PBS program on white flight

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
While channel surfing, I ran across a PBS documentary regarding the failure of integration in a suburban community. A small number of African Americans had moved into a white community where they appeared to be accepted but then they quickly became the majority as real estate agents convinced white owners they should sell now before their property values tanked.

As you hear black people lament that white people don’t like them, a photo is displayed of a large crowd of black people gathered on a house lawn while on the roof there are young black males attending to two or three large amps that are presumably blasting music through the entire neighborhood. Apparently, the film makers did not consider the possibility that this photo was evidence of why white people wanted to leave.
PBS,NPR are anti-white/anti-cop/etc
...we have some blacks in our hood and they play their music loud
...most of the loud mouths I've HEARD n public places are blacks--using foul language
not racism--but facts
Many years ago I lived in a nice new apartment complex.
For a long time all the tenants were white people who took pride in the place. Never saw a police car at the complex.
Then slowly at first, black people started moving in and white people began to move out.
Within two years the place became a ghetto. Broken windows and doors, trash everywhere, junk cars in the parking lot, and packs of black teens walking around hollering and playing loud music all hours of the night. The smell of marijuana was always present.
When I finally got feed up and moved the place was about 80% black and starting to get very dangerous. The police were being called all the time for one reason or another. ... :cool:
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PBS runs endless Whitey Hate 'documentaries' nearly every week. This week it has been the Ferguson lies show, and today they ran the usual Sniveling Latinos Who Hate America But Refuse To Go Back Where They Came From, along with fake history all about how Mexico settled the U.S. N Stuff, never mind Mexicans wouldn't have been caught dead north of Tampico, and all those 'missions' were put there by the Spanish, not Mexicans, who only came north when Whitey solved their Apaches and Comanchero problems for them. They go on from there lying about all the stuff Obama claimed they built.
This is a very serious topic.

IMHO, there is no solution to this unpleasantness.

First, we can all agree that many people of the ethnicity under discussion are good neighbors and behave as well as or even better than some people of other ethnicities.

Second, and this is something that many well-meaning self-identified "liberals" cannot accept, it is a hurtful fact that many a neighborhood that was pleasant became unpleasant for its residents (including the nice people of the ethnicity under discussion) when younger people moved in with their drugs, dangerous dogs, loud parties, and house burglaries.

IMHO -- and according to what I have read -- integrated neighborhoods simply do not last very long. At first, there are good feelings and a desire to make things work, but as more and more people of that ethnicity move in, the other residents feel that they have to leave.

IMHO, the idea of integrated neighborhoods (as shown in TV commercials) is a beautiful concept.

But we have to be realistic. It will never be realized -- even when Euro Americans become a minority by the middle of this century.
Been there done that. More than once.
A black family moves into an all white neighborhood. A nice solid family. Semi professional parents, two well behaved children. Then a brother or cousin shows up. Just got out of prison with noplace to go. He has friends. The kids have visitors from the old neighborhood. The gang the family moved to get away from. The white neighbors start having break ins. Some assaults. A woman around the corner was beaten and raped. Houses go up for sale. Black families snap up these bargains. The whole neighborhood starts looking seedy. The grocery store two blocks away was robbed a couple of times. They finally closed their doors. White flight is complete. The area is now a ghetto.
This is a very serious topic.

IMHO, there is no solution to this unpleasantness.

First, we can all agree that many people of the ethnicity under discussion are good neighbors and behave as well as or even better than some people of other ethnicities.

Second, and this is something that many well-meaning self-identified "liberals" cannot accept, it is a hurtful fact that many a neighborhood that was pleasant became unpleasant for its residents (including the nice people of the ethnicity under discussion) when younger people moved in with their drugs, dangerous dogs, loud parties, and house burglaries.

IMHO -- and according to what I have read -- integrated neighborhoods simply do not last very long. At first, there are good feelings and a desire to make things work, but as more and more people of that ethnicity move in, the other residents feel that they have to leave.

IMHO, the idea of integrated neighborhoods (as shown in TV commercials) is a beautiful concept.

But we have to be realistic. It will never be realized -- even when Euro Americans become a minority by the middle of this century.
You are right. In the beginning everyone wants this to work. It never does. Compton used to be all white as was Lynwood and Inglewood. I remember when blacks first moved into Lakewood. Now these cities are destroyed.
Loud music in African-American communities may contribute to high blood pressure, which is already a problem with black people because of higher rates of obesity and diabetes and some genetic factors.

Lowering your blood pressure (BP) may be as easy as shutting the window or turning down your MP3 player. Too much noise exposure correlates with a steady rise in blood pressure. Loud sounds are known to stimulate the pituitary-adrenal cortical system. Heart rate basically soars in response to sudden loud sounds, like slamming doors or honking horns. But a gradual rise in noise hurts, too. In a study of assembly plant workers, the higher the volume got, the higher their blood pressure rose. Simple earplug use was enough to drop systolic blood pressure as much as 5.5 mm Hg. So just imagine what turning down your car stereo could do.

How can noise affect my blood pressure? | Heart and Circulatory System.

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