Peace Possible?


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
I think that peace is possible if a copromise on Jerusalem is made. Even Netanyahu and Likud realize that Israel's existance is at stake in the long-run if a peace is not signed.

Factbox: Major issues in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking

3 hours ago


(Reuters) - Israel and the Palestinians have laid the groundwork to resume direct peace talks after almost three years of stalemate, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Friday.

If the two sides do indeed sit down together in the coming days, as planned, they would face the same array of problems that have confounded progress in years of on-off talks:


The Palestinians want to create an independent state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with Arab East Jerusalem as their capital - land Israel seized in the 1967 Middle East war.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has resisted calls for talks to be based on the pre-war 1967 lines, saying the shape of any Palestinian state must be decided in the negotiations. He also says a future Palestine must be demilitarized.

Many right-wingers in Netanyahu's own cabinet have strongly rejected the notion of returning to the 1967 lines, claiming biblical Jewish birthright to all the land from the Mediterranean sea to the river Jordan.

Adding to the complications, the Palestinians are deeply divided, with Gaza and the West Bank run by different parties that are virulently opposed to each other. Hamas Islamists, who govern Gaza, denounce the notion of direct talks and do not recognize Israel's right to exist.


Israel has built extensive settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, creating homes for half a million Jews. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly called for a total freeze of their expansion during any talks - an issue that caused the collapse of the last negotiations in 2010. Palestinians say the settlements, deemed illegal by the World Court, should be evacuated, but have left open the door for some land swaps to enable some blocs to remain in Israeli hands. However, under any deal, some settlements would surely find themselves within a Palestinian state, which some rightist and national religious Israeli parties would find intolerable.
I think that peace is possible if a copromise on Jerusalem is made. Even Netanyahu and Likud realize that Israel's existance is at stake in the long-run if a peace is not signed.

Factbox: Major issues in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking

3 hours ago


(Reuters) - Israel and the Palestinians have laid the groundwork to resume direct peace talks after almost three years of stalemate, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Friday.

If the two sides do indeed sit down together in the coming days, as planned, they would face the same array of problems that have confounded progress in years of on-off talks:


The Palestinians want to create an independent state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with Arab East Jerusalem as their capital - land Israel seized in the 1967 Middle East war.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has resisted calls for talks to be based on the pre-war 1967 lines, saying the shape of any Palestinian state must be decided in the negotiations. He also says a future Palestine must be demilitarized.

Many right-wingers in Netanyahu's own cabinet have strongly rejected the notion of returning to the 1967 lines, claiming biblical Jewish birthright to all the land from the Mediterranean sea to the river Jordan.

Adding to the complications, the Palestinians are deeply divided, with Gaza and the West Bank run by different parties that are virulently opposed to each other. Hamas Islamists, who govern Gaza, denounce the notion of direct talks and do not recognize Israel's right to exist.


Israel has built extensive settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, creating homes for half a million Jews. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly called for a total freeze of their expansion during any talks - an issue that caused the collapse of the last negotiations in 2010. Palestinians say the settlements, deemed illegal by the World Court, should be evacuated, but have left open the door for some land swaps to enable some blocs to remain in Israeli hands. However, under any deal, some settlements would surely find themselves within a Palestinian state, which some rightist and national religious Israeli parties would find intolerable.

Compromise on Jerusalem? Israel's existence at stake? Would you be willing to share some of that stuff you're smoking?
Israel, rightly, wants everything on the table (except the bits Israel doesn't want on the table).

There's no wonder there can be no peace and never will be whist Israel insists on breaking international law and refusing to even consider falling in line with the rest of the world (Except for their American bitches).
I think that peace is possible if a copromise on Jerusalem is made. Even Netanyahu and Likud realize that Israel's existance is at stake in the long-run if a peace is not signed.

Factbox: Major issues in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking

3 hours ago


(Reuters) - Israel and the Palestinians have laid the groundwork to resume direct peace talks after almost three years of stalemate, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Friday.

If the two sides do indeed sit down together in the coming days, as planned, they would face the same array of problems that have confounded progress in years of on-off talks:


The Palestinians want to create an independent state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with Arab East Jerusalem as their capital - land Israel seized in the 1967 Middle East war.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has resisted calls for talks to be based on the pre-war 1967 lines, saying the shape of any Palestinian state must be decided in the negotiations. He also says a future Palestine must be demilitarized.

Many right-wingers in Netanyahu's own cabinet have strongly rejected the notion of returning to the 1967 lines, claiming biblical Jewish birthright to all the land from the Mediterranean sea to the river Jordan.

Adding to the complications, the Palestinians are deeply divided, with Gaza and the West Bank run by different parties that are virulently opposed to each other. Hamas Islamists, who govern Gaza, denounce the notion of direct talks and do not recognize Israel's right to exist.


Israel has built extensive settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, creating homes for half a million Jews. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly called for a total freeze of their expansion during any talks - an issue that caused the collapse of the last negotiations in 2010. Palestinians say the settlements, deemed illegal by the World Court, should be evacuated, but have left open the door for some land swaps to enable some blocs to remain in Israeli hands. However, under any deal, some settlements would surely find themselves within a Palestinian state, which some rightist and national religious Israeli parties would find intolerable.

Compromise on Jerusalem? Israel's existence at stake? Would you be willing to share some of that stuff you're smoking?
You can't get Blood out of a Rock!
Israel, rightly, wants everything on the table (except the bits Israel doesn't want on the table).

There's no wonder there can be no peace and never will be whist Israel insists on breaking international law and refusing to even consider falling in line with the rest of the world (Except for their American bitches).

Just curious.

What's in it for Israel in this so called negotiation?

You seem like a reasonable person, so lets talk about it.
Israel, rightly, wants everything on the table (except the bits Israel doesn't want on the table).

There's no wonder there can be no peace and never will be whist Israel insists on breaking international law and refusing to even consider falling in line with the rest of the world (Except for their American bitches).
Freddie, your vocabulary seems very limited when it comes to calling people names like "bitches" and "bastards." Maybe Freedie can tell us how there can ever be peace in the Muslim world when his brethren have no tolerance toward the religious beliefs of others. Do you think killing others for their religious beliefs brings peace, Freddie? Will the Syrian War end up with one Shiite and one Sunni standing and then finally there will be peace there?
There will be no Peace.

As long as the Radical Islamists refuse to recognize Israel's Right to Exist.......................

What has changed in that aspect?

Isn't it interesting how we find Israel's greatest enemies are also the America's greatest enemies? Can you imagine what suffering these poor souls living here in the USA endure 24/7 with all those Zionists all around them? Repeat after me --- God Bless America!

Israel, rightly, wants everything on the table (except the bits Israel doesn't want on the table).

There's no wonder there can be no peace and never will be whist Israel insists on breaking international law and refusing to even consider falling in line with the rest of the world (Except for their American bitches).
Isn't it interesting how we find Israel's greatest enemies are also the America's greatest enemies? Can you imagine what suffering these poor souls living here in the USA endure 24/7 with all those Zionists all around them? Repeat after me --- God Bless America!

Israel, rightly, wants everything on the table (except the bits Israel doesn't want on the table).

There's no wonder there can be no peace and never will be whist Israel insists on breaking international law and refusing to even consider falling in line with the rest of the world (Except for their American bitches).

"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." Fr. John Sheehan of the Jesuit order
Isn't it interesting how we find Israel's greatest enemies are also the America's greatest enemies? Can you imagine what suffering these poor souls living here in the USA endure 24/7 with all those Zionists all around them? Repeat after me --- God Bless America!

Israel, rightly, wants everything on the table (except the bits Israel doesn't want on the table).

There's no wonder there can be no peace and never will be whist Israel insists on breaking international law and refusing to even consider falling in line with the rest of the world (Except for their American bitches).

"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." Fr. John Sheehan of the Jesuit order

Two questions for you Pbel:

1) Who's fault is that


2) If America broke ties with Israel, do you think that America will no longer have enemies in the ME ?
Isn't it interesting how we find Israel's greatest enemies are also the America's greatest enemies? Can you imagine what suffering these poor souls living here in the USA endure 24/7 with all those Zionists all around them? Repeat after me --- God Bless America!

"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." Fr. John Sheehan of the Jesuit order

Two questions for you Pbel:

1) Who's fault is that


2) If America broke ties with Israel, do you think that America will no longer have enemies in the ME ?
No doubt many of the viewers have seen that Sheehan bit brought up for years and years by people with the same mind set as Phillip. It must be a popular quote on the hate sites, and I don't think the viewers ever heard of this Jesuit until he was dug up from the hate sites and used repeatedly.. Meanwhile, since Phillip claims he was a Marine, surely he must know what the Marine hymn says..........
From the Halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli

I wonder where Phillip thinks Tripoli is.
Isn't it interesting how we find Israel's greatest enemies are also the America's greatest enemies? Can you imagine what suffering these poor souls living here in the USA endure 24/7 with all those Zionists all around them? Repeat after me --- God Bless America!

"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." Fr. John Sheehan of the Jesuit order

Two questions for you Pbel:

1) Who's fault is that


2) If America broke ties with Israel, do you think that America will no longer have enemies in the ME ?

It was America's fault for arming thje Israeli State to the teeth, which then in 67 invaded the West Bank and other Arab Countries in a land grab that continues today thanks to an AIPAC influence that is second to none in our Federal Government.

That's when America lost the ME and out fuel costs reflect that reality.

"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." Fr. John Sheehan of the Jesuit order

Two questions for you Pbel:

1) Who's fault is that


2) If America broke ties with Israel, do you think that America will no longer have enemies in the ME ?

It was America's fault for arming thje Israeli State to the teeth, which then in 67 invaded the West Bank and other Arab Countries in a land grab that continues today thanks to an AIPAC influence that is second to none in our Federal Government.

That's when America lost the ME and out fuel costs reflect that reality.

In the 1967 Six Day War, Jordan aligned itself with Nasser's Egypt despite an Israeli warning. This resulted in the loss of East Jerusalem and the West Bank to Israel. This was an economic loss to the kingdom since much of the kingdom's economy was based in the West Bank.
there will be no peace as long as Zionists act like Kings and treat non-Zionsts like their little kittens.
Israel, rightly, wants everything on the table (except the bits Israel doesn't want on the table).

There's no wonder there can be no peace and never will be whist Israel insists on breaking international law and refusing to even consider falling in line with the rest of the world (Except for their American bitches).

Just curious.

What's in it for Israel in this so called negotiation?

You seem like a reasonable person, so lets talk about it.

Good idea.
I'll make a start when I'm on the computer.
Still very busy but I'll find time for it.
Two questions for you Pbel:

1) Who's fault is that


2) If America broke ties with Israel, do you think that America will no longer have enemies in the ME ?

It was America's fault for arming thje Israeli State to the teeth, which then in 67 invaded the West Bank and other Arab Countries in a land grab that continues today thanks to an AIPAC influence that is second to none in our Federal Government.

That's when America lost the ME and out fuel costs reflect that reality.

In the 1967 Six Day War, Jordan aligned itself with Nasser's Egypt despite an Israeli warning. This resulted in the loss of East Jerusalem and the West Bank to Israel. This was an economic loss to the kingdom since much of the kingdom's economy was based in the West Bank.
The West Bank was NOT part of Jordan. It was a UN Mandate to only Administer until an Arab State for the so called Palestinians was organized.

"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." Fr. John Sheehan of the Jesuit order

Two questions for you Pbel:

1) Who's fault is that


2) If America broke ties with Israel, do you think that America will no longer have enemies in the ME ?

It was America's fault for arming thje Israeli State to the teeth, which then in 67 invaded the West Bank and other Arab Countries in a land grab that continues today thanks to an AIPAC influence that is second to none in our Federal Government.

That's when America lost the ME and out fuel costs reflect that reality.
I think you are mistaken here, Phillip. Do some research and find out when America actually started helping Israel with military equipment. Meanwhile, of course, the Arabs had modern-up-date Russian weapons. Evidently Phillip is obsessed with AIPAC since he brings it up ad nauseam when there are loads of other lobbies in the U.S., which Phillips seems unaware of and which have plenty of influence.

"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." Fr. John Sheehan of the Jesuit order

Two questions for you Pbel:

1) Who's fault is that


2) If America broke ties with Israel, do you think that America will no longer have enemies in the ME ?

It was America's fault for arming thje Israeli State to the teeth, which then in 67 invaded the West Bank and other Arab Countries in a land grab that continues today thanks to an AIPAC influence that is second to none in our Federal Government.

That's when America lost the ME and out fuel costs reflect that reality.

Again you are making Israel to be the aggressor during the 6 day war. Typical, typical typical Arab bullshit propaganda.
You always ignore the facts of the events that led to the war. You ignore the many extermination threats made to Israel by several Arab leaders (Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict), the fact that Israel was vastly outnumbered in troops AND in military equipment. You ignore the fact that Israel was attacked on not one, not two but THREE fronts. You ignore the fact that Syria, Jordan and Egypt massed their troops by Israels borders. You ignore the fact that besides those three armies, there were ten, that's right, TEN other countries that were Expeditionary Forces (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Kuwait, Sudan, Tunisia and the PLO) who supported them with weapons and in some cases troops.
The Arabs were by far the aggressors in the 6 day war. The thing is, they were humiliated, so of course they say: "Israel started the war! We want our land back !"

Once again Pbel, the Arabs were the aggressors and this is a fact, not an opinion.
"Your are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts"

Oh , did I mention that Israel offered to return ALL of the land they conquered back to whom they captured it from in return for peace treaties, but they all refused?

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