Peaceful Protestors Assaulted by Police Officers in Baltimore


VIP Member
Jan 30, 2014
RT Reporter captures on tape racist white cops tackling a black man for the crime of running.This occurred during the peaceful protests against police brutality in Baltimore following the death of Eddie Gray.

WOW, just wow, shaking my head #blacklivesmatter

WOW, just wow, shaking my head #nobodygivesaratsassabouttheprotesters
They're officially replacing "assault" with "protesting". Get the verbiage right.
Time to bring out the horses and shield walls and batons and stun grenades and water cannons and rubber bullets and tasers and tear gas and the rest of that stuff...

Then sit back and watch the fun.
So glad that Freddie Gray's life "mattered". Good thing he wasn't just blown away by a gang banger, then his life would have been meaningless like the other 57 blacks killed in Baltimore this year.
Call out the national guard, and let them open fire on the looters. A couple hundred dead looters would look great, I don't care what color they are, crooks are crooks and if they are dead crooks they look better.
Time to bring out the horses and shield walls and batons and stun grenades and water cannons and rubber bullets and tasers and tear gas and the rest of that stuff...

Then sit back and watch the fun.
hell, yeah! I hear that Sharpton and Jackson are advising Blacks to do just that! Perhaps Cuba and Russia will supply the Black nation with armaments so it wlll be a fair fight!
This is the strongest issue the gop has...They won the senate based on furgason being nearly flatten.

People want law enforcement and a stable society. ;) Violent people need to go to prison....

But once the gop goes into their dumbass cut,slash and burn whine = 2012 or a massive outcry against stupid shut downs.

The democrats can't be seen as weak on criminal or violent behavior.
So glad that Freddie Gray's life "mattered". Good thing he wasn't just blown away by a gang banger, then his life would have been meaningless like the other 57 blacks killed in Baltimore this year.
Well, we KNOW how Freddie died. We don't know how those "57" other blacks died or the circumstances. Do you? Duels and fair fights are depicted honorably by Hollywood. Thats the gangster life. Murder by police officers killing unarmed people is disgraceful and smacks of Nazism.
Time to bring out the horses and shield walls and batons and stun grenades and water cannons and rubber bullets and tasers and tear gas and the rest of that stuff...

Then sit back and watch the fun.
hell, yeah! I hear that Sharpton and Jackson are advising Blacks to do just that! Perhaps Cuba and Russia will supply the Black nation with armaments so it wlll be a fair fight!

So glad that Freddie Gray's life "mattered". Good thing he wasn't just blown away by a gang banger, then his life would have been meaningless like the other 57 blacks killed in Baltimore this year.
Well, we KNOW how Freddie died. We don't know how those "57" other blacks died or the circumstances. Do you? Duels and fair fights are depicted honorably by Hollywood. Thats the gangster life. Murder by police officers killing unarmed people is disgraceful and smacks of Nazism.
We know gangster's kill innocent people, including children.

Let's just shoot, and kill, all the gangsters, and let God sort them out! I have absolutely no problem with this. Garbage take out!
The best thing about the rioting? It only happens in liberal enclaves.
Let em burn Baltimore to the ground,I dont give a rats ass.
The best thing about the rioting? It only happens in liberal enclaves.
Let em burn Baltimore to the ground,I dont give a rats ass.

Yanno ... there are a lot of people in that community who are not involved in the rioting who will be inconvenienced and will pay the price for the destruction and closure of neighborhood businesses.
The peeps doing the damage don't give a fuck about them or their community.
The best thing about the rioting? It only happens in liberal enclaves.
Let em burn Baltimore to the ground,I dont give a rats ass.

Yanno ... there are a lot of people in that community who are not involved in the rioting who will be inconvenienced and will pay the price for the destruction and closure of neighborhood businesses.
The peeps doing the damage don't give a fuck about them or their community.

So I'm supposed to cry when the liberals pets get off the chain and destroy their own communities?
The only ones I feel sorry for are the conservatives that may live in the area.
The dems...? Fuck em,it's their bullshit that led to this in the first place.
Pfft, rioting is where it's at.
Fuck the pigs. Smash the petty bourgeois and their fucking "private property".
Are you serious? If so, I love you.
Property is violence. Property is theft. There is no war like class war. I hope the black proletariat raises that entire fucking storefront to the fucking ground. The white small business owners are the front line of the capitalist war on an egalitarian and just society and need to be crushed first as far as I am concerned. They are the modern day kulaks.
Pfft, rioting is where it's at.
Fuck the pigs. Smash the petty bourgeois and their fucking "private property".
Are you serious? If so, I love you.
Property is violence. Property is theft. There is no war like class war. I hope the black proletariat raises that entire fucking storefront to the fucking ground. The white small business owners are the front line of the capitalist war on an egalitarian and just society and need to be crushed first as far as I am concerned. They are the modern day kulaks.

You should write for Saturday Night Live.

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