Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

What does that have to do with black thugs stealing the land of totally innocent farmers and then murdering them?

What "horrible crimes" are you referring to? Committed against who?

What does it have to do with it? It has EVERYTHING to do with it. If Blacks had any time that could even remotely be called acceptable for them to commit violence against whites it would have been after the end of Apartheid, and it didn't happen. What is going on now is NOTHING like how you are trying to make it. After several years of widespread suppression and abuse, the Blacks of South Africa instead turned the other cheek and looked to change their country for the better. Yet here you are trying to spread a lie that there is widespread killings of white farmers by Blacks, and that isn't true.
Blacks have been murdering whites ever since the end of Apartheid. You're trying to say that's acceptable. It isn't. Blacks were denied the right to vote. They weren't murdered in their beds in the middle of the nights like they are currently doing to whites. They also aren't changing their country for the better with this so-called "land reform."

Without exception, splendid enterprises that fed the country many times over have been reduced to “subsistence operations with a few mangy cattle and the odd mealie patch.” (Mealie is Afrikaans for “maize,” deriving, apparently, from the Portuguese word milho.)

In even the best-case scenario, farms belonging to the whites who feed the country and produce surpluses are being handed over to subsistence farmers who can barely feed themselves.
This article is nonsense. The purpose of the reform is not to steal land from farmers and give it to tribes that no nothing about farming. That is how it is being framed by opponents. The purpose of the legislation is to return the land to labor tenants.

There are 22,000 labor tenants who submitted claims against the land owners. Most of the owners are not farmers, they are just landlords, often large corporations, trusts, or banks. Labor tenants are people who have lived on the land and worked the land for generations. But they are more than farm workers, labor tenants farm on the land in exchange for their labor. The closest equivalent in the US would be sharecroppers. However the lot these people have been dealt is worst than sharecroppers. In order to farm the land the families must labor for the land owner for the right to farm the land. In most cases they must either pay rent in addition to their labor for the landlord or a percent of the crop. Since the land owners stole the land from the these people, there is certainly justice in returning it to them. Transferring the land to labor tenants is not a major issue. It is doing so without compensating the landowner.

Yeah the articles I've read said something like 72% of farm land is owned by like 2% of the population.

The same is probably true in the US since only about 3% of the population are farmers. The proves exactly nothing.

When it comes to outrageous immoral behavior, Trump is in a league of his own. Over the last 30 years Trump used the media shamelessly to create a public image and keep that image in the headlines, often making fools of reporters and editors. Now, he is president and the media which was his most important tool in promoting himself has become his deadliest enemy. For the media, it's payback time. The free ride is over and it's time to pay the piper.
So what is the "immoral behavior" you're accusing Trump of?
For starters, there's sex and lies as with most politicians.
However what separates Trump from his predecessors is volume and lack any remorse. Trump lies to illustrate a point, please his audience or himself. I doubt he see anything wrong with his lies. His infidelities and other sexual behavior seem to be source of pride, whether it's groping women, infidelities, or other activities he spoke of on late night shows, he seems to take great pride in his transgressions.

How many times has Trump cheated on his wives? Here's what we know
Your belief that Obama and Hillary didn't lie couldn't be more hilarious. If Obama had the kind of opportunities that have presented themselves to Trump, there is little doubt that he would have strayed. His fidelity is the result of the fact that he is not attractive to most women. Being a "community organizer" isn't exactly a glamorous job.
That's about the poorest defense of Trump's morality I have ever read. Obama wasn't immoral because he didn't have the opportunity so that makes Trump's immoral behavior ok.

How can anyone defend Trump's morality after the Access Hollywood tape, release of recordings of Trump on the Howard Stern Show, and his involvement with porn stars while he was married to Melana and just months after she gave birth to Baron?
There's no proof Trump had anything to do with those spurned gold digging hussies other than their unsupported claims. There are no texts, phone logs, emails - anything. As for the Access Hollywood tape, every male in this country has done similar locker room boasting. I have had numerous friends and coworkers who were getting a little on the side. That's between them and their spouses, not me.
Of course there is evidence, description of Trump's
gentiles and a CD with photos. If there was no evidence Trump would not be paying them off. He would be blowing them off just like the women who claimed he sexually attacked them.

No, every male in this country does not boast about their infidelities and groping women. Unlike Trump, 2/3 of the married men are faithful to their wives. I have spent plenty of time with friends in bars and locker rooms and have never heard any one bragging about grabbing women's gentiles. Doing so is sick and it's likely to get you arrested, unless of course you are Donald Trump.

With Trump's history of infidelity, promiscuity, openly admitting to sexual liaisons, and accusations of sexual attacks by women there is no reason not to believe the payoff money was hush money for affairs just as the women claim.

Or as the saying goes, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck or in this case a president with the morals of a tomcat.
Last edited:
What does that have to do with black thugs stealing the land of totally innocent farmers and then murdering them?

What "horrible crimes" are you referring to? Committed against who?

What does it have to do with it? It has EVERYTHING to do with it. If Blacks had any time that could even remotely be called acceptable for them to commit violence against whites it would have been after the end of Apartheid, and it didn't happen. What is going on now is NOTHING like how you are trying to make it. After several years of widespread suppression and abuse, the Blacks of South Africa instead turned the other cheek and looked to change their country for the better. Yet here you are trying to spread a lie that there is widespread killings of white farmers by Blacks, and that isn't true.
Blacks have been murdering whites ever since the end of Apartheid. You're trying to say that's acceptable. It isn't. Blacks were denied the right to vote. They weren't murdered in their beds in the middle of the nights like they are currently doing to whites. They also aren't changing their country for the better with this so-called "land reform."

Without exception, splendid enterprises that fed the country many times over have been reduced to “subsistence operations with a few mangy cattle and the odd mealie patch.” (Mealie is Afrikaans for “maize,” deriving, apparently, from the Portuguese word milho.)

In even the best-case scenario, farms belonging to the whites who feed the country and produce surpluses are being handed over to subsistence farmers who can barely feed themselves.
This article is nonsense. The purpose of the reform is not to steal land from farmers and give it to tribes that no nothing about farming. That is how it is being framed by opponents. The purpose of the legislation is to return the land to labor tenants.

There are 22,000 labor tenants who submitted claims against the land owners. Most of the owners are not farmers, they are just landlords, often large corporations, trusts, or banks. Labor tenants are people who have lived on the land and worked the land for generations. But they are more than farm workers, labor tenants farm on the land in exchange for their labor. The closest equivalent in the US would be sharecroppers. However the lot these people have been dealt is worst than sharecroppers. In order to farm the land the families must labor for the land owner for the right to farm the land. In most cases they must either pay rent in addition to their labor for the landlord or a percent of the crop. Since the land owners stole the land from the these people, there is certainly justice in returning it to them. Transferring the land to labor tenants is not a major issue. It is doing so without compensating the landowner.

Yeah the articles I've read said something like 72% of farm land is owned by like 2% of the population.

The same is probably true in the US since only about 3% of the population are farmers. The proves exactly nothing.
In the US 90% of the farmers own all or part of the land they operate. Sharecropping in the US has virtually disappeared due to mechanization.
It's not irrelevant, it proves a point that you continue to ignore. I knew you wouldn't know what happened after Apartheid because you don't pay to attention when people you don't like do fair shit.

They did what is called Truth and Reconciliation Hearings. When Blacks took power in South Africa, they didn't act out in a vindictive manner. No they allowed people that had committed horrible crimes against to come before the commission and admit their acts in return for forgiveness and amnesty.
What does that have to do with black thugs stealing the land of totally innocent farmers and then murdering them?

What "horrible crimes" are you referring to? Committed against who?

What does it have to do with it? It has EVERYTHING to do with it. If Blacks had any time that could even remotely be called acceptable for them to commit violence against whites it would have been after the end of Apartheid, and it didn't happen. What is going on now is NOTHING like how you are trying to make it. After several years of widespread suppression and abuse, the Blacks of South Africa instead turned the other cheek and looked to change their country for the better. Yet here you are trying to spread a lie that there is widespread killings of white farmers by Blacks, and that isn't true.
Blacks have been murdering whites ever since the end of Apartheid. You're trying to say that's acceptable. It isn't. Blacks were denied the right to vote. They weren't murdered in their beds in the middle of the nights like they are currently doing to whites. They also aren't changing their country for the better with this so-called "land reform."

Without exception, splendid enterprises that fed the country many times over have been reduced to “subsistence operations with a few mangy cattle and the odd mealie patch.” (Mealie is Afrikaans for “maize,” deriving, apparently, from the Portuguese word milho.)

In even the best-case scenario, farms belonging to the whites who feed the country and produce surpluses are being handed over to subsistence farmers who can barely feed themselves.
This article is nonsense. The purpose of the reform is not to steal land from farmers and give it to tribes that no nothing about farming. That is how it is being framed by opponents. The purpose of the legislation is to return the land to labor tenants.

ROFL! "Land reform" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "theft." How is giving the land to people who never owned it or farmed it "returning" it?

There are 22,000 labor tenants who submitted claims against the land owners. Most of the owners are not farmers, they are just landlords, often large corporations, trusts, or banks. Labor tenants are people who have lived on the land and worked the land for generations. But they are more than farm workers, labor tenants farm on the land in exchange for their labor. The closest equivalent in the US would be sharecroppers. However the lot these people have been dealt is worst than sharecroppers. In order to farm the land the families must labor for the land owner for the right to farm the land. In most cases they must either pay rent in addition to their labor for the landlord or a percent of the crop. Since the land owners stole the land from the these people, there is certainly justice in returning it to them. Transferring the land to labor tenants is not a major issue. It is doing so without compensating the landowner.

The land owners did not steal the land from anyone. Most of them have owned the land for generations. The so-called "tenants" are in reality who moved in quit recently. Most blacks in South Africa were not born their or their parents were not born there. They are immigrants who relocated for a better life then they could obtain in the surrounding economic disasters.

There is no justice in stealing land from people who own it to give to thugs who moved in, destroyed the live stock, and have never farmed a day in their lives. Stealing is never a major issue for thieves and thugs. It is a major issue for their victims.

Why am i not surprised that a snowflake would support organized plunder and government sanctioned thuggery?
The labor tenants that will be eligible to own the land are those who have farmed the land and whose parents or grandparents have farmed the land. These are not thieves and thugs but families that have lived and farmed the land for generations.

In 1913, the Native Land Act became law which forbid natives from entering into any land transaction. They were not allowed to buy, own or lease land for farming purposes. They were also not allowed to occupy farm land unless they were tenants while they were servants on farms. In effect, on June 20, 1913 natives that farmed the land for 2000 years found themselves without their land or homes. White men took over all farm land by paying a fee to the government. The South African natives found themselves, not actually slaves, but a pariah in the land of their birth. If that's not stealing, I don't know what is. The act was not repealed until 1994.

South Africa marks 105 years since Natives Land Act - SABC News - Breaking news, special reports, world, business, sport coverage of all South African current events. Africa's news leader.
What does that have to do with black thugs stealing the land of totally innocent farmers and then murdering them?

What "horrible crimes" are you referring to? Committed against who?

What does it have to do with it? It has EVERYTHING to do with it. If Blacks had any time that could even remotely be called acceptable for them to commit violence against whites it would have been after the end of Apartheid, and it didn't happen. What is going on now is NOTHING like how you are trying to make it. After several years of widespread suppression and abuse, the Blacks of South Africa instead turned the other cheek and looked to change their country for the better. Yet here you are trying to spread a lie that there is widespread killings of white farmers by Blacks, and that isn't true.
Blacks have been murdering whites ever since the end of Apartheid. You're trying to say that's acceptable. It isn't. Blacks were denied the right to vote. They weren't murdered in their beds in the middle of the nights like they are currently doing to whites. They also aren't changing their country for the better with this so-called "land reform."

Without exception, splendid enterprises that fed the country many times over have been reduced to “subsistence operations with a few mangy cattle and the odd mealie patch.” (Mealie is Afrikaans for “maize,” deriving, apparently, from the Portuguese word milho.)

In even the best-case scenario, farms belonging to the whites who feed the country and produce surpluses are being handed over to subsistence farmers who can barely feed themselves.
This article is nonsense. The purpose of the reform is not to steal land from farmers and give it to tribes that no nothing about farming. That is how it is being framed by opponents. The purpose of the legislation is to return the land to labor tenants.

ROFL! "Land reform" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "theft." How is giving the land to people who never owned it or farmed it "returning" it?

There are 22,000 labor tenants who submitted claims against the land owners. Most of the owners are not farmers, they are just landlords, often large corporations, trusts, or banks. Labor tenants are people who have lived on the land and worked the land for generations. But they are more than farm workers, labor tenants farm on the land in exchange for their labor. The closest equivalent in the US would be sharecroppers. However the lot these people have been dealt is worst than sharecroppers. In order to farm the land the families must labor for the land owner for the right to farm the land. In most cases they must either pay rent in addition to their labor for the landlord or a percent of the crop. Since the land owners stole the land from the these people, there is certainly justice in returning it to them. Transferring the land to labor tenants is not a major issue. It is doing so without compensating the landowner.

The land owners did not steal the land from anyone. Most of them have owned the land for generations. The so-called "tenants" are in reality who moved in quit recently. Most blacks in South Africa were not born their or their parents were not born there. They are immigrants who relocated for a better life then they could obtain in the surrounding economic disasters.

There is no justice in stealing land from people who own it to give to thugs who moved in, destroyed the live stock, and have never farmed a day in their lives. Stealing is never a major issue for thieves and thugs. It is a major issue for their victims.

Why am i not surprised that a snowflake would support organized plunder and government sanctioned thuggery?
The labor tenants that will be eligible to own the land are those who have farmed the land and whose parents or grandparents have farmed the land. These are not thieves and thugs but families that have lived and farmed the land for generations.

In 1913, the Native Land Act became law which forbid natives from entering into any land transaction. They were not allowed to buy, own or lease land for farming purposes. They were also not allowed to occupy farm land unless they were tenants while they were servants on farms. In effect, on June 20, 1913 natives that farmed the land for 2000 years found themselves without their land or homes. White men took over all farm land by paying a fee to the government. The South African natives found themselves, not actually slaves, but a pariah in the land of their birth. If that's not stealing, I don't know what is. The act was not repealed until 1994.

South Africa marks 105 years since Natives Land Act - SABC News - Breaking news, special reports, world, business, sport coverage of all South African current events. Africa's news leader.

Allodial rights to property was lost after commie FDR pledged our labor as surety against the debt due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of March 1933.

Senate Document # 43; SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 62 (Pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933. "The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership"is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State".

Game, set AND match, has to suck to be as stupid and as uninformed as you are.
So what is the "immoral behavior" you're accusing Trump of?
For starters, there's sex and lies as with most politicians.
However what separates Trump from his predecessors is volume and lack any remorse. Trump lies to illustrate a point, please his audience or himself. I doubt he see anything wrong with his lies. His infidelities and other sexual behavior seem to be source of pride, whether it's groping women, infidelities, or other activities he spoke of on late night shows, he seems to take great pride in his transgressions.

How many times has Trump cheated on his wives? Here's what we know
Your belief that Obama and Hillary didn't lie couldn't be more hilarious. If Obama had the kind of opportunities that have presented themselves to Trump, there is little doubt that he would have strayed. His fidelity is the result of the fact that he is not attractive to most women. Being a "community organizer" isn't exactly a glamorous job.
That's about the poorest defense of Trump's morality I have ever read. Obama wasn't immoral because he didn't have the opportunity so that makes Trump's immoral behavior ok.

How can anyone defend Trump's morality after the Access Hollywood tape, release of recordings of Trump on the Howard Stern Show, and his involvement with porn stars while he was married to Melana and just months after she gave birth to Baron?
There's no proof Trump had anything to do with those spurned gold digging hussies other than their unsupported claims. There are no texts, phone logs, emails - anything. As for the Access Hollywood tape, every male in this country has done similar locker room boasting. I have had numerous friends and coworkers who were getting a little on the side. That's between them and their spouses, not me.
Of course there is evidence, description of Trump's
gentiles and a CD with photos. If there was no evidence Trump would not be paying them off. He would be blowing them off just like the women who claimed he sexually attacked them.

No, every male in this country does not boast about their infidelities and groping women. Unlike Trump, 2/3 of the married men are faithful to their wives. I have spent plenty of time with friends in bars and locker rooms and have never heard any one bragging about grabbing women's gentiles. Doing so is sick and it's likely to get you arrested, unless of course you are Donald Trump.

With Trump's history of infidelity, promiscuity, openly admitting to sexual liaisons, and accusations of sexual attacks by women there is no reason not to believe the payoff money was hush money for affairs just as the women claim.

Or as the saying goes, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck or in this case a president with the morals of a tomcat.

What photos? I've seen one pic of her with Trump that wasn't photoshopped, and that's it. That's proof of nothing

I know there are lots of losers who never scored with women or had sex with anyone other than the woman they married. All that shows is that they had no other opportunities. Famous billionaires get propositioned by hundreds or even thousands of beautiful women. Anyone with eyes in his head knows that to be true. Wilt Chamberlain bragged that he had sex with 10,000 women. You don't see losers like you with beautiful women hanging off their arm


There's nothing sick about wanting to grope an attractive females. The desire to do it is as natural as breathing, but most men know they won't get away with it. What's unnatural is priggish assholes like you who claim there's something sick about being attracted to physical beauty.

Which male said he wouldn't screw the female in the above picture? No man, ever.
Last edited:
What does that have to do with black thugs stealing the land of totally innocent farmers and then murdering them?

What "horrible crimes" are you referring to? Committed against who?

What does it have to do with it? It has EVERYTHING to do with it. If Blacks had any time that could even remotely be called acceptable for them to commit violence against whites it would have been after the end of Apartheid, and it didn't happen. What is going on now is NOTHING like how you are trying to make it. After several years of widespread suppression and abuse, the Blacks of South Africa instead turned the other cheek and looked to change their country for the better. Yet here you are trying to spread a lie that there is widespread killings of white farmers by Blacks, and that isn't true.
Blacks have been murdering whites ever since the end of Apartheid. You're trying to say that's acceptable. It isn't. Blacks were denied the right to vote. They weren't murdered in their beds in the middle of the nights like they are currently doing to whites. They also aren't changing their country for the better with this so-called "land reform."

Without exception, splendid enterprises that fed the country many times over have been reduced to “subsistence operations with a few mangy cattle and the odd mealie patch.” (Mealie is Afrikaans for “maize,” deriving, apparently, from the Portuguese word milho.)

In even the best-case scenario, farms belonging to the whites who feed the country and produce surpluses are being handed over to subsistence farmers who can barely feed themselves.
This article is nonsense. The purpose of the reform is not to steal land from farmers and give it to tribes that no nothing about farming. That is how it is being framed by opponents. The purpose of the legislation is to return the land to labor tenants.

ROFL! "Land reform" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "theft." How is giving the land to people who never owned it or farmed it "returning" it?

There are 22,000 labor tenants who submitted claims against the land owners. Most of the owners are not farmers, they are just landlords, often large corporations, trusts, or banks. Labor tenants are people who have lived on the land and worked the land for generations. But they are more than farm workers, labor tenants farm on the land in exchange for their labor. The closest equivalent in the US would be sharecroppers. However the lot these people have been dealt is worst than sharecroppers. In order to farm the land the families must labor for the land owner for the right to farm the land. In most cases they must either pay rent in addition to their labor for the landlord or a percent of the crop. Since the land owners stole the land from the these people, there is certainly justice in returning it to them. Transferring the land to labor tenants is not a major issue. It is doing so without compensating the landowner.

The land owners did not steal the land from anyone. Most of them have owned the land for generations. The so-called "tenants" are in reality who moved in quit recently. Most blacks in South Africa were not born their or their parents were not born there. They are immigrants who relocated for a better life then they could obtain in the surrounding economic disasters.

There is no justice in stealing land from people who own it to give to thugs who moved in, destroyed the live stock, and have never farmed a day in their lives. Stealing is never a major issue for thieves and thugs. It is a major issue for their victims.

Why am i not surprised that a snowflake would support organized plunder and government sanctioned thuggery?
The labor tenants that will be eligible to own the land are those who have farmed the land and whose parents or grandparents have farmed the land. These are not thieves and thugs but families that have lived and farmed the land for generations.

In 1913, the Native Land Act became law which forbid natives from entering into any land transaction. They were not allowed to buy, own or lease land for farming purposes. They were also not allowed to occupy farm land unless they were tenants while they were servants on farms. In effect, on June 20, 1913 natives that farmed the land for 2000 years found themselves without their land or homes. White men took over all farm land by paying a fee to the government. The South African natives found themselves, not actually slaves, but a pariah in the land of their birth. If that's not stealing, I don't know what is. The act was not repealed until 1994.

South Africa marks 105 years since Natives Land Act - SABC News - Breaking news, special reports, world, business, sport coverage of all South African current events. Africa's news leader.
That is utter horseshit. This is how it really works

Land Reform In Ramaphosa’s South Africa

The process currently in place typically begins with a “tribe” or group of individuals who band together to claim vast tracts of private property.

If these loosely and conveniently conjoined groups know anything, it’s this: South Africa’s adapted, indigenized law allows coveted land, owned and occupied by another, to be obtained with relative ease.

See, the country no longer enjoys the impressive Western system of Roman-Dutch law it once enjoyed. Lax law and poorly protected property rights signal a free-for-all on the lives of white owners and their livestock

No sooner does this newly constituted “tribe” (or band of bandits, really) launch a claim with the South African Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, than related squatters—sometimes in the thousands—move to colonize the land.

They defile its grounds and groundwater by using these as one vast toilet, and terrorize, sometimes kill, its occupants and their animals in the hope of “nudging” them off the land.

Dr. Philip du Toit, a farmer (with a doctorate in labor law) and author of “The Great South African Land Scandal,” speaks of recurrent attacks on farm animals that “hark back to the Mau Mau terror campaign which drove whites off Kenyan farms.”

Farmer’s Weekly used to be packed with pitiful accounts of cows poisoned with exotic substances, battered with heavy metal bars, writhing in agony for hours before being found by a distraught farmer.

“Encroachment is the right word,” a farmer told du Toit. “They put their cattle in, then they cut the fences, then they start stealing your crops, forcing you to leave your land. And then they say: ‘Oh well, there’s vacant land, let’s move on to it.’

It’s a very subtle way of stealing land.” “When there is a farm claim I say ‘Look out!’ because attacks may follow to scare the farmers,” confirmed the regional director of the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU).”

Agri SA, an organization representing small and large-scale commercial farmers, reports the annual theft of hundreds of thousands of priceless livestock.

The ANC’s old Soviet-inspired Freedom Charter promised this: “All shall have the right to occupy land wherever they choose.” And so they do today.

Because of legal claims they are powerless to fight, squatters whom they cannot fend off, and cattle, crops and families which they can no longer protect, farmers have already been pushed to abandon hundreds of thousands of hectares of prime commercial farmland.

“Since the end of apartheid in 1994, when multi-racial elections were held,” wrote Dan McDougal of the London Times, millions of “acres of productive farmland have been transferred to black ownership. Much of it is now lying fallow, creating no economic benefit for the nation or its new owners.”

South Africa has become a net importer of food for the first time in its history.
So what, fucking moron?

I was talking about Trump being a piece of shit scumbag who cheated on his wife who had recently birthed his child. A brain-dead con asked, but what about Pelosi, Schumer and Waters.

I noted how their only defense of trump was another, butwhataboutism, to which you idiotically thought that made me a hypocrite.

Well, fucking moron, for me to be a hypocrite here, at least one of those Democrats would need to be a piece of shit scumbag cheater like trump.

When it comes to outrageous immoral behavior, Trump is in a league of his own. Over the last 30 years Trump used the media shamelessly to create a public image and keep that image in the headlines, often making fools of reporters and editors. Now, he is president and the media which was his most important tool in promoting himself has become his deadliest enemy. For the media, it's payback time. The free ride is over and it's time to pay the piper.
So what is the "immoral behavior" you're accusing Trump of?
For starters, there's sex and lies as with most politicians.
However what separates Trump from his predecessors is volume and lack any remorse. Trump lies to illustrate a point, please his audience or himself. I doubt he see anything wrong with his lies. His infidelities and other sexual behavior seem to be source of pride, whether it's groping women, infidelities, or other activities he spoke of on late night shows, he seems to take great pride in his transgressions.

How many times has Trump cheated on his wives? Here's what we know
Your belief that Obama and Hillary didn't lie couldn't be more hilarious. If Obama had the kind of opportunities that have presented themselves to Trump, there is little doubt that he would have strayed. His fidelity is the result of the fact that he is not attractive to most women. Being a "community organizer" isn't exactly a glamorous job.
That's about the poorest defense of Trump's morality I have ever read. Obama wasn't immoral because he didn't have the opportunity so that makes Trump's immoral behavior ok.

How can anyone defend Trump's morality after the Access Hollywood tape, release of recordings of Trump on the Howard Stern Show, and his involvement with porn stars while he was married to Melana and just months after she gave birth to Baron?

It makes you wonder what these guys who defend Trump tell their daughters and wives...

"It's okay if he fucked around on his wife with women who made him think of his daughter...he's increased the GDP by 1 whole percent!!!!!"

And the hilarious thing (if you have a dark sense of humor like I do) is that the same folks who defend this pervert are the ones who start threads like this:

Our Civilization Peaked Around 1970
When it comes to outrageous immoral behavior, Trump is in a league of his own. Over the last 30 years Trump used the media shamelessly to create a public image and keep that image in the headlines, often making fools of reporters and editors. Now, he is president and the media which was his most important tool in promoting himself has become his deadliest enemy. For the media, it's payback time. The free ride is over and it's time to pay the piper.
So what is the "immoral behavior" you're accusing Trump of?
For starters, there's sex and lies as with most politicians.
However what separates Trump from his predecessors is volume and lack any remorse. Trump lies to illustrate a point, please his audience or himself. I doubt he see anything wrong with his lies. His infidelities and other sexual behavior seem to be source of pride, whether it's groping women, infidelities, or other activities he spoke of on late night shows, he seems to take great pride in his transgressions.

How many times has Trump cheated on his wives? Here's what we know
Your belief that Obama and Hillary didn't lie couldn't be more hilarious. If Obama had the kind of opportunities that have presented themselves to Trump, there is little doubt that he would have strayed. His fidelity is the result of the fact that he is not attractive to most women. Being a "community organizer" isn't exactly a glamorous job.
That's about the poorest defense of Trump's morality I have ever read. Obama wasn't immoral because he didn't have the opportunity so that makes Trump's immoral behavior ok.

How can anyone defend Trump's morality after the Access Hollywood tape, release of recordings of Trump on the Howard Stern Show, and his involvement with porn stars while he was married to Melana and just months after she gave birth to Baron?

It makes you wonder what these guys who defend Trump tell their daughters and wives...

"It's okay if he fucked around on his wife with women who made him think of his daughter...he's increased the GDP by 1 whole percent!!!!!"

And the hilarious thing (if you have a dark sense of humor like I do) is that the same folks who defend this pervert are the ones who start threads like this:

Our Civilization Peaked Around 1970
It really is amusing watching all the hypocrites who defended Slick Willy to the last man whine that Trump isn't pure as the driven snow.
Dumbfuck, now you're flat out lying. I never insisted trump knew she went public with her story. What I actually said was it is ridiculous to assume he didn't know she went public.

But even if he didn't know she went public, he did know of the affair 10 years earlier and never once tried to silence her -- until just before his election and just after his campaign took a huge hit from the Access Hollywood tape.

You have to be completely fucked in the head to think silencing her had nothing to do with his election.

My bold
Once again you engage in pure double speak.
I never insisted trump knew she went public with her story. What I actually said was it is ridiculous to assume he didn't know she went public.
This is basically what you just said:

I never insisted trump knew, but it is ridiculous to assume he didn't know she went public.

What evidence do you have that makes it ridiculous to assume he didn't know?

Because she went public with her story. That doesn't mean he did know; but does mean her story was public and he could have known. There is no basis to assume he did or did not know.

And of course, he's known she knows about the affair since 2006. He waited 10 years until just before his election, and while his campaign was still reeling from the Hollywood Access tape, to silence her. He even contemplated buy the story from the National Inquirer about another affair, just so he could maintain control over that story too.

Her story was never published, so no, it wasn't public. But it's nice to see you finally admit there was no reason to assume he knew about it.

Yes, it was published. That doesn't mean Trump saw it but it certainly means he could have seen it; or at least heard about it from someone who did see it. It's ridiculous to assume he had no knowledge of it.

And again, he knew she knew of the affair for 10 years. He waited until his election to silence her.

According to the reporter from In Touch, the article wasn't published due to an editorial decision.
From the article:
Despite the strong evidence, an editorial decision was made not to run the story.
How the Interview I Did with Stormy Daniels for "Trashy" Magazine Might Just Topple a President
Do you have proof the reporter lied?
Dumbfuck, speaking of In Touch, what was the reason they cited for not running Stormy Daniels' account of an affair in 2011?
The tweet YOU referred to again. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

The link I gave you said the South African government is taking land from white farmers. It also mentioned blacks killing white farmers, so you went off on that deflecting from the point we were discussing.

This is how you lie and race bait, racist. Trump didn't say anything about the murder of white farmers, he said the South African government is confiscating the land of white farmers, which is true.

And these were your go to, first off the bat examples that Trump is the racist. One you just flat out lied and misquoted him. The other, you didn't address what he said but make up something he didn't say and went off after that.

All you're doing is proving your point that you're a racist because you are race baiting and exploiting races for cheap political points
I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.
Bullshit. Gangs of thugs are squatting on private farms, stealing all the cattle and other animals, and often killing the owners. The government does nothing about it. thousands of farms have been expropriated this way.

Are you part parrot? Seriously... why do you continue to spout the SAME lies over and over?

The articles actually state that not as many farms have been bought since they created the program in the 90's.
No one said the government was buying white farms, moron. I said bands of thugs are simply stealing them while the government looks the other way. They often murder the owners in the process. This is the Utopia that brain damages imbeciles like you have created.

Land Reform In Ramaphosa’s South Africa

Here is how taking land legally currently works, in South Africa, a place the US State Department has only just lauded as “a strong democracy with resilient institutions…,” a country merely “grappling with the difficult issue of land reform.” “Land reform,” of course, is a euphemism for land distribution in the Robert Mugabe mold.

The process currently in place typically begins with a “tribe” or group of individuals who band together to claim vast tracts of private property.

If these loosely and conveniently conjoined groups know anything, it’s this: South Africa’s adapted, indigenized law allows coveted land, owned and occupied by another, to be obtained with relative ease.

See, the country no longer enjoys the impressive Western system of Roman-Dutch law it once enjoyed. Lax law and poorly protected property rights signal a free-for-all on the lives of white owners and their livestock

No sooner does this newly constituted “tribe” (or band of bandits, really) launch a claim with the South African Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, than related squatters—sometimes in the thousands—move to colonize the land.

They defile its grounds and groundwater by using these as one vast toilet, and terrorize, sometimes kill, its occupants and their animals in the hope of “nudging” them off the land.

Dr. Philip du Toit, a farmer (with a doctorate in labor law) and author of “The Great South African Land Scandal,” speaks of recurrent attacks on farm animals that “hark back to the Mau Mau terror campaign which drove whites off Kenyan farms.”

Farmer’s Weekly used to be packed with pitiful accounts of cows poisoned with exotic substances, battered with heavy metal bars, writhing in agony for hours before being found by a distraught farmer.

“Encroachment is the right word,” a farmer told du Toit. “They put their cattle in, then they cut the fences, then they start stealing your crops, forcing you to leave your land. And then they say: ‘Oh well, there’s vacant land, let’s move on to it.’

It’s a very subtle way of stealing land.” “When there is a farm claim I say ‘Look out!’ because attacks may follow to scare the farmers,” confirmed the regional director of the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU).”

Agri SA, an organization representing small and large-scale commercial farmers, reports the annual theft of hundreds of thousands of priceless livestock.

The ANC’s old Soviet-inspired Freedom Charter promised this: “All shall have the right to occupy land wherever they choose.” And so they do today.

Because of legal claims they are powerless to fight, squatters whom they cannot fend off, and cattle, crops and families which they can no longer protect, farmers have already been pushed to abandon hundreds of thousands of hectares of prime commercial farmland.

“Since the end of apartheid in 1994, when multi-racial elections were held,” wrote Dan McDougal of the London Times, millions of “acres of productive farmland have been transferred to black ownership. Much of it is now lying fallow, creating no economic benefit for the nation or its new owners.”

Man is there a subject you EVER get right? They are buying farms and then redistributing it to Blacks. Do you ever feel any guilt from lying all the time? Do you have even a bit of shame?

OMG, you've done nothing but lie through this entire conversation.

You lied that when Trump said both sides of the removing statue debates have SOME good people that he said EVERYONE on both sides was good so you could include any racists in your net.

You lied that he was referring to white supremacists when he was referring to people who want to keep historical statues

You lied that South Africa is not taking farms from whites.

You lied that when Trump said whites are having their farms taken that what Trump said was whites were not receiving any compensation.

You lied that they are being paid for it when you don't know that because it's not decided yet

Here you're implying the white farmers have a choice.

You haven't told the truth yet on anything.

You're just a race baiting racist. In other words, a Democrat
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He got the idea from watching Tucker Carlson. Good grief. You are either extremely naive, or do blindly partisan if Trump told you to jump you'd ask "How long, how far, how high, and who it will hurt by doing it." Of course it could also be that you are just stupid, or a combination of any of the three.

The United States takes land from U.S. citizens too. Why are you ignoring that? Also when South Africa does take land, they don't just take it, they pay for it.

The government has to compensate people when it takes their land. SA isn't doing that, moron.

Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

Again, let's go back to the point. You said Trump is a racist because he said Whites are having their land taken. You're saying he's a racist because sure, they are having their land taken, but they are getting blow market value for it because governments do that.

You have no pride or integrity. And again, this is one of your two Trump is a racist examples. The other you caved on completely after you butchered Trump's quote
Lewdog has made it painfully obvious that he has no problem with the government expropriating private property. And he says Trump has no morals!

You made this statement before and I asked you to prove it. You haven't but instead have gone the Trumpian route that if you repeat it over and over it might become true.

OMG, from the racist liar who's done nothing but intentionally misquote Trump and lie about South Africa through the entire conversation.

Dude, if you somehow actually actually have any integrity at all, ask yourself if you're right about Trump, then why do you need to continue to intentionally misquote and lie about him? Does that give you an pause at all?
I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.
Bullshit. Gangs of thugs are squatting on private farms, stealing all the cattle and other animals, and often killing the owners. The government does nothing about it. thousands of farms have been expropriated this way.

Are you part parrot? Seriously... why do you continue to spout the SAME lies over and over?

The articles actually state that not as many farms have been bought since they created the program in the 90's.
No one said the government was buying white farms, moron. I said bands of thugs are simply stealing them while the government looks the other way. They often murder the owners in the process. This is the Utopia that brain damages imbeciles like you have created.

Land Reform In Ramaphosa’s South Africa

Here is how taking land legally currently works, in South Africa, a place the US State Department has only just lauded as “a strong democracy with resilient institutions…,” a country merely “grappling with the difficult issue of land reform.” “Land reform,” of course, is a euphemism for land distribution in the Robert Mugabe mold.

The process currently in place typically begins with a “tribe” or group of individuals who band together to claim vast tracts of private property.

If these loosely and conveniently conjoined groups know anything, it’s this: South Africa’s adapted, indigenized law allows coveted land, owned and occupied by another, to be obtained with relative ease.

See, the country no longer enjoys the impressive Western system of Roman-Dutch law it once enjoyed. Lax law and poorly protected property rights signal a free-for-all on the lives of white owners and their livestock

No sooner does this newly constituted “tribe” (or band of bandits, really) launch a claim with the South African Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, than related squatters—sometimes in the thousands—move to colonize the land.

They defile its grounds and groundwater by using these as one vast toilet, and terrorize, sometimes kill, its occupants and their animals in the hope of “nudging” them off the land.

Dr. Philip du Toit, a farmer (with a doctorate in labor law) and author of “The Great South African Land Scandal,” speaks of recurrent attacks on farm animals that “hark back to the Mau Mau terror campaign which drove whites off Kenyan farms.”

Farmer’s Weekly used to be packed with pitiful accounts of cows poisoned with exotic substances, battered with heavy metal bars, writhing in agony for hours before being found by a distraught farmer.

“Encroachment is the right word,” a farmer told du Toit. “They put their cattle in, then they cut the fences, then they start stealing your crops, forcing you to leave your land. And then they say: ‘Oh well, there’s vacant land, let’s move on to it.’

It’s a very subtle way of stealing land.” “When there is a farm claim I say ‘Look out!’ because attacks may follow to scare the farmers,” confirmed the regional director of the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU).”

Agri SA, an organization representing small and large-scale commercial farmers, reports the annual theft of hundreds of thousands of priceless livestock.

The ANC’s old Soviet-inspired Freedom Charter promised this: “All shall have the right to occupy land wherever they choose.” And so they do today.

Because of legal claims they are powerless to fight, squatters whom they cannot fend off, and cattle, crops and families which they can no longer protect, farmers have already been pushed to abandon hundreds of thousands of hectares of prime commercial farmland.

“Since the end of apartheid in 1994, when multi-racial elections were held,” wrote Dan McDougal of the London Times, millions of “acres of productive farmland have been transferred to black ownership. Much of it is now lying fallow, creating no economic benefit for the nation or its new owners.”

Man is there a subject you EVER get right? They are buying farms and then redistributing it to Blacks. Do you ever feel any guilt from lying all the time? Do you have even a bit of shame?
Blacks are simply stealing the farms and murdering the owners while the government looks the other way. What part of that didn't you understand?

What Lewdog did understand that what Trump actually said doesn't remotely make Trump a racist. So Lewdog fixed that by changing what Trump said
The government has to compensate people when it takes their land. SA isn't doing that, moron.

Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

Again, let's go back to the point. You said Trump is a racist because he said Whites are having their land taken. You're saying he's a racist because sure, they are having their land taken, but they are getting blow market value for it because governments do that.

You have no pride or integrity. And again, this is one of your two Trump is a racist examples. The other you caved on completely after you butchered Trump's quote
Lewdog has made it painfully obvious that he has no problem with the government expropriating private property. And he says Trump has no morals!

Trump has no problem with the government expropriating private property, you dope!

And you worship him so I guess that means you are ok with it also.
With compensation, you sleazy lying asshole. Name one politician in Washington who opposes eminent domain.

So Gator is fine with using eminent domain to take land from a citizen based on their race and giving it to others based on their race.

Wow, I never thought a Democrat would admit their racism.

Well, Gator, kudos to you for that at least. You are a racist, but you're honest about what you are. Enjoy your next Klan meeting
Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

Again, let's go back to the point. You said Trump is a racist because he said Whites are having their land taken. You're saying he's a racist because sure, they are having their land taken, but they are getting blow market value for it because governments do that.

You have no pride or integrity. And again, this is one of your two Trump is a racist examples. The other you caved on completely after you butchered Trump's quote
Lewdog has made it painfully obvious that he has no problem with the government expropriating private property. And he says Trump has no morals!

Trump has no problem with the government expropriating private property, you dope!

And you worship him so I guess that means you are ok with it also.
With compensation, you sleazy lying asshole. Name one politician in Washington who opposes eminent domain.

So Gator is fine with using eminent domain to take land from a citizen based on their race and giving it to others based on their race.

Wow, I never thought a Democrat would admit their racism.

Well, Gator, kudos to you for that at least. You are a racist, but you're honest about what you are. Enjoy your next Klan meeting

Now you are kazzing again, just making up shit while hiding in your little safe space. What a fucking little dishonest prick you are.

I am not fine with any use of eminent domain, period.
So you're not able to support your stupid crap on Trump without lying on both points, so you switch to "Tucker Carlson."

We are talking about Trump, not Tucker Carlson. I don't give a shit about Tucker Carlson. You're just moving the goal posts again.

Back to the subject.

Trump said there are "some" good people both on the side of people who want to remove confederate statues and those who don't.

You lied and said he said everyone on both sides is good. And you only did that because you wanted to have any racists caught in your net, so you included everyone. When called on it, you dropped it.

Trump said the government of South Africa is taking the land of white farmers, which they are. First you lied and said they aren't doing that. Then you started talking about the murder of white farmers, which Trump didn't address.

Keep in mind these were your choice. The first, go to examples of Trump being a racist that you chose.

You sir, are guilty of race baiting, which makes you a racist for exploiting races for cheap political points

He got the idea from watching Tucker Carlson. Good grief. You are either extremely naive, or do blindly partisan if Trump told you to jump you'd ask "How long, how far, how high, and who it will hurt by doing it." Of course it could also be that you are just stupid, or a combination of any of the three.

The United States takes land from U.S. citizens too. Why are you ignoring that? Also when South Africa does take land, they don't just take it, they pay for it.

The government has to compensate people when it takes their land. SA isn't doing that, moron.

Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

Again, let's go back to the point. You said Trump is a racist because he said Whites are having their land taken. You're saying he's a racist because sure, they are having their land taken, but they are getting blow market value for it because governments do that.

You have no pride or integrity. And again, this is one of your two Trump is a racist examples. The other you caved on completely after you butchered Trump's quote

I've said Trump is a racist because of the way he's lived his life and the things he's said over his lifetime. Jesus. You are dense.

Um ... I asked you what Trump has ever said that is racist, and you presented two cases where he wasn't racist and lied about what he even actually said.

Lewdog: Trump said everyone on both sides is a good person and he was talking to white nationalists on one side

Trump actually said there are "some" good people on both sides and he was referring to the southern statue debate

Lewdog: Trump said the South African government is taking land from white farmers, they aren't, that's a lie

Actually they are

Lewdog: What I meant was that Trump said they aren't paying the white farmers for the land

Actually, that isn't decided and Trump didn't say anything about compensation

Lewdog: So you give yet? You see Trump's racism, right?

You're a fucking racist moron, Lewdog. Straight up
The government has to compensate people when it takes their land. SA isn't doing that, moron.

Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

Again, let's go back to the point. You said Trump is a racist because he said Whites are having their land taken. You're saying he's a racist because sure, they are having their land taken, but they are getting blow market value for it because governments do that.

You have no pride or integrity. And again, this is one of your two Trump is a racist examples. The other you caved on completely after you butchered Trump's quote
Lewdog has made it painfully obvious that he has no problem with the government expropriating private property. And he says Trump has no morals!

You made this statement before and I asked you to prove it. You haven't but instead have gone the Trumpian route that if you repeat it over and over it might become true.
You've been defending the kleptocrat state of South Africa. You tried to compare its policy of stealing private land with the American law of eminent domain.

Remember when Democrats were against racism in South Africa? How times have changed. But yeah, well put.

Gator/Lewdog: The American government can take land from citizens to build roads, therefore, the South African government can take land from farmers based on race and give it to others based on their race. Same thing.

They're a couple of sick fucks
Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

Again, let's go back to the point. You said Trump is a racist because he said Whites are having their land taken. You're saying he's a racist because sure, they are having their land taken, but they are getting blow market value for it because governments do that.

You have no pride or integrity. And again, this is one of your two Trump is a racist examples. The other you caved on completely after you butchered Trump's quote
Lewdog has made it painfully obvious that he has no problem with the government expropriating private property. And he says Trump has no morals!

You made this statement before and I asked you to prove it. You haven't but instead have gone the Trumpian route that if you repeat it over and over it might become true.
You've been defending the kleptocrat state of South Africa. You tried to compare its policy of stealing private land with the American law of eminent domain.

Remember when Democrats were against racism in South Africa? How times have changed. But yeah, well put.

Gator/Lewdog: The American government can take land from citizens to build roads, therefore, the South African government can take land from farmers based on race and give it to others based on their race. Same thing.

They're a couple of sick fucks

More kazzing!
Yes they are. The U.S. government doesn't pay actual market value for land here either, which is what happens when the government is the buyer and sets the price. Ask anyone that has had their land seized due to imminent domain.

Again, let's go back to the point. You said Trump is a racist because he said Whites are having their land taken. You're saying he's a racist because sure, they are having their land taken, but they are getting blow market value for it because governments do that.

You have no pride or integrity. And again, this is one of your two Trump is a racist examples. The other you caved on completely after you butchered Trump's quote
Lewdog has made it painfully obvious that he has no problem with the government expropriating private property. And he says Trump has no morals!

You made this statement before and I asked you to prove it. You haven't but instead have gone the Trumpian route that if you repeat it over and over it might become true.
You've been defending the kleptocrat state of South Africa. You tried to compare its policy of stealing private land with the American law of eminent domain.

It is the same thing. Only difference is the U.S. government keeps it for themselves, and South Africa is giving some to Blacks in order to use as farm land.

Do you have any idea what Apartheid was? At all? Do you know what happened to the former government that would KILL and punish blacks for ordinary behavior during Apartheid?

So you're officially on record saying that taking land from one citizen and giving it to another based on race is a legitimate use of eminent domain? You've repeatedly said that. So you'd be fine if the US government did that? Oh, you keep saying that too. Never mind, I guess there's no question here
Confirmation bias.


Trump: “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

Lewdog: Just like he retweeted about South Africa, and it is totally untrue.

It is true, WTF is wrong with you? Some of that land has been in farmer's families for centuries. It's just your typical leftist bull shit that racism is only white on black, blacks can't by your leftist definition be racists


What Trump said: “You also had some very fine people on both sides."

This is how you lie, "They are good people on both sides... both sides."

You changed that he said some to all and you said he repeated it, which he didn't.

So just to be clear, you think there are not SOME good people who are both for and against removing southern statues of former slave owners? One side has in your view literally zero good people?


So other than your just flat outright lie/misquote of Trump and a factually true statement that you lied wasn't factually true, you have anything or you going to hang your hat on that, racist? Again, race baiting is in itself racist

It's a true as making a political statement that Blacks are being systematically exterminated in America. Yes, there are white people who are killing Blacks in the U.S. but it isn't anywhere near the levels it used to be.

The killing of white farmers in South Africa is actually DOWN from in the past, and South Africa isn't taking away land at some crazy rate in South Africa. It is no different than here in the U.S. where Trump wants to build his wall, which will include the federal government taking the land of U.S. citizens under imminent domain so they can build the wall.

That's are why these are called half-truths.


Trump Echoes Neo-Nazi Propaganda About South Africa (That He Heard on Fox News)

So please explain to me how I paraphrased what Trump said was different from the EXACT quote.

I said they are, when it is "there are." Yes, that is the quote and even with that quote, he is trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth so that he can try to say he spoke out against the violence, YET not offend the white nationalist base, one of which ran over protesters and killed a woman.

The tweet YOU referred to again. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

The link I gave you said the South African government is taking land from white farmers. It also mentioned blacks killing white farmers, so you went off on that deflecting from the point we were discussing.

This is how you lie and race bait, racist. Trump didn't say anything about the murder of white farmers, he said the South African government is confiscating the land of white farmers, which is true.

And these were your go to, first off the bat examples that Trump is the racist. One you just flat out lied and misquoted him. The other, you didn't address what he said but make up something he didn't say and went off after that.

All you're doing is proving your point that you're a racist because you are race baiting and exploiting races for cheap political points

I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.

Bullshit. Gangs of thugs are squatting on private farms, stealing all the cattle and other animals, and often killing the owners. The government does nothing about it. thousands of farms have been expropriated this way.

What's new. Gangs have been doing that for years in South Africa. The farming organisation AgriSA reported that the murder rate on farms had declined to the lowest level in twenty years, one-third of the level recorded in 1998.
South African farm attacks - Wikipedia

So it's fine if white farmers are being murdered as long as the rate is going down. That's reasonable. Just like it's fine if hundreds of thousands of people enter the country illegally as long as the rates they are coming in is going down.

It's funny how this standard of yours only applies to things you don't care about ...

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