Paycheck Fairness Act


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
( – The Obama administration is backing legislation that includes regulations requiring U.S. businesses to provide to the government data about employee pay as it relates to the sex, race and national origin of employees.

In an orchestrated effort that included a statement by President Barack Obama and an event at the White House featuring Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, the president and his cabinet endorsed the Paycheck Fairness Act.

“The Paycheck Fairness Act, which purports to prevent instances of illegal gender-based discrimination, could outlaw many legitimate practices employers use to set employee pay rates, even where there is no evidence of intentional discrimination and employers act with reasonable belief that their pay policies are lawful,” the statement said.

“Manufacturers strongly oppose unlawful discrimination in any form, but the Paycheck Fairness Act would impose unparalleled government control over how employees are paid, among even the nation’s smallest businesses,” it added.

“It would drastically alter the Equal Pay Act to allow unprecedented penalties of unlimited punitive and compensatory damages in cases of alleged discrimination,” the statement said.

James Sherk, Bradley Fellow in Labor Policy in the Center for Data Analysis at conservative The Heritage Foundation, said that the law would be a boon to trial lawyers seeking damages from employers for their clients and would allow the courts to “micro-manage” American businesses. - White House Backs Bill to Collect Employee Pay Information from Businesses

It seems something is missing from the data that they want. Anyone?
It seems something is missing from the data that they want. Anyone?

the number of sm. biz's they are going to trash

and all the 'hidden tax' they'll collect from the fines
( – The Obama administration is backing legislation that includes regulations requiring U.S. businesses to provide to the government data about employee pay as it relates to the sex, race and national origin of employees.

In an orchestrated effort that included a statement by President Barack Obama and an event at the White House featuring Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, the president and his cabinet endorsed the Paycheck Fairness Act.

“The Paycheck Fairness Act, which purports to prevent instances of illegal gender-based discrimination, could outlaw many legitimate practices employers use to set employee pay rates, even where there is no evidence of intentional discrimination and employers act with reasonable belief that their pay policies are lawful,” the statement said.

“Manufacturers strongly oppose unlawful discrimination in any form, but the Paycheck Fairness Act would impose unparalleled government control over how employees are paid, among even the nation’s smallest businesses,” it added.

“It would drastically alter the Equal Pay Act to allow unprecedented penalties of unlimited punitive and compensatory damages in cases of alleged discrimination,” the statement said.

James Sherk, Bradley Fellow in Labor Policy in the Center for Data Analysis at conservative The Heritage Foundation, said that the law would be a boon to trial lawyers seeking damages from employers for their clients and would allow the courts to “micro-manage” American businesses. - White House Backs Bill to Collect Employee Pay Information from Businesses

It seems something is missing from the data that they want. Anyone?

well I wonder if V.P. bite me wouldn't mind making the same ammount of money I make? And still do the same job.
Perhaps the article is wrong; but I don't think so. Missing from the data is: JOB DESCRIPTION. It seems that gender and racial equity is to be achieved by looking at anatomy and melatonin; not by skills, education, and performance.

Could this be another step toward "wealth redistribution"? "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need..."
Perhaps the article is wrong; but I don't think so. Missing from the data is: JOB DESCRIPTION. It seems that gender and racial equity is to be achieved by looking at anatomy and melatonin; not by skills, education, and performance.

Could this be another step toward "wealth redistribution"? "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need..."

Thats exactly what it is, "wealth redistribution"
It seems something is missing from the data that they want. Anyone?

the number of sm. biz's they are going to trash

and all the 'hidden tax' they'll collect from the fines

And all the New Jobs (!!!!!) that will be created in yet another government agency and possibly a new czar to oversee the operation.

DOL already gets all kinds of reports from businesses pertaining to employer statistics on employees.

Section 709 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e-8) is amended by adding at the end the following:

‘(f)(1) Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Commission shall--

‘(A) complete a survey of the data that is currently available to the Federal Government relating to employee pay information for use in the enforcement of Federal laws prohibiting pay discrimination and, in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies, identify additional data collections that will enhance the enforcement of such laws; and

‘(B) based on the results of the survey and consultations under subparagraph (A), issue regulations to provide for the collection of pay information data from employers as described by the sex, race, and national origin of employees.​

‘(2) In implementing paragraph (1), the Commission shall have as its primary consideration the most effective and efficient means for enhancing the enforcement of Federal laws prohibiting pay discrimination. For this purpose, the Commission shall consider factors including the imposition of burdens on employers, the frequency of required reports (including which employers should be required to prepare reports), appropriate protections for maintaining data confidentiality, and the most effective format for the data collection reports.’.​

This is the bit that's bothering you?
Yes. Where does it say "job description"? How can someone conduct a survey on wages without knowing what the frickin job is? Does that make sense to you?
( – The Obama administration is backing legislation that includes regulations requiring U.S. businesses to provide to the government data about employee pay as it relates to the sex, race and national origin of employees.

In an orchestrated effort that included a statement by President Barack Obama and an event at the White House featuring Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, the president and his cabinet endorsed the Paycheck Fairness Act.

“The Paycheck Fairness Act, which purports to prevent instances of illegal gender-based discrimination, could outlaw many legitimate practices employers use to set employee pay rates, even where there is no evidence of intentional discrimination and employers act with reasonable belief that their pay policies are lawful,” the statement said.

“Manufacturers strongly oppose unlawful discrimination in any form, but the Paycheck Fairness Act would impose unparalleled government control over how employees are paid, among even the nation’s smallest businesses,” it added.

“It would drastically alter the Equal Pay Act to allow unprecedented penalties of unlimited punitive and compensatory damages in cases of alleged discrimination,” the statement said.

James Sherk, Bradley Fellow in Labor Policy in the Center for Data Analysis at conservative The Heritage Foundation, said that the law would be a boon to trial lawyers seeking damages from employers for their clients and would allow the courts to “micro-manage” American businesses. - White House Backs Bill to Collect Employee Pay Information from Businesses

It seems something is missing from the data that they want. Anyone?

They better be careful what they wishful it's not going to do them much good after the lose the house and Senate this fall... It may just backfire.
Seems that would fall under "identify additional data collections that will enhance the enforcement of such laws." It doesn't say they're limited to demographic information but they would be required to collect at least the demographic information.
One more step towards having a finger in EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE. Ahhhh.. remember the good old days when you fuckers where shitting yourselves over the NSA evesdropping on suspected terrorists?
For a government that is supposed to be about equality, blindness when it comes to race, sex, etc... they sure are preoccupied with things like race, sex, etc


Because just like the inherent racism in affirmative action helped the DEMs get votes, this will too... to demonize "big bad rich people"
First problem...its from CNS News who makes Fox look like a legitimate news source

Second.....Government has always required employers to provide data on sex, race and national origin

Overall, just another example of the right wings ability to read and understand what a bill really does
( – The Obama administration is backing legislation that includes regulations requiring U.S. businesses to provide to the government data about employee pay as it relates to the sex, race and national origin of employees.

In an orchestrated effort that included a statement by President Barack Obama and an event at the White House featuring Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, the president and his cabinet endorsed the Paycheck Fairness Act.

“The Paycheck Fairness Act, which purports to prevent instances of illegal gender-based discrimination, could outlaw many legitimate practices employers use to set employee pay rates, even where there is no evidence of intentional discrimination and employers act with reasonable belief that their pay policies are lawful,” the statement said.

“Manufacturers strongly oppose unlawful discrimination in any form, but the Paycheck Fairness Act would impose unparalleled government control over how employees are paid, among even the nation’s smallest businesses,” it added.

“It would drastically alter the Equal Pay Act to allow unprecedented penalties of unlimited punitive and compensatory damages in cases of alleged discrimination,” the statement said.

James Sherk, Bradley Fellow in Labor Policy in the Center for Data Analysis at conservative The Heritage Foundation, said that the law would be a boon to trial lawyers seeking damages from employers for their clients and would allow the courts to “micro-manage” American businesses. - White House Backs Bill to Collect Employee Pay Information from Businesses

It seems something is missing from the data that they want. Anyone?

Can we call them Communists yet?
Does anyone see in this what I see?

It almost seems like the goivernment is going to act as a "union" for non unionized companies.

Or am I missing something?
Does anyone see in this what I see?

It almost seems like the goivernment is going to act as a "union" for non unionized companies.

Or am I missing something?

No you are not missing anything.
Perhaps the article is wrong; but I don't think so. Missing from the data is: JOB DESCRIPTION. It seems that gender and racial equity is to be achieved by looking at anatomy and melatonin; not by skills, education, and performance.

Could this be another step toward "wealth redistribution"? "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need..."

Are you gonna be mad when they give some lazy girl the same pay as a hard working one.
Perhaps the article is wrong; but I don't think so. Missing from the data is: JOB DESCRIPTION. It seems that gender and racial equity is to be achieved by looking at anatomy and melatonin; not by skills, education, and performance.
Yeah....right....some Accountant is gonna file a suit, 'cause they're not makin' as much as that company's CEO.

That makes sense, to you, huh??

Perhaps the article is wrong; but I don't think so. Missing from the data is: JOB DESCRIPTION. It seems that gender and racial equity is to be achieved by looking at anatomy and melatonin; not by skills, education, and performance.
Yeah....right....some Accountant is gonna file a suit, 'cause they're not makin' as much as that company's CEO.

That makes sense, to you, huh??


Sheman.... What part of JOB DESCRIPTION did you have trouble with? Or, do you think CEO and Accountant are the same description? 180 degrees out of phase with the topic, as usual.
Perhaps the article is wrong; but I don't think so. Missing from the data is: JOB DESCRIPTION. It seems that gender and racial equity is to be achieved by looking at anatomy and melatonin; not by skills, education, and performance.
Yeah....right....some Accountant is gonna file a suit, 'cause they're not makin' as much as that company's CEO.

That makes sense, to you, huh??


You are quite naive. You show it with every post.

Some V.P of Finance most certainly may complain that he or she is not making the same amount of money as the CFO.

Likely, they are of similar age, similar skill set and similar experience. However, also likely is that the VP of Finance is a solid financial model applicator whereas the CFO has the ability to forecast, envision, and think out of the box.

It is the "undefinable" and "inherent skills" (such as creativity and work ethic) that separates many in the workforce.

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