Pedophile Pay Too Good To Give Back

"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I wouldn't either, why would she give the money back?? And why in the hell would the Clintons give his donations back.

Is tramp refusing money from all his crooks, pedophiles, nope, he hires them. He also takes whatever money all the crooked people give to him. Where do you think his money comes from??
I'd wait to see what happens in the Courts before I did anything.

That's just smart.
"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I wouldn't either, why would she give the money back?? And why in the hell would the Clintons give his donations back.

Is tramp refusing money from all his crooks, pedophiles, nope, he hires them. He also takes whatever money all the crooked people give to him. Where do you think his money comes from??

Do you ever get dizzy? What with the needle of your moral compass constantly spinning at high speed like that? Sooner or later your camp will have no choice but to relent; relent and admit the cry "anyone but Trump" has twisted you into beings who have opened the door and invited in the end of our American Civilization. Basic tenets of a sane upbringing: two wrongs do not make a right. However, in the camp of "anyone but Trump" even a thousand-thousand wrongs still make right so long as they take down the man in the Oval Office. Seems to me your camp has far exceeded the point of no return . . .
"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I thought the whole "give Harvey Weinstein his money back" was a ridiculous thing to do too.

I mean Donald Trump accepted help from Vladimir Putin to get elected so it really doesn't matter who Democrats get their help from. Mass murders, despots and people out to destroy America are just fine and dandy helpers when you're trying to get elected.
"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I wouldn't either, why would she give the money back?? And why in the hell would the Clintons give his donations back.

Is tramp refusing money from all his crooks, pedophiles, nope, he hires them. He also takes whatever money all the crooked people give to him. Where do you think his money comes from??

Do you ever get dizzy? What with the needle of your moral compass constantly spinning at high speed like that? Sooner or later your camp will have no choice but to relent; relent and admit the cry "anyone but Trump" has twisted you into beings who have opened the door and invited in the end of our American Civilization. Basic tenets of a sane upbringing: two wrongs do not make a right. However, in the camp of "anyone but Trump" even a thousand-thousand wrongs still make right so long as they take down the man in the Oval Office. Seems to me your camp has far exceeded the point of no return . . .

No I never get dizzy. Tramp is crooked and along with an assaulter of females.

That was how it all started; Caputi said Rothstein called it the "game" and said playing it was the only route to success.

"He said, 'Listen, Trump operates the same way, the politicians operate the same way, when there's a problem you fix it," he said. "Sometimes you go outside the rules. Everybody does it, that's how it's done. That's how you get to the top."

And Caputi rode along as Rothstein's meteoric rise began, until both of them were hobnobbing with Donald Trump at his Mar-A-Lago estate. He said Trump was one of Rothstein's idols and Trump returned the respect in a big way one night at an event at the lavish Palm Beach spread.

"Donald Trump puts his arm around Scott and says, 'You know, people you're looking at probably the next United States Attorney General,'" Caputi said. "And Scott's trying to look all modest, and Arlen Specter chirps in and says, 'Maybe someday a president of the United States.' And the whole room explodes with applause like the floor of a convention."
Convicted partner of Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein tells his story

what is that they say about birds of feather flock together. You might even see Edwards nominated for a supreme court justice if an opening opens.
"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations

. think Epstein should be money he can spend on..................?
"Here's one thing you should learn about me that's really important, everybody pay attention," Rothstein said. "If you are going to attack me in any fashion, be prepared for the counter attack and understand that I duel with people much much smarter than you every day. Understand that the repercussions of engaging me could open the gates of hell. Understand that I am capable of evil far beyond anything your imagination could ever conjure up."

A voice from behind the camera pipes up: "I can verify this as actual fact."
Convicted partner of Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein tells his story
and tramp does exactly the same. The above is said by an observant jew.
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"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I thought the whole "give Harvey Weinstein his money back" was a ridiculous thing to do too.

I mean Donald Trump accepted help from Vladimir Putin to get elected so it really doesn't matter who Democrats get their help from. Mass murders, despots and people out to destroy America are just fine and dandy helpers when you're trying to get elected.

Pooty was already working under O. Remember, O told em that they need to wait until he gets reelected. It must be fascinating in your alice in wonderland adventures.
"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I wouldn't either, why would she give the money back?? And why in the hell would the Clintons give his donations back.

Is tramp refusing money from all his crooks, pedophiles, nope, he hires them. He also takes whatever money all the crooked people give to him. Where do you think his money comes from??

Do you ever get dizzy? What with the needle of your moral compass constantly spinning at high speed like that? Sooner or later your camp will have no choice but to relent; relent and admit the cry "anyone but Trump" has twisted you into beings who have opened the door and invited in the end of our American Civilization. Basic tenets of a sane upbringing: two wrongs do not make a right. However, in the camp of "anyone but Trump" even a thousand-thousand wrongs still make right so long as they take down the man in the Oval Office. Seems to me your camp has far exceeded the point of no return . . .

No I never get dizzy. Tramp is crooked and along with an assaulter of females.

That was how it all started; Caputi said Rothstein called it the "game" and said playing it was the only route to success.

"He said, 'Listen, Trump operates the same way, the politicians operate the same way, when there's a problem you fix it," he said. "Sometimes you go outside the rules. Everybody does it, that's how it's done. That's how you get to the top."

And Caputi rode along as Rothstein's meteoric rise began, until both of them were hobnobbing with Donald Trump at his Mar-A-Lago estate. He said Trump was one of Rothstein's idols and Trump returned the respect in a big way one night at an event at the lavish Palm Beach spread.

"Donald Trump puts his arm around Scott and says, 'You know, people you're looking at probably the next United States Attorney General,'" Caputi said. "And Scott's trying to look all modest, and Arlen Specter chirps in and says, 'Maybe someday a president of the United States.' And the whole room explodes with applause like the floor of a convention."
Convicted partner of Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein tells his story

what is that they say about birds of feather flock together. You might even see Edwards nominated for a supreme court justice if an opening opens.

what is that they say about birds of feather flock together.

and some live in clocks

"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I thought the whole "give Harvey Weinstein his money back" was a ridiculous thing to do too.

I mean Donald Trump accepted help from Vladimir Putin to get elected so it really doesn't matter who Democrats get their help from. Mass murders, despots and people out to destroy America are just fine and dandy helpers when you're trying to get elected.

Pooty was already working under O. Remember, O told em that they need to wait until he gets reelected. It must be fascinating in your alice in wonderland adventures.

Well that's an interesting interrpretation of a 10 second comment, taken completely out of context.

As the saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words", and in that regard, Obama has done NOTHING that has helped Putin in any of his schemes. Obama slapped massive sanctions on Russia that is crippling their economy, and prevented the annexation of the Ukraine. The sanctions have been so crippling that Putin has been desperate to get rid of them.

Dumb Donald has made a big show of announcing sanctions against Russia, but in fact has never implemented the any of the sanctions he's announced. "Sound and fury, signifying nothing", is a pretty good description of Trump's bluster in dealing with Russia. He's actually lifted sanctions against Russians involved in the hackings, and torn up all of the trade deals and military alliances and treaties that have made the USA the richest most powerful country in the world.

Trump has fractured NATO - a major Putin goal, is allowing Kim to keep his nukes, and is harming the US economy. It's a win/win for Putin. You have no ratified trade deals with any of your major trading partners, and Trump negotiated a deal with Mexico, and before it's even ratified, Trump is slapping tariffs on Mexico willy nilly. Hardly a reliable negotiator.

Putin must be thrilled with his investment in Trump. I mean he keeps paying you to post here.
"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I thought the whole "give Harvey Weinstein his money back" was a ridiculous thing to do too.

I mean Donald Trump accepted help from Vladimir Putin to get elected so it really doesn't matter who Democrats get their help from. Mass murders, despots and people out to destroy America are just fine and dandy helpers when you're trying to get elected.

Pooty was already working under O. Remember, O told em that they need to wait until he gets reelected. It must be fascinating in your alice in wonderland adventures.

Well that's an interesting interrpretation of a 10 second comment, taken completely out of context.

As the saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words", and in that regard, Obama has done NOTHING that has helped Putin in any of his schemes. Obama slapped massive sanctions on Russia that is crippling their economy, and prevented the annexation of the Ukraine. The sanctions have been so crippling that Putin has been desperate to get rid of them.

Dumb Donald has made a big show of announcing sanctions against Russia, but in fact has never implemented the any of the sanctions he's announced. "Sound and fury, signifying nothing", is a pretty good description of Trump's bluster in dealing with Russia. He's actually lifted sanctions against Russians involved in the hackings, and torn up all of the trade deals and military alliances and treaties that have made the USA the richest most powerful country in the world.

Trump has fractured NATO - a major Putin goal, is allowing Kim to keep his nukes, and is harming the US economy. It's a win/win for Putin. You have no ratified trade deals with any of your major trading partners, and Trump negotiated a deal with Mexico, and before it's even ratified, Trump is slapping tariffs on Mexico willy nilly. Hardly a reliable negotiator.

Putin must be thrilled with his investment in Trump. I mean he keeps paying you to post here.

Obama has done NOTHING that has helped Putin in any of his schemes.

Including stopping Russian involvement in the 2016 election
Better Russian than democrat.

Russians haven't really accomplished anything since they overthrew the Romanovs. No great achievements in art, science or the humanities. The only way you can win an Olympic medal is to drug your athletes and cheat. The Russian people I know are really nice, decent people, but your leaders are the worst of the worst.

But to you, it is better to be a lying cheating murderous despot seeking to control the world, than a person who cares about other people and is working for a better nation.

You lying trolls expose yourself every time you make a post like this.
"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I thought the whole "give Harvey Weinstein his money back" was a ridiculous thing to do too.

I mean Donald Trump accepted help from Vladimir Putin to get elected so it really doesn't matter who Democrats get their help from. Mass murders, despots and people out to destroy America are just fine and dandy helpers when you're trying to get elected.

Pooty was already working under O. Remember, O told em that they need to wait until he gets reelected. It must be fascinating in your alice in wonderland adventures.

Well that's an interesting interrpretation of a 10 second comment, taken completely out of context.

As the saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words", and in that regard, Obama has done NOTHING that has helped Putin in any of his schemes. Obama slapped massive sanctions on Russia that is crippling their economy, and prevented the annexation of the Ukraine. The sanctions have been so crippling that Putin has been desperate to get rid of them.

Dumb Donald has made a big show of announcing sanctions against Russia, but in fact has never implemented the any of the sanctions he's announced. "Sound and fury, signifying nothing", is a pretty good description of Trump's bluster in dealing with Russia. He's actually lifted sanctions against Russians involved in the hackings, and torn up all of the trade deals and military alliances and treaties that have made the USA the richest most powerful country in the world.

Trump has fractured NATO - a major Putin goal, is allowing Kim to keep his nukes, and is harming the US economy. It's a win/win for Putin. You have no ratified trade deals with any of your major trading partners, and Trump negotiated a deal with Mexico, and before it's even ratified, Trump is slapping tariffs on Mexico willy nilly. Hardly a reliable negotiator.

Putin must be thrilled with his investment in Trump. I mean he keeps paying you to post here.

Obama has done NOTHING that has helped Putin in any of his schemes.

Including stopping Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Obama showed far too much deference to Mitch McConnell and the Republicans and their refusal to disavow Russian interference. Of course Republicans were hip deep in getting help from Putin so of course McConnell didn't want it to end. It was working. The problem with being an honest person is that you never think that other Americans are working with the Russians, because no decent person would ever do such a thing.
Better Russian than democrat.

Russians haven't really accomplished anything since they overthrew the Romanovs. No great achievements in art, science or the humanities. The only way you can win an Olympic medal is to drug your athletes and cheat. The Russian people I know are really nice, decent people, but your leaders are the worst of the worst.

But to you, it is better to be a lying cheating murderous despot seeking to control the world, than a person who cares about other people and is working for a better nation.

You lying trolls expose yourself every time you make a post like this.
Democrats are satan wannabes. They are the lowest of the low. They are the most evil of all evil. Democrats care about other people the same way serial killers care about other people. They only destroy.

Russia warned us about the Boston Bombers. Democrats let them go as innocent refugees.

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