Pedophiles and the Death Penalty

Should pedophiles face the possibility of a death sentence?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • No.

    Votes: 16 61.5%

  • Total voters
I voted no on the assumption that you did not mean in the case of a child dying. I do believe long jails sentences and chemical castration should be required.

But castration wouldn't stop molesting..

It stops the desire. At least that is my understanding.

In the case of general rape its not true. In studies done on rapists who had this treatment it did not stop the desires and those who became free after their sentences went on to rape again, but used objects and such since they couldn't use their body. its more about power than sex. how this translates to pedos I am not sure
liability your an agry dude, i'd beat that out of you should you ever be man enough to say that to my face. tool

Wrong again, fuckface. No you wouldn't. You lay a finger on me and I break it off at your shoulder to use as a club to pummel the stupid out of you. Granted, that would take QUITE a long time, but there it is.

See that? You made an arrogant and ultimately baseless statement and I am equally able to respond in kind. So what did you "prove," you mindless blowhard? :lol:

You are an arrogant twat hypocrite, by the way. Review our little chat, asshole. Make a note of which one of us "engaged" the other first, and how that engagement went.

Then, try to pull your thick stupid head outta your ass. I wouldn't want you to suffocate.
And how many times do we see the families of crime victims on television, screaming for "justice." Just once, I'd like to see one of them use the word to describe what they are really after: VENGENCE.

I can understand their feelings - please do not misinterpret what I am saying here. And they might well be entitled to vengence. But at least have the stones to call it what it really is instead of debasing the word, "justice" in that fashion.
Since retribution is absolutely a part of justice, when the family of victims cry out for justice, they are using the right terminology.

Your flawed thinking leads you to your erroneous conclusions. Guys like you claim that vengeance (retribution) is something outside of justice. It isn't. Vengeance (retribution) is a significant and completely valid part of justice.

I recognize that retribution is indeed an established component of sentencing in criminal cases. As well it should be.

When I was critical of victim's families who cry out for "justice" when it is obvious they only are after revenge, I was referring to such activity in a PRE-trial context. We all have seen it: the mother of a murder victim telling a television camera that all they want is "justice" for their murdered son as she is about to go into the courtroom to start the trial.

Obviously, Mom has assumed the defendant is guilty before trial even begins. I would submit that vengence masked as "justice" at that stage of the game, is premature. Let's get the defendant convicted and THEN talk about "justice" in the context of an appropriate sentence.

Let's consider that for a moment. Some random bastard kidnaps a young girl. After the Amber Alert and after unimaginably painful waiting, one day weeks or months later, the police come upon the corpse of a young girl. We've all seen this scenario, unfortunately, on morning news shows. The victim turns out to be the kidnap victim and forensic science discovers that she had been raped before being murdered. The child's mother might be expected to be inconsolable. The police do their thing and make an arrest. There are several factors, including forensic material, which conclusively establish that the suspect was the kidnapper, the rapist and murderer.

Well before trial, the mother (and other family members) of the child victim cry out for justice. And let's be blunt. What they mean absolutely does mean vengeance or retribution.

But the defendant hasn't been proved guilty yet.

My question for such a case is: who really cares if the family means retribution when they vocally demand "justice?" And who cares that the defendant hasn't yet had his trial?

One of the virtues (no accident -- it's by design) of the legal system is that society doesn't get to act on the family's grief. Instead, partially by design, the legal process takes its time and it follows its course. But the end product is still supposed to be "justice," and that includes retribution.
liability your an agry dude, i'd beat that out of you should you ever be man enough to say that to my face. tool

Wrong again, fuckface. No you wouldn't. You lay a finger on me and I break it off at your shoulder to use as a club to pummel the stupid out of you. Granted, that would take QUITE a long time, but there it is.

See that? You made an arrogant and ultimately baseless statement and I am equally able to respond in kind. So what did you "prove," you mindless blowhard? :lol:

You are an arrogant twat hypocrite, by the way. Review our little chat, asshole. Make a note of which one of us "engaged" the other first, and how that engagement went.

Then, try to pull your thick stupid head outta your ass. I wouldn't want you to suffocate.

I'd love you to try douchey liability, I'll fix your anger problem for ya.
liability your an agry dude, i'd beat that out of you should you ever be man enough to say that to my face. tool

Wrong again, fuckface. No you wouldn't. You lay a finger on me and I break it off at your shoulder to use as a club to pummel the stupid out of you. Granted, that would take QUITE a long time, but there it is.

See that? You made an arrogant and ultimately baseless statement and I am equally able to respond in kind. So what did you "prove," you mindless blowhard? :lol:

You are an arrogant twat hypocrite, by the way. Review our little chat, asshole. Make a note of which one of us "engaged" the other first, and how that engagement went.

Then, try to pull your thick stupid head outta your ass. I wouldn't want you to suffocate.

I'd love you to try douchey liability, I'll fix your anger problem for ya.

Just get in touch with the fact that you (despite you internet tough guy persona) are actually a fucking sissy boy.

I could fix your problem, by the way.

There ya go, stupid. Some symmetry just for you.

Glad to be able to help. :lol:

(BTW, as I already tried to correct your stupid and erroneous "thinking," I'm not angry. Not even miffed or irked or annoyed. I told you. I enjoy exposing fraudulent blowhards like you.)
I think those who do not support the death penalty would change their tune if something happened to a child they loved. Pedophiles don't rehabilitate. There should be no forgiveness for this kind of crime against children.
I don't support the justice department doing it. You know the same Justice department under Ashcroft (the biggest douchebag ever) that jailed Tommy Chong for selling bongs. Great use of our tax dollars.

Some tool would have molested my kids, I would have laid out the death sentence.
We had a guy in Nawlins shoot a molester at the airport as he's being brought back under custody. The Dad was roudnly cheered here.
I don't support the justice department doing it. You know the same Justice department under Ashcroft (the biggest douchebag ever) that jailed Tommy Chong for selling bongs. Great use of our tax dollars.

Some tool would have molested my kids, I would have laid out the death sentence.
We had a guy in Nawlins shoot a molester at the airport as he's being brought back under custody. The Dad was roudnly cheered here.

How original. flopspin's recipe:

Start with one heavy dose of pre-canned mistrust of the criminal justice system. Add a hypothetical story about one's own child getting abused by a pedophile. Insert a bit of that old internet warrior bravado and a dash of the belief that the locals would all applaud you. Let stew for a moment and viola! Vigilante "justice."

Serves 1.

And the guys who are the loudest-mouthed, grunting, toughest bastard in the valley supporters of vigilantism never seem able to figure out what that kind of behavior would lead to in the long run for society.
I think those who do not support the death penalty would change their tune if something happened to a child they loved. Pedophiles don't rehabilitate. There should be no forgiveness for this kind of crime against children.

real justice is absent of emotions and rash decisions
I think those who do not support the death penalty would change their tune if something happened to a child they loved. Pedophiles don't rehabilitate. There should be no forgiveness for this kind of crime against children.

real justice is absent of emotions and rash decisions

There's no such thing. We are humans and we have emotions. Period.
I think those who do not support the death penalty would change their tune if something happened to a child they loved. Pedophiles don't rehabilitate. There should be no forgiveness for this kind of crime against children.

real justice is absent of emotions and rash decisions

Rash decisions are to be avoided. That is plainly true.

But even attempting to take emotion out of "real justice" is a bad idea.

We aren't computers and we aren't "Vulcans." And for the very reason that retribution is a valid part of the criminal justice system, emotions are an integral component of justice itself.

It would, of course, be a mistake to permit emotion to run unfettered. But it would also be a mistake to root it out altogether.
Tommy Chong jailed by Ashcroft for selling bongs at the cost of several million. FACT
your parents did think you were a liablitily and you shouldn't have settled on a GED. But it is what it is.
I think those who do not support the death penalty would change their tune if something happened to a child they loved. Pedophiles don't rehabilitate. There should be no forgiveness for this kind of crime against children.

real justice is absent of emotions and rash decisions

Rash decisions are to be avoided. That is plainly true.

But even attempting to take emotion out of "real justice" is a bad idea.

We aren't computers and we aren't "Vulcans." And for the very reason that retribution is a valid part of the criminal justice system, emotions are an integral component of justice itself.

It would, of course, be a mistake to permit emotion to run unfettered. But it would also be a mistake to root it out altogether.


It's impossible to avoid some emotion, because we're humans. But it should be strived for.
They jail hot female teachers for having sex with 16 & 17 yr old boys.

Teachers in jail, boy's in the hospital with shoulder surgery.
From too many high fives
Finally, there is no debate about putting pedophiles to death for thinking their evil thoughts. The "thought crimes" argument is pure stupidity. We are talking about the penalties for criminal action. If some sick piece of shit THINKS about raping a child, but never does anything even approaching that twisted thinking, his pedophilia-inclinations aren't subject to any punishment. But if that sick fuck DOES violate some child, then he has committed a crime and would be subject to arrrest, prosecution, conviction and sentencing.

Well that's good, I guess I just misinterpreted the intent.
What proof? It logically follows that if a person knows they will get the death penalty for what they are doing, they are more likely to kill the victim so there will be no witnesses. The thinking of the perp goes like this: "Since I will get the death penalty merely for doing this, what have I got to lose by making sure I don't get caught? I'll kill the victim, so there will be no witnesses. Might as well - they're going to snuff me if I get caught for the molestation anyway."


Your's is the only commenmt so far that makes any sense. These other f**king a**holes have to check the opinions of Glenn Beck (an alcholic) and/or Rush Limpdick (a drug addict) before they respond to anything. Intellect is not a storng Conservative point.
What proof? It logically follows that if a person knows they will get the death penalty for what they are doing, they are more likely to kill the victim so there will be no witnesses. The thinking of the perp goes like this: "Since I will get the death penalty merely for doing this, what have I got to lose by making sure I don't get caught? I'll kill the victim, so there will be no witnesses. Might as well - they're going to snuff me if I get caught for the molestation anyway."


Your's is the only commenmt so far that makes any sense. These other f**king a**holes have to check the opinions of Glenn Beck (an alcholic) and/or Rush Limpdick (a drug addict) before they respond to anything. Intellect is not a storng Conservative point.

Beck - RECOVERING alcoholic
Rush - Recovered prescription drug addict

Is it true what they say about you? Are you a pedophile?

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