Pedophilia is misunderstood, USA Today claims, then deletes tweets

I remember reading something a year or so ago about how if we let pedos keep their child porn, they might not act out on kids.
Im not even joking.

Here's a verified "journalist" suggesting we actually create porn for kids. These people aren't even hiding anymore. Us "bigots" and "homophobes" warned this would happen and here we are...

Here's a verified "journalist" suggesting we actually create porn for kids. These people aren't even hiding anymore. Us "bigots" and "homophobes" warned this would happen and here we are...

View attachment 587085
I am so glad that I do not have kids or grandkids, If I did, I'd want to throttle that skeeze.

Fuck it. I want to throttle that skeeze.
I recall something along those lines. Where the hell do they think child porn comes from? Hint... abused children
You got to remember, these people are just trying to convince enough people to get this shit mainstream. at that point, if you dont go along with it, all the "ist" "insults" will be hurled and you will be socially assassinated.
They arent trying to appeal to decent minded people.
Siberia is where Putin sends Pedos though.
here in Central Russia we have approximately the same bias about Siberia as Americans have about Russia in general, that they wear skins there and bears walk in their streets.

But except shorter summer Southern Siberia is quite a good place, Americans will find a good shelter there after their civilization collapses :)

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here in Central Russia we have approximately the same bias about Siberia as Americans have about Russia in general, that they wear skins there and bears walk in their streets.

But except shorter summer Southern Siberia is quite a good place, Americans will find a good shelter there after their civilization collapses :)

Nice Commie Block housing in the video!
Anti America agitation propaganda dopes.

The article is still up for anyone to read

It's USA Today so it sucks ass but the deep end dopes are primed to believe anything at this point.

No there have been at least 3 letters since Q. I believe it's now LGBTQIAA+.
You people have got quite an imagination, I'll give you that! What the fuck are those for? Although wait, I don't wanna know.
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You people have got quite an imagination, I'll give you that! What the fuck are those for? Although wait, I don't wanna know.
It's not my imagination, I'm just repeating what I've heard. The I is for intersectionality, and one of the As is for asexual. I don't know what the other one is for. You'd have to look it up. None of it applies to me.
It's not my imagination, I'm just repeating what I've heard. The I is for intersectionality, and one of the As is for asexual. I don't know what the other one is for. You'd have to look it up. None of it applies to me.
Well, fuck me sideways!!! o_O:omg: I've head this expression somewhere and it seems to be quite expressive, fit to show my admiration for your ingenuity. Not yours per se but yours as a collective. Is it common or what? I mean the expression.
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Anti America agitation propaganda dopes.

The article is still up for anyone to read

It's USA Today so it sucks ass but the deep end dopes are primed to believe anything at this point.

What adults do is their business. Infants, toddlers, children and teenagers are off limits. But Progs and their agendas have muddled this. These younger citizens are used as tools for the globalist power structure. Laws passed for them to bypass parents for abortions, sex changes and even promoting ratting out their parents is what we are at now. What you typed is denial. Denial while the agendas move forward.

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