PC Gone Bizerk!

But, this is the 21st century and not every student comes from a family with a biological Father and Mother. There are now more types of families than there were when the program first started back in the 1960's.

It is beyond hilarious that you think this needed to be explained to anyone.

The OP was the first time I've seen this story and it took me all of a mili-second to realize why they were doing this (hence the gay home).

However, that's not the issue (and how sad that you don't understand that). The issue is, why does the majority have to bend to the minority? Those flaming homo's can deal with having to fill out a field that says "mom" and the bull-dyke lesbians can deal with having to fill out a field that says "dad".

Christ Almighty are you a fuck'n retard...
But, this is the 21st century and not every student comes from a family with a biological Father and Mother. There are now more types of families than there were when the program first started back in the 1960's.

It is beyond hilarious that you think this needed to be explained to anyone.

The OP was the first time I've seen this story and it took me all of a mili-second to realize why they were doing this (hence the gay home).

However, that's not the issue (and how sad that you don't understand that). The issue is, why does the majority have to bend to the minority? Those flaming homo's can deal with having to fill out a field that says "mom" and the bull-dyke lesbians can deal with having to fill out a field that says "dad".

Christ Almighty are you a fuck'n retard...

Why should anyone have to "deal"?

Does it somehow hurt "the majority" to change the form?
Alright. How should it be written to include the income data from un-married, co-habitating, non-biological authority figures supporting the applying student? If parent 1 and parent 2 doesn't suit you, what does?

Oh I dont know, how about Mother and Father. just a thought and write the names in like they have been doing.

That's what it says now and those terms don't account for applicants not living with their Mothers and Fathers.

Don't you get it yet?

And why not? dont you get it? I dont know but 5th grade biology class taught me a baby comes from a mommy and daddy and what its saying is the tradional family unit is irrevelent just so they can get their cash.
Give a lib an inch, they'll take a yard. This is why you must oppose everything liberals want, evne if you personally support some of it, because it will never end until we all are living in their fantasy world utopia.

Please describe the logic behind this post as well as the "fantasy world utopia" to which you allude.
Oh I dont know, how about Mother and Father. just a thought and write the names in like they have been doing.

That's what it says now and those terms don't account for applicants not living with their Mothers and Fathers.

Don't you get it yet?

And why not? dont you get it? I dont know but 5th grade biology class taught me a baby comes from a mommy and daddy and what its saying is the tradional family unit is irrevelent just so they can get their cash.

This isn't about denying the reality of biology - it's about recognizing the reality that people aren't necessarily raised by their biological parents.
Department of Education to Eliminate 'Mother,' 'Father' From Federal Student Aid Forms
Christian Post ^ | 05/11/2012 | By Bethany Blankley

Posted on Sunday, May 12, 2013 5:31:47 AM by SeekAndFind

The U.S. Department of Education recently announced that it will no longer use the terms "mother" and "father" when collecting information about a student's legal parents when those parents apply for federal student aid. Instead of using the words "mother" and "father," the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) will use "Parent 1" and "Parent 2."

Read more @ 404 Not Found

But, this is the 21st century and not every student comes from a family with a biological Father and Mother. There are now more types of families than there were when the program first started back in the 1960's.

It is beyond hilarious that you think this needed to be explained to anyone.

The OP was the first time I've seen this story and it took me all of a mili-second to realize why they were doing this (hence the gay home).

However, that's not the issue (and how sad that you don't understand that). The issue is, why does the majority have to bend to the minority? Those flaming homo's can deal with having to fill out a field that says "mom" and the bull-dyke lesbians can deal with having to fill out a field that says "dad".

Christ Almighty are you a fuck'n retard...

Why should anyone have to "deal"?

Does it somehow hurt "the majority" to change the form?

So if I started using the rainbow to symbolize nazism you'd be cool with it because it doesn't really hurt anyone?

You are changing a form to accomodate a tiny, tiny minority. Like the tiny minority matters more than the majority.

Maybe we should outlaw peanuts since a small minority is allergic? What will be the harm to you? You can eat another nut, until it is banned for the same reason.
It is beyond hilarious that you think this needed to be explained to anyone.

The OP was the first time I've seen this story and it took me all of a mili-second to realize why they were doing this (hence the gay home).

However, that's not the issue (and how sad that you don't understand that). The issue is, why does the majority have to bend to the minority? Those flaming homo's can deal with having to fill out a field that says "mom" and the bull-dyke lesbians can deal with having to fill out a field that says "dad".

Christ Almighty are you a fuck'n retard...

Why should anyone have to "deal"?

Does it somehow hurt "the majority" to change the form?

So if I started using the rainbow to symbolize nazism you'd be cool with it because it doesn't really hurt anyone?

I'm not sure what you're talking about, but as far as I'm concerned, you're welcome to "symbolize" however you'd like.

You are changing a form to accomodate a tiny, tiny minority. Like the tiny minority matters more than the majority.
Do you think "the majority" care at all what the form says?

Maybe we should outlaw peanuts since a small minority is allergic? What will be the harm to you? You can eat another nut, until it is banned for the same reason.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here. How are you making the jump to "banning" of anything?
Department of Education to Eliminate 'Mother,' 'Father' From Federal Student Aid Forms
Christian Post ^ | 05/11/2012 | By Bethany Blankley

Posted on Sunday, May 12, 2013 5:31:47 AM by SeekAndFind

The U.S. Department of Education recently announced that it will no longer use the terms "mother" and "father" when collecting information about a student's legal parents when those parents apply for federal student aid. Instead of using the words "mother" and "father," the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) will use "Parent 1" and "Parent 2."

Read more @ 404 Not Found


66 posts later, after the original premise has been thoroughly beaten down and the right has retreated back to trying to blame it all on liberal society in general, we're back to the original premise as if all these other pages of comments don't even exist.

Boggles the mind, don't it? NEVER admit defeat! Rinse, repeat, rinse and repeat again!
Department of Education to Eliminate 'Mother,' 'Father' From Federal Student Aid Forms
Christian Post ^ | 05/11/2012 | By Bethany Blankley

Posted on Sunday, May 12, 2013 5:31:47 AM by SeekAndFind

Read more @ 404 Not Found

I do not see what the big deal is. All guardians are not mothers and fathers.

Yea it is a big deal, where is the dad? in jail? on a bullshit drug charge?

Perhaps the parents are dead, you heartless bastard.
So...it's "stupid" to ask how much money a family makes before giving away YOUR tax money?

I thought you libs believe in equality. Shouldn't everyone qualify for subsidized student loans if you are going to subsidize them while they are in school?

My subsidized loans only paid for a small portion of my degree, and it was only for 3 years. The vast majority of my loans were unsubsidized stafford loans and private loans.


Liberals do not "believe in" equality. Inequality, in moderate doses, is a very good thing. It provides incentive.

Learn something about Liberals, please.

Tell us something we DON'T know.
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I was adopted by my mother as a single parent. When I was a year old, she met my "father", and they got married. My father never legally adopted me.

Should I have left the "father" field blank on my FAFSA? After all, my father was not technically my "father".

Life is complicated.

How about Legal Guardian then?
Would my son have to include the income my daughter made selling lemonade?
I thought you libs believe in equality. Shouldn't everyone qualify for subsidized student loans if you are going to subsidize them while they are in school?

My subsidized loans only paid for a small portion of my degree, and it was only for 3 years. The vast majority of my loans were unsubsidized stafford loans and private loans.


Liberals do not "believe in" equality. Inequality, in moderate doses, is a very good thing. It provides incentive.

Learn something about Liberals, please.

Tell us something we DON'T know.

You have a point? Other than the one on your head?

I think you failed to understand what I said. Prove me wrong, dummy.
What I find hilarious about this is how fast the wingnut choir repeats the story over and over again. It's as if the wingnuts are robots, programmed machines. Whatever the truth of the piece, or reason, those on the right who find it important to report it as if the sky were falling require a new nom de plume. Puppet fits, any other suggestions.

As Rome burns the 'puppets' report. :lol: Now back to Benghazi.
can I rewrite words and change the meanings of words and symbols gay have hijacked?

Rainbow should stand for water droplets in the air refracting light. Or maybe catching HIV.

Words change meaning all the time...

For example.

Gay used to mean a promiscious person in the early 19th century.

In the early 20th century, it meant Happy. But it does make some of those Silver Age Batman comics hilarious today!


Then in the 1960's, "gay" meant homosexual.

Today, kids are using it to mean "lame" (which used to mean crippled). Will it stick? Maybe, maybe not.
The FAFSA form doesn't care about the biological parents. That's not the information that matters to them.

The "reality" is that thousands of children are, at this moment, being raised by same-sex couples - and the FAFSA form changes reflect that reality.

I think Mother or Father works better than Biological Parent.

I'm still scratching my head.

Why do they always have to make everything so God Damned complicated.

I was adopted by my mother as a single parent. When I was a year old, she met my "father", and they got married. My father never legally adopted me.

Should I have left the "father" field blank on my FAFSA? After all, my father was not technically my "father".

Life is complicated.

Ok I see where this went. Yes I am proud of your adopted mom and the DAD figure she married they raised you right. but you still have a biological mom and dad. bet you they still think of you if they are alive today. Your upset about the words. because you know that your loved... nothing wrong with that... But why should the words change? sometimes you have to blow it off. just words on a piece of paper.
can I rewrite words and change the meanings of words and symbols gay have hijacked?

Rainbow should stand for water droplets in the air refracting light. Or maybe catching HIV.

Words change meaning all the time...

For example.

Gay used to mean a promiscious person in the early 19th century.

In the early 20th century, it meant Happy. But it does make some of those Silver Age Batman comics hilarious today!


Then in the 1960's, "gay" meant homosexual.

Today, kids are using it to mean "lame" (which used to mean crippled). Will it stick? Maybe, maybe not.

Words dont change, they get hi-jacked by liberals and they fuck them up.....Just like the left running around saying a "B.J". was not "sex" after Bill and monica scandel broke.
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Give a lib an inch, they'll take a yard. This is why you must oppose everything liberals want, evne if you personally support some of it, because it will never end until we all are living in their fantasy world utopia.

That's why you oppose Integration, Women's Rights, and Civil Rights of all kinds, right?

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