Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

It also shows it was a common thing for him to do in his life, not for a campaign. Your attempt to criminalize the payment fails.

It is not my attempt, it is the attempt of the Southern District of New York. Time will tell what the outcome is.

Well, I don't live in the Southern District of New York, so I don't care if they waste tax dollars. We can look at John Edwards' trial and know what the outcome is going to be.

I would not put too much stock in the Edwards case, there are many differences, the main one being that none of his payments were during the actual election process. When he made his payments not a single primary had been held yet. This is not a small difference.

And yet he was indicted and tried...and found NOT guilty.

Correct. But his circumstances were different than Trumps so it does not really apply to Trump's case.

True, they were fare more incriminating that Trumps, and it wasn't even his own money.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”

Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”


Yeah, W was a walking misstatement real. Funny how he beat Gore's ass. Then Kerry
It is not my attempt, it is the attempt of the Southern District of New York. Time will tell what the outcome is.

Well, I don't live in the Southern District of New York, so I don't care if they waste tax dollars. We can look at John Edwards' trial and know what the outcome is going to be.

I would not put too much stock in the Edwards case, there are many differences, the main one being that none of his payments were during the actual election process. When he made his payments not a single primary had been held yet. This is not a small difference.

And yet he was indicted and tried...and found NOT guilty.

Correct. But his circumstances were different than Trumps so it does not really apply to Trump's case.

True, they were fare more incriminating that Trumps, and it wasn't even his own money.

They also were not done during an election...that is the key difference.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”


Yeah, W was a walking misstatement real. Funny how he beat Gore's ass. Then Kerry
Yeah, shows you how little regard the right holds for that office. Exemplified by their electing of Trump.
For starters, there's sex and lies as with most politicians.
However what separates Trump from his predecessors is volume and lack any remorse. Trump lies to illustrate a point, please his audience or himself. I doubt he see anything wrong with his lies. His infidelities and other sexual behavior seem to be source of pride, whether it's groping women, infidelities, or other activities he spoke of on late night shows, he seems to take great pride in his transgressions.

How many times has Trump cheated on his wives? Here's what we know
Your belief that Obama and Hillary didn't lie couldn't be more hilarious. If Obama had the kind of opportunities that have presented themselves to Trump, there is little doubt that he would have strayed. His fidelity is the result of the fact that he is not attractive to most women. Being a "community organizer" isn't exactly a glamorous job.
That's about the poorest defense of Trump's morality I have ever read. Obama wasn't immoral because he didn't have the opportunity so that makes Trump's immoral behavior ok.

How can anyone defend Trump's morality after the Access Hollywood tape, release of recordings of Trump on the Howard Stern Show, and his involvement with porn stars while he was married to Melana and just months after she gave birth to Baron?
There's no proof Trump had anything to do with those spurned gold digging hussies other than their unsupported claims. There are no texts, phone logs, emails - anything. As for the Access Hollywood tape, every male in this country has done similar locker room boasting. I have had numerous friends and coworkers who were getting a little on the side. That's between them and their spouses, not me.
Of course there is evidence, description of Trump's
gentiles and a CD with photos. If there was no evidence Trump would not be paying them off. He would be blowing them off just like the women who claimed he sexually attacked them.

No, every male in this country does not boast about their infidelities and groping women. Unlike Trump, 2/3 of the married men are faithful to their wives. I have spent plenty of time with friends in bars and locker rooms and have never heard any one bragging about grabbing women's gentiles. Doing so is sick and it's likely to get you arrested, unless of course you are Donald Trump.

With Trump's history of infidelity, promiscuity, openly admitting to sexual liaisons, and accusations of sexual attacks by women there is no reason not to believe the payoff money was hush money for affairs just as the women claim.

Or as the saying goes, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck or in this case a president with the morals of a tomcat.

What photos? I've seen one pic of her with Trump that wasn't photoshopped, and that's it. That's proof of nothing

I know there are lots of losers who never scored with women or had sex with anyone other than the woman they married. All that shows is that they had no other opportunities. Famous billionaires get propositioned by hundreds or even thousands of beautiful women. Anyone with eyes in his head knows that to be true. Wilt Chamberlain bragged that he had sex with 10,000 women. You don't see losers like you with beautiful women hanging off their arm


There's nothing sick about wanting to grope an attractive females. The desire to do it is as natural as breathing, but most men know they won't get away with it. What's unnatural is priggish assholes like you who claim there's something sick about being attracted to physical beauty.

Which male said he wouldn't screw the female in the above picture? No man, ever.
Groping women or as Trump put's it, grabbing them by the pussy is generally not a welcome sexual advance and is considered a sexual attack. Such behavior is not natural and no man with any respect for women would do this.

This guy is suppose to be a role model for adults and children alike. How do we instill the core value of truthfulness in our children when we have a president who continually and brazenly makes statements which have been and can be proven to be boldfaced lies? His supporters consistently make excuses for his outrageous tweets and rants, his sexual promiscuity, his infidelity, and his vile language. You guys are always saying Trump is a different kind of president. Well, I agree with that. He is a coward and a liar who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others.

Enough! I find this discussion of the immoral and discussing behavior the President of the United States downright depressing.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”


Yeah, W was a walking misstatement real. Funny how he beat Gore's ass. Then Kerry
Yeah, shows you how little regard the right holds for that office. Exemplified by their electing of Trump.

True, Trump did kick Hillary's ass too. Great point. 304-227
Your belief that Obama and Hillary didn't lie couldn't be more hilarious. If Obama had the kind of opportunities that have presented themselves to Trump, there is little doubt that he would have strayed. His fidelity is the result of the fact that he is not attractive to most women. Being a "community organizer" isn't exactly a glamorous job.
That's about the poorest defense of Trump's morality I have ever read. Obama wasn't immoral because he didn't have the opportunity so that makes Trump's immoral behavior ok.

How can anyone defend Trump's morality after the Access Hollywood tape, release of recordings of Trump on the Howard Stern Show, and his involvement with porn stars while he was married to Melana and just months after she gave birth to Baron?
There's no proof Trump had anything to do with those spurned gold digging hussies other than their unsupported claims. There are no texts, phone logs, emails - anything. As for the Access Hollywood tape, every male in this country has done similar locker room boasting. I have had numerous friends and coworkers who were getting a little on the side. That's between them and their spouses, not me.
Of course there is evidence, description of Trump's
gentiles and a CD with photos. If there was no evidence Trump would not be paying them off. He would be blowing them off just like the women who claimed he sexually attacked them.

No, every male in this country does not boast about their infidelities and groping women. Unlike Trump, 2/3 of the married men are faithful to their wives. I have spent plenty of time with friends in bars and locker rooms and have never heard any one bragging about grabbing women's gentiles. Doing so is sick and it's likely to get you arrested, unless of course you are Donald Trump.

With Trump's history of infidelity, promiscuity, openly admitting to sexual liaisons, and accusations of sexual attacks by women there is no reason not to believe the payoff money was hush money for affairs just as the women claim.

Or as the saying goes, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck or in this case a president with the morals of a tomcat.

What photos? I've seen one pic of her with Trump that wasn't photoshopped, and that's it. That's proof of nothing

I know there are lots of losers who never scored with women or had sex with anyone other than the woman they married. All that shows is that they had no other opportunities. Famous billionaires get propositioned by hundreds or even thousands of beautiful women. Anyone with eyes in his head knows that to be true. Wilt Chamberlain bragged that he had sex with 10,000 women. You don't see losers like you with beautiful women hanging off their arm


There's nothing sick about wanting to grope an attractive females. The desire to do it is as natural as breathing, but most men know they won't get away with it. What's unnatural is priggish assholes like you who claim there's something sick about being attracted to physical beauty.

Which male said he wouldn't screw the female in the above picture? No man, ever.
Groping women or as Trump put's it, grabbing them by the pussy is generally not a welcome sexual advance and is considered a sexual attack. Such behavior is not natural and no man with any respect for women would do this.

This guy is suppose to be a role model for adults and children alike. How do we instill the core value of truthfulness in our children when we have a president who continually and brazenly makes statements which have been and can be proven to be boldfaced lies? His supporters consistently make excuses for his outrageous tweets and rants, his sexual promiscuity, his infidelity, and his vile language. You guys are always saying Trump is a different kind of president. Well, I agree with that. He is a coward and a liar who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others.

Enough! I find this discussion of the immoral and discussing behavior the President of the United States downright depressing.

That would be such a better argument if you hadn't voted for the sexual predator twice and his hoe who victimized her husband's victims again.

You smell that awful smell? You're your hypocrisy
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”


Yeah, W was a walking misstatement real. Funny how he beat Gore's ass. Then Kerry
Yeah, shows you how little regard the right holds for that office. Exemplified by their electing of Trump.

True, Trump did kick Hillary's ass too. Great point. 304-227
Yup, because the right doesn’t give a shit who the elect.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”

You ever been there...........hmmm
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”


Yeah, W was a walking misstatement real. Funny how he beat Gore's ass. Then Kerry
Yeah, shows you how little regard the right holds for that office. Exemplified by their electing of Trump.
Got snowflakes like you triggered............I enjoy that part Mr. Mueller..........put that dang plastic straw down or I'm gonna call the police.
Mr. Mueller..........aka Faun..........when are you gonna stop chasing Whores and find Collusion in Russia.........

Been at it for 2 years...........Do you know where Russia is on the map..........We could google it for you to help you find it......

Hint .......hint..........It's not in the Porn section of DVD section.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”

You ever been there...........hmmm
Once, when I went to visit Egypt. What does that have to do with any of this?
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”

You ever been there...........hmmm
Once, when I went to visit Egypt. What does that have to do with any of this?
Your quote.........
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.

Your quote .....I'm responding.............And yeah......I've been there.........Somalia.........It was more than a damn talking point.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”

Apparently you believe there's some kind of logical connection between your two posts.
Mr. Mueller..........aka Faun..........when are you gonna stop chasing Whores and find Collusion in Russia.........

Been at it for 2 years...........Do you know where Russia is on the map..........We could google it for you to help you find it......

Hint .......hint..........It's not in the Porn section of DVD section.
Imbecile, Mueller was named Special Counsel in May, 2017. That’s 15 months. 2 years is 24 months. 15 months does not equal 24 months. Ergo, Mueller has not been at it for 2 years. You have cottage cheese for brains. :cuckoo:
That's about the poorest defense of Trump's morality I have ever read. Obama wasn't immoral because he didn't have the opportunity so that makes Trump's immoral behavior ok.

How can anyone defend Trump's morality after the Access Hollywood tape, release of recordings of Trump on the Howard Stern Show, and his involvement with porn stars while he was married to Melana and just months after she gave birth to Baron?
There's no proof Trump had anything to do with those spurned gold digging hussies other than their unsupported claims. There are no texts, phone logs, emails - anything. As for the Access Hollywood tape, every male in this country has done similar locker room boasting. I have had numerous friends and coworkers who were getting a little on the side. That's between them and their spouses, not me.
Of course there is evidence, description of Trump's
gentiles and a CD with photos. If there was no evidence Trump would not be paying them off. He would be blowing them off just like the women who claimed he sexually attacked them.

No, every male in this country does not boast about their infidelities and groping women. Unlike Trump, 2/3 of the married men are faithful to their wives. I have spent plenty of time with friends in bars and locker rooms and have never heard any one bragging about grabbing women's gentiles. Doing so is sick and it's likely to get you arrested, unless of course you are Donald Trump.

With Trump's history of infidelity, promiscuity, openly admitting to sexual liaisons, and accusations of sexual attacks by women there is no reason not to believe the payoff money was hush money for affairs just as the women claim.

Or as the saying goes, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck or in this case a president with the morals of a tomcat.

What photos? I've seen one pic of her with Trump that wasn't photoshopped, and that's it. That's proof of nothing

I know there are lots of losers who never scored with women or had sex with anyone other than the woman they married. All that shows is that they had no other opportunities. Famous billionaires get propositioned by hundreds or even thousands of beautiful women. Anyone with eyes in his head knows that to be true. Wilt Chamberlain bragged that he had sex with 10,000 women. You don't see losers like you with beautiful women hanging off their arm


There's nothing sick about wanting to grope an attractive females. The desire to do it is as natural as breathing, but most men know they won't get away with it. What's unnatural is priggish assholes like you who claim there's something sick about being attracted to physical beauty.

Which male said he wouldn't screw the female in the above picture? No man, ever.
Groping women or as Trump put's it, grabbing them by the pussy is generally not a welcome sexual advance and is considered a sexual attack. Such behavior is not natural and no man with any respect for women would do this.

This guy is suppose to be a role model for adults and children alike. How do we instill the core value of truthfulness in our children when we have a president who continually and brazenly makes statements which have been and can be proven to be boldfaced lies? His supporters consistently make excuses for his outrageous tweets and rants, his sexual promiscuity, his infidelity, and his vile language. You guys are always saying Trump is a different kind of president. Well, I agree with that. He is a coward and a liar who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others.

Enough! I find this discussion of the immoral and discussing behavior the President of the United States downright depressing.

That would be such a better argument if you hadn't voted for the sexual predator twice and his hoe who victimized her husband's victims again.

You smell that awful smell? You're your hypocrisy

Snowflakes call that "whataboutism." It's way for them to admit they are proud to be hypocrites.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”

Apparently you believe there's some kind of logical connection between your two posts.
Yeah, the connection is I was mocking a brain-dead Republican and you’re too big of a fucking moron to know I was mocking him.

Mr. Mueller..........aka Faun..........when are you gonna stop chasing Whores and find Collusion in Russia.........

Been at it for 2 years...........Do you know where Russia is on the map..........We could google it for you to help you find it......

Hint .......hint..........It's not in the Porn section of DVD section.
Imbecile, Mueller was named Special Counsel in May, 2017. That’s 15 months. 2 years is 24 months. 15 months does not equal 24 months. Ergo, Mueller has not been at it for 2 years. You have cottage cheese for brains. :cuckoo:
So sue me bitch..........You still deny the evidence of the people doing this.....all of those fired and the Perjury.......leaking....and COVERING up we have presented OVER AND OVER AGAIN......

They are dirty............and you damn well know it.........This is a coup......investigation looking for a crime......not an investigation of a suspected crime.............Ray Charles could see it...........and so do the American people.
Mr. Mueller..........aka Faun..........when are you gonna stop chasing Whores and find Collusion in Russia.........

Been at it for 2 years...........Do you know where Russia is on the map..........We could google it for you to help you find it......

Hint .......hint..........It's not in the Porn section of DVD section.
Imbecile, Mueller was named Special Counsel in May, 2017. That’s 15 months. 2 years is 24 months. 15 months does not equal 24 months. Ergo, Mueller has not been at it for 2 years. You have cottage cheese for brains. :cuckoo:
Harping on trivia is one of your favorite tactics. It's how you avoid dealing with the main argument.

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