
According to Mueller, there was not enough evidence to exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice.

Or convict him. In other words, not guilty! Thank you!
You are too ignorant. You have no idea how the law works.
I didn't know that a prosecutor had to exonerate and innocent man. That's not Meullers job. Trump isn't guilty until exonerated, no matter how much you hate him.
They don't even try. Their function is to find criminality … which they didn't. Not finding proof of guilt does not make Trump innocent no matter how much you love him.
No but not finding criminality means he cannot be prosecuted and should not be persecuted for crimes he did not commit.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Mueller found criminality and cannot convict. The testimony has already been provided. You lose.
And again, it's not a prosecutors job to exonerate an innocent man. How many times do we need to repeat this?

This isn't fucking Nazi Germany. You aren't guilty until someone can prove you innocent.
Who said he's innocent of obstruction?

What was supposedly obstructed?
According to Mueller, there was not enough evidence to exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice.

Or convict him. In other words, not guilty! Thank you!
Sounds like we need a few more investigations to find out, huh?

Right, they have now turned to the cause of those charges being made against President Donald J. Trump. This is the reason Democrats are now in a panic and trying desperately to discredit AG Barr!
You remain bitterly delusional. Dems have held a House majority since January and the Mueller Report since March. They still haven't even started formal impeachment because after The Muel Team's exhaustive, 2yr $35 million witch-hunt they just don't have evidence of criminality.
Yanno, nothing else anyone says trumps the fact that The Muel Team found no criminality on the part of the President.

We do not prosecute and should not persecute anyone for crimes they have not committed. Don't you agree?

And you never answered my question: what do you suppose Mueller meant by "...this report does not find that the President committed a crime...?"
The $35 million dollar investigation didn't cost that after Manafort surrendered all his assets. You must not have understood my answer when you asked the first time? Are you acting like a child, or are you deliberately holding out on us? You know, the part where it says
they didn't find where he didn't commit a crime either?
I'm not complaining about the price tag but rather noting that much time and treasure were expended by many highly qualified DOJ & FBI professionals.

Now once more for the Brain-dead: a prosecutorial witch-hunt does not seek evidence of innocence but rather evidence of criminality which, as we all know, the Muel Team DID NOT FIND. No crimes by the POTUS.

I am relieved to know our prez is neither a criminal nor a Russian agent. You seem infuriated by the revelation.
That's once again by all these Trump toads a lie. Nadler presented concrete proof of obstruction via Mueller's own words. 1000 prosecutors agree with Mueller. Game over and the bs ends. You can keep pedaling the same lies but it is too late.
All 'Jabba-Jerry' needs to do is go to Nancy and lay out the 'proof' and then Nancy will call for Trump's impeachment right?
The crazy bitch KNOWS the DEMs will lose if she tries to impeach Trump.
Wait for the IG's report comes out. Then you'll have a couple of years worth of posting inane defenses against all the DEMs going to prison.
Why would she lose? Because the Republican senate is covering for a criminal president who obstructed justice, and in the meantime, Republicans in the Senate can continue to trash their oath of office? Answer, that's exactly why they would do it.

Bill Clinton
Who said he's innocent of obstruction?

What was supposedly obstructed?
According to Mueller, there was not enough evidence to exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice.

Or convict him. In other words, not guilty! Thank you!
Sounds like we need a few more investigations to find out, huh?

Right, they have now turned to the cause of those charges being made against President Donald J. Trump. This is the reason Democrats are now in a panic and trying desperately to discredit AG Barr!
Barr did it to himself by misrepresenting the Mueller report. But thanks to Nadler when reading off word for word by Mueller leaves zero doubt that Trump obstructed. And now we know why McGhan didn't go up in front of the committee. Trump is a coward, a liar, and a criminal.
The $35 million dollar investigation didn't cost that after Manafort surrendered all his assets. You must not have understood my answer when you asked the first time? Are you acting like a child, or are you deliberately holding out on us? You know, the part where it says
they didn't find where he didn't commit a crime either?
I'm not complaining about the price tag but rather noting that much time and treasure were expended by many highly qualified DOJ & FBI professionals.

Now once more for the Brain-dead: a prosecutorial witch-hunt does not seek evidence of innocence but rather evidence of criminality which, as we all know, the Muel Team DID NOT FIND. No crimes by the POTUS.

I am relieved to know our prez is neither a criminal nor a Russian agent. You seem infuriated by the revelation.
That's once again by all these Trump toads a lie. Nadler presented concrete proof of obstruction via Mueller's own words. 1000 prosecutors agree with Mueller. Game over and the bs ends. You can keep pedaling the same lies but it is too late.
All 'Jabba-Jerry' needs to do is go to Nancy and lay out the 'proof' and then Nancy will call for Trump's impeachment right?
The crazy bitch KNOWS the DEMs will lose if she tries to impeach Trump.
Wait for the IG's report comes out. Then you'll have a couple of years worth of posting inane defenses against all the DEMs going to prison.
Why would she lose? Because the Republican senate is covering for a criminal president who obstructed justice, and in the meantime, Republicans in the Senate can continue to trash their oath of office? Answer, that's exactly why they would do it.

Bill Clinton
Your distraction out of cowardice has been noted.
Mueller found criminality and cannot convict. The testimony has already been provided. You lose.


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