PC Fascists To Remove Lee and Jackson from War College Memorials

I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did

Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.
The slaveholding concept.

For those in the plantation economy, a minority of Southerners, slavery was an important concept, but not to anyone else but the Abolitionists.

If it was the core of the Confederacies self concept then why did they ban international trafficking in slaves? Why is it mentioned in only half the states declarations and only as an item in a long list of grievances? Why did Lincoln only ban slavery in the Southern states in rebellion? Why did Grant have two personal slaves throughout the war?

Why did Lincoln repeatedly say the war was not to free slaves until the Emancipation Proclamation and then he justified it as a war weapon, not for the goal in and of itself?
I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did

Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.

The Confederates were in violation of the Constitution..

Prove it you fucking liar.
We need to go beyond removing their portraits from the Army War College

Like all traitors, we need to remove their names from any position of honor including changing the names of Ft Lee, Ft Hood, Ft Gordon, Ft Bragg
I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did

Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.

Benedict Arnold betrayed a country that did not exist in the eyes of mother England. With a different ending of the war, he would have been a hero

Lee and Jackson took up arms against the country they were born in.....a country thay had sworn aligience to when they became Army Officers

They were traitors

Arnold swore loyalty to his fellow revolutionaries and the people of the South NEVER considered the US as their nation. Each was loyal to their state and swore to that.

You hateful moron
We need to go beyond removing their portraits from the Army War College

Like all traitors, we need to remove their names from any position of honor including changing the names of Ft Lee, Ft Hood, Ft Gordon, Ft Bragg

roflmao, and it will probably happen with fascists like you getting your way
And what?

I didn't agree with this aspect of Lincoln's policy.

The south really needed to be punished for their treachery.

The never took oaths to the US Republic, so Southerners committed no treason, unlike Bill Ayers, friend of Obama. You have no problem with that traitor, but blather on about people long rehabilitated to our Republic and pardoned.

But then you are a stupid ass hat.

Well yeah.

They did.

Southerns were traitors.

And folks like you?

Still are.

Prove it, bitch
Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.

Benedict Arnold betrayed a country that did not exist in the eyes of mother England. With a different ending of the war, he would have been a hero

Lee and Jackson took up arms against the country they were born in.....a country thay had sworn aligience to when they became Army Officers

They were traitors

Arnold swore loyalty to his fellow revolutionaries and the people of the South NEVER considered the US as their nation. Each was loyal to their state and swore to that.

You hateful moron

Unlike you

I am a loyal patriotic American. I do not disrespect my flag and do not support my country honoring men who took up arms against my country
[False correlative, silly OP.

Bullshit. Like most of your posts.
Not at all.

You are running around waving your hands in the air screaming as the pictures are placed in a less obvious location.

As a military veteran of a dozen years active duty, I bet you dollars to donuts the two gents' campaigns will be part of the curriculum.
Benedict Arnold betrayed a country that did not exist in the eyes of mother England. With a different ending of the war, he would have been a hero

Lee and Jackson took up arms against the country they were born in.....a country thay had sworn aligience to when they became Army Officers

They were traitors

Arnold swore loyalty to his fellow revolutionaries and the people of the South NEVER considered the US as their nation. Each was loyal to their state and swore to that.

You hateful moron

Unlike you

I am a loyal patriotic American. I do not disrespect my flag and do not support my country honoring men who took up arms against my country

No, you are simply supportive of friends of terrorists like Bill Ayers who has killed Americans with bombs, you fucking traitorous moron.
Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.

The Confederates were in violation of the Constitution..

Prove it you fucking liar.

Prove what?

They were in violation of the Constitution?

Sure thing:

Section 10.

No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.

No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection laws: and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress.

No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.

Further more:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

You ever read this thing?

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I have no issue with them resigning their commisions. It is taking up arms against your country that makes them traitors

Benedict Arnold never fought against America...Lee and Jackson did

Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.

The Confederates were in violation of the Constitution.

They committed what is clearly outlined in the Constitution as treason.

There is no gray area here.

The confederates betrayed the United States of America.

And they got off pretty good. Americans were far to lenient on them.

Just like the Colonists betrayed the British Crown, the difference is the Colonists won.

In thier mind when their States voted themselves out of the Union, they were no longer citizens of the US, they resigned thier commissions and went back to thier States and served thier states.

They were under no oath to the US when they fought against the US, unlike Arnold, who had an oath to the Continental Army when he turned against it.
Arnold swore loyalty to his fellow revolutionaries and the people of the South NEVER considered the US as their nation. Each was loyal to their state and swore to that.

You hateful moron

Unlike you

I am a loyal patriotic American. I do not disrespect my flag and do not support my country honoring men who took up arms against my country

No, you are simply supportive of friends of terrorists like Bill Ayers who has killed Americans with bombs, you fucking traitorous moron.

Ayers never killed anyone.

Nor was he ever convicted of Terrorism.

So either you are stupid, a liar, a stupid liar or a stupid fucking liar.

Slavery was part and parcel and the literal blood that ran the engine of the south,

It was the cornerstone.

And you base that on what?

So Grant was a traitor too for having slaves?

Both the President and the Vice president of the CSA said slavery was THE CORNERSTONE of the confederacy.

THE CORNERSTONE. It doesn't get much more foundational than that.

Grant freed the slave bequeathed to him before the war.
Arnold swore loyalty to his fellow revolutionaries and the people of the South NEVER considered the US as their nation. Each was loyal to their state and swore to that.

You hateful moron

Unlike you

I am a loyal patriotic American. I do not disrespect my flag and do not support my country honoring men who took up arms against my country

No, you are simply supportive of friends of terrorists like Bill Ayers who has killed Americans with bombs, you fucking traitorous moron.

I have never started a thread supporting Bill Ayers....unlike you who starts a thread defending known traitors to our great country
Unlike you who offends our flag

You sir, are a fraud
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Arnold betrayed the people trying to FOUND america, and did it under false pretenses.

You have to remember the Confederates thought THEY were continuing the TRUE concept of America.

The Confederates were in violation of the Constitution.

They committed what is clearly outlined in the Constitution as treason.

There is no gray area here.

The confederates betrayed the United States of America.

And they got off pretty good. Americans were far to lenient on them.

Just like the Colonists betrayed the British Crown, the difference is the Colonists won.

In thier mind when their States voted themselves out of the Union, they were no longer citizens of the US, they resigned thier commissions and went back to thier States and served thier states.

They were under no oath to the US when they fought against the US, unlike Arnold, who had an oath to the Continental Army when he turned against it.

I don't know what point you are trying to make here..

"In their mind"?

They betrayed this country.

They lost.

And STILL they were treated with compassion.

That was a mistake, in my opinion.

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