"Peace" in reach: Gaza Terror Tunnel Led to Israeli Town

What is it with this Zionist obsession with experimenting on Gentile children?

Reminds me of Nazi experiments.
Will Israel turn into the fascist State of Judea by 2022?

Israeli artist Yosi Even Kama's exhibit on display at Shenkar sees civil war between religious right and secular left only a decade away.

So this is what will come to pass in only ten years' time? "It won't happen exactly like that. But it's already happening right now, bit by bit: the loyalty oath law, the religious conversion law, the ban on commemorating the naqba, the ban on demonstrating at the homes of high-ranking army officers... When you break down the basic building blocks of democracy, fascism will fill that void."Israeli artist Yosi Even Kama's exhibit on display at Shenkar sees civil war between religious right and secular left only a decade away.

State-wide censorship of sexually explicit material on the internet. Laws prohibiting driving vehicles on the Sabbath and Jewish holidays. Women allowed to bathe in the Mediterranean only a few hours a week. The face of Baruch Goldstein on the 20 shekel bill. A national holiday celebrating our spiritual founding father, Rabbi Meir Kahane.Sound ludicrous? It's the nightmare scenario of art school graduate Yosi Even Kama - and the subject of his 4th-year thesis project. Any Israeli can step into his dystopia, on exhibit at the Shenkar College of Engineering & Design in Ramat Gan until the end of July.

Will Israel turn into the fascist State of Judea by 2022?Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News source
There is no justification for using WMDs against children

There is no justification for collective punishment against the civilian population Israel occupies.

Collective punishment is always a war crime.
Israel is not the UN to apply collective punishment sanctions on the 1.7 million inhabitants of Gaza, over half of whom are children.

These deliberate war crimes are being very deliberately carried out by Israel against children in Palestine.

What monsters do this to children? ZIONISTS

Israels depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza are addressed, Israeli WMDs!
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Iran calls for Israeli WMDs to be dismantledThe Iranian foreign minister has called for Israel’s nuclear and chemical weapons to be dismantled, saying Syria’s recent move to turn in its chemical arms has left no excuse for the Tel Aviv regime to retain its arsenals of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).“The Zionist regime (Israel) is still armed with chemical and nuclear weapons, and the action taken by the Syrian government should leave no pretexts for the Zionist regime, and Israel should accept to get disarmed,” Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Thursday.*Zarif, who is currently in New York to participate in the United Nation’s 68th General Assembly meeting, welcomed Syria’s decision to join the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), expressing pleasure that the move has initiated a step toward ridding the region of WMDs.*

PressTV - Iran calls for Israeli WMDs to be dismantled
Actually, what we have still is intl legal authorities holding Israel occupies Gaza.

It is Israel, not Egypt, with a responsibility to ensure needs of the civilian population are met.

Uh, no dear. It falls to a responsible government to provide for the needs and welfare of those it governs.

Only "Palestinian" Arabs (and rabid haters such as you), are somehow surprised that Islamic terrorists are unable to manage the civil affairs of a representative government.

"Palestinian" Arabs got what they wanted when they elected islamist terrorists into office.

Now they have what they deserve.

The issue I address is Israels deliberate war crimes against a civilian population in Gaza.

Collective punishment is a war crime, it is not lawful to punish civilians for who is elected in elections over a half a decade ago.

War crimes are never justified.

And an Occupier has special obligations to protect the civilian population, making these crimes even more substantial.
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Iran calls for Israeli WMDs to be dismantledThe Iranian foreign minister has called for Israel’s nuclear and chemical weapons to be dismantled, saying Syria’s recent move to turn in its chemical arms has left no excuse for the Tel Aviv regime to retain its arsenals of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).“The Zionist regime (Israel) is still armed with chemical and nuclear weapons, and the action taken by the Syrian government should leave no pretexts for the Zionist regime, and Israel should accept to get disarmed,” Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Thursday.*Zarif, who is currently in New York to participate in the United Nation’s 68th General Assembly meeting, welcomed Syria’s decision to join the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), expressing pleasure that the move has initiated a step toward ridding the region of WMDs.*

PressTV - Iran calls for Israeli WMDs to be dismantled

This Just In

Hysterical laughter and stinging ridicule meets those idiots posting propaganda from the Iranian mullocrats.

Your sources are a joke, your videos are contrived.

Hamas are the cause of the Gazans suffering. Hamas should be blamed, not Israel.
ZIONISM is the Nazism of 2013.

And Truth about all Israels crimes against humanity are exposed.

Human rights groups document Israels crimes.

People all over rhe world expose these crimes.

Here, we have a discussion of Israels unlawful attacks on aid to Gaza Flotillas.

BBC discusses UN Report
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ZIONISM is the Nazism of 2013.

And Truth about all Israels crimes against humanity are exposed.

Human rights groups document Israels crimes.

People all over rhe world expose these crimes.

ISLAM is the Nazism of 2013. They're trying to infect the whole world with their master religion. I've always thought that it's because they're dying to buy some little white brides.

I do not know why you are so bitter against God, if you have been hurt by Christians I am sorry. People can come across as judgmental and be very hurtful sometimes.

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