pelople claing this was arrest was racially motivated.

I just gave you a "thanks". Never did before, hope I can do it more often.

I supported BLM because they protested instances when Police had the suspect under control, cuffed and still roughed them up.
In this case, the black kid was resisting and was wrestled to the ground. The white kid just sat down.
There was no rough treatment of either kid
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I just dont care

the left has burned me out on the Black LIES meme
No, what has burned you and other racist out is the fact that you can't away with the things you could in the Good Ole Days. Where it was my word against yours in which your word was going to always when, now it is hard to argue with that video. Hell the cops still get away with things even with video.
No, what has burned you and other racist out is the fact that you can't away with the things you could in the Good Ole Days. Where it was my word against yours in which your word was going to always when, now it is hard to argue with that video. Hell the cops still get away with things even with video.
The pendulum is swinging. I just heard an interesting story on the radio about how "cancel culture" has jumped the shark. Maybe the whole PC bullshit culture will be next. I'll be happy.
Did that reporter haze Trump? Trump is equal opportunity.
No, he didn’t

All he dI’d was say he had never reported about thousands of Muslims dancing on roofs like Trump claimed he did
Sorry, you have been wrong since obama told the first lie about a white cop in Cambridge Mass and blacks went on the march
Mac 7, when was the last time you dusted off the Klan rob? You have made nothing but racist comments since you have been on this forum, you come out and try to defend racist and their racist actions. Racist like you hated Pres. Obama which is why all you do is speak against him.
Mac 7, when was the last time you dusted off the Klan rob? You have made nothing but racist comments since you have been on this forum, you come out and try to defend racist and their racist actions. Racist like you hated Pres. Obama which is why all you do is speak against him.
Klan rob?

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