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Pelosi - $4 Trillion budget can't be cut any more. Nothing left to cut.

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says Republican-led efforts to rein in government spending are pointless because there is nothing left to cut in the almost $4 trillion-a-year federal budget.

“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. It’s really important that people understand that,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“We cannot have cuts just for the sake of cuts.”
The federal budget has doubled in size in 12 years, from $1.9 trillion in 2001 to $3.8 trillion this year.

Nothing that can be cut in a nearly $4 trillion budget? Please.. What nonsense.

certainly you cant have cuts for the sake of cuts

but they surely do not mind spending money

for just the sake of spending money
You can't really call spending $4T a budget when the Obamanoids haven't passed a budget in five years.

Just sayin'.

has the House passed a budget yet?

Every year. The Dem controlled Senate, not so much.

Ah well, budget smudget, who cares about Constitutional a requirement when we have such wonder central planners in charge...:doubt:

the term budget has changed in the last 5 years

the prezbo calls uncontrolled over spending a budget
...the thing is where do you trim?

Everywhere, across the board. ACTUAL cuts, not these bullshit "cuts" that are really only a slight decrease in the planned increase rate of spending.

A plan has already been put forth. It's called the PENNY PLAN:

  1. Cut 1% from all Federal spending for six years
  2. In the 7th year, cap spending at 18% of GDP
  3. If Congress fails to make the necessary cuts, the plan triggers automatic, across-the-board cuts to meet the yearly caps

This would balance the budget by year seven. We'd still have near 20 trillion of debt to deal with, but at least we wouldn't be ADDING to that debt.

Don't expect the likes of Pelosi to get behind it...

Shame on all that seek to put the burden of our largess on those yet to be born!


Otherwise it goes ignored by some
You can't really call spending $4T a budget when the Obamanoids haven't passed a budget in five years.

Just sayin'.

has the House passed a budget yet?

Have you been paying attention? The House has passed a budget every year of the Obama Presidency.

Harry Reid then takes the budget....puts it in a drawer...and sets it on fire. He will not allow the full Senate to vote on it as is Constitutionally mandated, nor will he allow the Senate to propose a budget and vote on that.

Then the Dems and the MSM blame the Republicans. That is the playbook.

Pay attention. :) Please stop watching MSNBC so you can find out what is really happening.

No shit, Sherlock. Bankruptcy is always an issue.
Want a laugh??

Nothing that can be cut in a nearly $4 trillion budget? Please.. What nonsense.

She's afraid to cut subsidies and bailouts to large corporations. She's afraid to challenge the corporate welfare of which your news sources never speak.

Do you know the military costs of stabilizing the regions where our oil companies draw their profit? Do you think Nanci Pelosi has the power to unburden the taxpayer from subsidizing oil companies?

And what about the the pinnacle of the private sector, Wall Street, which poured trillions into the Bush and Clinton regimes for the right to modify leveraging regulations so they could gamble with over 20x equity, only to be bailed out when their risk models proved to be a corrupt farce.

The Reagan Revolution started with a promise to empower markets to lift all boats, but it ended with the Bush/Paulson TARP, the largest market bailout in world history - leaving generations of taxpayers to eat a shit sandwich while the upper rungs at Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and AIG live like kings after sinking the world economy.

If you understood any of this - if you knew the kinds of derivative bets that were placed by our best and brightest - we would take you seriously. But you've been conditioned by Limbaugh and Beck to worry about food stamps while the trillions pour out the window unnoticed.

America was rolled during the Bush administration. The money is gone. The game is over.

(you've been lied to)

You lost me at "Bush did it."

You forget that Obama has continued down the road Bush took, but yet you continue to absolve Obama of any wrongdoing in trashing this economy. If you were or are unaware, Obama had multiple corporations such as Goldman Sachs, GE, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, IBM, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft and others funding his presidential campaign last year, but none of you liberals spoke out against it. Oh wait, you can't be a hypocrite can you?

Obama had supermajorities in both houses for 2 years, all he did was ram the ACA down the Republicans throats and the people's, he did absolutely nothing to address an out of control spending problem. When the Republicans regained the house, they passed numerous budgets, spending reduction and jobs bills to no avail, since the Democrats kept the Senate and blocked them each and every time, preferring to "take a scalpel, not a machete" to the deficit. Instead of putting people to work, they gave them more food stamps and welfare.

No wonder Pelosi is afraid to cut the budget, her master is under the thumb of big name banks and corporations, if she pisses them off, they run the Democrats out of office next year. We can't have that can we? She also doesn't mind not bashing Obama for the high gas prices we are running now, whilst she excoriated Bush for prices that were nearly a dollar lower than present! She doesn't give a crap about what the oil companies do, Londoner! She has a political agenda to push! Stop making excuses for people due to their enaction because they allegedly espouse your ideals. How sad are you? Basically, all you said was: "She's afraid to do it because Bush did it." Do not insult my intelligence.

Alas, you have been rolled, by liberal propaganda and talking points. This game is over. Your lies are debunked. Go home.

I'm afraid you were the one lied to. Twice running, both in 2008. and 2012.

They should have brought back the WPA. Too late.
Cut all corporate welfare to 0 starting with oil and corn subsidies. Then examine our overseas military installations and determine which are necessary to the safety of America, close all others. Reinstitut welfare to work requirements. Institute a flat tax with an exemption for the first 18000.00 . Put term limits on ALL politicians.
has the House passed a budget yet?

Have you been paying attention? The House has passed a budget every year of the Obama Presidency.

Harry Reid then takes the budget....puts it in a drawer...and sets it on fire. He will not allow the full Senate to vote on it as is Constitutionally mandated, nor will he allow the Senate to propose a budget and vote on that.

Then the Dems and the MSM blame the Republicans. That is the playbook.

Pay attention. :) Please stop watching MSNBC so you can find out what is really happening.

No shit, Sherlock. Bankruptcy is always an issue.

All or nothing, hunh?
Want a laugh??

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says Republican-led efforts to rein in government spending are pointless because there is nothing left to cut in the almost $4 trillion-a-year federal budget.

“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. It’s really important that people understand that,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“We cannot have cuts just for the sake of cuts.”
The federal budget has doubled in size in 12 years, from $1.9 trillion in 2001 to $3.8 trillion this year.

Nothing that can be cut in a nearly $4 trillion budget? Please.. What nonsense.

I see Nutty Nancy has been getting ideas from her 5 year old grandson again.
Why don't they test for dementia in old politicians? Heck, McCain should be tested to.

No kidding. I find it bizarre that people keep re electing these old geezers whose glory days have passed them by many years ago.

And that the old SOB's are so greedy to hang on to power they won't pass the torch on to a younger generation.

Damn straight! Time to set an age limit on CongressCritters. The Congressional Old Geezer's Club is getting damn annoying.
Want a laugh??

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says Republican-led efforts to rein in government spending are pointless because there is nothing left to cut in the almost $4 trillion-a-year federal budget.

“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. It’s really important that people understand that,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“We cannot have cuts just for the sake of cuts.”
The federal budget has doubled in size in 12 years, from $1.9 trillion in 2001 to $3.8 trillion this year.

Nothing that can be cut in a nearly $4 trillion budget? Please.. What nonsense.

Nothing wrong with trimming a budget that has grown too big given the tax policies since Carter / Reagan. The divide between rich and the rest of America is absurd for a reason, but back on topic, the thing is where do you trim? Is it fair the poor, invalids, the old and needy are the only ones whose funds are cut? According to republicans our modern Christian nation has turned charity on its head. Only the rich deserve government handouts. And if the congress were serious about cutting fat, the military complex is the place to start. But no, the hypocrites need a place for a future job doing nothing but lobbying for more useless war stuff. You fools on the right are a total joke. Brains and sense passed you by long ago.

"Examples of secrecy run amok are legion, including some $2.7 billion that sank like a stone into an unworkable special access program aiming to produce the Navy A-12 attack aircraft. Secrecy contributed too in the protection of unworkable programs like the one outfitted to build the Tacit Rainbow anti-radar missile and the ($3·9 billion) Tri-Service Standoff Attack Missile." Peter Galison, 'Removing Knowledge' essay in 'Agnotology'

The Pentagon and Wasteful Defense Spending | New Republic

i agree that military spending needs to be cut. we can also cut spending in social programs by getting rid of waste.

your point about christians and charity is absurd. christians give more charity than any other group. we don't need to rely on the government. you think the government is god, it is not.
Pelosi is certifiable. You can't make up the shit that she spews forth.

And what's really scary is she believes the shit she says.

Don't know which is worse though.
Her saying it or people believing it.

I guess her saying it.
I can understand the low information voter buying into it when the media never challenges
the crap she spews.The low information voter worships Obama and his crew.
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Want a laugh??

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says Republican-led efforts to rein in government spending are pointless because there is nothing left to cut in the almost $4 trillion-a-year federal budget.

“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. It’s really important that people understand that,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“We cannot have cuts just for the sake of cuts.”
The federal budget has doubled in size in 12 years, from $1.9 trillion in 2001 to $3.8 trillion this year.

Nothing that can be cut in a nearly $4 trillion budget? Please.. What nonsense.

She's afraid to cut subsidies and bailouts to large corporations. She's afraid to challenge the corporate welfare of which your news sources never speak.

Do you know the military costs of stabilizing the regions where our oil companies draw their profit? Do you think Nanci Pelosi has the power to unburden the taxpayer from subsidizing oil companies?

And what about the the pinnacle of the private sector, Wall Street, which poured trillions into the Bush and Clinton regimes for the right to modify leveraging regulations so they could gamble with over 20x equity, only to be bailed out when their risk models proved to be a corrupt farce.

The Reagan Revolution started with a promise to empower markets to lift all boats, but it ended with the Bush/Paulson TARP, the largest market bailout in world history - leaving generations of taxpayers to eat a shit sandwich while the upper rungs at Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and AIG live like kings after sinking the world economy.

If you understood any of this - if you knew the kinds of derivative bets that were placed by our best and brightest - we would take you seriously. But you've been conditioned by Limbaugh and Beck to worry about food stamps while the trillions pour out the window unnoticed.

America was rolled during the Bush administration. The money is gone. The game is over.

(you've been lied to)

Maybe, maybe not!

The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is a program of the United States government to purchase assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector that was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008. It was a component of the government's measures in 2008 to address the subprime mortgage crisis.
The TARP program originally authorized expenditures of $700 billion. The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act reduced the amount authorized to $475 billion. By October 11, 2012, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stated that total disbursements would be $431 billion and estimated the total cost, including grants for mortgage programs that have not yet been made, would be $24 billion

As of December 31, 2012, the Treasury had received over $405 billion in total cash back on TARP investments, equaling nearly a non-inflation-adjusted 97 percent of the $418 billion disbursed under the program.

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Cut all corporate welfare to 0 starting with oil and corn subsidies. Then examine our overseas military installations and determine which are necessary to the safety of America, close all others. Reinstitut welfare to work requirements. Institute a flat tax with an exemption for the first 18000.00 . Put term limits on ALL politicians.

Not bad until you got to term limits. We already have term limits. It is called elections every two years for Representatives, every 6 years for Senators. The only term limit we have is on the President who is limited to 8 years if he gets reelected after four.

I am sure you knew this, but some on USMB don't.
cut all corporate welfare to 0 starting with oil and corn subsidies. Then examine our overseas military installations and determine which are necessary to the safety of america, close all others. Reinstitut welfare to work requirements. Institute a flat tax with an exemption for the first 18000.00 . Put term limits on all politicians.

not bad until you got to term limits. We already have term limits. It is called elections every two years for representatives, every 6 years for senators. The only term limit we have is on the president who is limited to 8 years if he gets reelected after four.

I am sure you knew this, but some on usmb don't.

6, 6, 4/8
Want a laugh??

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says Republican-led efforts to rein in government spending are pointless because there is nothing left to cut in the almost $4 trillion-a-year federal budget.

“The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. It’s really important that people understand that,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“We cannot have cuts just for the sake of cuts.”
The federal budget has doubled in size in 12 years, from $1.9 trillion in 2001 to $3.8 trillion this year.

Nothing that can be cut in a nearly $4 trillion budget? Please.. What nonsense.

I find it unbelievable that there is nothing that could be cut. If they are in the mood to defund the ACA, why not get rid of some of the police state agencies like DHS, TSA, DEA, and ATF? Why can't the bloated military be cut? Why do we need to maintain a global military empire? Cut all non humanitarian foreign aid too. Freeze spending levels and institute zero based budgeting. Stop subsidizing businesses. End corporate welfare.

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