Pedophiles demanding their rights as a protected class

NAMBLA a group that proudly rapes young boys supports Hillary.
I'm betting you are full of bullshit as usual since you have no link. No one in their right mind is going to support pedos molesting kids.
The number one race for being a pedophile in America is Negro.
The number faith for pedophiles is Islam.

That's a fucking lie.

Another Leftists coming to stand up for the honor is ISLAM and Pedophilia!
NAMBLA a group that proudly rapes young boys supports Hillary.
I'm betting you are full of bullshit as usual since you have no link. No one in their right mind is going to support pedos molesting kids.
The number one race for being a pedophile in America is Negro.
The number faith for pedophiles is Islam.
Do you honestly expect anyone one to believe that? There is a reason you belong to a problematic gene pool. Whites are the number 1 race for pedos. Still waiting on a link.
NAMBLA a group that proudly rapes young boys supports Hillary.
I'm betting you are full of bullshit as usual since you have no link. No one in their right mind is going to support pedos molesting kids.
The number one race for being a pedophile in America is Negro.
The number faith for pedophiles is Islam.

That's a fucking lie.
His entire life is a lie. Posting BS here comes easy.
NAMBLA a group that proudly rapes young boys supports Hillary.
I'm betting you are full of bullshit as usual since you have no link. No one in their right mind is going to support pedos molesting kids.
The number one race for being a pedophile in America is Negro.
The number faith for pedophiles is Islam.

That's a fucking lie.

Another Leftists coming to stand up for the honor is ISLAM and Pedophilia!

Another fucking lie from wherermybrains.
NAMBLA a group that proudly rapes young boys supports Hillary.
I'm betting you are full of bullshit as usual since you have no link. No one in their right mind is going to support pedos molesting kids.
The number one race for being a pedophile in America is Negro.
The number faith for pedophiles is Islam.
Do you honestly expect anyone one to believe that? There is a reason you belong to a problematic gene pool. Whites are the number 1 race for pedos. Still waiting on a link.
BY ROBERT LINDSAY | MAY 5, 2010 · 9:59 PM
Myth: Whites Are More Likely to be Pedophiles and Child Molesters
There is a long-standing myth perpetrated by Blacks and White anti-racists like Tim Wise that Whites are more likely to molest children than any other race. This goes back to some stereotype of the creepy, nerdy, weirdo White guy who can’t get laid so he molests kids.

About time we shot this myth full of holes like it needs to be.

First of all, let’s look at child abuse in general, including sexual and all other types of abuse.


% of total child abusers:

White 51%
African American 25%
Hispanic 15%
American Indian/Alaska Natives 2%
Asian/Pacific Islanders 1%
Relative to their population, likelihood of child abuse compared to background population rate:

American Indian +100%
Blacks +92%
Hispanics no difference
Whites -35%
Asian -67%
On an individual basis, American Indians are most likely to abuse a child in some way or other, then Blacks, then Hispanics, then Whites, then Asians.

The high Amerindian rate is probably due to the utterly collapsed nature of Amerindian families and societies as a whole. The high Black rate is because, well, Blacks have elevated rates of most crimes compared to Whites, Hispanics, Asians and Amerindians. Low Asian rate is probably because across almost all crime stats, Asians typically have the lowest rates of them all.

As you can see, not only are Whites less likely to abuse kids than Blacks, they have one of the lowest child abuse rates of any ethnic group in the US, surpassed only by Asians.

The argument that Whites are more likely to molest children uses these statistics:

Those inmates who were convicted of committing violent acts against children were more like to have been White, a percentage of nearly 70%, than any other race.

The figure is from the Bureau of Prisons, 1991. In 1991, Whites were 74% of the population, and they were “nearly 70% of those convicted of child molesting.” In other words, Whites are about 7% less likely to commit child molestation than an average American.

The problem with the 1991 report was that, as usual, Hispanics were lumped in with Whites in terms of crime perpetrators, artificially inflating the White rate. The 1994 Justice Department report finally disaggregates Whites from Hispanics. The results, % of total child molesters by race:

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Another Leftists coming to stand up for the honor is ISLAM and Pedophilia!

Another fucking lie from wherermybrains.

ROFLMNAO! She comes to deny the incontrovertible fact... wherein there is not a single Adult/Child Sex Advocacy group is NOT 100% HOMOSEXUAL. And she comes to deny that Islamic Cultures are RIFE with pedophilia... Thus there's no prominent culture of "Dancing Boys" in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

She knows the truth, but she comes to deny it... therefore she is:

Another Leftists coming to stand up for the honor is ISLAM and Pedophilia!
Another Leftists coming to stand up for the honor is ISLAM and Pedophilia!

Another fucking lie from wherermybrains.

ROFLMNAO! She comes to deny the incontrovertible fact... wherein there is not a single Adult/Child Sex Advocacy group is NOT 100% HOMOSEXUAL. And she comes to deny that Islamic Cultures are RIFE with pedophilia... Thus there's no prominent culture of "Dancing Boys" in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

She knows the truth, but she comes to deny it... therefore she is:

Another Leftists coming to stand up for the honor is ISLAM and Pedophilia!

What the hell are you blabbering about? No one is talking about other cultures. No one is talking about Islam. Go crawl back under your rock.
Another Leftists coming to stand up for the honor is ISLAM and Pedophilia!

Another fucking lie from wherermybrains.

ROFLMNAO! She comes to deny the incontrovertible fact... wherein there is not a single Adult/Child Sex Advocacy group is NOT 100% HOMOSEXUAL. And she comes to deny that Islamic Cultures are RIFE with pedophilia... Thus there's no prominent culture of "Dancing Boys" in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

She knows the truth, but she comes to deny it... therefore she is:

Another Leftists coming to stand up for the honor is ISLAM and Pedophilia!

What the hell are you blabbering about? No one is talking about other cultures. No one is talking about Islam. Go crawl back under your rock.

ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up!

They're truly helpless... .
NAMBLA a group that proudly rapes young boys supports Hillary.
Nambla does not exist
Not very intelligent are you?
Maybe you are one of them for all we know.

The Recurring Myth of the NAMBLA Membership List Our membership list has NEVER come into the possession of any unauthorized person or law enforcement ...
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The Criminalization of Youth
Youth Views and Issues
The Criminal Injustice System
Stories of Man/Boy Love
Personal Experience
Social Issues
Social and Biological Sciences
Cross-Cultural Studies
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What's New
The latest additions and changes to our site

Current Features
When Labour Loved Liberty
(and Before They Changed Their Minds)
by Eric Tazelaar

Remembering A Lover of Boys
Michael Jackson's Dangerous Liaisons, by Tom O'Carroll
Reviewed by Eric Tazelaar

The 'Non-Wisdom' of Crowds
Defender of Anonymous Outraged By Our Lack of Passivity
by Eric Tazelaar & Joe Power

Hipster Vigilantism and the New Populist Attack On Free Speech
Anonymous' Decidedly Illiberal Campaign To Silence Us

by Eric Tazelaar

Tom Flanagan's Ultimate Career Stopper
How a Conservative Party eminence came up against the limits of free speech in Canada.

by Eric Tazelaar

If Oprah's Lying About Being Sexually Abused As A Child, Who Else Might Be?
The dangers to which we come when truth is suppressed by a culture, a media, a government and one very powerful individual

by Eric Tazelaar


Rupert's Comeuppance
The unraveling of a once cozy relationship

by Adam Davies

The Recurring Myth of the NAMBLA Membership List
Our membership list has NEVER come into the possession of any unauthorized person or law enforcement agency, regardless of any reports otherwise.

by Eric Tazelaar

The Disappearance of Etan Patz and, With Him, Another Age

by Eric Tazelaar

Note: On May 28, 2012, We have added answers to a
second set of follow-up questions, below:

Answers to questions for a Swiss radio documentary

An Extraordinary Life: writings by, or about, Tom Reeves

We Remember Tom Reeves, one of NAMbLA's Founders

Some Thoughts on Joe Paterno
by Peter Herman

Soft Science, Hard Time: The Expanding Sexual Regulatory State As Facilitated By 'Science-LIght' more

by Eric Tazelaar

Book Review: "The Trauma Myth" by Susan A. Clancy

Clancy bravely contends that adult/child sexual interactions are seldom traumatic to the child at the time of occurrence. In the predictable furor that resulted, she is at pains to clarify her position on "pedophilia": she's very much against it.
by Peter Herman

NAMBLA, Humor and the Media

An essay examining popular cultural references to NAMBLA and how the media distorts our message

by Peter Herman

An Open Response to LGBT Misconceptions

We respond to South Florida Gay News' perfunctory dismissal of intergenerational relationships. (more)

NOTICE: It has recently come to our attention that one or more persons are using the word NAMBLA as part of an identifier on Twitter. We want to make it perfectly clear that our organization does not participate in any on-line social media, has never done so, and never will. Anyone using our name should be reported to the site for a violation of their terms-of-service.

Gay Marriage
- an opinion piece by Peter Herman

Reluctant congratulations may be in order for the beneficiaries of New York State's gay marriage bill. Though marriage is not everybody's thing, one can understand the aspirations of those who long for social acceptance and for the open recognition of their love and choice of partners. I say reluctant because it is quite clear that a good segment of the gay community had to be co-opted by government to achieve their current but tenuous degree of acceptance and, now, the dubious privilege of attaching the word "marriage" to civil unions that would otherwise have had all the same privileges and responsibilities.

In aping the heterosexual lifestyle ("We're just like everybody else except for our choice of partners.") much of the gay leadership has cast overboard those they felt to be a liability. They would also disown, were they alive today, the likes of Allan Ginsberg, Oscar Wilde, Socrates and many other such luminaries and icons of civilization. Even if we do not agree with the assimilationist aspirations of those seeking gay marriages, we can admire the steadfastness of those who struggled to achieve their goal. Were they only to grant the same tolerance for the love that does dare to speak its name, the same love celebrated in the art and poetry of many cultures, the love between man and boy that was once synonymous with forbidden homosexuality.

The opponents of gay marriages, including hypocrites in the Catholic Church, claimed to know what is natural and what the word of their variously characterized gods is. These naysayers are certainly entitled to their opinions but they fail to grasp that these are far from universal.

For those who would deny the expression of mutually felt love and affection, we say believe what you will but do not invent harm where there is none.

A new regular column with links to things worth reading about. (more ...)

A Truly Odious Ruling
The Catch-22 is officially enshrined in New Jersey state law. (more ... )

The American Psikhushka
The pseudo-scientific justifications for the irrational treatment of man/boy love have precedents. (more ... )

Scott Brown's Story Reveals America's Greatest Concerns For Child Abuse
Why does physical abuse of children seem to be an afterthought to the U.S. media? An opinion piece by Eric Tazelaar (more ... )

Is Fox Gullible?
Somebody didn't do their homework (more ... )

The Lie Of Freedom Versus the Truth Of Family
A remembrance of a Nobel Prize winner persecuted for loving boys (more ... )

Guilt By Association, Twice Removed
The rightwing media elements are at it again. One of their most recent attacks has been aimed at Kevin Jennings, the Safe Schools Czar nominee. (more ... )

Walking the Line (again)
Years ago, members of NAMBLA had the audacity to demonstrate in front of Bridgewater State Hospital. The demonstrators marched with signs denouncing the treatment of men being held for consensual relationships outlawed by the state. (more ... )

Prison Scandal at Coalinga
Denizens of the state "mental health" prison in Coalinga, California are challenging the conditions of their confinement. The death of an inmate has brought attention to the conditions at the facility. (more ... )

Teen Torture On Trial
The case of the killing of 14-year-old Martin Lee Anderson by guards at a state-run juvenile “boot camp” in Florida has put the spotlight on violence in youth detention centers. (more ... )

Is Well-Meaning Good Enough?
"Reform Sex Offender Laws", the latest voice for common sense, has a new web site. NAMBLA takes a hard look at whether they really get to the point (more ... )

Lawsuit Against NAMBLA Members Withdrawn
Eight long years after it was filed, a lawsuit blaming NAMBLA members for the tragic death of a young Boston-area boy has been withdrawn, following a request by the judge to see the evidence. (more ... )

Is the war on childlovers threatening everyone's liberty?
Features Archive
Harry Hay and the Roots of the Gay Movement
Pederasty and Homosexuality

updated March 13, 2014


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"The On-Line Voice of the North American Man/Boy Love Association"

Copyright © 2013, North American Man/Boy Love Association
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Floyd Conaway

San Francisco, California
Financial Services
  1. University of California, Berkeley
A.B., Economics, Graduate study
1952 – 1957
Principal interests are in industrial economics, mathematical economics, history of economic thought.

Activities and Societies: National Association of Business Economists (founder)
Company Profile Information
Company Description
Company Description: NAMBLA is the only organization that specifically supports incarcerated individuals who identify as boy lovers or who otherwise agree with our aims. NAMBLA has celebrated the dignity inherent in the natural love of boys. NAMBLA has been a bulwark against the lies and pejoratives of a venal abuse industry and opportunistic politicians and law enforcement officials. Exposing these lies is important not only for man/boy lovers but for all people who value democracy, since its foundation is a well-informed electorate. NAMBLA has consistently protested ill advised wars that needlessly maim and kill young people and devastate families here and abroad. Even before it started, NAMBLA warned against the Iraq invasion. Our warning was on our Web site long before many of the politicians, who belatedly recognized their immense error, echoed our concerns. NAMBLA has spoken out strongly against the shoddy and disrespectful treatment afforded youth in our society and the resulting high rates of child and youth poverty, neglect and alienation. NAMBLA has consistently highlighted injustices and harm in age of consent laws. Instead of protecting young people, these laws have done the very opposite. You can help by joining. You can also help by making a donation. Most of all, you can help by becoming an active member.


537 Jones Street No. 8418San FranciscoCalifornia94102United States

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(415) 281-0767

More importantly watch this video to get a better line on what NAMBLA so called support of liberty is all about
So you believe the science, and yes it is science, behind the affect of molesting children. But, you refuse the science, yes it is science, of a vast majority of scientists talk about climate change.
Interesting how you choose your scientific results.

Pedophiles are now demanding their rights as a protected class and claim that wanting to have sex with children is just their normal orientation. Some idiotic study claims that children don't suffer any serious consequences from having sex with an adult.

The Repubs wanted to exclude pedophiles from being including in the groups who are considered a protected class, but the Dems refused and apparently consider pedophiles to be people with alternative sexual lifestyles and not the mental disease that it is.

"B4U-Act calls pedophiles "minor-attracted people." The organization’s website states its purpose is to, "help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma and fear."

In 1998 The APA issued a report claiming "that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from childhood sexual abuse experiences."

Pedophilia has already been granted protected status by the Federal Government. The Matthew Shephard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act lists "sexual orientation" as a protected class; however, it does not define the term.

Republicans attempted to add an amendment specifying that "pedophilia is not covered as an orientation;" however, the amendment was defeated by Democrats. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fl) stated that all alternative sexual lifestyles should be protected under the law. "This bill addresses our resolve to end violence based on prejudice and to guarantee that all Americans, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability or all of these ‘philias’ and fetishes and ‘isms’ that were put forward need not live in fear because of who they are. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this rule.""

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