PC Gone Bizerk!

can I rewrite words and change the meanings of words and symbols gay have hijacked?

Rainbow should stand for water droplets in the air refracting light. Or maybe catching HIV.

Words change meaning all the time...

For example.

Gay used to mean a promiscious person in the early 19th century.

In the early 20th century, it meant Happy. But it does make some of those Silver Age Batman comics hilarious today!


Then in the 1960's, "gay" meant homosexual.

Today, kids are using it to mean "lame" (which used to mean crippled). Will it stick? Maybe, maybe not.

Words dont change, they get hi-jacked by liberals and they fuck them up.....Just like the left running around saying a "B.J". was not "sex" after Bill and monica scandel broke.

Because nobody ever ever ever said that before Bill and Monica......
Words change meaning all the time...

For example.

Gay used to mean a promiscious person in the early 19th century.

In the early 20th century, it meant Happy. But it does make some of those Silver Age Batman comics hilarious today!


Then in the 1960's, "gay" meant homosexual.

Today, kids are using it to mean "lame" (which used to mean crippled). Will it stick? Maybe, maybe not.

Words dont change, they get hi-jacked by liberals and they fuck them up.....Just like the left running around saying a "B.J". was not "sex" after Bill and monica scandel broke.

Because nobody ever ever ever said that before Bill and Monica......

and who did? I never did...I knew it was sex.
read this link and weap, try to prove to me with a link this has been going on for ages before Bill Clinton. do it I want to read it.

Jodi Arias Says Slain Ex-Boyfriend Used The 'Bill Clinton Version' To Define Sex
Another classic example of the right-wing propaganda machine at work!

Somebody first spins the story (don't know who yet, but I think it's the predictable Washington Times), leaving out a couple of important points, then it's picked up by every other right wing "news" outlet and quickly spread around to the Nutter websites and blog sites. Within the past 3 days, it's already generated NINE PAGES of mostly ultra-right hits on Google and a good many of them include the word "Obama." Google it yourself and see. Then, of course, some water-carrier brings it here and the outpouring of emotional response begins.

That, of course, is the objective. Truth is not the goal here. It's to get you stirred up, angry and frightened. And, being conditioned to react to any OMG! OBAMA thing that comes along, you all react just as planned because they KNOW you won't take the time to look behind the story and see what they're doing. Worse, they know you don't CARE to know the truth and that's probably the most troubling aspect of the whole, well-oiled machine which keeps this shit going. Too many people are willingly compliant.

Thank goodness you have me to set you straight.

Now...here's the REAL story behind the propaganda:

Yes, the Department of Education is doing just what the OP story says. It involves changing the wording on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA). That form asks income information so the government can determine whether or not a student meets the income requirements for a student loan. In the past, it asked for the income of the student's "Father" and "Mother."

But, this is the 21st century and not every student comes from a family with a biological Father and Mother. There are now more types of families than there were when the program first started back in the 1960's.

So, in response to our changing demographics, Congress updated the relevant law (the Higher Education Act) in 2008 (No, Obama wasn't President then). Among other things, Congress directed the Department of Education to update its rules and regulations to reflect the new reality of American families. This is a part of that Congressionally mandated action.

Here's WHY it's prudent to change the wording on that form:

"....Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said, "All students should be able to apply for federal student aid within a system that incorporates their unique family dynamics…. [that] provide an inclusive form that reflects the diversity of American families."

In the past, the FSAF has been used by the Department of Education to collect information about a student's parents – only if they were married. The change allows for legal parents to be identified if they are biological or adoptive and unmarried and accounts for same-sex marriage parents...."

Read more at Department of Education to Eliminate 'Mother,' 'Father' From Federal Student Aid Forms

See? It's not a conspiracy, a sign of some impending socialist takeover or even anything Obama has done. It's simply an effort to deal with the realities of today and make the system fair for everybody.

But, who cares about all that, right? IT'S OBAMA I TELL YA! IT'S OBAMA! OMG!

Don't y'all EVER get tired of being played, or do you just like being pawns?


Another leftist explaining the obvious as if he were uttering profundities. In the meantime, the increasing crassness of the society in which we live coupled with the trite and sterile jargon of bureaucracy, the sort of things that give leftist goosebumps, fly right over his head.
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Words dont change, they get hi-jacked by liberals and they fuck them up.....Just like the left running around saying a "B.J". was not "sex" after Bill and monica scandel broke.

Because nobody ever ever ever said that before Bill and Monica......

Only perverts as equally as sleazy as Slick said if before then.
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