Pedophile Priests

What is the appropriate punishment for pedophile priests?

  • Nothing. They did nothing wrong.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crucifixion

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Community service

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Prison time

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters
Gabriella84 said:
As you all should agree, pedophilia is a very serious and repulsive crime against children. And since all Catholic priests either engage in pedophilia or support it by their non-action, should Catholicism be abolished?

Not sure why I am going to bother wasting my time here, I'm figuring she won't produce anything anyway but let's try.................

So please I am curious to how you came about that ALL Catholic priests are pedophillia or supporting it, link please!
GunnyL said:
True enough. Why I voted for crucifixion. That WILL solve the problem permanently.

Pedophiles are bad enough, but priests are an especially evil brand of pedophile because they abuse their positon as representatives of the Church and Christianity and everything that is supposed to be good to screw up for life the minds/emotional states of the innocent.

Crucifixion is actually letting them off easy as far as I'm concerned, but I didn't see a harsher choice. Hanged, drawn and quartered would be more like it.

I think Crucifixion is too good for them. Why should these vile people suffer the same death as our Savior? Even Peter did not find himself worthy of this honor and begged to by crucified upsidedown.
nucular said:
The cross is a bad logo for a product. A dude being tortured? Not exactly as catchy as the Harley or Coke logo.

Are you trying to compare a religion to motorcycle or sugary drink?
Abbey Normal said:
.........Johns Hopkins University psychiatrist and expert on treating sex offenders, Fred Berlin, points out that castration works "mainly in those who are sexually aroused by their crime...sadists and pedophiles."
Thank you for this enlightenment. I was not aware of some of the things this article pointed out. With the findings from these studies I believe then physical castration over the chemical would be preferred in case the medication could not be obtained.

When someone uses a weapon to commit a crime that weapon is taken away from the offender. In such cases and even those of rape I am in great support of their weapon being taken away. I think it should be removed, let them look at it sitting in a jar of formaldahyde, and squat to pee.
Joz said:
Thank you for this enlightenment. I was not aware of some of the things this article pointed out. With the findings from these studies I believe then physical castration over the chemical would be preferred in case the medication could not be obtained.

When someone uses a weapon to commit a crime that weapon is taken away from the offender. In such cases and even those of rape I am in great support of their weapon being taken away. I think it should be removed, let them look at it sitting in a jar of formaldahyde, and squat to pee.

I'll drink to that, and if you want to join me, I'm buying. :beer:
MissileMan said:
It had the "effect" of making you sound like an overzealous bigot. Was that the effect you were shooting for?.

OK, sorry, bad judgement on my part! I do have a problem with people attacking the Catholic Church, though, I take that very personally!

Perhaps the overzealous bigot that elicited such a remark from me can explain herself?
Trinity said:
Not sure why I am going to bother wasting my time here, I'm figuring she won't produce anything anyway but let's try.................

So please I am curious to how you came about that ALL Catholic priests are pedophillia or supporting it, link please!

Me too. My grandmother's second husband was a priest, probably the most soft spoken and gentle man I've ever met.
MtnBiker said:
Are you trying to compare a religion to motorcycle or sugary drink?

I'm comparing X-ianity to every other product whose raison d'etre is to make money, competes with similar products, and makes unsupportable claims to sell itself. It's a product, that's why it has a logo. A bad logo in my opinion, but hey, that's personal taste. I like Buddhism's logo, a dude sitting in a meditative pose. If I were shopping for a religion that would work better for me than a dude who got the death penalty.
nucular said:
I'm comparing X-ianity to every other product whose raison d'etre is to make money, competes with similar products, and makes unsupportable claims to sell itself. It's a product, that's why it has a logo. A bad logo in my opinion, but hey, that's personal taste. I like Buddhism's logo, a dude sitting in a meditative pose. If I were shopping for a religion that would work better for me than a dude who got the death penalty.

What's unsupported about Chrisitanity, exactly?
nucular said:
I'm comparing X-ianity to every other product whose raison d'etre is to make money, competes with similar products, and makes unsupportable claims to sell itself. It's a product, that's why it has a logo. A bad logo in my opinion, but hey, that's personal taste. I like Buddhism's logo, a dude sitting in a meditative pose. If I were shopping for a religion that would work better for me than a dude who got the death penalty.

Q: What is the difference between the ideology of the Left and Communism?
A: None. If we let them take over, there will be re-education camps, confiscation of private property, religious persecution, the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus and pretty much, the end of Western Civilization as we know it. The remarks of G84 and now nucular just prove my point. The sad thing, is that these two cannot see their bigotry and prejudice. I guess whoever got to these two must have used the extra-strength brain wash (the kind that removes even the toughest neurons).
Said1 said:
What's unsupported about Chrisitanity, exactly?

Broads getting pregnant without sex, dudes dying and coming back to life. Just for starters.
nucular said:
Broads getting pregnant without sex, dudes dying and coming back to life. Just for starters.

How do you know it isn't true? Your claims are unsupported as well, dude.
nucular said:
I'm comparing X-ianity to every other product whose raison d'etre is to make money, competes with similar products, and makes unsupportable claims to sell itself. It's a product, that's why it has a logo. A bad logo in my opinion, but hey, that's personal taste. I like Buddhism's logo, a dude sitting in a meditative pose. If I were shopping for a religion that would work better for me than a dude who got the death penalty.

Let's see if I can address all of your points.

First, the cross is not the main symbol of Christianity by accident. It is on purpose. The reason is that the death of Jesus is central to Christian theology. Humankind, being inherently sinful, was lost and without hope to stand in judgment before a holy God. However, Jesus, being 100% perfect and without sin, was able to offer himself as a substitutionary sacrifice, paying the penalty (death) for the sins of all mankind. The use of a cross as a symbol of Christianity keeps Christ's death - and sacrifice - in the forefront of our minds.

Second, you are wrong in stating that Christianity's purpose is to make money. Money is important in supporting ministries, but the ministries are the 'raison d'etre' of the Church - to spread the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Third, if you are basing your search for religion from logos, you have issues.

Fourth, given the mountains of evidence that support the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection, how exactly do you call them "unsupportable?"
nucular said:
Broads getting pregnant without sex, dudes dying and coming back to life. Just for starters.
Like the universe started out as a speck smaller than an atom

Like the entire human race is descended from apes

Like the entire universe is actually 11 dimensional

Like there exist stars that are so massive that not even light can escape

Like matter, if it exists long enough decays into protons

Like all matter is comprised of small vibrating strings that are too tiny to detect even with our most powerful instruments

that's for starters
I finally understand how nucular is thinking and it appalls. Nucular thinks Christianity was completely fabricated so some people could make money of the donations of the "gullible." If this was true, then yes, choosing an execution tool for the "logo" would be stupid. However, this assumption is insulting to any who believe in Jesus. Jesus is not a product, He is salvation and a way of life.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Joz
Priest should be no different than any other citizen. We currently send pedophiles to prison than subject them to Macy's law. Often a requirement for parole is to be medically castrated for the duration of the remainder of your sentence.

As to physical castration, NO. For a couple of reasons.

First, if done improperly, the amount of possible blood loss is enormous, and possibly fatal.

Secondly, It can cripple you (as in make walking extremely difficult, and painfull) for the rest of your life.
deaddude said:
Priest should be no different than any other citizen. We currently send pedophiles to prison than subject them to Macy's law. Often a requirement for parole is to be medically castrated for the duration of the remainder of your sentence.

As to physical castration, NO. For a couple of reasons.

First, if done improperly, the amount of possible blood loss is enormous, and possibly fatal.

Secondly, It can cripple you (as in make walking extremely difficult, and painfull) for the rest of your life.

This is a pedophile.. A molester of children..

How, exactly (and be specific) is a loss of blood, and an inability to walk without pain a problem???
deaddude said:
..... the amount of possible blood loss is enormous, and possibly fatal.
I'm with Shattered. Just HOW is this a BAD thing???

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