"Peace" in reach: Gaza Terror Tunnel Led to Israeli Town

ISLAM is the Nazism of 2013. They're trying to infect the whole world with their master religion. I've always thought that it's because they're dying to buy some little white brides.

I do not know why you are so bitter against God, if you have been hurt by Christians I am sorry. People can come across as judgmental and be very hurtful sometimes.

God wouldn't cover his creation with a sheet, nor would he bury women up to their neck and stone them for having been raped, nor would he sell little girls into marriage to old men who rape and beat them...

True. Islam is a scourge on humanity.

Here, we have a discussion of Israels unlawful attacks on aid to Gaza Flotillas.

BBC discusses UN Report

The Mavi Marmara should have delivered its cargo by the legitimate channels. What was on it in the way of goods was useless. The boat simply wanted to break the legal blockade, or become martyrs trying.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSYjuDEZw1w&list=PLA022FC14B2678E5E&index=12]Evidence: IHH Leader Urges Men to Throw Israelis Overboard 30May2010 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsLS4uqH_70&list=PLA022FC14B2678E5E&index=5]The Reasoning Behind the Maritime Blockade on Gaza - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwoqGJJltPU&list=PLA022FC14B2678E5E&index=1]Flotilla Incident Timeline (English: Part 1 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpPvs3YSE4g&list=PLA022FC14B2678E5E&index=2]Flotilla Incident Timeline (English: Part 2 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]
I do not know why you are so bitter against God, if you have been hurt by Christians I am sorry. People can come across as judgmental and be very hurtful sometimes.

God wouldn't cover his creation with a sheet, nor would he bury women up to their neck and stone them for having been raped, nor would he sell little girls into marriage to old men who rape and beat them...
Actually Hossfly, I'm not mentioning it in this thread. And the reason why?

Because it has been brought up in multiple other threads. Did you know that? For example, I have condemned Egypts lack of protections for it's minority religions - no government can be considered legitimate if it can't protect it's citizens.

I see no reason to have to bring it into this thread but clearly you do.

Thank you for your contribution.

Amnesty just issued a report largely blaming the Egyptian government for what is happening to Christians there.

I think it is great seeing people in these countries join together to protect Christians.

We are about to have a Revival at my church and the evangelist is going to be returning from Pakistan, our church will be the first church he speaks at after his return. I cannot wait to hear what he has to tell us about what God is doing today in Pakistan. It is in Persecution where God always does great things.
I sure hope that Frau Sherri asks him what is being done by the Christian community in Pakistan (and of course in Frau Sherri's little church) about getting Asia Bibi, that good Christian woman who is rotting away in a Pakistani prison released. Has Frau Sherri even signed the Voice of the Martyrs petition to get her released? By the way, I think we can see how Frau Sherri is loathe to condemn the Muslim Brotherhood for the terrible way the Christian Copts have been treated in Egypt. It's a good thing that the Egyptian Army has arrested some of those radical Muslim clerics who were inciting those of the Muslim Brotherhood to commit atrocities on the Copts.
'I'm Afraid She'll Be Killed Very Soon if Nothing Happens' | Christianity Today

By the way, since Frau Sherri has been so busy from the very early morning on this forum and is continuing all day by the looks of it, how does she even find time to attend her church?

True. Islam is a scourge on humanity.

People do these things, individual human beings, not Islam or God.

And people have been buried covered in sheets for thousands of years.
Laughing at children Zionists kill deliberately in Gaza is who Zionists are.

Yes ladies and gentlemen. It is appropriate to point and laugh at the rabid Jooooo hater.

The laughter derives from your pathology of hate. It hasn't gone unnoticed that your life is consumed by the syndrome of IJH (Irrational Jew Hatred). Your every waking moment is apparently spent scouring the web in feverish, sweaty searches for material to bolster your hate.
International Criminal Court Considering Mavi Marmara War Crime Suit

July 10, 2013 •*By JTAThe president of the International Criminal Court has taken the first steps toward an investigation of a war crimes lawsuit. against Israel over the 2010 raid on the Mavi Marmara.Sang-Hyun Song of South Korea appointed a three-judge panel to study the procedural requirements for the suit. The appointment puts in place the legal apparatus for an investigation but does not actually launch a probe, The Associated Press reported. Israel is not a member of the ICC.ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said in May that she would open a preliminary examination into the Israeli raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla, which left nine Turkish activists dead.Bensouda said she was obliged to open a preliminary examination following a referral from the Indian Ocean nation of Comoros, where one of the raided flotilla vessels was

The Jewish Press » » International Criminal Court Considering Mavi Marmara War Crime Suit
Laughing at children Zionists kill deliberately in Gaza is who Zionists are.

Yes ladies and gentlemen. It is appropriate to point and laugh at the rabid Jooooo hater.

The laughter derives from your pathology of hate. It hasn't gone unnoticed that your life is consumed by the syndrome of IJH (Irrational Jew Hatred). Your every waking moment is apparently spent scouring the web in feverish, sweaty searches for material to bolster your hate.

Please deal with your reading comprehension defect.

The issue is Zionists killing children so gleefully.

Why do you all do that?
International Criminal Court Considering Mavi Marmara War Crime Suit

July 10, 2013 •*By JTAThe president of the International Criminal Court has taken the first steps toward an investigation of a war crimes lawsuit. against Israel over the 2010 raid on the Mavi Marmara.Sang-Hyun Song of South Korea appointed a three-judge panel to study the procedural requirements for the suit. The appointment puts in place the legal apparatus for an investigation but does not actually launch a probe, The Associated Press reported. Israel is not a member of the ICC.ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said in May that she would open a preliminary examination into the Israeli raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla, which left nine Turkish activists dead.Bensouda said she was obliged to open a preliminary examination following a referral from the Indian Ocean nation of Comoros, where one of the raided flotilla vessels was

The Jewish Press » » International Criminal Court Considering Mavi Marmara War Crime Suit

They can consider all they want. The incident is done, dusted and events have moved on.
It is not over, ISRAEL will answer for her war crimes in Palestine.

There is no statute of limitations for these crimes.
How about Hamas answering for its war crimes, which are still carrying on. Would you like 15 to 30 seconds air raid siren warning before a rocket is likely to hit where you are? No, I think not, but that is what the people in Israel have to put up with from Gaza.
Israel left Gaza in 2005. I have told you countless times. They left in order for there to be peace from Gaza and there has been war instead of peace. Really, the events are very simple. I am concerned to see how you find it difficult to grasp.
True. Islam is a scourge on humanity.

People do these things, individual human beings, not Islam or God.

And people have been buried covered in sheets for thousands of years.

So you have no problem that sharia law says to stone a rape victim to death if she can't find 4 witnesses to the crime? And you're ok that women should be covered in a black sheet in a super sunny country. I bet you don't wear one of those, you fucking hypocrite.
And the koran says to kill infidels, beat your wife... so fuck you, you ignorant piece of mohamed's turds.

A lot of people interpret religious texts hatefully. There was a rabbi on trial recently for enslaving women. Zionists were protecting his religious rights, they were not even releasing his name. I do not approve of that.
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The Occupation is the source of the conflict.

End it and resistance to Occupation ends.

I agree, let's stop the occupation of Palestine by arabs and the problem would be solved. Jordan, Saudi Arabia... all have a lot of empty space that could accommodate them. They'll never be happy no matter what happens, so let's boot them out of the way of peace.

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Jordan is the country the Palestinians should return to. Lots of Jordanians consider themselves Palestinians, so those in Israel who don't want to be there should shift themselves to Jordan.
Another rabbi enslaver of women

Israeli living with 17 women arrested for enslavement, rape

Police launched undercover probe into Goel Ratzon in June 2009 after receiving complaint of abuse.

By*Yaniv KubovichPublished 11:58 14.01.10A Tel Aviv man who has been living with 17 women with whom he fathered 38 children was arrested on Monday on suspicion of enslavement, rape, extortion by threat and sexual assault of minors, among other charges, police said after a gag order was lifted on the case.

Israeli living with 17 women arrested for enslavement, rapeIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source
In Israel, the Messiah with More Than 30 'Wives'

By Matthew KaGoel Ratzon's Facebook profile shows the bespectacled Israeli with shoulder-length white hair and neatly trimmed beard and says he is currently dating and has 36 friends. His real status is somewhat more complicated. When Israeli police raided the self-styled healer's four homes in Tel Aviv last week they found two legal ex-wives, plus another 30 women as well as 89 children — all reputedly his. Ratzon was arrested on suspicion of enslavement, rape and sexual abuse and remanded in custody by a local magistrate.Police described the apartment block in the city's downscale Hatikvah neighborhood as a slum harem. "The living conditions of the women were tragic," Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told TIME. "When I entered one of the houses, I was shocked by what I saw. The filth was horrible, and there was nowhere to walk without stumbling on something. It was a three-bedroom apartment, where 10 women and 17 children were living."

Another rabbi enslaver of women

Israeli living with 17 women arrested for enslavement, rape

Police launched undercover probe into Goel Ratzon in June 2009 after receiving complaint of abuse.

By*Yaniv KubovichPublished 11:58 14.01.10A Tel Aviv man who has been living with 17 women with whom he fathered 38 children was arrested on Monday on suspicion of enslavement, rape, extortion by threat and sexual assault of minors, among other charges, police said after a gag order was lifted on the case.

Israeli living with 17 women arrested for enslavement, rapeIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Is that what you are resorting to now Sherri. Your already low credibility has sunk below the ocean floor now. Do you spend 24/7 trying to dig up stuff from the net? Do you really think we will be won over to your views when you drag up this, and fake stories, Pallywood clips, blogs, articles from people with no credibility etc? Your views are so disgusting they would be comical if they weren't so outrageous.
A story reported by the media in Israel has credibility Zionists sourceless claims against Muslims shall never have.

Does the poster calling herself Caroline submit the news story reported by Haaretz and Time about Israeli Goel Ratzon is inaccurate?
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Another rabbi enslaver of women

Israeli living with 17 women arrested for enslavement, rape

Police launched undercover probe into Goel Ratzon in June 2009 after receiving complaint of abuse.

By*Yaniv KubovichPublished 11:58 14.01.10A Tel Aviv man who has been living with 17 women with whom he fathered 38 children was arrested on Monday on suspicion of enslavement, rape, extortion by threat and sexual assault of minors, among other charges, police said after a gag order was lifted on the case.

Israeli living with 17 women arrested for enslavement, rapeIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Is that what you are resorting to now Sherri. Your already low credibility has sunk below the ocean floor now. Do you spend 24/7 trying to dig up stuff from the net? Do you really think we will be won over to your views when you drag up this, and fake stories, Pallywood clips, blogs, articles from people with no credibility etc? Your views are so disgusting they would be comical if they weren't so outrageous.
I notice that you don't address the story she posted but instead resort to character attack.

Typical juden behavior........ :doubt:

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