PBS, Vanessa Williams spark backlash over ‘black national anthem’

Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

Not sure why there would be a backlash. But I get that Murdoch and his wackos are faux-raging again

So, now we have a National Anthem, and a Black National Anthem.

What next?

A red National Anthem, for Native Americans?

a pink National Anthem for lgbtq?

A Yellow National Anthem for Asians?

So much for One Nation under God.
The next step is to grant them independence. That way they can have their own government and elections, and no longer be oppressed.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
Did you hear the performance?

I read about it in advance, but I was too busy honoring ALL of America to listen to her segregated one.
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

Not sure why there would be a backlash. But I get that Murdoch and his wackos are faux-raging again

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So now your upset people have freedom of choice?
Fuck that.

Hello no. No God damn black national anthem.

The national anthem is without color black or white. And now way in hell should it be about color, especially not the blacks. They fucking want everything.

If blacks want their own national anthem then they need to go make their own fucking country.
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

Not sure why there would be a backlash. But I get that Murdoch and his wackos are faux-raging again

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So true, Faux News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, it’s all garbage designed to divide and conquer. They succeeded and blacks think they aren’t free. So do you support giving blacks a free and independent nation separate from the rest of America or not?
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
Did you hear the performance?

I read about it in advance, but I was too busy honoring ALL of America to listen to her segregated one.
So you have no idea what you're talking about. As per usual.
So, now we have a National Anthem, and a Black National Anthem.

What next?

A red National Anthem, for Native Americans?

a pink National Anthem for lgbtq?

A Yellow National Anthem for Asians?

So much for One Nation under God.
The next step is to grant them independence. That way they can have their own government and elections, and no longer be oppressed.
Are you kidding me , LBJ has the negros voting democrat for the next 100 years
candycorn I think the people that don't like that song rather have one song that everybody sings together that unites everybody. One uniting country with one uniting song. Not a bunch of different songs for different groups of people.
Did you hear the performance?

I did.
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

Not sure why there would be a backlash. But I get that Murdoch and his wackos are faux-raging again

View attachment 508990
They also listen to CNN and MSNBC.

Just as willingly.
Fuck that.

Hello no. No God damn black national anthem.

The national anthem is without color black or white. And now way in hell should it be about color, especially not the blacks. They fucking want everything.

If blacks want their own national anthem then they need to go make their own fucking country.
They're making your country their country exclusively. Your way will become the old way and their way will become the only way. It's all about power. Some people will be happy and others will be sad and later the sad ones will be happy and the happy ones will be sad and that's how it works and it's always been that way and it always will be that way
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
Did you hear the performance?

I read about it in advance, but I was too busy honoring ALL of America to listen to her segregated one.
So you have no idea what you're talking about. As per usual.
Says the dumb bitch who didn't know Americans over threw the British ..
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
Did you hear the performance?

I read about it in advance, but I was too busy honoring ALL of America to listen to her segregated one.
So you have no idea what you're talking about. As per usual.

I do know what I'm talking about since I read she was going to sing an anthem that only represents a segment of America.
Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

The black national anthem should be played in Africa and anyone who does not want to be here should go back to where they came from

Fuck that.

Hello no. No God damn black national anthem.

The national anthem is without color black or white. And now way in hell should it be about color, especially not the blacks. They fucking want everything.

If blacks want their own national anthem then they need to go make their own fucking country.
Did you hear the performance?
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .
Yup, nothing wrong with dividing America more and segregation of black culture. It’s time to accept the fact that these blacks who don’t accept American culture aren’t real Americans. Soon we can make the segregation legal and permanent and have them form their own nation, “Black America”, and their citizenship of America can be revoked. That way they can have their own government and cities, where they can’t be oppressed by whites anymore.

Blacks of today are all about segregation.

"PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the “black national anthem” during its July 4 coverage — with critics blasting the move as divisive and un-American.

Williams’ performance on the station’s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth’s establishment as a federal holiday.

“It’s in celebration of the wonderful opportunity that we now have to celebrate Juneteenth. So we are reflective of the times,” the actress and singer, who was the first black woman to win the Miss America Pageant, told the Associated Press."

She hurt your feelings, did she? (More and more we see a real need for CRT with all the whitey righties losing their sh*t over the littlest things)
Why stop at CRT?

Why not give black people their own nation so they can govern themselves and not be oppressed by a racist system? Don’t oppressed people usually want independence?
You tell us...you guys keep begging for Civil War...but you're too much of a coward to do anything.
According to your Ilk they tried on January 6th
Llibs like candycorn are so full of shit. At the same time they pretend that we righties just made a serious try for an "insurrection" that would have led to who knows what fantasy land,

at the same time they push that nonsense, they ridicule us for being weak and powerless and not "doing" anything other than talk.

All without a hint of self awareness or shame.
I heard it driving home last night on XM Radion (NPR carried it).

Nothing was wrong with the National Anthem. Conservatives simply have too much hate and too little time on their hands .

Our Anthem is for ALL Americans. Having separate ones divides us even further.
Did you hear the performance?

I read about it in advance, but I was too busy honoring ALL of America to listen to her segregated one.
So you have no idea what you're talking about. As per usual.

I do know what I'm talking about since I read she was going to sing an anthem that only represents a segment of America.

No, you know what you read...nothing more. And, if history is any guide, the right wing rage machine served up something they knew would play with a mindless drone such as yourself.

So you're unhinged rage is over something of which you have zero actual knowledge. As per usual.

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