Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

Because they're not really journalists and half of them are related to the crook politicians, and they're all lying Commie shills whose goal is to take down America.

She (America) just may stumble from the events unfolding.

Just remember working people: The Media hyped this to the MAX and it's gonna hurt everybody!

But umm..It's gonna be alright.

Pelosi says House will draft its own coronavirus funding bill
Senate Republicans and OUR President are trying to help the situation during this time of crisis, but House Democrats throw a monkey wrench into the motor again. Great job Pelosi on wasting precious time and resources trying to overturn election 2016 with your dumbassed impeachment. Bunch of buffoons.

The speaker was cut out of the first iteration of the bill, as was the entire Democratic in the H. or Rep. That's the usual machination used by McConnell. If you had an open mind, and turned off Hannity, Limbaugh, Fox&Friends and ignored trump you would see the entire picture. As it stands all you see are shadows, look up The Allegory of the Cave:

View attachment 314779
yeah, it appears the House stopped the nonsense about solar energy and unions and just got oversight for Munchkings 500billion corporate secret bailout.
Only because they were taking a beating after getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
They will most likely give grants to the governors to distribute.

Nope. They’re giving Mnuchin a checkbook to hand money to whoedwe

Most of it will be to the hospital groups direct from the fed for aid.

Not the half trillion we are discussing

Democrats want to call them "corporate America." Also, big companies like Boeing provide thousands of jobs. Do want them to fail?

Nope. I just want accountability.

There will be restrictions on how the money is spent.

That’s what Dems are fighting for. Restrictions on how the money is spent. That’s not what Trump wants. He wants us to “trust him”.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Pelosi says House will draft its own coronavirus funding bill
Senate Republicans and OUR President are trying to help the situation during this time of crisis, but House Democrats throw a monkey wrench into the motor again. Great job Pelosi on wasting precious time and resources trying to overturn election 2016 with your dumbassed impeachment. Bunch of buffoons.

The speaker was cut out of the first iteration of the bill, as was the entire Democratic in the H. or Rep. That's the usual machination used by McConnell. If you had an open mind, and turned off Hannity, Limbaugh, Fox&Friends and ignored trump you would see the entire picture. As it stands all you see are shadows, look up The Allegory of the Cave:

View attachment 314779

Surely you can cite a legitimate source for your nonsese, right?
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
This is a source, you've heard of those before, right? charwin95
Then Nancy flooded it with all of the Prog Pork.

"Senate leaders and the Trump administration neared bipartisan agreement Monday night on a massive stimulus bill that could inject $2 trillion into the economy to blunt the impacts of the coronavirus.

After a day of partisan rancor and posturing on Capitol Hill, the outlook grew markedly more positive later in the afternoon, when offers and counteroffers were exchanged. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) convened Democrats on a conference call and told them he was hopeful about striking a deal by the end of the day, according to a person familiar with the call who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal details.
Schumer was very upbeat, according to another Democrat, who listened into the call and spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe it. Some senators encouraged Schumer to announce a deal in principle Monday evening, but several issues remained unresolved."
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.

The McConnell bill was released less than a week ago, written by Republicans without input from Democrats, supposedly as a “starting point” for negotiations. That’s what’s occurring right now. Negotiations. Democrats objected immediately to a number of components. They should have a deal sometime soon.

Pelosi released an alternative. She didn’t “put” anything into the Senate bill because that’s not how the government works. She released an alternative proposal that appears at most aspirational.

In the end, the Senate will pass a compromise bill which will be passed unaltered by the House.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.

The McConnell bill was released less than a week ago, written by Republicans without input from Democrats, supposedly as a “starting point” for negotiations. That’s what’s occurring right now. Negotiations. Democrats objected immediately to a number of components. They should have a deal sometime soon.

Pelosi released an alternative. She didn’t “put” anything into the Senate bill because that’s not how the government works. She released an alternative proposal that appears at most aspirational.

In the end, the Senate will pass a compromise bill which will be passed unaltered by the House.

(sigh) They were near an agreement.

WASHINGTON — The Treasury secretary and the top Senate Democrat said late Monday that they were on the brink of a deal on a nearly $2 trillion emergency economic aid measure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, after a marathon day of talks as Democrats demanded stronger protections for workers and restrictions for bailed-out businesses.

Hours after Democrats voted to block action on the plan until they secured concessions and the Senate dissolved into partisan sniping, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader, and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, signaled that their private negotiations had yielded important breakthroughs that could clear the way for enactment of the plan within days.

I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.

The McConnell bill was released less than a week ago, written by Republicans without input from Democrats, supposedly as a “starting point” for negotiations. That’s what’s occurring right now. Negotiations. Democrats objected immediately to a number of components. They should have a deal sometime soon.

Pelosi released an alternative. She didn’t “put” anything into the Senate bill because that’s not how the government works. She released an alternative proposal that appears at most aspirational.

In the end, the Senate will pass a compromise bill which will be passed unaltered by the House.

"Negotiations" by definition is "input".
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.

The McConnell bill was released less than a week ago, written by Republicans without input from Democrats, supposedly as a “starting point” for negotiations. That’s what’s occurring right now. Negotiations. Democrats objected immediately to a number of components. They should have a deal sometime soon.

Pelosi released an alternative. She didn’t “put” anything into the Senate bill because that’s not how the government works. She released an alternative proposal that appears at most aspirational.

In the end, the Senate will pass a compromise bill which will be passed unaltered by the House.

(sigh) They were near an agreement.

WASHINGTON — The Treasury secretary and the top Senate Democrat said late Monday that they were on the brink of a deal on a nearly $2 trillion emergency economic aid measure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, after a marathon day of talks as Democrats demanded stronger protections for workers and restrictions for bailed-out businesses.

Hours after Democrats voted to block action on the plan until they secured concessions and the Senate dissolved into partisan sniping, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader, and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, signaled that their private negotiations had yielded important breakthroughs that could clear the way for enactment of the plan within days.

They are near agreement.

They were close yesterday. They’re closer today. That’s how these things work.

What’s your point? Pelosi didn’t torpedo anything.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.

The McConnell bill was released less than a week ago, written by Republicans without input from Democrats, supposedly as a “starting point” for negotiations. That’s what’s occurring right now. Negotiations. Democrats objected immediately to a number of components. They should have a deal sometime soon.

Pelosi released an alternative. She didn’t “put” anything into the Senate bill because that’s not how the government works. She released an alternative proposal that appears at most aspirational.

In the end, the Senate will pass a compromise bill which will be passed unaltered by the House.

"Negotiations" by definition is "input".
True. As I said. They didn’t have input in the initial bill released on the 19th. All their input came after through negotiations, which has been the source of much criticism against them, unfairly in my opinion.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.

The McConnell bill was released less than a week ago, written by Republicans without input from Democrats, supposedly as a “starting point” for negotiations. That’s what’s occurring right now. Negotiations. Democrats objected immediately to a number of components. They should have a deal sometime soon.

Pelosi released an alternative. She didn’t “put” anything into the Senate bill because that’s not how the government works. She released an alternative proposal that appears at most aspirational.

In the end, the Senate will pass a compromise bill which will be passed unaltered by the House.

(sigh) They were near an agreement.

WASHINGTON — The Treasury secretary and the top Senate Democrat said late Monday that they were on the brink of a deal on a nearly $2 trillion emergency economic aid measure to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, after a marathon day of talks as Democrats demanded stronger protections for workers and restrictions for bailed-out businesses.

Hours after Democrats voted to block action on the plan until they secured concessions and the Senate dissolved into partisan sniping, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader, and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, signaled that their private negotiations had yielded important breakthroughs that could clear the way for enactment of the plan within days.

They are near agreement.

They were close yesterday. They’re closer today. That’s how these things work.

What’s your point? Pelosi didn’t torpedo anything.

She sure did. Anybody who believes Schmer does anything without her permission has a screw loose. He follows her around like a puppy dog.

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