Peak Wind


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2009
conservative hell california
According to industry experts, in the United States, we have reached peak wind, every easy accessible site has been developed.

All the best sites for wind development are already exploited.

Sorry to let the air out of the bag.

There are stories on the web I can link to if people take interest in this thread.

It is a fact, all the good sites are taken, peak wind has arrived, so much for being renewable.

No amount of technology can help develop wind.
Say WHAT?!

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But I though wind energy lasts forever, its renewable, its magic, Wind Mills grow on trees, a renewable resource.

The Future of US Wind Power | Green Living Ideas

The wind sector is suffering from its own success. In the last decade the industry has expanded from a handful of wind farm developers to a plethora. These companies have left hardly a stone unturned – or rather a breeze unmeasured – in their quest for prime, onshore wind power sites.
As a result, it is no longer easy to find large pieces of land in advanced markets with all the right ingredients for a wind project: strong and steady winds, a welcoming community and easy access to transmission. Developers find themselves jostling for position, with four of five companies sometimes vying for the same sweet spot
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Something else to be addressed, cap and trade has not been passed so why does this article state energy credits are needed?

Wind energy is only here because the government has forced wind energy on us by law. It is the government of Tyranny that forces the people to give our money to the elites in power.

Wind Farms: Are All the Best Spots Taken? | Renewable Energy World Magazine Article

These heavily populated states need wind energy, or at least the renewable energy credits the projects generate.
According to industry experts, in the United States, we have reached peak wind, every easy accessible site has been developed.

All the best sites for wind development are already exploited.

Sorry to let the air out of the bag.

There are stories on the web I can link to if people take interest in this thread.

It is a fact, all the good sites are taken, peak wind has arrived, so much for being renewable.

No amount of technology can help develop wind.

All the best sites for oil and coal development are already exploited.

Sorry to let the air out of the (wind)bag.
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According to industry experts, in the United States, we have reached peak wind, every easy accessible site has been developed.

All the best sites for wind development are already exploited.

Sorry to let the air out of the bag.

There are stories on the web I can link to if people take interest in this thread.

It is a fact, all the good sites are taken, peak wind has arrived, so much for being renewable.

No amount of technology can help develop wind.

All the best sites for oil and coal development are already exploited.

Sorry to let the air out of the (wind)bag.

That is common sense, oil exploration has largely been achieved with very old technology, now the newer technology is finding oil that is harder to find.

So are you thinking we will find a new technology to find windier areas?
We are finding new small resevoirs. No new fields like those in Saudi Arabia. Not only that, the energy ratio to get the oil from alternative sources, such as bitumen sands, are 1 to 14, down to 1 to 4 for in situ recovery. For the oil that we have traditionally depended on, the ratio was 1 to 100.

Hubbert's Peak Oil is alive and well. The economys depending on oil will not be so lucky.
Wind requires massive amounts of petroleum to manufacture all the components, why waste oil, why increase demand.

A new grid is not economically sound nor efficient.

Worlds Largest Wind Turbine Generator - Wind

Similar prototype turbines have been in operation since 2004 in Brunsbüttel, Germany requiring a 1,300 cubic metre concrete foundation constructed of 40 24 metre long concrete piles and 180 tons of steel. A further two 5M offshore wind turbines have recently (December 2006) been erected on the DEWI-OCC test field in Cuxhaven, Germany, and taken into operation. The Cuxhaven site is near to a North Sea dyke and so offers similar wind conditions to those found offshore. There are plans for at least five more of these 5M wind turbines to be installed during 2007

Worlds Largest Wind Turbine Generator - Wind

Each turbine weighs over 900 tonnes including the 120 metre tall tower which has to be anchored in the deep water. Each turbine blade is 61.5 metres long and weighs under 18 tonnes. LM Glasfiber, the turbine blade manufacturer, has made quite some achievement to keep the weight down so low thereby reducing the financial and environmental costs of building wind turbine

One foundation requires 2,811 tons of concrete

We are going to build 10,000 individual Wind Turbines.

The Wind Farm's foundation will require 28,113,000 tons of concrete. - Weight of 1 cubic meter of concrete

One cubic foot of concrete weighs about 144.05 lbs, so one cubic meter of concrete equals 2307.46 kg/m^3 or 5087.08 lb/m^3.

This can vary depending on strength, additives, and other factors. ASTM C138/C138M-01a is the standard test method for finding the density (unit weight) of concrete.

How much energy is used in concrete manufacture.

Environmental Building News - Cement and Concrete: Environmental Considerations


Energy consumption is the biggest environmental concern with cement and concrete production. Cement production is one of the most energy intensive of all industrial manufacturing processes. Including direct fuel use for mining and transporting raw materials, cement production takes about six million Btus for every ton of cement (Table 2). The average fuel mix for cement production in the United States is shown in Table 3. The industry's heavy reliance on coal leads to especially high emission levels of CO2, nitrous oxide, and sulphur, among other pollutants. A sizeable portion of the electricity used is also generated from coal

Lots of energy used, as I say, the raw material manufacture of a wind farm increase our demand on petroleum, we will use less oil if we never build wind farms.

How much CO2 will be released into the environment? One ton of CO2 per ton of concrete.

28,113,000 tons of CO2 will be released into the atmosphere. We need tens of thousands of wind turbines.

s. The national weighted average carbon intensity for cement production was estimated
at 0.97 ton CO2/ton cement in 2001

How about one hundred cement manufacturing plants. Green Energy is a giant world wide scam, Gore is now worth over 100,000,000 dollars, Clinton is now worth over 100,000,000 dollars. How much will Obama make passing the law mandating green energy, we see what Obama is spending, a trillion dollars.

I will not hold my breath as I wait for the self-proclaimed tree cutter Old Crock to respond to this post by the Electrical Power Research Institute Analyst, MDN2000

Google Image Result for

And now that Mr. Obamastan has declared millions of acres once again off-limits to oil and gas exploration, we may never know of its potential. It might only take 5 small reservoirs to equal a "Saudi Arabia" field but to dismiss the opportunity in such a cavalier fashion is pure idiocy.
MDN I commend you! That was a masterful exampl of leading someone down the primrose path!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
My wind farm failed. Either bad seeds or the wrong fertilizer I suppose.

Not sure how to harvest it anyway. I could not find a wind combine anywhere.
MDN it is obvious you have not reached peak wind yet.

I spent three hours at work last night researching my post. Not hard research but constant. And I say google is not a educational tool, its not that I learned but just putting together what I know with links that allow a reader not to have to take my word for it was time consuming.

Yes, just touching on the foundation I have not reached my "peak wind", that is funny and if I could I would give you rep for making me laugh at myself, that is the best humor when one is made to laugh at oneself.

I am not even done addressing the foundation, I have not addressed the steel in the foundation, 170 tons. These figures seemed so incredible, even to me, I had to look them up three and four times, it just seems unreal the amount of raw materials that goes into a wind farm.

And that is the key to everything happening in our government, besides the governments ability to tax us to make these projects possible the number one issue of importance is energy.

Cement producers will make billions of dollars, does anyone doubt that people will exploit this fact politically. What is the temptation when riches beyond John D. Rockefeller's dreams are possible with a couple seemingly simple laws bought by special interest.

Those who own the mines for the raw materials to make cement will profit. At this point I must research who produces each raw material that goes into concrete, I must identify the union that truck drivers belong to, I must look into the union of the miners, I must identify the unions that the workers at the actual cement plant belong to. I than need to find if they contribute to political campaigns, where the pension funds are invested.

This is why I find it so insulting when people just post a link and think they made the point and the discussion is over.

There are too many factors to consider.

Thus far everything I have mentioned is pertaining only to the concrete foundations of a single wind turbine.

What about land issues, is it BLM land, I need to find the source, I need to link. I need to find out who owns the land, I need to see if I can find if he contributes, lobbies, or is a friend of politicians.

I also need to see who gets paid to do the research, who makes all the reports connected with a wind farm.

All this should be done now before I go on to the structure of the wind mill.

What about regulations, I should of addressed this before anything else, what about the lawyers and consultants that guides a corporation through this process.

I need to do this all to prove a lumber jack is nothing more than a lumber jack, that is old crock, he swings an ax and cuts down a tree, a perfect metaphor, old crock swings his ax and posts a link and I alone, without the assistance of heavy equipment must pick up the tree, (a young blond just walked by in the hotel that made me say, oh my god, very hot), I must strip off each branch until I can expose the bark, then I peel off the bark.

Yet before I can do that Old Crock throws Geothermal at me.

Old Crock who dropped out of high school to chop down old growth forests in Oregon simply links, and links, Old Crock the lumber jack just swings, no thought, he just knows he needs to swing his ax over and over, until I get tired, Old Crock has been swinging that same ax his entire life.

Well, my time here is almost finished for the year, I will not work the next six weeks hence I will not post. Maybe a bit to keep a thread or two of mine free of Old Crock being able to call me a liar while my back is turned.

Old Crock knows when he is beat, Old Crock will ignore his posts, Old Crock will ignore his links, Old Crock will ignore everything, in a week or two Old Crock will find new tired articles and repost the same ax-swinging, mindless, links.

Peak Wind, and I have yet to finish addressing the foundation.
Poor old mdn. Just keeps posting one stupid comment after another.

Capital Press agriculture news

PGE signs preliminary deal for wind farm rights

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- Portland General Electric Co. has signed a preliminary agreement to buy development rights on a huge new wind farm planned near Condon in eastern Oregon.

The Oregonian reports that the deal gives PGE exclusive rights through the end of the year to buy the project from Renewable Energy Systems Americas Inc. Terms of the agreement have not been disclosed.

RES is still seeking state permits for the wind farm, while PGE needs a waiver from Oregon regulators to avoid the normal competitive bidding process.

The Rock Creek wind farm could encompass more than 100 square miles and produce 400 to 550 megawatts of power.

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