Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”

Apparently you believe there's some kind of logical connection between your two posts.
Yeah, the connection is I was mocking a brain-dead Republican and you’re too big of a fucking moron to know I was mocking him.


That's bullshit made-up after the fact.
Well, I don't live in the Southern District of New York, so I don't care if they waste tax dollars. We can look at John Edwards' trial and know what the outcome is going to be.

I would not put too much stock in the Edwards case, there are many differences, the main one being that none of his payments were during the actual election process. When he made his payments not a single primary had been held yet. This is not a small difference.

And yet he was indicted and tried...and found NOT guilty.

Correct. But his circumstances were different than Trumps so it does not really apply to Trump's case.

True, they were fare more incriminating that Trumps, and it wasn't even his own money.

They also were not done during an election...that is the key difference.
Meaningless. Buying a suit is legal. If you do it during an election, does is suddenly become illegal?
It's a true as making a political statement that Blacks are being systematically exterminated in America. Yes, there are white people who are killing Blacks in the U.S. but it isn't anywhere near the levels it used to be.

The killing of white farmers in South Africa is actually DOWN from in the past, and South Africa isn't taking away land at some crazy rate in South Africa. It is no different than here in the U.S. where Trump wants to build his wall, which will include the federal government taking the land of U.S. citizens under imminent domain so they can build the wall.

That's are why these are called half-truths.


Trump Echoes Neo-Nazi Propaganda About South Africa (That He Heard on Fox News)

So please explain to me how I paraphrased what Trump said was different from the EXACT quote.

I said they are, when it is "there are." Yes, that is the quote and even with that quote, he is trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth so that he can try to say he spoke out against the violence, YET not offend the white nationalist base, one of which ran over protesters and killed a woman.

The tweet YOU referred to again. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

The link I gave you said the South African government is taking land from white farmers. It also mentioned blacks killing white farmers, so you went off on that deflecting from the point we were discussing.

This is how you lie and race bait, racist. Trump didn't say anything about the murder of white farmers, he said the South African government is confiscating the land of white farmers, which is true.

And these were your go to, first off the bat examples that Trump is the racist. One you just flat out lied and misquoted him. The other, you didn't address what he said but make up something he didn't say and went off after that.

All you're doing is proving your point that you're a racist because you are race baiting and exploiting races for cheap political points
I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.

Everyone grasps eminent domain, moron. The point in South Africa is they are targeting white farmers because of their race. How stupid are you?
Maybe if you read the amendment, you might actually understand rather just repeating propaganda.

So they aren't taking land from white farmers? You're a lying douche, of course they are
No, because the amendment is not in effect yet. The government has always had the power to take land by paying proper compensation. The amendment will allow them to transfer farm land to labor tenants who are working the land and have for generations without paying the landlord compensation. Giving labor tenants the land is not the issue. It is giving it to them without compensating the landlords.
The tweet YOU referred to again. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

The link I gave you said the South African government is taking land from white farmers. It also mentioned blacks killing white farmers, so you went off on that deflecting from the point we were discussing.

This is how you lie and race bait, racist. Trump didn't say anything about the murder of white farmers, he said the South African government is confiscating the land of white farmers, which is true.

And these were your go to, first off the bat examples that Trump is the racist. One you just flat out lied and misquoted him. The other, you didn't address what he said but make up something he didn't say and went off after that.

All you're doing is proving your point that you're a racist because you are race baiting and exploiting races for cheap political points
I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.

Everyone grasps eminent domain, moron. The point in South Africa is they are targeting white farmers because of their race. How stupid are you?
Maybe if you read the amendment, you might actually understand rather just repeating propaganda.

So they aren't taking land from white farmers? You're a lying douche, of course they are
No, because the amendment is not in effect yet. The government has always had the power to take land by paying proper compensation. The amendment will allow them to transfer farm land to labor tenants who are working the land and have for generations without paying the landlord compensation. Giving labor tenants the land is not the issue. It is giving it to them without compensating the landlords.
The bullshit you're pumping out is nauseating. These so-called "tenants" haven't been working the land for generations. They flocked in a few weeks or even days before the owner was robbed and possibly murdered. They destroyed his land, destroyed his livestock and made it impossible for him to farm. The government turned a blind eye to these atrocities. Only a Stalinist would try to justify this horror.
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Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Of course they don't care anything about South Africa. It's just an opportunity for white supremacists to generate a story of whites being mistreated by blacks in order to create more friction between the races. These people just can wait to see blood in the streets. I think they live for it.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Of course they don't care anything about South Africa. It's just an opportunity for white supremacists to generate a story of whites being mistreated by blacks in order to create more friction between the races. These people just can wait to see blood in the streets. I think they live for it.
^^^ That’s exactly right.
The thread was never about Africa..........derps...........

And the left pushes Racism harder than anyone else in this country...........It is your cup of tea........
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Of course they don't care anything about South Africa. It's just an opportunity for white supremacists to generate a story of whites being mistreated by blacks in order to create more friction between the races. These people just can wait to see blood in the streets. I think they live for it.
There's already blood in the streets, douchebag. SA is turning into an abattoir for white people.
I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.

Everyone grasps eminent domain, moron. The point in South Africa is they are targeting white farmers because of their race. How stupid are you?
Maybe if you read the amendment, you might actually understand rather just repeating propaganda.

So they aren't taking land from white farmers? You're a lying douche, of course they are
No, because the amendment is not in effect yet. The government has always had the power to take land by paying proper compensation. The amendment will allow them to transfer farm land to labor tenants who are working the land and have for generations without paying the landlord compensation. Giving labor tenants the land is not the issue. It is giving it to them without compensating the landlords.
The bullshit you're pumping out is nauseating. These so-called "tenants" haven't been working the land for generations. They flocked in a few weeks or even days before the owner was robbed and possibly murdered. They destroyed his land, destroyed his livestock and made it impossible for him to farm. The government turned a blind eye to these atrocities. Only a Stalinist would try to justify this horror.
77% of the farm land is occupied and farmed by black labor tenants who are producing about 40% of the food. They are certainly not doing that working only few days a week. The amendment requires that they not only be farming the land but either their parents or grandparents also farmed the land otherwise they get nothing.
Taking farms from whites is justified because 'it's not really their land', South African party says
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Of course they don't care anything about South Africa. It's just an opportunity for white supremacists to generate a story of whites being mistreated by blacks in order to create more friction between the races. These people just can wait to see blood in the streets. I think they live for it.
There's already blood in the streets, douchebag. SA is turning into an abattoir for white people.
Sorry but statistics don't support your claim. Murder rates on farms are not increasing. Most of the violence on farms is against blacks not whites because most of the people that live on farms are black.
Again, let's go back to the point. You said Trump is a racist because he said Whites are having their land taken. You're saying he's a racist because sure, they are having their land taken, but they are getting blow market value for it because governments do that.

You have no pride or integrity. And again, this is one of your two Trump is a racist examples. The other you caved on completely after you butchered Trump's quote
Lewdog has made it painfully obvious that he has no problem with the government expropriating private property. And he says Trump has no morals!

You made this statement before and I asked you to prove it. You haven't but instead have gone the Trumpian route that if you repeat it over and over it might become true.
You've been defending the kleptocrat state of South Africa. You tried to compare its policy of stealing private land with the American law of eminent domain.

Remember when Democrats were against racism in South Africa? How times have changed. But yeah, well put.

Gator/Lewdog: The American government can take land from citizens to build roads, therefore, the South African government can take land from farmers based on race and give it to others based on their race. Same thing.

They're a couple of sick fucks

Lewdog even claimed it was OK if the government allowed whites to be murdered because the Aparthied government murdered blacks. Even if that were true, which it isn't, that shows someone who is seriously fucked in the head.

Not what I said at all. But hey no one ever confused your name with truth an morality.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

South Africa is part of Africa.

Lewdog has made it painfully obvious that he has no problem with the government expropriating private property. And he says Trump has no morals!

You made this statement before and I asked you to prove it. You haven't but instead have gone the Trumpian route that if you repeat it over and over it might become true.
You've been defending the kleptocrat state of South Africa. You tried to compare its policy of stealing private land with the American law of eminent domain.

Remember when Democrats were against racism in South Africa? How times have changed. But yeah, well put.

Gator/Lewdog: The American government can take land from citizens to build roads, therefore, the South African government can take land from farmers based on race and give it to others based on their race. Same thing.

They're a couple of sick fucks

Lewdog even claimed it was OK if the government allowed whites to be murdered because the Aparthied government murdered blacks. Even if that were true, which it isn't, that shows someone who is seriously fucked in the head.

Not what I said at all. But hey no one ever confused your name with truth an morality.
Yes, that's actually what you were claiming before I made it apparent what a fucking douchebag you are for saying that.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

South Africa is part of Africa.

South Africa is not the same thing as Africa, moron.
You made this statement before and I asked you to prove it. You haven't but instead have gone the Trumpian route that if you repeat it over and over it might become true.
You've been defending the kleptocrat state of South Africa. You tried to compare its policy of stealing private land with the American law of eminent domain.

Remember when Democrats were against racism in South Africa? How times have changed. But yeah, well put.

Gator/Lewdog: The American government can take land from citizens to build roads, therefore, the South African government can take land from farmers based on race and give it to others based on their race. Same thing.

They're a couple of sick fucks

Lewdog even claimed it was OK if the government allowed whites to be murdered because the Aparthied government murdered blacks. Even if that were true, which it isn't, that shows someone who is seriously fucked in the head.

Not what I said at all. But hey no one ever confused your name with truth an morality.
Yes, that's actually what you were claiming before I made it apparent what a fucking douchebag you are for saying that.

No, I said IF THEY WERE TO BECOME VIOLENT AND KILL WHITES, it would have been after Apartheid ended and that DIDN'T happen, so it makes no sense that now suddenly they are more violent against whites than then. I know reading comprehension is difficult for you.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

South Africa is part of Africa.

South Africa is not the same thing as Africa, moron.

Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

South Africa is part of Africa.

South Africa is not the same thing as Africa, moron.

My liver is part of me. My liver isn't me.

You really can't be this stupid, can you?
You've been defending the kleptocrat state of South Africa. You tried to compare its policy of stealing private land with the American law of eminent domain.

Remember when Democrats were against racism in South Africa? How times have changed. But yeah, well put.

Gator/Lewdog: The American government can take land from citizens to build roads, therefore, the South African government can take land from farmers based on race and give it to others based on their race. Same thing.

They're a couple of sick fucks

Lewdog even claimed it was OK if the government allowed whites to be murdered because the Aparthied government murdered blacks. Even if that were true, which it isn't, that shows someone who is seriously fucked in the head.

Not what I said at all. But hey no one ever confused your name with truth an morality.
Yes, that's actually what you were claiming before I made it apparent what a fucking douchebag you are for saying that.

No, I said IF THEY WERE TO BECOME VIOLENT AND KILL WHITES, it would have been after Apartheid ended and that DIDN'T happen, so it makes no sense that now suddenly they are more violent against whites than then. I know reading comprehension is difficult for you.
Quit lying. We all know what you said. It's still on the board. I ridiculed it for quite a few posts before you realized the horror of what you were saying.
Remember when Democrats were against racism in South Africa? How times have changed. But yeah, well put.

Gator/Lewdog: The American government can take land from citizens to build roads, therefore, the South African government can take land from farmers based on race and give it to others based on their race. Same thing.

They're a couple of sick fucks

Lewdog even claimed it was OK if the government allowed whites to be murdered because the Aparthied government murdered blacks. Even if that were true, which it isn't, that shows someone who is seriously fucked in the head.

Not what I said at all. But hey no one ever confused your name with truth an morality.
Yes, that's actually what you were claiming before I made it apparent what a fucking douchebag you are for saying that.

No, I said IF THEY WERE TO BECOME VIOLENT AND KILL WHITES, it would have been after Apartheid ended and that DIDN'T happen, so it makes no sense that now suddenly they are more violent against whites than then. I know reading comprehension is difficult for you.
Quit lying. We all know what you said. It's still on the board. I ridiculed it for quite a few posts before you realized the horror of what you were saying.

Yeah it is still on the board. Feel free to go quote it again, because you are a liar.
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

South Africa is part of Africa.

South Africa is not the same thing as Africa, moron.

My liver is part of me. My liver isn't me.

You really can't be this stupid, can you?

If someone says they don't give a shit about you, does that mean they care about your liver?

Quit being a dumbass.

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