Zone1 does wokeness and LGBTQ+ deserve anymore attention in highschool than dissecting a frog?

heeeeelll no.
not before it's assured that my kid is forced to ask me for permission to read LGBTQ+ crap, before the library ever lets him/her take such "material" home.
Hell no what? Your child should be educated in respecting their peers, including their LGTBQ peers. That requires learning about them.
Not really off topic at all.
bs! you stretch the topic listed in the title to suit your own needs, which are primarily to instill a strong sense of disgust and disdain for anyone who does not accept what you want to feed them and their children. otherwise known as 'a (light) form of demonisation'.
i grew up in the 80s, a wonderful peaceful time when gays had not yet infested pre-highschool schools.
i'd want my own children to grow up that way,
to not learn about sex and especially sexual orientation anymore than they would on the topic of dissecting a frog.

what about you?
I wonder if you'd change your position if one of your kids were gay.
Neither one belongs in school. No politics, no social agendas, no fag stuff, none of it.

Kids only go to school at the start of their life and even then it's still limited in hours and days they spend there. That precious little time should be spent making them more intelligent. Math, science, history, read, writing and so on.

School is also preparation for real life because you learn to adhere to schedules, complete tasks, to be responsible for themselves, assimilate and conform to others, manage your time, learn how to make yourself smarter and so on. School is about learning to live in a society and functioning with others. Trying to appeal and praise sub groups of people and treating them as special is detrimental to that.

All that other stuff does is teach kids to like and dislike types of people based on social and political levels. If distracts from education. It teaches them things that absolutely have no bearing on real life that matter in the real world. It also just confuses already confused kids even further.

Learning woke stuff or fags also has nothing to do with education. That's up to parents to deal with at home.
i grew up in the 80s, a wonderful peaceful time when gays had not yet infested pre-highschool schools.
i'd want my own children to grow up that way,
to not learn about sex and especially sexual orientation anymore than they would on the topic of dissecting a frog.

what about you?

We did not dissect a frog till high school, and by then we all know about gay people.

Also, dissecting was sort of fun, but really not very helpful when it came to life.

Knowing how to interact with all types of people seems a valuable life lesson
It deserves more, actually. Racism and white supremacy are some of the most contentious issues in society, so It should be taught.
We did not dissect a frog till high school, and by then we all know about gay people.

Also, dissecting was sort of fun, but really not very helpful when it came to life.

Knowing how to interact with all types of people seems a valuable life lesson
being force-fed sexually explicit material before puberty awakens curiosity into such topics,

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