PC Fascists To Remove Lee and Jackson from War College Memorials

Huh. So upside-down flag guy is into honoring Democrats.

Go figger.

There are a great many Democrats that I admire like JFK, FDR, LBJ, Truman, Woodrow Wilson and Jimmy Carter.

I do despise leftwing fascists who have taken over the Democrat Party and who have been successful in redefining 'liberal' to mean central state fascist, identity politics, politically correct censoring, Fabian socialist, race baiting whore.

I was raised in a Democrat Union family, and I did not leave that party, it left me and millions of others when the Marxists took over in 1972.
Lee was beaten.

He had no more fight in him.

The war had aged him terribly. He was incapable of continuing.

He died shortly after the war ended.

He should have been hung and his head put up on a spike.

Someone disagreed with you.

With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, ...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

And what?

I didn't agree with this aspect of Lincoln's policy.

The south really needed to be punished for their treachery.

And it did get punished, and that led to a backlash, and the era of Jim Crow once reconstruction ended without a true integration of the two societies back together. That led to alot of the race issues we still have today.

Lincoln wanted to avoid it, and he got killed before he could try to implement a more peaceful re-integration. Instead after 20 years or so the North gave up on changing the south, and the freedmen paid for it.

It was the radical republican's thirst for revenge combined with their misguided belief that a hard hand would protect the freedmen that led to where we were after plessey v fergueson.
Benedict Arnold was a great general also

Does he have a portrait at the War College?

One battle does not a great general make.

And asking if Arnolds portrait is hanging there as well does not prove anything, does not negate the fact that Lee and Jackson were removed from their places, and that PC fascists like you, you fucking retard, are being surrendered to way too much by cowards and imbeciles.

Gen Benedict Arnold won major victories at Ft Ticonderoga and Saratoga. He was one of our greatest Generals

Out of Patriotism, he went over to the other side.

Isn't that what Lee and Jackson did?

Who is being Politically correct?

Arnold is not one of our greatest generals and if he was his portrait would have hung at the War College which it did not.

He was an unrepentant traitor, unpardoned and unforgiven. Even the Brits despised him.

Again, your stupid lies tell nothing but what a useless stupid liar you are. Soros should fire you from his astroturfing crew, lol.
Benedict Arnold was a great general also

Does he have a portrait at the War College?

One battle does not a great general make.

And asking if Arnolds portrait is hanging there as well does not prove anything, does not negate the fact that Lee and Jackson were removed from their places, and that PC fascists like you, you fucking retard, are being surrendered to way too much by cowards and imbeciles.

Gen Benedict Arnold won major victories at Ft Ticonderoga and Saratoga. He was one of our greatest Generals

Out of Patriotism, he went over to the other side.

Isn't that what Lee and Jackson did?

Who is being Politically correct?
Lee and Jackson resigned their commissions, Arnold did not. Is this seriously too complicated for you?
Lee was beaten.

He had no more fight in him.

The war had aged him terribly. He was incapable of continuing.

He died shortly after the war ended.

He should have been hung and his head put up on a spike.

Someone disagreed with you.

With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, ...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

And what?

I didn't agree with this aspect of Lincoln's policy.

The south really needed to be punished for their treachery.

The never took oaths to the US Republic, so Southerners committed no treason, unlike Bill Ayers, friend of Obama. You have no problem with that traitor, but blather on about people long rehabilitated to our Republic and pardoned.

But then you are a stupid ass hat.
Lee was beaten.

He had no more fight in him.

The war had aged him terribly. He was incapable of continuing.

He died shortly after the war ended.

He should have been hung and his head put up on a spike.

Someone disagreed with you.

With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, ...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

Marty, it wont be much longer till the leftwing fascists tire of Old Abe as well and he will be purged from the collective memory as fast as they are trying to purge Lee and Jackson.

Lincoln was a racist by any definition of people today. not only did he have the bad judgment to talk about what was good for white men, but he also said repeatedly that he thought the negro to be inferior to white men.

The leftwing fascists hate him too, but for now he is stull useful to them as a symbol of what good a tyrannical leader can do, ignoring the fact that what Lincoln did was during our most dangerous war, while Obama is serving as POTUS in peace time only.

Which is ridiculous.

Lincoln's attitude regarding black folks evolved considerably with time.

Prior to the war he was in the mind that black folks should be returned to Africa.

That changed. And after the war he felt they should be given all the rights each American has and that in the eyes of the law, they were American citizens.
One battle does not a great general make.

And asking if Arnolds portrait is hanging there as well does not prove anything, does not negate the fact that Lee and Jackson were removed from their places, and that PC fascists like you, you fucking retard, are being surrendered to way too much by cowards and imbeciles.

Gen Benedict Arnold won major victories at Ft Ticonderoga and Saratoga. He was one of our greatest Generals

Out of Patriotism, he went over to the other side.

Isn't that what Lee and Jackson did?

Who is being Politically correct?
Lee and Jackson resigned their commissions, Arnold did not. Is this seriously too complicated for you?

Yes, it does not fit his leftwing story line.
One battle does not a great general make.

And asking if Arnolds portrait is hanging there as well does not prove anything, does not negate the fact that Lee and Jackson were removed from their places, and that PC fascists like you, you fucking retard, are being surrendered to way too much by cowards and imbeciles.

Gen Benedict Arnold won major victories at Ft Ticonderoga and Saratoga. He was one of our greatest Generals

Out of Patriotism, he went over to the other side.

Isn't that what Lee and Jackson did?

Who is being Politically correct?

Arnold is not one of our greatest generals and if he was his portrait would have hung at the War College which it did not.

He was an unrepentant traitor, unpardoned and unforgiven. Even the Brits despised him.

Again, your stupid lies tell nothing but what a useless stupid liar you are. Soros should fire you from his astroturfing crew, lol.

The Brits made him a General in their Army

Both Lee and Jackson took up arms against the nation they had sworn aligience to. What made them less of a traitor than Benedict Arnold? They killed tens of thousands more Americans than Arnold did
Someone disagreed with you.

And what?

I didn't agree with this aspect of Lincoln's policy.

The south really needed to be punished for their treachery.

The never took oaths to the US Republic, so Southerners committed no treason, unlike Bill Ayers, friend of Obama. You have no problem with that traitor, but blather on about people long rehabilitated to our Republic and pardoned.

But then you are a stupid ass hat.

Well yeah.

They did.

Southerns were traitors.

And folks like you?

Still are.
One battle does not a great general make.

And asking if Arnolds portrait is hanging there as well does not prove anything, does not negate the fact that Lee and Jackson were removed from their places, and that PC fascists like you, you fucking retard, are being surrendered to way too much by cowards and imbeciles.

Gen Benedict Arnold won major victories at Ft Ticonderoga and Saratoga. He was one of our greatest Generals

Out of Patriotism, he went over to the other side.

Isn't that what Lee and Jackson did?

Who is being Politically correct?
Lee and Jackson resigned their commissions, Arnold did not. Is this seriously too complicated for you?

I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did
Someone disagreed with you.

Marty, it wont be much longer till the leftwing fascists tire of Old Abe as well and he will be purged from the collective memory as fast as they are trying to purge Lee and Jackson.

Lincoln was a racist by any definition of people today. not only did he have the bad judgment to talk about what was good for white men, but he also said repeatedly that he thought the negro to be inferior to white men.

The leftwing fascists hate him too, but for now he is stull useful to them as a symbol of what good a tyrannical leader can do, ignoring the fact that what Lincoln did was during our most dangerous war, while Obama is serving as POTUS in peace time only.

Which is ridiculous.

Lincoln's attitude regarding black folks evolved considerably with time.

Prior to the war he was in the mind that black folks should be returned to Africa.

That changed. And after the war he felt they should be given all the rights each American has and that in the eyes of the law, they were American citizens.
Point of note: Lincolns colonization idea had its genesis in the abolition movement, and Lincoln's plan involved voluntary return to Africa.

An important distinction.
Gen Benedict Arnold won major victories at Ft Ticonderoga and Saratoga. He was one of our greatest Generals

Out of Patriotism, he went over to the other side.

Isn't that what Lee and Jackson did?

Who is being Politically correct?

Arnold is not one of our greatest generals and if he was his portrait would have hung at the War College which it did not.

He was an unrepentant traitor, unpardoned and unforgiven. Even the Brits despised him.

Again, your stupid lies tell nothing but what a useless stupid liar you are. Soros should fire you from his astroturfing crew, lol.

The Brits made him a General in their Army

Both Lee and Jackson took up arms against the nation they had sworn aligience to. What made them less of a traitor than Benedict Arnold? They killed tens of thousands more Americans than Arnold did

They did resign thier commissions with the US government, and were commisssioned first by thier home states, and then by the CSA government. It was all in the open.

Arnold used his position in the Continental army to try to betray it.
Someone disagreed with you.

Marty, it wont be much longer till the leftwing fascists tire of Old Abe as well and he will be purged from the collective memory as fast as they are trying to purge Lee and Jackson.

Lincoln was a racist by any definition of people today. not only did he have the bad judgment to talk about what was good for white men, but he also said repeatedly that he thought the negro to be inferior to white men.

The leftwing fascists hate him too, but for now he is stull useful to them as a symbol of what good a tyrannical leader can do, ignoring the fact that what Lincoln did was during our most dangerous war, while Obama is serving as POTUS in peace time only.

Which is ridiculous.

Lincoln's attitude regarding black folks evolved considerably with time.

Prior to the war he was in the mind that black folks should be returned to Africa.

That changed. And after the war he felt they should be given all the rights each American has and that in the eyes of the law, they were American citizens.

For the lurkers out there....

Articles: That Dirty, Rotten Racist...Abraham Lincoln

Here is his famous quote from a debate with Sen. Steven Douglas, from "The National Park Service website's "Lincoln Home Historical Site's Page," entitled "Fourth Debate Charleston Illinois":

I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.

Sounds pretty unambiguous to me. And so it did to Lerone Bennett, Jr., executive editor of Ebony and author of several books on African-American history. He scathingly criticized Lincoln in 1968 in an article he published in his magazine titled ''Was Abe Lincoln a White Supremacist?'' "His answer was a resounding Yes," ruefully writes The New York Times.

Lincoln believed blacks inferior to whites, Bennett insisted; he supported segregation in the North, told darky jokes, and used the N-word in public and private. He reluctantly embraced Emancipation halfway through the Civil War only after Congress enacted it and slaves voted with their feet for freedom by escaping to Union lines, and he persisted to the end of his life in the belief that ''deportation'' of blacks was the best solution to the race problems that would follow.

To sum it up, Lincoln was an out-and-out racist. Actually, as the flagship mouthpiece of the liberal left put it, quite correctly, he "did share the racial prejudices of his time and place." But so did the Founding Fathers, didn't they? And if liberals view them as bigoted miscreants and want to put them on trial for the crime of racism, Lincoln definitely merits a prominent place in the dock. Otherwise, the accusers would be guilty of another grave sin in their own playbook: disparate treatment.

Researchers Further Reveal Abraham Lincoln's Racism

Other scholars, such as Harvard expert Henry Louis Gates, Jr., have explored the complexities of Abraham Lincoln's views on race, raising awareness regarding the fallacy of those who view Lincoln as a great anti-racist.

Lincoln’s views on race and the equality of African Americans are the focus of a recent book on the subject, Colonization After Emancipation: Lincoln and the Movement for Black Resettlement. Authored by George Mason University researchers Phillip W. Magness and Sebastian N. Page, the book examines numerous historical documents from the Library of Congress and British National Archives, and demonstrates that Lincoln possessed a strong commitment to the resettlement of African Americans on the African continent. Lincoln’s racial legacy is controversial, notes Magness, because of its complexity, a historical truth that forces the historical establishment and the American education system to reevaluate its presentation of Lincoln, who may not be the great anti-racist egalitarian historians previously made him out to be.

As reported by The Blaze, Lincoln’s views about colonization are well known among historians, even if they don’t make it into most schoolbooks. Lincoln even referred to colonization in the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, his September 1862 warning to the South that he would free all slaves in Southern territory if the rebellion continued. Unlike some others, Lincoln always promoted a voluntary colonization, rather than forcing blacks to leave. But historians differ on whether Lincoln moved away from colonization after he issued the official Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863, or whether he continued to support it.

Magness and Page’s book offers evidence that Lincoln continued to support colonization, engaging in secret diplomacy with the British to establish a colony in British Honduras, now Belize. Among the records found at the British archives is an 1863 order from Lincoln granting a British agent permission to recruit volunteers for a Belize colony.

“He didn’t let colonization die off. He became very active in promoting it in the private sphere, through diplomatic channels,” Magness said. He surmises that Lincoln grew weary of the controversy that surrounded colonization efforts, which had become enmeshed in scandal and were criticized by many abolitionists.
As late as 1864, Magness found a notation that Lincoln asked the attorney general whether he could continue to receive counsel from James Mitchell, his colonization commissioner, even after Congress had eliminated funding for Mitchell’s office.

While Magness and Page’s book offers a unique insight into previously unknown and unreported historical documents adding to our understanding of Lincoln and his views on race, an entire

corpus of literature already exists which demonstrates that Lincoln’s considerations in fighting the Civil War were not motivated by a deep humanitarian sense of liberating African Americans from the cruel and bitter scourge of slavery, but instead by his desire to see the integrity of the Union preserved, as he opposed Southern secession, but nonetheless, did not share any profound commitment to abolitionism or to the equality and full inclusion and integration of blacks into American society.

Lincoln’s commitment to the resettlement of African Americans is particularly revealing because it demonstrates his belief that African Americans were incapable of being assimilated into white society, and that they were socially unequal to whites, thus “requiring” their forced resettlement to Africa or even Central America, in his view.

It therefore comes as no surprise that Lincoln was a vociferous defender of racial segregation throughout his career — he simply believed that racial integration was impossible, as evident in his comments at the first of the famous Lincoln-Douglas Debates, in August 1858:

I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races. There is physical difference between the two, which in my judgment will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.

I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races; I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people.

I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.

The phenomenon of Americans ignoring Lincoln’s segregationist views is best described by the late columnist Joseph Sobran, who bifurcates the “fantasy Lincoln” and the true, racist Lincoln:

When Lincoln finally did grab the slavery issue in 1854, he again followed (Henry) Clay in advocating gradual emancipation, combined with a program of colonization — resettling former slaves outside of the United States. He expressly opposed political and social equality for Negroes in this country. They should be equal all right, but not here.... Lincoln's segregationist views are soft-peddled, shrugged off, explained away, or simply ignored ... the Fantasy Lincoln must be maintained at all costs." And this is exactly what many establishment scholars today do. They maintain the cottage industry that promotes the "Fantasy Lincoln" while conveniently ignoring his racist views — views they seem to find abhorrent in anyone else yet perfectly alright in Mr. Lincoln.

So till the day he died, for all the evidence can show, Lincoln still was a segregationist and white supremacist, though he did come to believe that some blacks could participate in our Republic toward the end.

But this hypocrisy of the left ignoring Lincolns racism is no less than the lefts hypocrisy in ignoring Grants racism and the fact that through the whole Civil War when he traveled he kept two personal slaves with him that were the property of his wife and hence his property as well due to marriage community property.
Gen Benedict Arnold won major victories at Ft Ticonderoga and Saratoga. He was one of our greatest Generals

Out of Patriotism, he went over to the other side.

Isn't that what Lee and Jackson did?

Who is being Politically correct?
Lee and Jackson resigned their commissions, Arnold did not. Is this seriously too complicated for you?

I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did

Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.
Marty, it wont be much longer till the leftwing fascists tire of Old Abe as well and he will be purged from the collective memory as fast as they are trying to purge Lee and Jackson.

Lincoln was a racist by any definition of people today. not only did he have the bad judgment to talk about what was good for white men, but he also said repeatedly that he thought the negro to be inferior to white men.

The leftwing fascists hate him too, but for now he is stull useful to them as a symbol of what good a tyrannical leader can do, ignoring the fact that what Lincoln did was during our most dangerous war, while Obama is serving as POTUS in peace time only.

Which is ridiculous.

Lincoln's attitude regarding black folks evolved considerably with time.

Prior to the war he was in the mind that black folks should be returned to Africa.

That changed. And after the war he felt they should be given all the rights each American has and that in the eyes of the law, they were American citizens.
Point of note: Lincolns colonization idea had its genesis in the abolition movement, and Lincoln's plan involved voluntary return to Africa.

An important distinction.

An important distinction to what end? What does it prove? That Lincoln did not think blacks inferior to whites? That he had stopped being a segregationists? That he was no longer opposed to inter-racial marriages?

Not sure it proves enough to make him palatable to the leftwing fascists once they are done with him.
Lee and Jackson resigned their commissions, Arnold did not. Is this seriously too complicated for you?

I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did

Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.

Yeah, that slavery part in particular.
Lee and Jackson resigned their commissions, Arnold did not. Is this seriously too complicated for you?

I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did

Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.
The slaveholding concept.

eta: bod & I coming in at the same thought at the same minute. But she beat me. :)
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Gen Benedict Arnold won major victories at Ft Ticonderoga and Saratoga. He was one of our greatest Generals

Out of Patriotism, he went over to the other side.

Isn't that what Lee and Jackson did?

Who is being Politically correct?
Lee and Jackson resigned their commissions, Arnold did not. Is this seriously too complicated for you?

I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did

Arnold did so fight against his former friends and fellow patriots, idiot.

Benedict Arnold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In December 1780, under orders from Clinton, Arnold led a force of 1,600 troops into Virginia, where he captured Richmond by surprise and then went on a rampage through Virginia, destroying supply houses, foundries, and mills.[92] This activity brought out Virginia's militia, led by Colonel Sampson Mathews, and Arnold eventually retreated to Portsmouth to either be evacuated or reinforced.[93] The pursuing American army included the Marquis de Lafayette, who was under orders from Washington to hang Arnold summarily if he was captured. Reinforcements led by William Phillips (who served under Burgoyne at Saratoga) arrived in late March, and Phillips led further raids across Virginia, including a defeat of Baron von Steuben at Petersburg, until his death of fever on May 12, 1781. Arnold commanded the army only until May 20, when Lord Cornwallis arrived with the southern army and took over. One colonel wrote to Clinton of Arnold, "there are many officers who must wish some other general in command."[94] Cornwallis ignored advice proffered by Arnold to locate a permanent base away from the coast, advice that might have averted Cornwallis's later surrender at Yorktown.[94]

On his return to New York in June, Arnold made a variety of proposals for attacks on economic targets to force the Americans to end the war. Clinton was uninterested in most of Arnold's aggressive ideas, but finally authorized Arnold to raid the port of New London, Connecticut. On September 4, not long after the birth of his and Peggy's second son, Arnold's force of over 1,700 men raided and burned New London and captured Fort Griswold, causing damage estimated at $500,000.[95] British casualties were high; nearly one quarter of the force was killed or wounded. Clinton declared he could ill afford any more such victories.[96]

You seem to be in competition with NoNukes and Swallow for the idiot poster of the Month title.
Lee and Jackson resigned their commissions, Arnold did not. Is this seriously too complicated for you?

I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did

Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.

Benedict Arnold betrayed a country that did not exist in the eyes of mother England. With a different ending of the war, he would have been a hero

Lee and Jackson took up arms against the country they were born in.....a country thay had sworn aligience to when they became Army Officers

They were traitors
Lee and Jackson resigned their commissions, Arnold did not. Is this seriously too complicated for you?

I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did

Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.

The Confederates were in violation of the Constitution.

They committed what is clearly outlined in the Constitution as treason.

There is no gray area here.

The confederates betrayed the United States of America.

And they got off pretty good. Americans were far to lenient on them.

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