"Peace" in reach: Gaza Terror Tunnel Led to Israeli Town

I read both----and you were never in the same room with a copy of the talmud and
MOST LIKELY never read the koran. The word "goy" means nation----the word
KHARAH described the koran----aka KHARAHAN

lots of the sluts in Indonesia dress in accordance with the JIHADO STINK ----in parts of the

sorry asshole, but any Jew knows that "Goy" is very often used as an offensive and negative pejorative for Gentiles.

stop playing dishonest games.
Don't shoot the messenger, simply read the koran and then turn on your TV and watch some news. Most muslims countries do all that and honor killings as well. Please get a clue.

stop lying.

the largest Muslim country is Indonesia, and they are not full of burqas and child brides.

now go read the Talmud and all the disgusting things they say about Goys.

Indonesia does not have the largest Muslim population of all the countries.
It started when a Zionist began demonizing Muslims.

What did that have to do with a tunnel or the thread moved here addressing Israels collective punishment in Gaza?

No, it started with you derailing it into Cast Led operation. Get back to discussing tunnels.

My thread was moved here too and it is about continuing Israeli collective punishment in Gaza and Cast Lead is part of that too.

Moved:*Israel Imposes More Collective Punishment On The Civilian Population of Gaza
Whatever - you manage to turn every thread Sherri into some sort of hate-fest at Jews. Your views are disgusting, then you go and hide behind Jesus as if you mentioning him absolves you of your mindless rants and lies. Let me tell you something - it doesn't absolve you. Your hate is here for us here on earth to see and from on high too.
Whatever - you manage to turn every thread Sherri into some sort of hate-fest at Jews. Your views are disgusting, then you go and hide behind Jesus as if you mentioning him absolves you of your mindless rants and lies. Let me tell you something - it doesn't absolve you. Your hate is here for us here on earth to see and from on high too.

don't talk about God, Caroline. For we all know that the Talmud and the Bible clearly says that the the Jews are partially responsible for their suffering over the last 3,000 years, due to their arrogance, hatred, and disobedience.
Whatever - you manage to turn every thread Sherri into some sort of hate-fest at Jews. Your views are disgusting, then you go and hide behind Jesus as if you mentioning him absolves you of your mindless rants and lies. Let me tell you something - it doesn't absolve you. Your hate is here for us here on earth to see and from on high too.

don't talk about God, Caroline. For we all know that the Talmud and the Bible clearly says that the the Jews are partially responsible for their suffering over the last 3,000 years, due to their arrogance, hatred, and disobedience.

Show me the link and we can discuss it.
No, it started with you derailing it into Cast Led operation. Get back to discussing tunnels.

My thread was moved here too and it is about continuing Israeli collective punishment in Gaza and Cast Lead is part of that too.

Moved:*Israel Imposes More Collective Punishment On The Civilian Population of Gaza

"COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT" is a term adopted by islamo nazi propagandaist swine--
it has absolutely nothing to do with any thing that Israelis do----it refers to the
ISLAMO NAZI customary habit of responding to RESISTENCE to islamo nazi filth
by rounding up lots of people at random and shooting them In fact "collective
punishment is what sunnis do to shiites----as in when they tie bombs to the asses of
their sluts ahd have them blow up mosques on shiite holidays

Keep in mind-----islamo nazi law considers resistence to the customs sherri favors---
suxh as raping litting girls and beheading them as CRIME for which whole
communities are made to pay-----as in the burning of churches in Egypt.
Her heroes in places like Auschwitz would execute dozens of people of ONE
person escaped the filth she so admires ----THAT ACTION typical of the filth
of isa-respecting nazism over the past 1700 years is called "COLLECTIVE
PUNISHMENT the "cast lead" operation was a response to that which she
also loves-----the launching of poisoned baby brain smashing bombs at the
heads of jews -----in her mind resisting baby brain smashing bombs is a
CRIME and their use upon jewish infants if LEGAL AND HOLY IN THE EYES
OF HER PERVERSE 'god' Hers is the same 'god' of the boston bombers ---
who, interestingly enough----used a bomb very similar in design to the baby
brain smashing bombs sherri adores ---------and is so disappointed that only
one baby landed dead in the gutter
Whatever - you manage to turn every thread Sherri into some sort of hate-fest at Jews. Your views are disgusting, then you go and hide behind Jesus as if you mentioning him absolves you of your mindless rants and lies. Let me tell you something - it doesn't absolve you. Your hate is here for us here on earth to see and from on high too.

It is not about Jews. It is about the Occupation in Palestine and its human rights abuses It is a social justice issue, like 400 years of slavery in the US was, like Apartheid in South Africa was, like Segregation in the US was.

The Occupation in Palestine is the social justice issue the world confronts and the international community of people of conscience confront in 2013.
No, it started with you derailing it into Cast Led operation. Get back to discussing tunnels.

My thread was moved here too and it is about continuing Israeli collective punishment in Gaza and Cast Lead is part of that too.

Moved:*Israel Imposes More Collective Punishment On The Civilian Population of Gaza
Are you sure the thread is not about "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And How Sherri Pounds The Keyboard For 72 Hours At A Stretch about WMD, DU, BS and Child Massacre And Has A Sore Finger"?
I said Indonesia does not have the largest Muslim population of all the countries. Indonesia has 88.1% of its total population that is Muslim.

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any country, you dumb ass.

Pakistan is #2.

India is #3.
I said Indonesia does not have the largest Muslim population of all the countries. Indonesia has 88.1% of its total population that is Muslim.

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any country, you dumb ass.

Pakistan is #2.

India is #3.

You can't even comprehend the table on the link.

Indonesia has less Muslim percentage of the total population of Indonesia.

88.1% of Indonesia's citizens are Muslim.
I read both----and you were never in the same room with a copy of the talmud and
MOST LIKELY never read the koran. The word "goy" means nation----the word
KHARAH described the koran----aka KHARAHAN

lots of the sluts in Indonesia dress in accordance with the JIHADO STINK ----in parts of the

sorry asshole, but any Jew knows that "Goy" is very often used as an offensive and negative pejorative for Gentiles.

stop playing dishonest games.

Not in the talmud, LYING LUMP OF ISLAMO NAZI ASS HOLE MATTER----typical khutbah
jumaat garbage------playing with semantics Any conscious human knows
that the word "jew" is used as a perjorative by isa-respecting scum
Not in the talmud, LYING LUMP OF ISLAMO NAZI ASS HOLE MATTER----typical khutbah
jumaat garbage------playing with semantics Any conscious human knows
that the word "jew" is used as a perjorative by isa-respecting scum

Yes, many Gentiles used the word "Jew" as a negative pejorative.

Just like how many Jews use the word "Goy", as a negative pejorative.

Come to America and hear all the English-speaking Orthodox Jews call Gentiles "Goys".
Then any act of War or resistance is completely valid against the enemy, israel

Wrong douchebag, since the GC cannot be ignored. But if you want the arab muslim filth to ignore them, then israel can do so too - and then there'll be no more arab muslims for say, 2,000 miles.

Why respond to my post, if as you claim in your sig-line I am on your ignore list?:lol:
Who do you refer to as GC?
I said Indonesia does not have the largest Muslim population of all the countries. Indonesia has 88.1% of its total population that is Muslim.

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any country, you dumb ass.

Pakistan is #2.

India is #3.

You can't even comprehend the table on the link.

Indonesia has less Muslim percentage of the total population of Indonesia.

88.1% of Indonesia's citizens are Muslim.

playing with semantics, Sweaty_Caroline Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any country
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