"Peace" in reach: Gaza Terror Tunnel Led to Israeli Town

Israel continues to keep out aid international organizations have approved for civilian building projects in Gaza, the UN will have to get involved and find a way to protect the civilian population in Gaza.

Time for another Flotilla.
Actually, what we have still is intl legal authorities holding Israel occupies Gaza.

It is Israel, not Egypt, with a responsibility to ensure needs of the civilian population are met.
Actually, what we have still is intl legal authorities holding Israel occupies Gaza.

It is Israel, not Egypt, with a responsibility to ensure needs of the civilian population are met.
"What we've got here is failure to communicate".
~~The Captain
Israel continues to keep out aid international organizations have approved for civilian building projects in Gaza, the UN will have to get involved and find a way to protect the civilian population in Gaza.

Time for another Flotilla.

Target practice, yeeee-HAAAAAAAA!

(NB: this is, of course, sarcasm.)
I have a great idea!!

Let Egypt feed their fellow Arab Muslims.

Considering the current food insufficiency in Egypt, that's not really practical. Anyway, the 'crisis' is not a lack of food, just that it's suddenly gotten expensive because the illegal smuggling tunnels have been mostly stopped. But since something like 40% of HAMAS' revenue was coming from 'taxes' on the smuggled goods - HAMAS is in a hurt.

HAMAS is also losing some of its financial backers as well....and meanwhile has proven to be every bit as corrupt and inefficient at 'governing' as the kleptocractic PLO/PA became duly notorious for.....
From the Boston Globe article Connery cited:

"Last month, Hamas shut down two news bureaus in Gaza, because Hamas said they presented ‘‘false news’’ about the Islamist government’s role in Egypt. Saudi-owned Al Arabiya news channel and Palestinian Ma’an News Agency remained closed. Directors of the news outlets deny the charges."

Sounds like HAMAS isn't behaving all that 'democratically', either.....
04 October 2013 Abu DhabiThe UAE Red Crescent will finance the completion of refugee housing in Khan Younis, Gaza, to the tune of an additional $ 5.4 million. An agreement to this effect has been signed in Abu Dhabi by Dr. Mohamed Ateeq Al-Falahi, Secretary-General of the UAE Red Crescent (UAERC), and Mr Peter Ford, Representative of the UNRWA Commissioner-General .The Khan Younis housing project, which began in 2005 but has been halted for over 6 years because of the Israeli blockade, will be restarted following partial lifting of the blockade. The UAERC pledge of $5.4 million, which is on the top of previous pledges of $13 million and $1.3 million, will cover completion of the project, which is approximately half complete at the moment. Overall the project will cost $19.7 million and comprise 600 houses and a school together with water, sewage and electricity systems.

UAERC and UNRWA to resume Gaza housing project halted since 2005 | ReliefWeb.

Need another Flotilla to get the construction materials into Gaza.

To respond to Israels continuing collective punishment in Gaza.
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The humanitarian impact of reduced access between Gaza and Egypt, Situation Report - 23 September 2013

REPORTfrom*UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsPublished on*23 Sep 2013*• Fewer than ten smuggling tunnels are believed to be operating, down from approximately 300 tunnels prior to June; these were the main channel for the supply of construction materials and fuel.• The Gaza Power Plant (GPP) has been forced to reduce electricity production and may shut down completely, if adequate fuel supplies are not urgently made available.• Fuel shortages and increased power outages are significantly impacting the provision of essential services, shortages of construction materials are impeding maintenance and rehabilitation of essential service infrastructure, and restricted access for people through Rafah Crossing is impeding access to specialized health services abroad.

The humanitarian impact of reduced access between Gaza and Egypt, Situation Report - 23 September 2013 | ReliefWeb
OIC calls for supplying Gaza with fuelGAZA, Oct 14 (KUNA) -- The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) called on Monday for providing the Gaza Strip with fuel urgently in order to avoid negative effects resulted by power outage in that region.Fuel crisis in Gaza has negatively affected services provided to Gaza citizens by 25 municipalities distributed around the Strip, the OIC ind

http://www.kuna.net.kw/ArticleDetails.aspx?id=2338945&language=enicated in its monthly humanitarian report, issued by its office in Gaza, adding that other services such as sanitation and water have been affected by lack of fuel and power outage crisis.Also, the fuel and electricity crisis has hindered municipalities' ability to pump water regularly to citizens, the report noted, explaining that this has also affected sanitation services, as well as discharging it to the Mediterranean Sea.In addition, the fuel shortage in the Strip, following shutdown of crossings and demolition of tunnels with Egypt, had led to aggravation of power outage problem in the Strip during this month from 8 hours to 12 hours, as well as hygiene issues in various cities and districts in the Strip*KUNA : OIC calls for supplying Gaza with fuel - Society - 14/10/2013
Human rights organizations have warned of a real humanitarian crisis in Gaza due to the Israeli continued siege and the closure of the Rafah crossing for several times.*Ahlul*Bayt*News*Agency) -*Human rights organizations have warned of a real humanitarian crisis in Gaza due to the Israeli continued siege and the closure of the Rafah crossing for several times.For the 24th session of the UN Human Rights Council, taking place in Geneva from 9 – 27 September 2013, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), Al Haq, Al Dameer, Al Mezan, the Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR), the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), and the Palestinian Bar Association, jointly submitted a written statement, entitled “Closure and accountability”.In this submission the organizations drew attention to the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip as a result of the ongoing illegal closure imposed by Israel. Following the latest developments in the political crisis in Egypt and the deterioration of the security situation in North Sinai, the Egyptian authorities have frequently closed Rafah International Crossing Point. The current lack of access to Egypt highlights the critical need for the occupation to be ended and the illegal closure to be lifted. Israel, as the Occupying Power, is responsible for the wellbeing of the civilian population of the Gaza StripThe submission also illustrates how - despite their recognized right to move freely - Palestinians in Gaza are cut off from the West Bank and the outside world. This directly impacts on all aspects of their daily lives, including the right to education, family life, health care, and access to a court.*

Students are denied access to their universities abroad, families are separated, patients are denied access to healthcare, and victims of violations are prevented from having their claim for seeking justice and redress heard by a court, the submission added.The submitting organizations called upon the international community to intervene to pressurize the Israeli authorities to immediately lift the illegal closure, in particular by ending the border restrictions imposed on imports, exports and the movement of people.

Warning of humanitarian catastrophe as Gaza siege is tightened

Handicap International video and images from Gaza

A world where we watch Israrel deliberately attack children in Gaza with depleted uraniun weapons specifically designed to blow their limbs off, D.I M.E.

That is why there are so many children in Gaza handicapped.

Gaza is the experimentation field for the IDF to target children and experiment on the effects of new WMDs.

Just more collective punishment against the civilian population in Gaza.
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Gaza Civilians Attacked With White Phosphorus & DIMEBy Hassan El-Najjarccun.org, January 11, 2009, 2:22 pm ET*The Zionist Israeli terrorist war on the Gaza Strip has continued for the sixteenth day, with US-made F-16 war planes and Apache helicopters, and the European-made naval vessels and equipment.Arabic TV stations reported that more than sixty-two Palestinians have been killed since yesterday, increasing the death toll to 883 and the injuries to 4075, the vast majority of them are civilians particularly women and children.The Israeli terrorist forces used the internationally prohibited weapons, like white phosphorus bombs, against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. The explosion of this kind of bombs results in burning the three layers of victims' skin to reach internal organs. Most of yesterday's victims were children.Al-Jazeera TV aired footage of several victims of these white phosphorus bombs, among them was a teenage girl, Jamila Al-Habash, who had both of her legs amputated. Dr. Raed Al-'Areeny from Al-Shaifa Hospital was interviewed to explain what happened to her. He said that the chemical materials used in this kind of bombs keep interacting with the skin and flesh of the victim, penetrating deep to the bones, which are melted completely, leading to the amputation.Dr. Areeny also mentioned that there is a new American weapon being tested on the Palestinians in Gaza, called DIME. The assaulted victims reach to the hospital, without any outside symptoms. When victims are X-rayed, doctors don't see anything. However, in a short period of time, victims start to bleed internally, as their internal organs start to show damages. Then, they die before doctors can do anything to rescue them.

Gaza Civilians Attacked With White Phosphorus & DIME By Hassan El-Najjar

Once again Israel, still the occupying power of Gaza, has unleashed its war machinery on occupied Palestinians. Since the start of the second intifada in 2000, this ritual has become compulsive and repetitive. Israel initiated its new round of bloody violence by targeting Palestinian resistance fighters who, Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz explained, Israel will “hunt like beasts.” In this new round of war, shelling and bombardment--or "hunting," to use Katz’s colonial vocabulary-- have been met with rockets that attempt to retaliate for the siege and violence imposed on Gaza, to assert Palestinian resilience, and to resist in some fashion decades of occupation.Many commentators have noted that the initial declared objectives of this bloody ritual were limited in nature. The Israeli attacks did not aim to eliminate Palestinian resistance entirely, but rather to minimize it, as*Ehud Barak stated*on the first day of the war (November 14). Both Binyamin Netanyahu and Barak did not want to promise their constituencies results they knew they were incapable of delivering. But because such “minimization” could have been achieved by other means of pacification available to an occupying state (such as*the negotiated truce*that Hamas already agreed to), one has to wonder whether Palestinian resistance has been the sole, or real, target of this war. Instead, and similar to its earlier militaristic ventures in Gaza, Israel sought to demonstrate its mastery over the land, the air, the sea, and the people of Palestine, as well as to test its international alliances and enmities through their responses to its colonial aggression. Netanyahu and Barak also seek to score political points to enhance their respective prospects in the*upcoming Israeli elections.

Colonial Experiments in Gaza
Collective Punishment of the civilian population of Gaza is a continuous Israeli war crime carried out by Israel in Gaza.

And so far, we have seemingly complete Israeli Impunity for these myraid of war crimes extending over decades.
Israel's Assault on Gaza

*****On December 27, 2008, Israel Began One of the Bloodiest Attacks on Gaza Since 1948.Democracy Now! speaks with medics and UN Relief Workers on the Ground, civilians and journalists inside both Gaza and Israel, hosts debate between leading scholars and advocates on both sides of the conflict, and much more

Israel?s Assault on Gaza | Democracy Now!
Political Geography of the Gaza Strip: A Territory of Experiments for the State of Israel

I think that many of us are infuriated in front of the unfolding new siege over Gaza by the Israeli army. As horrifying as those images of children and entire families being* struck by the bombs sent by aircraft, battleships, drones or other remote controlled machine guns, it is extremely important to also insist on the daily oppression that the people of the Gaza strip have to face even when they are not being bombed. Since 2006 and the Israeli disengagement of its settlement within the strip, the situation is different from the one in the West Bank -which I have to say, I am more familiar with. When the West Bank has to suffer from multiple colonial apparatuses, Gaza functions pretty much as a gigantic prison from which, it is almost impossible to escape -even the Egyptian border remains close to most people. Most of the needs of its people (water, food, electricity, phone & internet networks etc.) is provided directly by Israel (for most of it, see the last map of this article) who has been, along the years, quite literally experimenting how little it could provide without provoking a severe humanitarian crisis in the eyes of the International Community. The access to the sea itself is heavily restricted – and enforced with real rockets – by the IDF to keep Gaza fishermen’s boats within a limit of three nautical miles. Needless to say, fishing cannot be a strong economy in this context.

The strip is thus a scale 1 experiment for the Israeli state to determine how to sustain the lives of 1.7 millions Palestinians – apparently more for its International reputation than for its philanthropic will as we can currently see – with the minimum of ressources. But, this very small piece of territory – and to some extents, this is also true in the West Bank – is also a terrain of experiments for military training and weapon technology. As some specialists have been detecting, some US military officials have been often spotted during IDF operations in a clear attempt to learn how to lead a siege in the Middle East. After the operation*Lead Cast*in Dec 2008-Jan 09 that killed more than 1,300 Palestinians of all ages, the Goldstone Report and various other testimonies have shown that white phosphorus bombs and*flechette shellswhich are categorically banned by the International legislation. The various apparatuses of control around the Strip are also an opportunity for the Israeli army to implement new technology in matter of weapons like remote controlled machine gun stations t0 prevent the access of the ‘no-go zone’ (about 500 meters from the green line) and the ‘high risks zone (fron 500 to 1,500 meters from the green line):

# PALESTINE /// Political Geography of the Gaza Strip: A Territory of Experiments for the State of Israel | The Funambulist
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