PAYBACK: House GOP launches into investigation of Cassidy Hutchinson

You loons are drama queens no member of the house was in danger. The only people who were violent was antifa.
Trump is a fucking pig with no morals & his HOR lackeys like Comer & Jordan are no better. THEY should be investigated for using taxpayer dollars in an effort to destroy Hutchinson just for telling the truth.
It is what it is. You hit us, we hit you back. What about that are you having a problem with?
GFY, you stupid moron.

But thanks for admitting that this investigation is nothing but an exercise in revenge.
Or even just honest.
Trump is behind this you asswipe. This is what he has planned for the entire nation if he is reelected & all more the reason why he's going to be laughed out of court with his immunity claim.

That son of a bitch should not be given one inch in his plot to blow the entire Country to hell because he's a psychopath out for revenge.
Trump is behind this you asswipe. This is what he has planned for the entire nation if he is reelected & all more the reason why he's going to be laughed out of court with his immunity claim.

That son of a bitch should not be given one inch in his plot to blow the entire Country to hell because he's a psychopath out for revenge.
Maybe next time she will be loyal.

And there you have it, folks.
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Having burned through the people with supposed evidence against the Bidens and several others, the House Oversight Subcommittee will now investigate Cassidy Hutchinson, former assistant to Mark Meadows, even though there is no evidence that she did anything wrong other than to relay truthful testimony that they don’t like.

Their stated reason is near-criminally ironic. They want to get to the bottom of why Hutchinson changed her recall and testimony regarding the days leading up to January 6th.

The trouble for the Subcommittee is that Hutchinson has already answered the question, and her explanation is both simple, easily understood, and damning.

Her testimony changed when she rejected Stefan Passantino, the lawyer provided by Trump and MAGA, and got her own attorney, who advised her to tell the truth and kept her out of traps.

But there is something even more sinister likely swimming below the announcement’s surface.

More at the link below...

Sickening! No low is too low for House Republicans. What do you think?
We told everyone that this would happen and the left continued being stupid and play games and now we are at payback and the left is outraged, really?
Why do you hate the TRUTH?

She was.
What were her lies?
For one: Trump tried to grab the wheel. Were you asleep or just in denial?
You gonna go with the Steering Wheel Thing?
I did. lol. And you have no valid response.
It was hearsay, she repeated what she was told.
So why did she “testify” to facts about which she had no actual first hand knowledge?

Get off your high horse, skippy. It’s just a rocking horse.

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