PC Fascists To Remove Lee and Jackson from War College Memorials

So pretty speeches absolve the deaths of over a half a million Americans?

That's not even the whole problem.

Honoring Lee has buttressed the idea there was something to the Civil War. That it was okay to think Secession and Slavery are valid. To this day, Southerns talk about the South rising again. The whole conservative movement in the country constantly yammers on about "State's Rights".

Sooner rather than later this country to should an end to the notion that Lee was an admirable character.

He wasn't.

He was a despicable villain.

A villian would have called for uprising, and a continued fight, he didnt.

Lincoln wanted a full reconcilliation, with the nation put back together as quickly as possible. His death prevented that, and one wonders how much better off we would have been if he hadn't gone to the theatre that night.

Leftwing fascists have no desire for any kind of reconciliation at all.

Those they regard as enemies they will hate till the end of time itself. They are all about nothing but hating, hating and destroying those they hate. They have been this way at least since the French Revolution.

You are one of the most hateful people on these boards.
Benedict Arnold was a great general also

Does he have a portrait at the War College?

One battle does not a great general make.

And asking if Arnolds portrait is hanging there as well does not prove anything, does not negate the fact that Lee and Jackson were removed from their places, and that PC fascists like you, you fucking retard, are being surrendered to way too much by cowards and imbeciles.
Benedict Arnold was a great general also

Does he have a portrait at the War College?
You know very little of history. Arnold was in the service of the US army when he conspired treason. Lee and Jackson did no such thing. Ignorance is no excuse.

They do not plead ignorance of anything, since these leftists are not trying to do anything but continue to destroy anything of value in our culture, one brick at a time to quote a anti-American terrorist friend of Obama's.
Benedict Arnold was a great general also

Does he have a portrait at the War College?
You know very little of history. Arnold was in the service of the US army when he conspired treason. Lee and Jackson did no such thing. Ignorance is no excuse.

According to what JimCrowie says, all great generals should be studied by the War College.

And Arnold was not a great general, was not pardoned nor did he return to pledging his allegiance to the republic as Lee did.

I think almost everyone here realizes that you are not this stupid, but that you simply do not give a shit as long as you can throw your bullshit you will keep doing it till something sticks, you black-hearted fascist.
A villian would have called for uprising, and a continued fight, he didnt.

Lincoln wanted a full reconcilliation, with the nation put back together as quickly as possible. His death prevented that, and one wonders how much better off we would have been if he hadn't gone to the theatre that night.

Leftwing fascists have no desire for any kind of reconciliation at all.

Those they regard as enemies they will hate till the end of time itself. They are all about nothing but hating, hating and destroying those they hate. They have been this way at least since the French Revolution.

You are one of the most hateful people on these boards.

I don't give a shit what fascist liars like you say or try to think, bitch.

But yes, my Moma did raise me right and she raised me to hate FASCISTS like those that get on these boards and lie every day.
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Leftwing fascists have no desire for any kind of reconciliation at all.

Those they regard as enemies they will hate till the end of time itself. They are all about nothing but hating, hating and destroying those they hate. They have been this way at least since the French Revolution.

You are one of the most hateful people on these boards.

I don't give a shit what fascist liars like you say or try to think, bitch.

Thank you for proving my point.
Benedict Arnold was a great general also

Does he have a portrait at the War College?
You know very little of history. Arnold was in the service of the US army when he conspired treason. Lee and Jackson did no such thing. Ignorance is no excuse.

They do not plead ignorance of anything, since these leftists are not trying to do anything but continue to destroy anything of value in our culture, one brick at a time to quote a anti-American terrorist friend of Obama's.

The Confederacy was not American. And has no place in American culture.
You are one of the most hateful people on these boards.

I don't give a shit what fascist liars like you say or try to think, bitch.

Thank you for proving my point.

And thank yo ufor proving mine.

Why is discrediting people who have been dead for more than a century and still loved by millions, why is it so damned important to you to smear them, dishonor them and remove their memory as much as you can?

Because you are a hateful little fascist., that is why.

Fuck off, you godamned whore.
So pretty speeches absolve the deaths of over a half a million Americans?

That's not even the whole problem.

Honoring Lee has buttressed the idea there was something to the Civil War. That it was okay to think Secession and Slavery are valid. To this day, Southerns talk about the South rising again. The whole conservative movement in the country constantly yammers on about "State's Rights".

Sooner rather than later this country to should an end to the notion that Lee was an admirable character.

He wasn't.

He was a despicable villain.

A villian would have called for uprising, and a continued fight, he didnt.

Lincoln wanted a full reconcilliation, with the nation put back together as quickly as possible. His death prevented that, and one wonders how much better off we would have been if he hadn't gone to the theatre that night.

Lee was beaten.

He had no more fight in him.

The war had aged him terribly. He was incapable of continuing.

He died shortly after the war ended.

He should have been hung and his head put up on a spike.

Someone disagreed with you.

With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, ...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
You know very little of history. Arnold was in the service of the US army when he conspired treason. Lee and Jackson did no such thing. Ignorance is no excuse.

According to what JimCrowie says, all great generals should be studied by the War College.

And Arnold was not a great general, was not pardoned nor did he return to pledging his allegiance to the republic as Lee did.

I think almost everyone here realizes that you are not this stupid, but that you simply do not give a shit as long as you can throw your bullshit you will keep doing it till something sticks, you black-hearted fascist.

Who decides what generals were great, you, or the War College? You made the point that great generals should be studied, quit moving the goal posts.
You know very little of history. Arnold was in the service of the US army when he conspired treason. Lee and Jackson did no such thing. Ignorance is no excuse.

They do not plead ignorance of anything, since these leftists are not trying to do anything but continue to destroy anything of value in our culture, one brick at a time to quote a anti-American terrorist friend of Obama's.

The Confederacy was not American. And has no place in American culture.

Now you are surpassing even your own prior records for complete stupidity.

What fucking continent do you think the Confederacy was on, you little brain dead bitch?
I don't give a shit what fascist liars like you say or try to think, bitch.

Thank you for proving my point.

And thank yo ufor proving mine.

Why is discrediting people who have been dead for more than a century and still loved by millions, why is it so damned important to you to smear them, dishonor them and remove their memory as much as you can?

Because you are a hateful little fascist., that is why.

Fuck off, you godamned whore.

Who did I smear? Looks like you are the fascist liar.
You know very little of history. Arnold was in the service of the US army when he conspired treason. Lee and Jackson did no such thing. Ignorance is no excuse.

They do not plead ignorance of anything, since these leftists are not trying to do anything but continue to destroy anything of value in our culture, one brick at a time to quote a anti-American terrorist friend of Obama's.

The Confederacy was not American. And has no place in American culture.
That is patently one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. The Confederacy was American to its core, and one could easily argue it was more American than the Union.
A villian would have called for uprising, and a continued fight, he didnt.

Lincoln wanted a full reconcilliation, with the nation put back together as quickly as possible. His death prevented that, and one wonders how much better off we would have been if he hadn't gone to the theatre that night.

Lee was beaten.

He had no more fight in him.

The war had aged him terribly. He was incapable of continuing.

He died shortly after the war ended.

He should have been hung and his head put up on a spike.

Someone disagreed with you.

With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, ...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

Marty, it wont be much longer till the leftwing fascists tire of Old Abe as well and he will be purged from the collective memory as fast as they are trying to purge Lee and Jackson.

Lincoln was a racist by any definition of people today. not only did he have the bad judgment to talk about what was good for white men, but he also said repeatedly that he thought the negro to be inferior to white men.

The leftwing fascists hate him too, but for now he is stull useful to them as a symbol of what good a tyrannical leader can do, ignoring the fact that what Lincoln did was during our most dangerous war, while Obama is serving as POTUS in peace time only.
A villian would have called for uprising, and a continued fight, he didnt.

Lincoln wanted a full reconcilliation, with the nation put back together as quickly as possible. His death prevented that, and one wonders how much better off we would have been if he hadn't gone to the theatre that night.

Lee was beaten.

He had no more fight in him.

The war had aged him terribly. He was incapable of continuing.

He died shortly after the war ended.

He should have been hung and his head put up on a spike.

Someone disagreed with you.

With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, ...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

And what?

I didn't agree with this aspect of Lincoln's policy.

The south really needed to be punished for their treachery.
Benedict Arnold was a great general also

Does he have a portrait at the War College?

One battle does not a great general make.

And asking if Arnolds portrait is hanging there as well does not prove anything, does not negate the fact that Lee and Jackson were removed from their places, and that PC fascists like you, you fucking retard, are being surrendered to way too much by cowards and imbeciles.

Gen Benedict Arnold won major victories at Ft Ticonderoga and Saratoga. He was one of our greatest Generals

Out of Patriotism, he went over to the other side.

Isn't that what Lee and Jackson did?

Who is being Politically correct?

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