PC Madness!: Indians To Sue Cleveland Indians For 9 Billion Because Mascot Is Racist

Destroying your version of america. i love it.

His idea actually has a lot of merit and in the long run it will come to pass.

Liberals really should have a place all to themselves. They can invite all the poor people to come live with them, they can implement a full-on socialized medical scheme without having to worry about conservative criticism. They can open their borders to any poor person who wants to come and join them, they can grant very generous welfare to all of these new people, they can strip freedom and human rights from people to their heart's content - a liberal nirvana all to themselves.

Normal people can then live apart from liberals.
Destroying your version of america. i love it.

His idea actually has a lot of merit and in the long run it will come to pass.

Liberals really should have a place all to themselves. They can invite all the poor people to come live with them, they can implement a full-on socialized medical scheme without having to worry about conservative criticism. They can open their borders to any poor person who wants to come and join them, they can grant very generous welfare to all of these new people, they can strip freedom and human rights from people to their heart's content - a liberal nirvana all to themselves.

Normal people can then live apart from liberals.

I'd much rather live with liberals than borderline retarded conservatives that think they should have the right to do and say whatever they wish to people. As far as poor people I believe most poor people are conservatives and less educated. Its a shame how the conservatives take advantage of them.
I'd much rather live with liberals than borderline retarded conservatives that think they should have the right to do and say whatever they wish to people. As far as poor people I believe most poor people are conservatives and less educated. Its a shame how the conservatives take advantage of them.

It's long been known that liberals are totalitarians and opposed to freedom and human rights but rarely do we see it so forthrightly showcased. Thanks for being honest about your totalitarianism and desire for speech/thought control.
Honestly that mascot would be more offensive to me then redskins name.

Why? Is it because he has a cartoonish big nose? If that is a reasonable thing to be angry about, should white people be offended by Elmer Fudd? Explain why we should be offended by that picture.
Honestly that mascot would be more offensive to me then redskins name.

Why? Is it because he has a cartoonish big nose? If that is a reasonable thing to be angry about, should white people be offended by Elmer Fudd? Explain why we should be offended by that picture.

Excellent point. Perhaps the NRA should sue Warner Brothers for this depiction of a white hunter.

Yep, the those Injuns are on a roll now. First they go after the Washington Redskins and are after Ted Nugent as we speak. But hey, that's not enough. Now their next victim is the Cleveland Indians mascot and they want 9 billion dollars to appease their sensitivity. I say let them sue their way into complete obscurity.

JAMES EDWARDS » Blog Archive First they came for the Washington Redskins, now it's the Cleveland Indians » JAMES EDWARDS


But, but, I thought they were "Native Americans". Doesn't "Indians" now only apply to people from India???

Seems to me they lost the case right there.
What's next on the list for the liberal PC Injuns? Florida Seminoles, Atlanta Braves, Kansas City Chiefs ect?

It seems the Injuns have a lot of teams to sue with Indian names and mascots.

List of sports team names and mascots derived from indigenous peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How about indigenous anything? 'genous' has a meaning, in latin anyway.

So, are Cardinals indigenous?

Yup ...screw you Arizona.

Are Eagles indigenous?

Yup, screw you Philly.

Are Cowboys indigenous?

Holy shit yes...screw you Dallas.

Are Rockies indigenous?

Yup, never been anywhere else, screw you Denver.

The list is endless....almost

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I'd much rather live with liberals than borderline retarded conservatives that think they should have the right to do and say whatever they wish to people. As far as poor people I believe most poor people are conservatives and less educated. Its a shame how the conservatives take advantage of them.

It's long been known that liberals are totalitarians and opposed to freedom and human rights but rarely do we see it so forthrightly showcased. Thanks for being honest about your totalitarianism and desire for speech/thought control.

If you are concerned about rights stop whining over the rights of the NA's to sue your ass. You cant have it both ways. Either shut up or get sued. Your choice.
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Idiocy expands in manias..... We're in a political correctness bubble.

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A better name for them is The Cleveland Clowns, since they aren't very good in their league..

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