Peaceful Protestors Assaulted by Police Officers in Baltimore

Pfft, rioting is where it's at.
Fuck the pigs. Smash the petty bourgeois and their fucking "private property".
Are you serious? If so, I love you.
Property is violence. Property is theft. There is no war like class war. I hope the black proletariat raises that entire fucking storefront to the fucking ground. The white small business owners are the front line of the capitalist war on an egalitarian and just society and need to be crushed first as far as I am concerned. They are the modern day kulaks.

You should write for Saturday Night Live.
The white bitch in the original video deserved the attack as far as I am concerned. Her presence in a black neighborhood as a white poses a legitimate threat to black bodies. They were right to respond to her threatening presence, which was representative of the system of white supremacy. Maybe she can understand a fraction of the terror black bodies feel being dominated in a white capitalist police state.
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Pfft, rioting is where it's at.
Fuck the pigs. Smash the petty bourgeois and their fucking "private property".
Are you serious? If so, I love you.
Property is violence. Property is theft. There is no war like class war. I hope the black proletariat raises that entire fucking storefront to the fucking ground. The white small business owners are the front line of the capitalist war on an egalitarian and just society and need to be crushed first as far as I am concerned. They are the modern day kulaks.

You should write for Saturday Night Live.
The white bitch in the original video deserved the attack as far as I am concerned. Her presence in a black neighborhood as a white poses a legitimate threat to black bodies. They were right to respond to her threatening presence, which was representative of the system of white supremacy. Maybe she can understand a fraction of the terror black bodies feel being dominated in a white capitalist police state.

Uncle Remus is that you?
Pfft, rioting is where it's at.
Fuck the pigs. Smash the petty bourgeois and their fucking "private property".
Are you serious? If so, I love you.

You know your Anarcho Communism theory is a bipolar retarded idea...right? If you eliminate "the state" but also want to eliminate capitalism and wealth inequalities. ...WHO will enforce equalization? ?? The mob??? In that case you'll have gang rule based on whoever is most powerful and best armed...until you have an elite ruling tribe...unofficially "the state" the Taliban.

Fucking retard. Go back to your dorm.
So glad that Freddie Gray's life "mattered". Good thing he wasn't just blown away by a gang banger, then his life would have been meaningless like the other 57 blacks killed in Baltimore this year.
Well, we KNOW how Freddie died. We don't know how those "57" other blacks died or the circumstances. Do you? Duels and fair fights are depicted honorably by Hollywood. Thats the gangster life. Murder by police officers killing unarmed people is disgraceful and smacks of Nazism.
If you want to believe that Police are Nazis killing pure innocents then you are going to believe that. I believe they are doing a nearly impossible job, and when someone resists arrest in a bad neighborhood, then all hell breaks loose and sometimes things end badly for the victim and sometimes it ends badly for the Police.
Pfft, rioting is where it's at.
Fuck the pigs. Smash the petty bourgeois and their fucking "private property".
Are you serious? If so, I love you.

You know your Anarcho Communism theory is a bipolar retarded idea...right? If you eliminate "the state" but also want to eliminate capitalism and wealth inequalities. ...WHO will enforce equalization? ?? The mob??? In that case you'll have gang rule based on whoever is most powerful and best armed...until you have an elite ruling tribe...unofficially "the state" the Taliban.

Fucking retard. Go back to your dorm.
Mah signature Good friend
The best thing about the rioting? It only happens in liberal enclaves.
Let em burn Baltimore to the ground,I dont give a rats ass.

Yanno ... there are a lot of people in that community who are not involved in the rioting who will be inconvenienced and will pay the price for the destruction and closure of neighborhood businesses.
The peeps doing the damage don't give a fuck about them or their community.
You don't see them doing anything about it do you? If all these good people wanted to stop the violence they would do it.
So glad that Freddie Gray's life "mattered". Good thing he wasn't just blown away by a gang banger, then his life would have been meaningless like the other 57 blacks killed in Baltimore this year.
Well, we KNOW how Freddie died. We don't know how those "57" other blacks died or the circumstances. Do you? Duels and fair fights are depicted honorably by Hollywood. Thats the gangster life. Murder by police officers killing unarmed people is disgraceful and smacks of Nazism.
If you want to believe that Police are Nazis killing pure innocents then you are going to believe that. I believe they are doing a nearly impossible job, and when someone resists arrest in a bad neighborhood, then all hell breaks loose and sometimes things end badly for the victim and sometimes it ends badly for the Police.

You left the "unarmed people" out of your response. That changes the whole thrust of my statement! Care to revise yours?
Pfft, rioting is where it's at.
Fuck the pigs. Smash the petty bourgeois and their fucking "private property".
Are you serious? If so, I love you.

You know your Anarcho Communism theory is a bipolar retarded idea...right? If you eliminate "the state" but also want to eliminate capitalism and wealth inequalities. ...WHO will enforce equalization? ?? The mob??? In that case you'll have gang rule based on whoever is most powerful and best armed...until you have an elite ruling tribe...unofficially "the state" the Taliban.

Fucking retard. Go back to your dorm.
Mah signature Good friend

Like all anarcho have no clue what the ideology you endorse actually means other than the college kids told you its better than capitalism.
Does anybody know what happened to Freddie
Really. No. He wasn't hit. He wasn't beaten. No one knows what happened.

Most likely he was trying to wiggle out of cuffs in the van and got upside dowm and hit his head. Those vans are all metal seating and quarters. Prisoners often thrash around in fact....another prisoner said Freddie did too.

The only wrongful act was not putting him in a seat belt. Civil lawsuit at most.
You left the "unarmed people" out of your response. That changes the whole thrust of my statement! Care to revise yours?
If "unarmed people" can destroy businesses and attack innocent people based merely on the color of their skin, what difference does it make if they are unarmed? The distinction is irrelevant. These violent racists should die, and if there is a god, the will die slowly in agony.
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You left the "unarmed people" out of your response. That changes the whole thrust of my statement! Care to revise yours?
If "unarmed people" can destroy businesses and attack innocent people based merely on the color of their skin, what difference does it make if they are unarmed? The distinction is irrelevant. These violent racists should die, and if there is a god, the will die slowly in agony.

Unlike you, I value human life over property or material things. So, sue me! I agree that it is wrong for people tp be attacked base solely on the color of their skin but how do you know that is the case. Pictures and news articles don't always tell the whole story or show all the facts. A knee jerk reaction is what you are expressing without really knowing all the facts about what caused the violence. White people have been just as violent in the past for all sorts of reasons so don't think its just a black thing!
You left the "unarmed people" out of your response. That changes the whole thrust of my statement! Care to revise yours?
If "unarmed people" can destroy businesses and attack innocent people based merely on the color of their skin, what difference does it make if they are unarmed? The distinction is irrelevant. These violent racists should die, and if there is a god, the will die slowly in agony.

Unlike you, I value human life over property or material things. So, sue me! I agree that it is wrong for people tp be attacked base solely on the color of their skin but how do you know that is the case. Pictures and news articles don't always tell the whole story or show all the facts. A knee jerk reaction is what you are expressing without really knowing all the facts about what caused the violence. White people have been just as violent in the past for all sorts of reasons so don't think its just a black thing!

Yeah? And we had dinosaurs in our past as well,whats that have to do with our current problem?
We are entering very times when you have people stirring up riots and looting by blaming the civilian police officers for every thing to causing a hangnail

need to get prepared

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