Pelosi and Schumer Kneel in Silence for 8 Minutes and 46 Seconds to Honor George Floyd

And what the fuck are they wearing? They look ridiculous

Pelosi and Schumer kneel in support

Trump cowers in his bunker

Pelosi and Schumer are a couple of shysters engaging in nauseating posturing. You clowns really do think brown people are stupid, don't you.

Give that 90%+ of blacks have and will no doubt will again vote Democrat, they are probably right.

That's just a factual matter, Dems have been shitting on minorities for years. You pick the Democrat policy in the last 40 years and I can show you exactly how that policy has hurt minorities, even as minorities continue to vote Democrat in numbers that are just shocking (although I do concede that is entirely possible that the 90%+ numbers are inflated due to rampant cheating such as when 104% of the black populatoin of Philadelphia votes Democrat , for example.)
Schumer thinks this is "profound". Pelosi called them "martyrs".

Imagine the ChiComms and Putin seeing this? They dream of Biden as president. Fools and tools, that is Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden.

Ya think they'll ever read out all the people, including police, murdered by blacks.

Liberalism is a mental disease.


Pelosi read the names of Floyd and other African-Americans killed in police actions, and she invited her fellow Democrats to call out names she may have missed. (In remarks after the 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence, she described the black men as "martyrs.")

Sen. Schumer called the event a "profound and important moment."


Of course they kneel. Black votes matter.

If you look at Google trends, you'll see that "black lives matter" exclusively before the national elections, and in between, not so much, or any at all.

Schumer thinks this is "profound". Pelosi called them "martyrs".

Imagine the ChiComms and Putin seeing this? They dream of Biden as president. Fools and tools, that is Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden.

Ya think they'll ever read out all the people, including police, murdered by blacks.

Liberalism is a mental disease.


Pelosi read the names of Floyd and other African-Americans killed in police actions, and she invited her fellow Democrats to call out names she may have missed. (In remarks after the 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence, she described the black men as "martyrs.")

Sen. Schumer called the event a "profound and important moment."


She’s had her whole career to fix the cop problems in our country, she never did. Why aren’t Dems canceling this old white lady that has been a part of systemic racism for decades?

Schumer thinks this is "profound". Pelosi called them "martyrs".

Imagine the ChiComms and Putin seeing this? They dream of Biden as president. Fools and tools, that is Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden.

Ya think they'll ever read out all the people, including police, murdered by blacks.

Liberalism is a mental disease.


Pelosi read the names of Floyd and other African-Americans killed in police actions, and she invited her fellow Democrats to call out names she may have missed. (In remarks after the 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence, she described the black men as "martyrs.")

Sen. Schumer called the event a "profound and important moment."


Of course they kneel. Black votes matter.

If you look at Google trends, you'll see that "black lives matter" exclusively before the national elections, and in between, not so much, or any at all.

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Correct BLM is a Democratic Party concern and they will be again, until November 4th, then they won't care for another 3 1/2 years.
Schumer thinks this is "profound". Pelosi called them "martyrs".

Imagine the ChiComms and Putin seeing this? They dream of Biden as president. Fools and tools, that is Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden.

Ya think they'll ever read out all the people, including police, murdered by blacks.

Liberalism is a mental disease.


Pelosi read the names of Floyd and other African-Americans killed in police actions, and she invited her fellow Democrats to call out names she may have missed. (In remarks after the 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence, she described the black men as "martyrs.")

Sen. Schumer called the event a "profound and important moment."


They have been in complete control of those cities for decades and longer with all the death and destruction to Black Families that have been created by democrat party policies.....these democrat politicians will go back and ignore "Black Lives," until the few weeks near the election every two years....then do nothing more than destroy more Black lives for as long as they have power.
Maybe BLM isn't so bad if it is able to sweep away old mediocrities like the beautiful Speaker of the House and that distinguished Senator from New York. While kneeling, they were thinking: "Oh, please, let me stay in D.C. for a little while more. I really have nothing else to do in life."
And what the fuck are they wearing? They look ridiculous

Isn't that a form of cultural appropriation?

Funny you would ask.

Pelosi And Schumer’s Fashion Fail? The Problem With White People Wearing Kente

On Monday, in conjunction with the introduction of new federal police reform legislation, Democratic Congressional leaders came together in Emancipation Hall in the U.S. Capitol to kneel together in support of the fight for racial justice. In addition to the symbolic gestures, the leaders, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, wore kente stoles, ceremonial African cloths originating from the west African nation of Ghana.

In doing so, they meant to honor Black lives. Instead, they appropriated African culture.

Kente cloth is known as nwentoma in Akan, and according to Ashanti mythology, was inspired by the intricate weaving of Anansi the Spider. Two Akan friends, enchanted by the design of the spider’s web, returned to their village and began to weave kente. According to African American Intellectual History Society, textile production by the Akan and Ewe peoples began as early as 1000 B.C.E , and the bold kente design we are most familiar with today is thought to have proliferated in the seventeen century, as Asante traders began to traffic in goods and other products across trade routes from Africa to the Middle and Far East.

Pelosi and Schumer kneel in support

Trump cowers in his bunker

Pelosi and Schumer are a couple of shysters engaging in nauseating posturing. You clowns really do think brown people are stupid, don't you.

Give that 90%+ of blacks have and will no doubt will again vote Democrat, they are probably right.

That's just a factual matter, Dems have been shitting on minorities for years. You pick the Democrat policy in the last 40 years and I can show you exactly how that policy has hurt minorities, even as minorities continue to vote Democrat in numbers that are just shocking (although I do concede that is entirely possible that the 90%+ numbers are inflated due to rampant cheating such as when 104% of the black populatoin of Philadelphia votes Democrat , for example.)

Even when everyone who cares to know should know what LBJ said about blacks when he pushed 'The Great Society' through.
Pelosi and Schumer kneel in support

Trump cowers in his bunker

Pelosi and Schumer are a couple of shysters engaging in nauseating posturing. You clowns really do think brown people are stupid, don't you.

Give that 90%+ of blacks have and will no doubt will again vote Democrat, they are probably right.

That's just a factual matter, Dems have been shitting on minorities for years. You pick the Democrat policy in the last 40 years and I can show you exactly how that policy has hurt minorities, even as minorities continue to vote Democrat in numbers that are just shocking (although I do concede that is entirely possible that the 90%+ numbers are inflated due to rampant cheating such as when 104% of the black populatoin of Philadelphia votes Democrat , for example.)

Even when everyone who cares to know should know what LBJ said about blacks when he pushed 'The Great Society' through.

There is no actual evidence that LBJ said that

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