PC Gone Bizerk!

Another classic example of the right-wing propaganda machine at work!

Somebody first spins the story (don't know who yet, but I think it's the predictable Washington Times), leaving out a couple of important points, then it's picked up by every other right wing "news" outlet and quickly spread around to the Nutter websites and blog sites. Within the past 3 days, it's already generated NINE PAGES of mostly ultra-right hits on Google and a good many of them include the word "Obama." Google it yourself and see. Then, of course, some water-carrier brings it here and the outpouring of emotional response begins.

That, of course, is the objective. Truth is not the goal here. It's to get you stirred up, angry and frightened. And, being conditioned to react to any OMG! OBAMA thing that comes along, you all react just as planned because they KNOW you won't take the time to look behind the story and see what they're doing. Worse, they know you don't CARE to know the truth and that's probably the most troubling aspect of the whole, well-oiled machine which keeps this shit going. Too many people are willingly compliant.

Thank goodness you have me to set you straight.

Now...here's the REAL story behind the propaganda:

Yes, the Department of Education is doing just what the OP story says. It involves changing the wording on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA). That form asks income information so the government can determine whether or not a student meets the income requirements for a student loan. In the past, it asked for the income of the student's "Father" and "Mother."

But, this is the 21st century and not every student comes from a family with a biological Father and Mother. There are now more types of families than there were when the program first started back in the 1960's.

So, in response to our changing demographics, Congress updated the relevant law (the Higher Education Act) in 2008 (No, Obama wasn't President then). Among other things, Congress directed the Department of Education to update its rules and regulations to reflect the new reality of American families. This is a part of that Congressionally mandated action.

Here's WHY it's prudent to change the wording on that form:

"....Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said, "All students should be able to apply for federal student aid within a system that incorporates their unique family dynamics…. [that] provide an inclusive form that reflects the diversity of American families."

In the past, the FSAF has been used by the Department of Education to collect information about a student's parents – only if they were married. The change allows for legal parents to be identified if they are biological or adoptive and unmarried and accounts for same-sex marriage parents...."

Read more at Department of Education to Eliminate 'Mother,' 'Father' From Federal Student Aid Forms

See? It's not a conspiracy, a sign of some impending socialist takeover or even anything Obama has done. It's simply an effort to deal with the realities of today and make the system fair for everybody.

But, who cares about all that, right? IT'S OBAMA I TELL YA! IT'S OBAMA! OMG!

Don't y'all EVER get tired of being played, or do you just like being pawns?

First of all, I don't see anyone blaming "Obama" before your post. PC and Identity Politics have been going on long before his arrival.

Second, your post merely confirms that those words are indeed being changed, and that is the point of those of us who strongly dislike Identity Politics and PC.

Let's at least be intellectually honest about this.

can I rewrite words and change the meanings of words and symbols gay have hijacked?

Rainbow should stand for water droplets in the air refracting light. Or maybe catching HIV.


so the push for gun control failed

the new term is gun safety bills

global warming is now climate change

the list goes on
Another classic example of the right-wing propaganda machine at work!

Somebody first spins the story (don't know who yet, but I think it's the predictable Washington Times), leaving out a couple of important points, then it's picked up by every other right wing "news" outlet and quickly spread around to the Nutter websites and blog sites. Within the past 3 days, it's already generated NINE PAGES of mostly ultra-right hits on Google and a good many of them include the word "Obama." Google it yourself and see. Then, of course, some water-carrier brings it here and the outpouring of emotional response begins.

That, of course, is the objective. Truth is not the goal here. It's to get you stirred up, angry and frightened. And, being conditioned to react to any OMG! OBAMA thing that comes along, you all react just as planned because they KNOW you won't take the time to look behind the story and see what they're doing. Worse, they know you don't CARE to know the truth and that's probably the most troubling aspect of the whole, well-oiled machine which keeps this shit going. Too many people are willingly compliant.

Thank goodness you have me to set you straight.

Now...here's the REAL story behind the propaganda:

Yes, the Department of Education is doing just what the OP story says. It involves changing the wording on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA). That form asks income information so the government can determine whether or not a student meets the income requirements for a student loan. In the past, it asked for the income of the student's "Father" and "Mother."

But, this is the 21st century and not every student comes from a family with a biological Father and Mother. There are now more types of families than there were when the program first started back in the 1960's.

So, in response to our changing demographics, Congress updated the relevant law (the Higher Education Act) in 2008 (No, Obama wasn't President then). Among other things, Congress directed the Department of Education to update its rules and regulations to reflect the new reality of American families. This is a part of that Congressionally mandated action.

Here's WHY it's prudent to change the wording on that form:

"....Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said, "All students should be able to apply for federal student aid within a system that incorporates their unique family dynamics…. [that] provide an inclusive form that reflects the diversity of American families."

In the past, the FSAF has been used by the Department of Education to collect information about a student's parents – only if they were married. The change allows for legal parents to be identified if they are biological or adoptive and unmarried and accounts for same-sex marriage parents...."

Read more at Department of Education to Eliminate 'Mother,' 'Father' From Federal Student Aid Forms

See? It's not a conspiracy, a sign of some impending socialist takeover or even anything Obama has done. It's simply an effort to deal with the realities of today and make the system fair for everybody.

But, who cares about all that, right? IT'S OBAMA I TELL YA! IT'S OBAMA! OMG!

Don't y'all EVER get tired of being played, or do you just like being pawns?

First of all, I don't see anyone blaming "Obama" before your post. PC and Identity Politics have been going on long before his arrival.

Second, your post merely confirms that those words are indeed being changed, and that is the point of those of us who strongly dislike Identity Politics and PC.

Let's at least be intellectually honest about this.


I said Obama's name crops up regularly on the right wing websites carrying this "story." Google it yourself and see.

Secondly, my post said nothing about all this being a result of PC but, rather, a result of Congress requiring the DOEd to make rules and regulations changes to reflect the reality of American families today.

Do you deny that not every family today includes both biological parents in a legally married relationship? When it comes to determining how much of YOUR tax money the department disburses, don't you WANT to know how much income both parents have even if they're not married, or adoptive or, God forbid, of the same sex?

Or, would you prefer DOEd say, "We don't care that your Momma's live in boyfriend makes $10 million a year. Your Mom makes nothing, so here boy, take a chunk of Mac1958's tax dollars."
Those opposed to the change, please discuss why you are opposed.


Because we live in the REAL WORLD, not some fucked up liberal fantasy utopia.

And, in your real world, you only want the government knowing how much a kids parents make ONLY IF they are legally married when they're deciding how much of YOUR tax money to give him?

And you think reality needs to be denied to accomplish that?

Every child on earth has two parents. A mother and a father. Unless they can produce synthetic sperm or grow babies in a lab, it will always be the case. Even gays need to use medical science to have a child, and in reality, the child will at most be related to only one of them. The other beign considered a "parent" is a fiction. Just like a step parent isn't a real parent. A parent is either a mother or a father. A caretaker is different, and that's more appropriate than the word parent. Because parent is a mother or a father. Or would you call someone's sister a parent if they are a caretaker?

Stop denying reality. Stop forcing it on others. YOu might be fucked in the head, but don't make us live your fucked up mental problem too.
Because we live in the REAL WORLD, not some fucked up liberal fantasy utopia.

And, in your real world, you only want the government knowing how much a kids parents make ONLY IF they are legally married when they're deciding how much of YOUR tax money to give him?

And you think reality needs to be denied to accomplish that?

Every child on earth has two parents. A mother and a father. Unless they can produce synthetic sperm or grow babies in a lab, it will always be the case. Even gays need to use medical science to have a child, and in reality, the child will at most be related to only one of them. The other beign considered a "parent" is a fiction. Just like a step parent isn't a real parent. A parent is either a mother or a father. A caretaker is different, and that's more appropriate than the word parent. Because parent is a mother or a father. Or would you call someone's sister a parent if they are a caretaker?

Stop denying reality. Stop forcing it on others. YOu might be fucked in the head, but don't make us live your fucked up mental problem too.

Ok, so when the DOEd is trying to determine how much tax money it will give to a kid, you want them to JUST ask about how much money the biological parents make, even if he/she isn't in the home or even if the kid has never met his mother or father? Right? Wouldn't that REQUIRE a kid to find his missing parent before making application for a student loan while, at the same time, the non-biological parent WHO LIVES IN THE HOME gets a pass? His/her income doesn't count?

Or, would you prefer the DOEd just legally re-define "Mother" and "Father" so they don't have to change the working on the form? I'll bet that would go over real big with the right wing PC crowd, wouldn't it?
It's important to start weaning children away from having a mother and a father as early as possible so that all love and loyalty goes to the state.
Department of Education to Eliminate 'Mother,' 'Father' From Federal Student Aid Forms
Christian Post ^ | 05/11/2012 | By Bethany Blankley

Posted on Sunday, May 12, 2013 5:31:47 AM by SeekAndFind

The U.S. Department of Education recently announced that it will no longer use the terms "mother" and "father" when collecting information about a student's legal parents when those parents apply for federal student aid. Instead of using the words "mother" and "father," the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) will use "Parent 1" and "Parent 2."

Read more @ 404 Not Found

I do not see what the big deal is. All guardians are not mothers and fathers.
Department of Education to Eliminate 'Mother,' 'Father' From Federal Student Aid Forms
Christian Post ^ | 05/11/2012 | By Bethany Blankley

Posted on Sunday, May 12, 2013 5:31:47 AM by SeekAndFind

The U.S. Department of Education recently announced that it will no longer use the terms "mother" and "father" when collecting information about a student's legal parents when those parents apply for federal student aid. Instead of using the words "mother" and "father," the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) will use "Parent 1" and "Parent 2."

Read more @ 404 Not Found

I do not see what the big deal is. All guardians are not mothers and fathers.

Yea it is a big deal, where is the dad? in jail? on a bullshit drug charge?
Department of Education to Eliminate 'Mother,' 'Father' From Federal Student Aid Forms
Christian Post ^ | 05/11/2012 | By Bethany Blankley

Posted on Sunday, May 12, 2013 5:31:47 AM by SeekAndFind

Read more @ 404 Not Found

I do not see what the big deal is. All guardians are not mothers and fathers.

Yea it is a big deal, where is the dad? in jail? on a bullshit drug charge?

What's that got to do with the government wanting to know how much income the in-house guardians have before handing out your tax dollars?
Those opposed to the change, please discuss why you are opposed.


I will go slowly for you

So...it's "stupid" to ask how much money a family makes before giving away YOUR tax money?

I thought you libs believe in equality. Shouldn't everyone qualify for subsidized student loans if you are going to subsidize them while they are in school?

My subsidized loans only paid for a small portion of my degree, and it was only for 3 years. The vast majority of my loans were unsubsidized stafford loans and private loans.
Department of Education to Eliminate 'Mother,' 'Father' From Federal Student Aid Forms
Christian Post ^ | 05/11/2012 | By Bethany Blankley

Posted on Sunday, May 12, 2013 5:31:47 AM by SeekAndFind

The U.S. Department of Education recently announced that it will no longer use the terms "mother" and "father" when collecting information about a student's legal parents when those parents apply for federal student aid. Instead of using the words "mother" and "father," the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) will use "Parent 1" and "Parent 2."

Read more @ 404 Not Found

I do not see what the big deal is. All guardians are not mothers and fathers.

Did you notice how this thread changed the moment I dissected the original story?

It was all about "libs" and "deviants" and making changes to satisfy liberal political correctness. Then, after that angle was revealed to be threadbare, the Nutter's in this thread fell back to the old society is going to hell position. Suddenly, it's no longer about the original story and all about the nebulous, ill-defined, generalized "librul's are killing America"....or something like that. I'm not really sure.

In any case, nobody is defending the OP anymore.
I will go slowly for you

So...it's "stupid" to ask how much money a family makes before giving away YOUR tax money?

I thought you libs believe in equality. Shouldn't everyone qualify for subsidized student loans if you are going to subsidize them while they are in school?

My subsidized loans only paid for a small portion of my degree, and it was only for 3 years. The vast majority of my loans were unsubsidized stafford loans and private loans.

And, I thought you righties wanted to curtail federal spending. Yet, here you are suggesting we ought to just give away MORE federal money to keep from changing a government form.

Talk about PC!
So...it's "stupid" to ask how much money a family makes before giving away YOUR tax money?

I thought you libs believe in equality. Shouldn't everyone qualify for subsidized student loans if you are going to subsidize them while they are in school?

My subsidized loans only paid for a small portion of my degree, and it was only for 3 years. The vast majority of my loans were unsubsidized stafford loans and private loans.

And, I thought you righties wanted to curtail federal spending. Yet, here you are suggesting we ought to just give away MORE federal money to keep from changing a government form.

Talk about PC!

If you're going to have stupid programs that just cause the cost of education to go up to benefit liberal institutions, why discriminate? I thought you libs love equality. So why would the income levels of someone's guardians or parents matter to an applicant that is a legal adult that the parent or guardian is in no way financilaly responsible for by law any more? The entire FAFSA is discriminatory because it will deny people federal benefits based upon the income levels of people who are not legally obligated to provide for them anymore.

If you were a college student, over 18 and estranged from your parents, but they are rich, you will be denied those benefits despite not getting a penny in support from your parents. Do you approve of that?

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